• Published 11th Oct 2023
  • 737 Views, 10 Comments

Your Name Across The Multiverse -DASH SIDE- - DATONETWIxDASHFAN

Rainbow Dash and her human counter part are a quest to return to their worlds

  • ...

Chapter 6

Dash, Nightmare, and Raven were slowly walking around the dark room. Dash held the shard and looked around for any sign of it while Nightmare used her mask to detect anything.

"Anything, boss?"

"No, nothing."

"Well, I see some weird things in here."

"Like what?"

"First, the place is filled with toys and junk, and second, a camera."

Nightmare quickly turned and looked at the camera, which pointed at her. She glared at it and started to walk to the camera before a high-pitched voice came from a speaker.

"Welcome, little oh bat and birdy, welcome." the voice said.

"Who are you?" Nightmare asked.

"You mean, you don't know me That hurts me, little oh bat Oh wait, I have the wrong settings on." said the voice as the group could hear noises in the background before a female could be heard "Testing testing, is it working?"

Nightmare quickly readies herself as she knows that voice.

"Trickster!" she yelled.

"Trickster, who's that?" asked Dash.

"One of the most dangerous people on the planet." Nightmare explained.

"Oh, batty, you always give me too much credit!" laughed the voice.

"Why are you here? Thought you were still locked up."

"I escaped and decided to take a vacation and play with the city a bit Speaking of the city, you are ruining my plans I was planning to gas the city with my great and powerful laughing gas!"

"How did you make it?"

"Oh, let's just say an old friend gave me the recipe, and I made the stuff. Now, I only need a good way to spread the gas around."

"Where did you put the gas?"

"In the vents?"

"Where is it?"

"In the basement?"


"You can get to it through a hidden entrance, by the way," said Trickster as she flipped a switch. The switch revealed a clown door that said hidden door entrance with arrows pointing to it.

"Why did you show me that?" asked Nightmare.

"So you can find the entrance, DUH!"


Dash was lost for words. It was like those comics that Spike always read. It was like she was living them right now. She couldn't believe her luck.

"Oh, by the way, bats, when you got yourself a disappearing blue horse?"

"None of your business."

"Oh, so I am right; she is there. Thank heaven. I thought the gas was making me more crazy. HA. HAHA!"

Suddenly, the gas shot through the vents, filling the room.

"Oh no," said Raven.

"Everyone, hold your breaths," ordered Nightmare.

Dash flew down and cover her mouth with her hoof and the three of them held their breath, as they ran to the hidden door They entered it and door shut itself, as the gas entered the hallway and spread everywhere The trio held their breaths, as they ran down the hall, avoiding the gas As they did, the gas slowly filled the building, causing the people outside seeing gas coming out of the broken windows.

"Hey, is that gas?" a random person asked.

"It is; it's the trickster's gas!" a cop yelled as he pulled his gun out.

"What's the gas do?"

"It makes the person laugh hard; their hearts can't take it and explode."

"Oh my god, everyone evacuates."

As the people screamed and ran away, Nightmare and her crew were in the basement, running down the hallway. She was using her radar to find the room with the gas. As they ran, she found it, and the trio ran into it. Inside, there was a big metal container that had a pipe connected to the vent and a machine pumping the gas into the vent.

"This is the gas," said Nightmare as she looked at the canister.

"How can we stop it?" asked Dash.

"By destroying the machine If we don't, the gas will spread everywhere and kill everyone in the city."

"What?!" screamed Dash

"What should we do, boss?"

"You'll stay here and cover me while I get rid of the machine."


"Wait, I'll come with you," said Dash


"You said you need to get rid of the gas, right?"


"Let me help; I'm the fastest one here."

Nightmare nodded as Dash followed her. They ran to the machine, and Nightmare took a laser pen and cut off the pipes, releasing the gas, and then turned her attention to the machine.

"Okay, Dash, do what you have to do!"

"Got it."

