• Published 27th Nov 2012
  • 674 Views, 60 Comments

Equestrian Earth: A Paladin's Quest - Necroesphere

Spin-off of ChaoticNote's original story. Black Paladin is a first time gamer. Lets see what happen

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Chapter 4:Lessons

Chapter 4: Lessons

Black Paladin looked over at Trixie, who was currently concentrating on levitating her entire desk at once. She had been holding the desk for almost an hour now, but the strain could easily be seen on her face. She couldn't support it for much longer, even if her life was in the balance. But Black Paladin couldn't help but be impressed. This type of magical workout would have knocked out an average unicorn a half an hour ago.

"Trixie, you may put the desk down now," Black Paladin cautioned. He cushioned the desk as Trixie relinquished her magical hold over the desk. He lowered it to the ground, gently placing it so nothing was broken. She panted for air, exhausted from the total drain of energy the exercise had caused her.

"Trixie does not remember that this was so hard when she wore the Alicorn Amulet," She groaned. "Magic seemed so much simpler when I had that artifact in my possession. If only I had that once again."

"That charm..." Black Paladin thought back, knowing exactly what he was searching for. He had known that it was in the possession of Princess Luna, who had sealed it deep within the Royal Treasury. He wondered how the Celestia had so carelessly let it slip from her grasp. "That charm is nothing but pure evil Trixie. I am unsure how to feel that you used it without any need to worry about your own health. Many ponies have gone insane under the allure of the amulet, the whispers of ultimate power that it would bestow to the one who wore it."

"And it is a ultra rare drop in EE," Trixie hinted. "Why don't we log on and play for a bit. Luna would never have to know." It was very tempting. And it would take Trixie some time to regain her stamina after the duration of time spent holding the spell.

"Fine, only because you need to rest and that is one of the best ways to do so," Black Paladin conceded. He turned to his computer, since this was now their shared room, which Luna had left for the two of them. Calling it a room was actually an incorrect statement. It was more of an apartment that was huge, but not as big as the rooms used by the royal sisters.

Trixie acted like a small foal, giddy with anticipation as she logged on and pulled her own virtual helmet. He pulled on his own, already logged on to the server. Black Paladin had heard of the incident with Trixie and the Alicorn Amulet, yet he would have done the same thing if he had been in her position. But would he have gone as far as she had with it? He didn't know the answer to that question.

"Welcome back," The game answered. It was time for a game.


Black Paladin waited for Trixie by the gate to the city, wondering what could be taking the mare. When they had come in game, she had said something about buying her own gear and ran off in the opposite direction, telling him to meet her at the South Gate near the plains. Black Paladin decided if he was going to wait, he was at least going out into the nearby grass to kill some of the mobs that he saw spawning. They were all pretty weak and around his current level, so he felt like he should indulge a bit to get more bits and experience. He still planned to beat Luna to reach the level cap, and these constant interruptions weren't helping.

He spotted many mobs to hunt, thanks to his new helmet of reveal life. He knew exactly where they were headed and would easily be able to take down groups without aggroing another group that would overwhelm him. He decided the closest group to him would do, unleashing his star bolt, attracting the group. The group of bear cubs rushed out of the hedge, attempting to claw him. He casted his shield, smashing the first bear cub with his sword and meeting the next with a kick from his hoof. The next one struck his shield, causing some damage but Black Paladin's armor absorbed the blow handily.

"That all you got?" Black Paladin grunted, swinging his blade into the cubs face, causing it to back up from the pain. He rolled left, dodging another swipe from the second bear. He began to think that the mother bear would never come as his experience bar slowly filled from each bear cub that fell and respawned. Of course, this game loved to be accurate to how every thing worked in nature.

Momma bear came rushing out of a nearby treeline, charging forward at full speed with a large roar. It didn't get far as a fireball flew through the air and exploded in momma's face. Black Paladin could understand what had happened and really didn't need to look back to know that Trixie was launching a barrage at the bears to help him out. Under her fire and Black Paladin's sword, the mob lasted only a few minutes more.

