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We're gonna Stay up Late

It was nighttime at the gymnasium of Canterlot High School. all around, students were arriving and setting up decorations and food on some tables. Among them were the Rainbooms and their friends from New York, the Ninja Turtles and allies, helping out as well. They even invited some of the friends from their adventures to join the celebration. The Street Sharks, Digidestined, Mighty Ducks, Carmen Sandiego and the ACME Agents, the Spy Racers, and Creepie with her bug family. Just then, Leo saw Team Shine enter with Night Shine and Serenity.

“Hey, Shine Boy!” he greeted. “You guys made it.”

“Yeah. Thanks for inviting us.” Shine Boy nodded.

“Yeah. Where’s the bar?” Night Shine asked, taking off his fedora.

Sunset walked up. “It’s over there. It was the first thing we set up. Just remember, it’s just sodas and fruit drinks, Luke.”

“Long as they have root beer.” Night Shine shrugged as he headed to a makeshift bar where some students were working.

Gamer saw so many of their friends and allies mingling with each other. “It’s great to see so many of our friends to celebrate New Years.”

“It was very nice of Principal Celestia to give you guys permission to throw a party here.” Serenity complimented.

“Well, a majority of us did well in our end of semester tests.” Twilight admitted.

Just then, Principal Celestia and Dr. Mallow walked up. Celestia wore a formal gown with multiple colors while Mallow wore a tuxedo. “Hey, everyone.”

“Hi, Principal Celestia. Hi, Dr. Mallow.” Greeted Shine Boy.

“My, you both look wonderful.” Gasped Twilight.

“Why, thank you, Twilight.” Celestia smiled. “Now remember, if you ever need anything, Principal Cadence, Shining Armor, and Granny Smith will be around. In case of emergency, they have our number.”

“Understood.” Sunset promised.

“Well, we’re off to our New Years party!” Dr. Mallow chuckled as they left, waving goodbye.

Next, they saw Vice Principal Luna, who wore a dark blue dress, arm gloves, and a new years hat, and Bishop, who also wore a tux.

“Good to see you again, Bishop.” Gamer waved.

“Glad to be capable of enjoying these celebrations without missions.” Bishop nodded.

“As am I.” Luna smiled before they waved goodbye and left.

Following them were Cranky Doodle with his wife Matilda along with Fugitoid and Cheerlie. They all were dressed formally too as Fugitoid wore a high silk hat with his tuxedo attire.

“Now you all behave yourselves.” Cranky instructed.

“But don’t forget to have fun.” Matilda smiled.

“We sure will, sir. Mam.” Leo promised before the two left as Cranky blew his noisemaker.

“You have fun now, Professor.” Sunset told Fugitoid.

“I certainly will, Sunset.” Fugitoid smiled.

“Not to worry, Sunset. I’ll be keeping my eye on him.” Cheerlie assured them. “Enjoy your party and Happy New Year!”

“Thanks. you too!” Shine Girl waved as they followed the others.

“Well, Come on!” Leo waved. “Let’s join the others.”

Soon, everyone greeted the team and soon, everyone was mingling with each other. Shine Boy was walking with Leo, Twilight, Davis, Ripster, and Wildwing.

“This is gonna be one heck of a New Year’s Eve party.”

“It’ll be nice to kick back after a busy year.” Wildwing agreed.

“Yeah. Some of us had to take naps before we got here.” Davis added.

“Looks like some are still napping.” Shine Boy noticed Veemon snoozing at the corner near the coats.

Davis rubbed the back of his head. “Yeah. We’ve had to take care of a few things before we got here.”

“Hope the little guy wakes up by midnight.” Ripster hoped.

“I wouldn’t worry too much. Not yet anyway.” Leo advised.

“Well come on. As Pinkie would say-!” Shine Boy gestured to Pinkie who cheered.

“Let’s get this party STARTED!”

Shine Boy: We’re gonna stay up late and party

We’re gonna make a lot of noise!