Dash flew up and started to lift the machine, causing sparks to fly and the machine malfunctioning as Dash pulled it off the floor.

"Keep going!"

"Okay!" Dash began to lift the machine above her head. With one strong flap of her wings, she bolted out of the basement, crashing through the ceilings of each floor and finally out of the building and into the gloomy night sky.
"What should I do with it now?" thought Dash. She saw no safe place to throw it, but she quickly had an idea. She started spinning it with all her might, sending the machine into outer space.

Back in the basement, Nightmare turned on a hologram from her mask. It showed the city in real-time, and she could see Dash tossing the gas into outer space.

"Nice throw, Dash," said Nightmare, smirking.

"Oh boo, that's cheating Using a pony to stop my plan I was hoping for more fun!" whined Trickster as her voice was heard over the speaker.

"So, what will we do about her?" asked Raven.

"Simple, we find her and take her down like always."

"Oh, that will be fun, bats," replied Trickster. "Maybe I should-" the voice stopped as a shadow appeared behind Nightmare and a gun pointing at her. "Fun!" smiled Trickster as she fired the gun, but Nightmare suddenly vanished. A blue blur grabbed her, and Trickster could see Nightmare next to Raven and the blue pony. Now this made Trickster smiled as she held the gun up and water came shooting out as she finally stepped out of the shadows, she's was wearing a blue tuxedo, and her face was white like a clown make up, and her light blue hair was all a mess. "It's been a while since we met in person, " said Trickster.

"It's has," Nightmare replied, glaring at the crazy woman.

"Now, how should we start this? I could-" Trickster was stopped when a glowing beam shot out of her pocket, and Dash shard also started to glow. "Oh, what's happening? My mood rock, which I found weeks ago, is going off like crazy...LIKE ME!" laughed Trickster as she pulled out a real gun and fired it at Nightmare, who dodged the bullet and threw a Batarang at Trickster, who ducked as the Batarang hit the wall behind her and stuck to it.

"Dash, She has the shard. We need—" yelled Nightmare as she and others took cover behind some boxes. However, she was cut off as Dash replied to her.

"Okay!" Dash replied, and she quickly flew at Trickster

"What Stop!" ordered Nightmare, but it was too late. Dash tried to punch the crazed woman, but Trickster was able to grab her hoof and smile. Electricity filled Dash's body, and she screamed and fell as Trickster revealed her hand buzzer.

"Dash!" yelled Raven as she jumped out of cover, took out a fighting stick, and tried to hit Trickster. Trickster moved her head, and the fighting stick slammed into the ground.

"Aww, the little birdy wants to play too. Sure!" said Trickster, taking a knife from her pocket and slashing at Raven, who barely blocked the attack with her stick and continued to block Trickster's attack until Trickster tripped her, making Raven fall. Trickster held her knife over her, but Nightmare quickly appeared and kicked Trickster, who jumped back as Nightmare helped Raven up.

"Oh, it's nice of you to join us bats." Trickster giggled as she took a step closer and Nightmare pulled her cape over her body and covered her and Raven, as a cloud of smoke appeared around them As the smoke filled the room, Dash was picked up by Nightmare and disappeared into the darkness.

"Where are you, bats?!" Trickster yelled, "And your little bird and horse!"

Nightmare, carrying Dash, and Raven jumped out of the hole that Dash created minutes before and quickly exited the building Outside the building, the cops and paramedics were checking on the people who close to the building and might have in hale the gas.

"Sir, you have to calm down." said a medic.

"How can I That gas nearly killed me!" cried a man.

"Well, you're not dead, so that's a good sign."

"How is that a good sign? I could have died; I could have been a statistic; I could have-" the man rambled before a police officer ran up to them and ordered them to move away from the building.

Nightmare put Dash down near the Batjet and checked her pulse.

"She's alive," she said.

"Is she gonna be okay?" asked Raven.

