• Published 12th Oct 2012
  • 3,174 Views, 45 Comments

Bits and Games - Brian Jacko

Twilight Sparkle gets an unusual birthday gift.

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The Revival

It didn't take long for the girls to get their mission accomplished.

Rarity and Sweetie Belle posted posters all around town.

Pinkie Pie had baked a ton of cupcakes.

Applejack and Apple Bloom helped spread the message through the schools in Ponyville.

Rainbow Dash spread the word across the skies, literally. She borrowed a huge supply of cloud and made a message in the sky that said, "Bits and Games!" with an arrow pointing down to the building.

Fluttershy helped spruce up the arcade and helped the manager get the food ready.

Twilight Sparkle made sure everything was going according to plan and helped spread the word on the ground as well.

When everything was ready, the girls sat outside the arcade eagerly awaiting customers. It wasn't long before a few ponies came.

Pinkie Pie greeted each one as they came in for their free Pinkie Pie cupcake.

Slowly, but surely business started picking up.

Fluttershy and the arcade manager were busy making food and drinks for all the ponies.

It was lunch time now and Rarity and Sweetie Belle took a break and enjoyed playing that fighting game that she loved so much.

Applejack was busy teaching Apple Bloom how to shoot pool, and Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo were tearing things up on the dance pad.

After lunch, ponies really started to swarm the arcade. The arcade was jam packed and all you could hear was the loud noises from the machines and the clicking of hooves against the games. Many of the ponies that came were much older.

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo were shocked to see Miss Cheerilee come in to play some pin ball. They all ran over to her and hugged her. "Miss Cheerilee!" Apple Bloom yelled out. "What are ya doin' here?"

Miss Cheerilee laughed and said, "Back when I was a filly, I used to come to this arcade all the time! I guess I got so busy with my teaching job that I forgot how awesome and magical this place really is. It's been a long time since I stepped hoof in this place! I'm glad they kept all the machines that I used to play."

Twilight Sparkle gathered her friends and looked around the arcade and noticed that some of the newer games weren't being played. All their personal favorites were being avoided because ponies weren't sure how to play. Twilight Sparkle gathered her friends to the corner of the arcade and said, "Okay girls, we need to demonstrate some of the newer games so that ponies can see that they are fun too! Let's show them our skills!

Rarity sat down at her favorite fighting game. She put her hoof to her head and called out, "Oh, won't some handsome stallion come play this game with me? I'm awfully lonely over here and I need a good challenge." Rarity blinked her eyes affectionately at a group of stallions and soon the edge of the arcade screen was filled up with coins along the ledge. Ponies put their coins on the ledge of the screen as a waiting position to play next.

Rainbow Dash had gathered quite the crowd around her on the dance game. They were cheering her on and putting coins on the edge of the screen as well.

Twilight Sparkle showed off some game play of her touch screen music games to the ponies around her. Many of the ponies hadn't seen such a thing before and were amazed at how quick Twilights hooves were on the screen. Ponies began forming a line behind Twilight wanting to play next.

Applejack had gathered a large crowd around her. She was busy beating all the other ponies in pool and darts.

Pinkie Pie was showing off her favorite pin ball games to the ponies nearby, and even Fluttershy built up a following of ponies watching her play her favorite music games.

Soon, the girls regrouped and watched all the other ponies around them. Every machine was being occupied and there were lines waiting to play each game. Some ponies were even waiting outside to be able to come in and play.

Twilight walked around and took special note of the ponies reactions while playing each arcade game. They all had smiles and were very excited. Some of them were even cheering and yelling. Many of the ponies in line were stomping their hooves in excitement as well. There were ponies of all different age groups sharing games, laughing, and having fun. There was this indescribable joy and love in the air as the community of Ponyville got together and shared great games together. Neither Twilight, nor her friends, had seen anything like this before. The crowds didn't die down at all. It seemed like every pony in Ponyville had stopped by at least once during the day.

The arcade owner didn't realize how late it was. He was busy serving up food and drinks for the ponies and then realized that it was three full hours past closing time. He had to make an announcement and closed the arcade down for the night.

Twilight and her friends helped clean up the arcade, after the doors were locked.

The arcade manager wiped the sweat off his brow and said to the girls, "Wow! I hadn't had that much business since the day I first opened this place. I'm glad I got to see so many faces before this place closes down for good."

Twilight Sparkle looked up at him and said, "This place will not close. We will keep coming back and spreading the word about this place!"

The stallion lowered his head and sighed, "I'd need business like this for a long time to keep this place open."

"Don't you worry and have faith! We're still going to do our best to spread the news! We'll even start to run and host special tournaments for our most competitive players! Please promise us that you won't close down this place as long as you're getting good business from now on." Twilight said as she hugged the stallion.

All the other girls came in for a group hug around him. They all cried out "Pleeeeeease!"

He couldn't help but smile. These six girls had already brought in so much business for him in just one day.

"Okay," he said. "I'll keep this place open as long as you keep bringing in ponies to play games. That's a promise."

Twilight and her friends leapt up in the air. They were overcome with joy.