"That was very foalish of you Paladin," Trixie scolded, walking down into the grass with Paladin. She snuggled up close to him for no reason. "You should be more careful in the future. I would hate to lose you."

"Eventually you are going to explain what it is between us," Black Paladin sighed. "I don't understand mares so whatever is going between us is definitely new to me. And I would rather not be atomized by Princess. Not like she would actually do something like that."

Trixie chuckled, pulling away from Black Paladin. "I think I'd rather be confusing. So, what is our plan for today?"

"I was thinking of heading south to find a dungeon," Black Paladin pulled out his map. Trixie looked over his shoulder, interested in what was on the page. "The Crystal Caverns. Supposedly home to a pack of Diamond Dogs. There loot should get us a good bit of money. Not to mention the experience drop as well."

"Sounds fun, but we may have to get off while we are in the cave," Trixie mumbled. "We do have a schedule to keep with our lessons. As much fun as they are."

"Only because Luna hasn't really gotten into the true tests of training," Black Paladin packed up his map. "I guess we should just grind on the local mobs until we have more time to go hunting through the caves. It would probably be better if we had some levels as well. The mob boss is said to be level 15. You are only level 7 and I am just now only level 6."

"Rewind," Trixie snapped. "What do you mean the princess hasn't gotten to the true tests of training me? How you would even know?"

"Now isn't that a story," Black Paladin chuckled. "Tell you what. We grind for an hour, I'll tell you my story during out next session. Deal?"

"If Trixie must be patient," She sighed in defeat. "Let's go mob hunting then."

It was a pretty simple hour of grinding, thanks to Black Paladin's helmet. Trixie and Black Paladin made an excellent team, working as a single unit to deal with any mob. Trixie drew in the mobs while Paladin acted as a shield, blocking most of the damage while dealing back a decent amount. They both were having a lot of fun gaining experience as well as finding some pretty decent loot. Trixie had found a new hat while Black Paladin was able to expand his bag size and get a better shield for his arm.

At the end of the hour, both Trixie and Black Paladin returned to the city gates, exhausted from the exercise they had been through. Black Paladin had gotten to level 10 after all the ending blows he was able to get. Trixie had gotten to the same level, though she claimed that she was close to a level up but she was tired of the game for the moment, and probably because she was impatient.

"So, you going to tell me your story?" Trixie stretched out. "I have been dying to know the entire time."

"Yes, yes. In the real world." Black Paladin said, taking off his virtual reality helmet. He breathed in and out, getting used to not having it on. He looked around, light stinging his eyes as they adjusted. He met Trixie in the hall outside. She was dressed in her cape but she seemed to have ditched her hat for the moment.

"Come on, let's go get something to eat," Black Paladin grinned. Trixie crumbled but complied with her mentor for the moment, hoping he would keep true to his promise. "The virtual world may not seem like much of an exercise, but man do I sure get hungry.

Walking into the Royal Dining Hall, Trixie and Black Paladin spotted Princess Cadence and Shining Armour farther down the table, talking to themselves. Black Paladin took a seat at the end of the table, Trixie slumping into a chair next to him.

"What would you like?" A servant asked.

"Trixie would like some sunflower salad," The light blue unicorn ordered. "And be light with the dressing will you."

"Yes milady," The stallion bowed. "And you sir guard?"

"I'd like 3 corn cobs and a bushel of apples, if you wouldn't mind." Black Paladin spoke up before leaning back in his chair, looking up at the high ceiling above him. Trixie grumbled beside him and Paladin smiled a bit to himself. "I think you are cute you know." He said out of completely nowhere.

"What?" Trixie blushed. Black Paladin blushed as well, before remembering one small detail about the room. He glanced down farther to see Cadence giving him a wink. "You think I'm cute?"

"Yes, I really do," Black Paladin put his hoof on hers. "Now, about that story?"

"I've been dying to hear it," Trixie laughed. "You've kept it long enough. Now spill."

Author's Note:

Chapter 4 everybody! Like Trixie, you guys are going to have to wait for Black Paladin's history. Or just go read it in my other stories.