"Yeah, she'll be fine. We should leave her here."

"Leave her?"

"We have a bad guy to catch, and if she wakes up, she'll slow us down and get in the way again. Besides, Trickster has the shard we're looking for; she isn't needed anymore." coldly said Nightmare as she took the shard from Dash's hoof and put it in her belt pocket.

"That's kind of a cold thing to say."

"This is not the time to care about the feelings of a random person...pony, Raven This is the time to focus on catching Trickster."

"Roger that, sir."

Nightmare pressed a button, and back in the Batcave, Cindy was washing the bat car until it turned on and sped off down the tunnel, leaving Cindy sighing as the water was dripping at nothing.

"Master Brice, always when I'm clearing the car."

Nightmare and Raven waited as the batcar blasted down the street with its rocket engine and finally stopping in the alleyway The roof opened up and Nightmare, holding Dash, jumped down and placed Dash in the back seat and shut the roof and locked it.

"Let's go, buddy."

Nightmare and Raven ran off back into the building to find the Trickster.

Dash opened her eyes found herself in something that looks like the batjet but different She could see that she was on the ground level now.

"Where am I? How did I get here?" she wondered as she rubbed her head before realizing, "Nightmare, she left me, That jerk. Who does she think she is? She's not my boss."

Dash started to think as she remembered the crazy chick had a shard, realizing her own shard was missing.

"Did Nightmare take the shard, or did she hide it somewhere?"

Dash started to look for the shard in the car, finding nothing but buttons Curiosity got the best of her and she pushed the button She could hear a noise and looked behind her and could see a large cannon coming out of the truck.

"A cannon?!" thought Dash as she pressed another button. The cannon fired, destroying an empty trash can and leaving a huge hole in the wall. "Oops."

Dash could see a red light flashing and a sign saying lock down Dash was worried and saw the door was still locked and quickly moved to the driver's seat.

"Come on, come on," begged Dash as she punched the window, hoping to break it and free herself, but the windows were shockproof.

"What's happening?" said Cindy as her face appeared on the dashboard screen.

"Hey, lady, Can you unlock the car?" asked Dash.

"I'm sorry, but no one but Master Brice can unlock the car once it goes into lockdown mode."

"I need to get out; that crazy chick has another shard."

"Crazy chick?"

"Yea, the trickster, I think Nightmare called her."

"Oh, that crazy chick. Hold on."

Cindy disappeared as the screen went black, leaving Dash all alone She placed her face on the streeling wheel and closed her eyes.

"Come on, please come back, please come back, please," she begged.

Meanwhile, Nightmare and Raven were fighting Trickster in the building Trickster was firing her guns at the two and Nightmare was throwing batarangs at Trickster, as Raven threw a small ball at her Trickster jumped and the ball exploded, creating a smoke bomb.

"Missed me, bats and birdy." giggled Trickster as the smoke cleared and the woman was nowhere in sight.

"Where did she go?" asked Raven.

"Look out!" warned Nightmare as a gun appeared from the ceiling aimed at them.

"Oh boy," gulped Raven as she jumped out of the way. Nightmare grabbed her and rolled out of the way, and the gun fired but missed them.

"Where is she?" asked Raven.

"She could be anywhere," said Nightmare as the two slowly walked back-to-back, keeping their eyes on everything.

"What are we going to do, boss?"

"The only thing we can do."

"Which is?"


Suddenly, Trickster appeared from the ceiling, firing her gun. The two ran, and Trickster's bullets hit the walls and floors. As Nightmare and Raven ran down the hallway, the bullets destroyed it.

"Keep going," ordered Nightmare.

"Got it," said Raven.

Trickster stopped firing, as a giant metal wall started to close and crush the two heroes, if they didn't make it out As they ran, Nightmare could see the metal wall closing in and the distance between them and the end of the hallway was getting shorter.
"Come on," she thought as she and Raven kept running, the wall coming down behind them. They reached the end of the hallway, and the wall slammed down, almost crushing them.

