• Published 19th Oct 2012
  • 2,356 Views, 25 Comments

The New Gilda - Dreamscape

Gilda comes back to Ponyville a changed griffon but only Fluttershy understands.

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Chapter 1

Fluttershy awoke to rays of sun gleaming in through her bedroom window and onto the bed were she was lying. She watched as small particles of dust danced through the sun rays and began to think about preparing Angel and the other animal’s breakfast. Knowing how impatient Angel is when he gets hungry, she quickly got out of her bed and began making it with the help of her wings and mouth. After finishing, she walked to her bedroom window and looked out over the sweeping hills, then at Ponyville in the distance and then at the dark but beautiful Everfree forest and thought to herself that Celestia, and the Pegasi had made yet another wonderful day. Fluttershy turned away and began to gingerly make her way down the stairs and into the living room as not to wake any animals that still slept. Deep in thought about the animals and breakfast, Fluttershy jumped and let out a small squeal as she heard a loud knocking at her door. She thought to herself “Who would be knocking at my door, especially so early in the morning. Oh, I hope nopony’s pet got hurt or sick, that would be just awful.” She quickly walked to the door, paying no attention to the now awoken and angered Angel as he glared at her with his arms crossed.

Fluttershy opened the door and began slowly backing up with her head down as she squealed in horror after seeing the piercing and golden gaze. This gaze could only be that of the griffon named Gilda, the griffon that still haunted her dreams and put fear into her thoughts. “Fluttershy no, I’m not going to hurt you, I know this sounds pretty crazy put I’ve changed. I know what I did was wrong, everything that I’ve done is wrong but now I’m a new Gilda. I…I’m sorry for everything that I did to you and all of your friends. I know you’ll probably never forgive me, it’s what I deserve, but I wanted to come here and say sorry anyways. Sorry for interrupting you so early and I really didn’t mean to scare you…I guess I’ll go.”
As Gilda turned to leave, Fluttershy thought of how sincere and almost fearful Gilda had sounded and raised her head silently saying “wait.” “It’s ok, I accept your apology. You really have changed, you really are a new Gilda and that is so wonderful.”

“Thanks so much Fluttershy, I never thought I’d hear that, but I really should get going. I still need to say sorry to everypony in Ponyville. That’s gonna take a while and I’m guessing they won’t be as accepting.”

Fluttershy noticed a hint of loneliness in the griffon’s voice and kindly said “I was just about to make breakfast for the animals when you came, stay and join us…um if you want to.”

“No, I don’t wanna bug you any longer than I already have or take anything that I don’t deserve.” Gilda quietly muttered.

“Oh, but I have plenty of extra food. It will be no bother, none at all.” said Fluttershy as Angel began shaking his head at her in disgust.

“Ok Fluttershy as long as I’m not bothering you or something like that and thanks again.” said Gilda slightly smiling.

“You will be so amazed Pinkie!” Rainbow Dash excitedly said as she and Pinkie walked through Ponyville which bustled with morning activity. “This is the most awesome routine yet! Let’s go get Fluttershy, she’ll wanna see too.”

“Ok Dashie, I can’t wait! Your crazy cool flying is always fun but isn’t Fluttershy busy with the animals right now?” Pinkie asked as they exited Ponyville and began following the path towards Fluttershy’s cottage.
“I’m sure she’ll have a little spare time. It’s her deal if she doesn’t. She’ll just have to miss out on an awesome show. Come on Pinkie I want to get this show started already.” Dash said with impatience. Rainbow Dash rose into the air and began flying towards the cottage with Pinkie happily bouncing behind her in pace.

“Who is that with Fluttershy?” asked Rainbow Dash landing on the path her eyes squinted, the sun now glaring directly into her eyes, barely able to see the two figures walking from the cottage.

“I don’t know all I can see is sun.” commented Pinkie as she put her hoof over her eyes.

“Is that a griffon? Huh, when does Fluttershy ever make new friends?” Dash questioned, now squinting even harder.

“Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash has something to show you!” yelled Pinkie bouncing around Rainbow Dash in excitement. “You can watch too whoever you are!”

“Pinkie quit that!” said Rainbow Dash her concentration waning. “I’m trying to see who that is.”

“Oh, sorry Rainbow but I thought you didn’t know who it is.” said Pinkie coming to a halt.

“No it can’t be…but it is.” said Dash, anger filling her face as the image of Gilda immerged from the glaring sun. “Get away from her Gilda!” yelled Rainbow Dash rising into the air.

“You better not have hurt her, you meanie mean meanie!” cried out Pinkie Pie.

“Don’t you dare lay a claw on her!” yelled Rainbow as she began speeding through the air towards Gilda, oblivious to the small “Wait!” muttered by Fluttershy. With a loud crash, Gilda was lying on the path dazed by Rainbow Dash’s charge. “Don’t worry Fluttershy, it’s gonna be okay, come on let’s get you out of here before she attacks again.”

“Oh my! Why did you don’t that.” Fluttershy mumbled in confusion, her hooves firmly planted on the path. Rainbow Dash began tugging on Fluttershy’s legs trying to pull her along.

“Fluttershy, come on, we need to get you somewhere safe!” Dash angrily yelled. “Then I’ll teach Gilda never to come back here again.”

“No, she didn’t do anything to me, you don’t understand, she’s different now…please stop.” said Fluttershy, Pinkie and Dash payed no attention. “Why does no pony ever listen to what I say.” said Fluttershy now frowning and being ever so slowly pulled forward by Rainbow Dash. Small tufts of dust floated up from the path as her hooves skidded along.

“This isn't going to work.” Dash muttered shaking her head. “I think she’s in shock or something she just won’t budge.”

“No, she wasn’t trying to hurt me….never mind.” Fluttershy said to Rainbow who was once again paying no attention.

“Pinkie, do you have a rope?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Yep, I have ropes stashed all over Ponyville in case of rope emergencies.” said Pinkie hopping into the trees beside the path.

“You have a lot of things stashed around Ponyville.” Dash commented watching the pink pony hopping back out of the underbrush.

“Ya never know when there’ll be an emergency or what kind of emergency it will be. What do you need a rope for anyways silly.”

“This” said Dash tying the rope around Fluttershy’s waist.

“Please stop.” pleaded Fluttershy trying to back out of the loop hanging loosely around her.

“Don’t worry your safe now. We just need to get you somewhere safe so you can rest.” said Rainbow, tying the other end of the rope around herself.

“But I don’t need to rest I’m fine! You just don’t get it!” Fluttershy began to yell as loud as she could, which was not loud at all.

“What is happening.” mumbled Gilda unsteadily rising to her feet.

“Look out!” screamed Pinkie alerting Rainbow Dash.

“I’ll be back for you Gilda!” she yelled. “I’m sorry Fluttershy but I need to get you out of here.”
Rainbow Dash began flying off towards Ponyville with Pinkie Pie once again bouncing along at her side. The wind created by Rainbow’s speed brushed her mane backwards, in the distance she saw the expanding outline of Ponyville. She began thinking of the terrible things Gilda might have done to her fragile friend and then wondered why she was once friends with such a horrible griffon. Then she realized something, the weight she carried on the rope attached to her waist seemed very light. With a quick glance behind her she swooped downward her hooves grinding against the ground bringing her to a quick stop.

“She’s gone! How did she…did Gilda…what! Pinkie why didn’t you tell me…you know what never mind. I don’t wanna know.” Rainbow Dash mumbled in confusion.

“That meanie Gilda kidnapped her Dash! We need to save her.” Pinkie said.

“Your right, I’ll go back there and bam! Gilda won’t know what hit her.” Rainbow Dash said her hooves punching the air in front of her.

“We probably should get help from everypony else Dashie and maybe be a little less punchy.”

“Ugh! But this would work so much better…oh alright!” Dash reluctantly said. The pair sped of towards the busy town, the late morning sun warming the houses and streets within.