• Published 12th Oct 2012
  • 3,176 Views, 45 Comments

Bits and Games - Brian Jacko

Twilight Sparkle gets an unusual birthday gift.

  • ...

A Plan for the Problem

The next day all the girls met up at the same place. They even showed up about a half hour earlier. They peeked inside the window. The arcade machines were on, they could see two ponies sitting down at the snack bar and the manager was walking around by the front doors.

Rainbow Dash banged on the window until she got his attention.

They all walked over to the door and he opened it. The manager peeked his head outside and smiled. "Welcome back girls! I'm so glad you decided to come back to play some more games. I'll just need about twenty more minutes until I can open up!" he said.

Twilight Sparkle spoke up, "Why do you need that much time? All the machines appear to be running and we saw two ponies sitting at the snack bar."

The manager gave a nervous little grin and said, "I'll be right back. I'm just having some technical difficulties right now."

He closed the door leaving the girls confused.

They all ran back over to the window and watched him go back to the snack bar. He appeared to be talking with the two ponies. None of the girls could recognize who they were. The arcade was rather dark and they were sitting too far away.

The manager came back and opened the door. "You can come in now," he said.

The girls gave each other a confused look and walked in. The manager closed the door and locked it.

"You're locking us in?" Twilight asked.

The manager laughed and said, "I can't open the doors to the rest of the public right now. There are two very special visitors that stop by nearly everyday before they go to work."

Twilight and her friend's made their way to the snack bar. They all froze in fear and shock.

Princess Luna and Princess Celestia sat there at the snack bar enjoying their ice cream soda floats.

The girls instantly bowed down to the Princesses.

"Hello Twilight Sparkle," Princess Celestia said. "I'm so happy that you decided to come back here with your friends. I wasn't sure if you would enjoy the gift I sent you."

Twilight Sparkle picked her head up and said, "Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, what are you doing here in a place like this!? This is not made for royalty!"

Princess Luna laughed and said, "Art thou not fond of video games, Twilight Sparkle? We have enjoyed games ever since we were fillies growing up. It is a traditional and secret value in our family."

"That's right," Princess Celestia added. "We normally come here every day before we have to do our royal duties to unwind and have some fun! We can't be seen though. Many other ponies may frown or look down upon us for being in such a place as this. Especially the upper class at Canterlot. Being seen here may ruin our reputation as being royalties. You girls must keep this a secret and not tell any other pony.

All the girls nodded in unison. They were still shocked that they were all standing in front of the Princess's.

Rarity stuttered to find words. "So what does Royalty like to play in the arcade?"

Princess Celestia laughed and said, "My sister and I love to play ALL the games here! However, we are most fond of that fighting game over by the entrance of the arcade. We can get very competitive in that game, but we have a great time together!"

Rarity's eyes widened. She fainted and fell backwards into her friends front legs. "Oh, I never knew my hooves touched the same game that royal hooves touched!" she cried out. "I never knew that I had such good taste in video games either."

The Princesses giggled at the sight and sipped their soda floats.

Princess Celestia turned to Rainbow and said, "Rainbow Dash, I think there's a special pony that might still be here. I hear that he likes to play the dance games."

Rainbow cocked an eyebrow and ran over to where the dance games were. Sure enough, there was a stallion playing one of the dance games. Upon closer inspection, she realized that it was Soarin' from the Wonderbolts.

Rainbow Dash ran over to him and stood on the pad next to him, "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, Soarin', is that you? I'm like your biggest fan and I had no idea you came here!"

Soarin' laughed and said, "Yep! Sometimes me and Spitfire come down here with the rest of the Wonderbolts and play some games when we're not too busy with our schedules. You're Rainbow Dash, aren't you? I have heard that you're one of our biggest fans. I have a little something special for you."

Rainbow Dash's heart went pitter-patter. She had a huge crush on Soarin' and here he was standing before her, getting her something special.

He reached into his bag and pulled out a VIP ticket for a backstage pass for the next Wonderbolt show in town. He gave it to Rainbow Dash.

She was speechless. She threw her front legs around him and gave him a hug.

"That might not be a good idea. I'm kind of wet right now," the stallion said.

Rainbow Dash smiled and said, "That's okay, I actually don't mind. You're my hero."

Soarin' blushed a bit and patted her on the back.

Rainbow stared into his eyes and asked, "Do you think w-w-w-we could dance?"

Soarin' laughed and looked at the clock across the room. "I'm afraid I don't have time for another game. Spitfire is waiting for me and we have practice in a half hour. I really must be going, but I'll see you at the next Wonderbolt performance. Don't forget to come early since you have backstage access. I'll meet with you then and maybe we can talk about meeting up here another day. Thanks for being such a loyal and great fan, Rainbow!"

Rainbow's heart kept beating faster and faster at the thought of hanging out with Soarin'.

Soarin' left the arcade and Rainbow was all alone staring at the ticket. She hugged it tightly and ran back over to the other girls. She began to talk as fast as she could. "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh! I just got a ticket to see..."