"That was close." sighed Raven, panting.

"No, this is." smiled Trickster as she pointed her gun at the two heroes and pulled the trigger, but nothing came out. "Oh no," she whispered, as she checked the gun and realized she was out of ammo.

"Looks like you're out of ammo, trickster," smirked Nightmare.

"Oh no, it's a good thing I have more."

Trickster dropped her empty gun and pulled out a new one, loaded with bullets, and began to fire at them, forcing them to hide As they did, Nightmare suddenly got a call from Cindy as she answered it.


"Sir, your little pony friend is causing trouble in the batmobile and placed it in lock down mode and the bat cannon is active Any reason she's in the car?"

"I'll tell you later I'm a little busy right now Bye."

"But wait!" Cindy cried as Nightmare hung up on her. On the screen, Dash was pressing random buttons, the car was shaking, and the headlights were going off and on.

"Come on, why won't you work?!" whined Dash as she banged the steering wheel with her hoof.

Cindy sighed as she placed her hand on her head. She didn't sign up for this, but she tilted her head as she heard a weak voice calling out to Dash Cindy. She turned around and could see the girl had awakened and was trying to get up.

"What's...going...on?" asked Dashie weakly.

"Stay still," said Cindy, walking over to her and helping her sit up.

"Where...am I?"

"You in the Batcave."


"The headquarters of my master."

"Who's your master?"

"Her name is Nightmare."

Dashie soon heard Dash on the computer screen and asked what was happening.

"It seemed the master had left her in the car while she was fighting her archenemy."

"Who is this enemy?"

"Trickster, she's dangerous woman Now lay back down and I'll get you some food, you been out for weeks."

Dashie was about to do what she was told. Still, she suddenly heard Dash talk again about how she needed to get that shard that the crazy woman had and how maybe jumping into another universe could stop her from disappearing and make Dashie better.

"Disappear?" Dashie thought, looking down at the screen and seeing Dash's lower half gone. That's when it hit her, as she remembered what Grape Jelly said to her about how the universe won't allow two of the same person in the same universe. "Oh no...Quick, I need to talk to this Nightmare person, Please!"

"But you need to rest," argued Cindy.

"This is more important."

Cindy wanted to argue again but decided against it and called Nightmare.

Nightmare and Raven were now fighting Trickster on the rooftop, and the fight was now getting intense as Nightmare threw a Batarang and cut Trickster's arm.

"Ow!" she yelled, rubbing her wound. "I'm going to make you pay for that!"

Trickster ran to Nightmare and kicked her, sending her flying backward and into the brick wall. Trickster laughed as Nightmare tried to get up and punched her, making her fall. Trickster picked her up and threw her to the ground. Nightmare tried to get back up, but Trickster punched her again, knocking her out.

"Now, who's next?" asked Trickster, turning to Raven, who was hiding.

Raven quickly fired her grapple hook at a nearby building and flew up as Trickster shot at her, and the bullet missed her.

"Why won't you just die?!" screamed Trickster, as she aimed her gun again but was kicked in the leg as Nightmare wasn't out yet.

"I'm not done." she groaned, punching Trickster and throwing her on the ground.

"You're not the only one who's not done." smiled Trickster as she dropped her gun. She stood up, took out a knife, and ran at Nightmare. Nightmare tried to dodge the attack, but Trickster was able to get her and stab her in the shoulder.

"Argh." moaned Nightmare as blood came from the wound.

"Nightmare!" cried Raven as she jumped and fired a rope from her hand, tying Trickster's feet together.

"What's this?" asked Trickster, cutting the rope and laughing as she ran at Raven and punched her in the stomach, knocking the wind out of her and throwing her across the roof and onto the ground.

"Not so strong now, huh?!" laughed Trickster as she kicked Nightmare and held her over the roof's ledge, showing the city below.

