• Published 15th Mar 2024
  • 1,359 Views, 28 Comments

Potted Plant - RunicTreetops

Anon finds a strange mare in his garden.

  • ...

Flowers and Vegetables

Author's Note:

Now featuring new cover art!

Wallflower sighs as she slowly trudges down the familiar dirt road. She doesn’t know why she keeps feeling compelled to come back. Is it her frustration with Anon’s friendliness? The allure of such an aesthetically pleasing garden? It couldn’t be that she actually likes Anon. That’d be ridiculous! She doesn’t like anyone.

And yet, as the familiar white fence comes into view, she can’t ignore her increasing heart rate.

With a sigh, she prepares to step into view of the garden. However, just before she finally does so, the sound of voices causes her instincts to kick in. She ducks her head and hides behind the fence, knowing darn well that she’s practically invisible now.

“Thanks, Anon!”

“No problem, I hope you enjoy the eggplants!”

“Oh, these look just lovely!”

“Haha, they just ripened up yesterday! I hope you get some use out of ‘em!”

Wallflower watches as pony after pony steps out of the garden, none bothering to close the gate behind them. She stands completely still, listening for any other ponies that might still be present.

And just as she is about to relax, they walk up to the garden.

“Hiiiiii Anooon~!”

“Ah, hello, ladies!”

Wallflower feels her brow furrow as she watches Sweet Pea and Spice Berry saunter into the garden like they own the place. Those fake smiles of theirs are plastered across their faces, and she feels her blood begin to boil.

“We heard you were giving away free vegetables.”

“And we came to see what all the hubbub was about!”

Wallflower watches as they each take a position on either side of Anon, giving him no chance of escaping the situation. However, he appears completely unbothered and oblivious to what’s actually going on. Just like they want.

“Well, it’s like I always say: This garden is open to the public. If you see something you need, feel free to take it.”

“Wow, really?”

“That’s, like, so generous of you!”

“We certainly wouldn’t want to let your kindness go to waste!”

“Hey, Spice, is there anything you need?”

“Personally, I’ve been having a real craving for some fresh roses. And wouldn’t you know it, there are some about to bloom right there!”

Without giving Anon so much as a second glance, both mares begin to trot towards the rose bush. As they said, the buds have nearly bloomed, but they’re not quite there yet. To a pony, they’d be delicious all the same.

“W-wait, you two!” Anon is ignored as the pair reaches the bush, sharing an amused glance before reaching for some of the biggest buds they can find. “P-please, I–”

“These roses aren’t yours to take.”


Sweet Pea and Spice Berry fall onto their butts as a head pokes up from behind the rose bush, catching them completely off guard. Before them stands Wallflower, who makes a concentrated effort to step around the bush without catching herself on any of the thorns. By the time she’s safely on the grass, the mares have gotten back up, their shock quickly turning to annoyance.

“Oh, lovely. It’s Ponyville’s resident weed.”

“Why don’t you go back to hiding in the shadows? At least then we wouldn’t be subjected to that horrific, tangled mess of a mane of yours.”

“My friend tends this garden. I know you ladies aren’t used to following the rules, but in case you didn’t notice, there’s a sign right over there you could have read.” Wallflower steps towards the pair, a cold, dark expression on her face. The mares stand their ground at first, but gradually find themselves backing up as she advances. “Don’t touch his roses. It’s not that difficult of a rule to follow.”

“A-Anon, she’s being mean to us!”

“Yeah, make her stop!”

“I… I…”

“Get out of here before I turn you into jam.”

“...Ugh, whatever. Come on, Spice.”

Without another word, the mares leave in a huff. Throwing the fence gate open, they don’t look back as they trot down the dirt road away from the garden. With a sigh, Anon walks up to the fence and gently closes the gate behind them.

“Um… thank you.”

“Seriously dude, you’ve gotta learn how to stick up for yourself.”

“You say that, but I’m just as surprised that you did. And for me, no less.”


“I thought your whole thing was going unnoticed. You really put yourself into the line of fire for me there.”

“Y-yeah, well.” Wallflower’s cheeks go pink as she paws at the ground. “It’s not like you were about to do it. B-besides, I just took a chance to put those two in their place.”

After a brief moment of silence, a warm smile spreads across Anon’s face.

“Well, thank you regardless.”

“Don’t mention it.”

In a noticeably cheerier mood, Anon heads back towards the center of the garden with a spring in his step.