Sunset: We got enough of banging stuff

To be loud girls and boys!

Mikey: We’re gonna rattle cans!

Casey and Zach: Bang pots and pans!

Pinkie: So everyone will hear!

Rarity and Fluttershy: We’re gonna stay up late and party and shout

Everyone: Happy New Year!

“Happy New Year!” Logan kept cheering before Lancer held him down.

“Whoa! Not yet, Bro!”

“At midnight! When the old year is over and the new year begins.” Yolei informed.

“Over?” The Rock N’Beats turned to see a girl their age. She had light violet skin and pink hair with green ribboned ponytail and wore a blue jacket over a green blouse and skirt, mint green pantyhose, and pink leggings. On her skirt was the picture of an ice cream dish. “The old year will be over?”

“That’s right, Likety Split.” Nodded Sweetheart. “That way we can welcome the new year.”

“I didn’t know that.” Likety Split muttered as she walked away.

“It’s really not that big of deal.” Fluttershy said, hoping Likety heard her.

Likety Split: I’m not sure about this new year.

It sounds so new and strange

I kinda like the old year

Why do we have to change?

Rock N’Beats: We’re gonna be with friends

As the old year ends

And give a happy cheer!

Likety Split: I don’t know

Where does the old year go?

Does it just… disappear?

As everyone sang, Streex went to the center and break-danced.

All: We’re gonna stay up late and party

And shout

Likety Split: I mean, what’s it all about?

All: Happy New Year!

When the song ended, there was a crash sound. Everyone turned to see Steve Urkel near the entrance and had accidentally knocked over a decoration pillar.

“Did I do that?” he asked nervously.

Later, after fixing the pillar, Shine Boy, Serenity, Sunset, Twilight, Leo, TK, Kari, Streex, and Steve were at the snack table eating some snack food like pizza rolls, cheese cubes, fruits, etc. When Likety Split walked up to them.

“Oh. Hey, Likety Split. What’s up?” Sunset greeted.

“Sunset, is it true that the old year ends tonight?” Likety asked.

“Well, yes. Yes, it is.” Sunset asked.

“It’s like this, Likety Split.” Serenity held out her planner and show it to her. “December is the last month. After that, we go all the way back to January the first month.”

“Just think of it as a lap around the year, Likety Split.” Streex added. “After we finish December, we start the next one as January starts and the cycle continues with a brand new year.”

“But what happens to the old year?” Likety asked.

“Well, it’s like every other year. It’s history.” TK shrugged.

“Even so, it’s nice to look back on everything that happened in that year, so there’s nothing to worry about.” Kari assured.

Likety didn’t look convinced as she walked away.

“Is she gonna be okay?” Shine Boy asked Sunset.

“Is it her first New Year’s?” Steve wondered.

“Well, you see, guys, Likety Split tends to misunderstand things and processes a little slowly.” Sunset explained. “It took me a while to understand that when I help her study.”

“Ah.” The group nodded.

Just then, Mikey, Pinkie, and Nosedive walked up with a cart full of pinatas as Mikey announced. “It’s pinata time!”

“That’s a lot of pinatas, guys.” Twilight eyed.

“Yep.” Pinkie grinned. “A couple days ago, Gabby told me that her family back in Mexico would whack pinatas at celebrations, including New Years. So, I made a couple pinatas.”

“We made a lot so everyone can have a turn whacking.” Mikey added.

“They even personalized them.” Nosedive smiled as he held a pinata the shape of the Ducks’ nemesis, Dragaunus.

“Dibs on whacking the one shaped like Piranoid.” Streex said.

“Sounds like fun!” Steve added.

“C’mon! let’s try it out!” Serenity suggested as they walked over.

Meanwhile, Trixie Lunamoon was on her phone when Likety Split almost ran into her.

“Hey! Watch it! The great and powerful Trixie is making her traditional New Years phone call!”

“Tradition?” Likety asked.

“Yes. Trixie calls some of her magician friends on New Year’s Eve and we say something special to each other.”