Applejack put her hoof to her mouth and said, "We know sugar cube, we saw the whole thing. Ya look like ya have quite the crush on Soarin'."

Princess Luna and Princess Celestia laughed at Rainbow's enthusiasm.

Rainbow's cheeks turned bright red at the thought that they were all watching her behavior the whole time.

Twilight looked back over to the Princess's and asked, "How come it's so dead in here? There are so many games to play, yet we seem to be the only ponies who ever show up."

Princess Celestia nodded with a serious look on her face and said, "I am glad you brought that up. I'm afraid this arcade will be shutting down for good."

"Shutting down for good!?" all the girls gasped in unison.

"Yes, I'm afraid ponies have forgotten the culture and the joy of coming to the arcade to play some games and socializing with each other. Coming to the arcade seems to be a thing of the past and ponies have found other forms of entertainment without the need of leaving the house. It's really a sad thing since arcades are so magical and bring the best out in ponies. There are not many arcades left in Equestria, and this arcade is the very last one standing in Ponyville. I'm afraid this place will be shutting down for good this year. That's why I gave you this birthday gift. I wanted you to share some magical moments with your friend's, while having fun over some video games, while this place is still here. I'm so glad you girls came and enjoyed your gift."

Princess Luna wiped a few tears from her eyes.

Princess Celestia continued, "We have many fond memories of coming here when we were fillies. We never grew out of the gaming culture and we just wanted to pass on some joy to the next generation of ponies while we still can. At least you all will remember what an arcade is and will have some memories to share with each other."

Twilight Sparkle spoke up, "But Princess, there must be something we can do to save this arcade. I can't imagine not being able to play my touch screen games anymore."

"Or not being able to play my pin ball," Pinkie Pie added as she bounced around in between the stools like a pin ball.

"Or not being able to play dance games," Rainbow yelled out.

"Or what about my favorite fighting game? There's no other game like it!" Rarity added as she put her two front hooves up like she was going to fight.

"Or not bein' able to play billiards and darts," Applejack said.

Rainbow Dash suddenly elbowed Applejack in the side.

"Oh, and dance games too of course," Applejack said.

"And I would miss playing my special music games as well," Fluttershy quietly said.

"I'm sorry girls, but unless we can totally turn things around, all those games will be gone and this place will not exist anymore," Princess Celestia said with dissapointment.

Twilight stomped her hoof on the ground and said, "No, Princess. Arcades are special and we need to save this one. We will all work together to bring ponies in from all around town and save this arcade! Who is with me?" All the girls cheered loudly except for Fluttershy, she let out a soft sounding "Yay."

The Princesses stood up and Princess Celestia said, "I'm very proud of your efforts wanting to save this place, but I think it may be too late. This arcade is already in serious debt. It would take a miracle to turn things around for this place. We need to get going now. This will probably be one of the last few times we will get to be here. I wish you girls luck in your attempt to save this place. Goodbye for now."

All the girls bowed once more as the Princesses left the building.

The arcade manager went back to the front doors and unlocked them.

The rest of the girls followed him. Applejack spoke up, "Ain't there somethin' we can do to help ya out around here?"

The arcade manager sighed and said, "It's too late for this place girls. You can try to bring some of your friends in so they may enjoy this place before it closes, but that's really about it."

Rainbow Dash puffed her chest out and said, "Don't worry mister. We're going to save this arcade if it's the last thing we do! Come on girls! Let's spread the word."

The arcade owner wiped a few tears from his eyes at the girls wishes to keep this place open. He opened the door for them and waved goodbye to them.

Twilight turned back and said to him, "Don't worry, we'll be back soon. Expect some new customers soon."

The stallion smiled a toothy grin at the mares and closed the door.

Back at Twilight's house, the ponies sat around a table having some tea.

Twilight Sparkle took a sip and said, "Okay girls, we need to get the word out about this arcade. No pony even seems to remember that it's even standing there. Rarity, you have a special eye for beauty. Why don't you help by creating posters to be put around town to tell other ponies about the arcade?"

Rarity nodded yes with a serious look on her face.

"Rainbow Dash, I don't know any pony else who is more qualified than recruiting new ponies to the arcade. You're in charge of spreading the word in the skies to other pegasus ponies."

Rainbow Dash gave a proud salute.

"Pinkie Pie! We need a good reason to get ponies into the arcade. How about you bake a ton of your signature cupcakes to get ponies into the arcade? We'll give them out for free to the first customers who get there."

Pinkie Pie giggled and smiled at the thought.

"Applejack, will you work with Apple Bloom and spread the word through the schools in town?"

Applejack tipped her hat to Twilight.

"Fluttershy! You have a kind heart and love taking care of things. The arcade owner is going to be very busy at the snack bar. Would you be willing to help him serve other ponies?"

Fluttershy smiled warmly.

"And I will make sure that everything is going according to plan. I'll help spread the word around town as well. We're going to save this arcade girls! TEAMWORK!" All the girls put their hooves together in the center of the table.