“Anyway, what brings you here? Want another nap under the lemon tree? Oh, or maybe you heard about the zucchini? It just finished growing and it’s super tasty, you’ve gotta take some home with you!”

“W-well…” In truth, she’s not really sure what brought her back, but she’s not about to tell him that. “I-I wasn’t going to visit your stupid garden in the first place. I just happened to be passing by when I saw those two harassing you.”

“‘Harass’ is a strong word. Still, I hope I’m not interrupting anything.”

“Not really.” Wallflower makes her way beneath the lemon tree and takes a seat on the ground, relishing the comfort that the shade brings on such a sunny day. Anon happily sits a few feet away, clearly feeling the same. “I don’t have much of a schedule. I work when I get inspiration.”

“Oh yeah, you’re an artist, right?”


“You gonna enter that Art Off thing?”

“That’s the plan.”

“Heh. I looked into that last night out of curiosity. If you want to be a successful artist, that’s not a bad way of going about it.”


“Still, it must be uncomfortable for you.”

“How so?” she asks with a tilt of her head.

“Well, the competition requires a lot of eyes to be on you, and that would only be worse if you won. I thought you didn’t like being recognized.”

“I don’t. And the Art Off doesn’t change that.” She looks him dead in the eyes expecting to see boredom, disapproval, or anything in between. Instead, there’s a shine behind those eyes, a sparkle of interest that she’s not used to seeing in anyone except children. Even worse, those eyes of his are focused entirely on her own. “...I-I want my WORK to be recognized. Not me.”

“Why is that?”

Wallflower pauses and takes a deep breath before continuing.

“Just because I don’t like being seen doesn’t mean I don’t have a life. I spend a lot of time thinking. There are… a lot of things in this world that Equestria likes to glaze over. When the Exhibition comes around, you’ll see what I mean. There will be dozens upon dozens of landscapes and portraits. Expect a lot of rolling hills and depictions of the princesses.” Wallflower clicks her tongue in disdain. “It’s not like there’s anything wrong with that stuff, but sometimes it feels like they’re afraid of anything deeper.”

“And I take it that’s the kind of art you make? The ‘deeper’ stuff?”

“Heh. Even if I showed you my work, you probably wouldn’t get it.”

“Try me.”

“You actually want to see my work?”

“Sure! It sounds like something you’re passionate about, and a labor of love like that deserves to be shared, I think.”

Wallflower hesitates as she feels a blush return to her cheeks. She shakes her head and looks away in embarrassment before responding.

“Th-thanks. I’ll consider it.”

“...You know, it isn’t to the same scale, but I think I understand where you’re coming from. To a point, at least.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, look around you.” Anon gestures at the garden. It’s as beautiful as ever, but there are noticeably fewer vegetables around and upturned dirt here and there. “My garden is serving its purpose. Ponies are getting their veggies out of it. They’re happy, and the vegetables are doing what they’re supposed to do. But…” Anon sighs. “I don’t know. Maybe it’s foolish to maintain a garden on aesthetics alone, but sometimes I wish I could just do what I want with it. Make it beautiful, you know?”

“Then why don’t you?”


“Who is telling you that you have to grow vegetables?”

Anon hesitates before answering.

“I guess I just want to make ponies happy more than I want a pretty garden, haha.”

He sheepishly rubs the back of his head, but his squeaky voice makes it blatantly obvious that he’s not telling the truth. Wallflower tilts her head, but says nothing. This doesn’t seem like a line of questioning that she’s ready to pursue.

“Is that why you’re so protective of your roses?”

“Bingo.” Anon’s smile returns as the pair looks at the not-yet-fully-bloomed bush. “It’s the one part of the garden I don’t want anyone to touch. It’s my favorite plant, and it’s going to be so, so pretty when it finally blooms.”

“Hmhm. I’m looking forward to it.”



“Was that a chuckle I just heard? Is that a smile on Wallflower Blush’s face I’m seeing right now?!”

He leans forward with an amused smile on his face, causing Wallflower to blush yet again and stand up while turning away from him.

“Y-you’re so annoying!”

“Sorry, sorry!”

“...Ugh.” Wallflower shakes her head yet again, but she can’t hide the growing smile on her face as she exits the garden. Unlike the ponies before her, she takes care to close the gate. “I’ll see you around, Anon.”

“I’m looking forward to it!”

“Me too,” she mumbles.