Likety Split perked up. “If magicians do that on New Year’s, then there might not be anything to worry about the New Year.”

Trixie then smirked to herself. “Oh, how the Sneaky and Conniving Trixie cannot resist.” She then pretended to be upset. “Oh, my dear Likety Split. I’m afraid you have plenty to worry about. You see, at midnight, everyone and everything you love, every month, every day, every hour, every moment, every second of the year. Will be over.”

“O-Over?” Likety gulped.

“Why do you think everyone throws out their old calendars?”

“I don’t think I want to know, Trixie.” Likety whimpered.

“Because they don’t need them anymore.”

Likety screamed before running away. When she was gone, Trixie bursted out laughing. “Trixie never ceases to amaze Trixie.” She grinned before returning to her phone call.

Back at the party, as everyone was finishing up beating the pinatas, Jab and Tanya were picking a ball from the gym’s storage room.

“This volleyball should work just fine.” Tanya held up a white volleyball.

“Great! Let’s go find Donnie!” Jab thumbed up. They were on their way when he saw Veemon still snoozing. “Boy! Can that little guy sleep.”

“Must’ve had a very productive day.” Tanya shrugged as they headed over to the others.

At that moment, Davis was munching on some candy from the pinatas when he saw his Digimon still fast asleep. “Aw! Veemon! I know you’ve been busy, but you’re missing out!”

Meanwhile, everyone else was panting and laughing after whacking the pinatas and enjoying the sweets Pinkie stuffed them with.

“Boy! Who knew hitting pinatas could take it out of ya.” Tony Torreto chuckled.

“I think personalizing them was the true motivator.” Frostee agreed as Night Shine walked up carrying a big mug of root beer.

“Yeah! Had a real kick watching Cisco going nuts on one of the Gem Knight pinatas.” He chuckled.

“Those treats just sounded tasty.” Cisco grinned.

Jab and Tanya then walked up to the group and Jab handed the volleyball to Donnie. “Here’s the ball you requested, Donnie.”

“Perfect!” Donnie accepted.

“What’s the ball for, Donatello?” Cody asked.

“You know how Times Square has that big giant ball that falls on New Year’s?”

“Oh yeah! I remember the year before we met the Rainbooms April and Casey brought us and Sensei to the roofs to watch.” Raph recalled.

Metalhead walked up as Donnie continued. “Well, I decided we could have our own new year’s ball. Metalhead will hold this volleyball until midnight when it’s time to say-!”

“Happy New Year!” Logan cried and began playing his air horn before Tanya held him down.

“Whoa! Whoa. Not yet.”

“Though, how is Metalhead gonna know when to drop the ball?” asked Micro Chip.

“I am ninety-nine-point nine percent accurate on time.” Metalhead explained. “Plus, Donatello adjusted my time units earlier today so I should have precise timing. Also, Gamer is synchronizing the timer for me.”

“Synchronizing…. Now!” Gamer proclaimed. “There we go! Only three and a half hours before the new year!”

“You sure you’ll be okay, Robo Dude?” Sandalwood asked Metalhead.

“As long as my arm get oiled every two hours, I should be able to hold the ball before tossing at precisely midnight.”

“So what do we do now?” Echo asked.

Applebloom came running by. “Granny just set up the old bucket for bobbing for apples!”

“Great! Let’s go!” Pinkie cheered as everyone went to join in on the fun.

Nobody saw Likety Split peeking out from under the table in worry.

“Oh no! The countdown has begun!” she whispered. “I can’t let everything end! What can I do?”

To be continued

Author's Note:

Just a short and sweet fiction I thought I'd do for New Year's. There will be only three chapters, so I can work on my next fiction in January.


I'm aware that Likety Split has appeared in FiM. Just wasn't too keen on his design and since it was a one shot character, I recreated her based on her G1 style. I was gonna say she's autistic, but bit my tongue. That's why she easily fell for Trixie's deception.

Well! On to Part 2!