"Well, I'll see you at the bottom." giggled Trickster, holding her tight as she was ready to drop her before something happened She noticed the Batcar was doing weird things "Hey bats, your car is acting up?" giggled Trickster until the car cannon slowly aimed up and right at them It fired and hit the floor under them, making them fall into the destroy room Trickster got up and limped away, while Nightmare took out a spray and blasted her wound with it, until Cindy voice could be heard through the mask radio system.

"Nightmare, the girl has awaken."

"Great, but I'm kind of busy right now Trickster got away, she's wounded, so she's heading towards the exit Alert the cops that are outside and have them be ready for her."

"Understood, but she wants to talk to you Here."

Cindy then told Dashie on the mic to tell Nightmare about the only one-person rule for the universe.

"Listen, the universe is trying to eliminate Dash because we're the same person. Someone from the last universe told me this: It's why we switch with whoever is our counterpart in this universe. If we jump again, Dash is going to die. You need to keep the shards away from us. If we're close to it, we'll jum-" suddenly Dashie body started to feel hot and in great pain as she held her stomach Her skin was slowly turning blue "AHHHH!!!" screamed Dashie, as prism effects were beaming out of her before passing out again.

"What's happening?" asked Nightmare

"I don't know. The girl is glowing, and it looks like she's in pain," Cindy said. What do I do?"

"Keep an eye on her until I return."


As Cindy ended the call, Trickster was leaving the building and could see the police surrounding the place.
"Oh no." she thought, hiding behind a nearby dumpster as the police were looking for her She slowly pass her way through the cops and were in the alley way and realize she was in the same alley as the batty car She walked a corner and could see the car, as it blasted music and jumping up and down She couldn't stop laughing at the funny sight and walked over, with her knife at the ready but stopped as she knew "she" was behind her She turned her head and could see Nightmare and Raven the girl wonder as they landed behind her.

"Give it up, Trickster," said Nightmare.

"Yeah, you can't get away," added Raven.

"Oh no, I'm so scared."

Trickster charged at Nightmare and was about to slice her, but Nightmare quickly blocked her attacks and knocked the knife out of her hand, kicking her in the chest. Nightmare held her tight, as Trickster could not move, and placed a device on her face. It shocked her, but she laughed it off.

"Nice buzzer bats!"

Trickster headbutted Nightmare, kicked her off, and rolled away as Raven slammed her metal pole into the ground where Trickster was. She stood up and blocked Raven's pole with her arms, quickly grabbed Raven's weapon away from her, and smacked Raven in the head with it, tossing her to the ground and leaving her dazed.

"Raven, get up," ordered Nightmare.

"I'm trying."

Nightmare and Trickster continued their fight, as Trickster was getting the upper hand since Nightmare was still hurt from the stabbing. As the two were fighting, Trickster got a quick shot at Nightmare and kicked her to the hood of the bat car and, using Raven's metal staff, started to choke her to death.

In the car, Dash was seeing all this on the screen and was worried.
"Come on, do something Don't let that lady kill her!" thought Dash as she looked around and press the button to call Cindy again.

"Cindy, you still there?"

"Yes, I am."

"Good, listen, Nightmare is in trouble Trickster is choking her to death You need to open this thing or she's going to die!" cried Dash.

Cindy turned on the car's roof camera and could see it was true. She quickly lifted the lockdown, opening everything, including the car's roof. This allowed Dash to fly out and up into the air and promptly back down as she swooped near Trickster, grabbing her and flying off back into the air.

"Let me go!" yelled Trickster, kicking and hitting Dash.

"If you say so," said Dash as she took the shard from Trickster's pocket and dropped it into a dumpster near a group of cops.

"There she is." shouted a cop.

"Get her." ordered another.

"Ahh!" screamed Trickster, as the police grabbed her and took her away, as the other cops cheered and celebrated as they waved at Dash, thinking she was Superpony. Dash flew back down and landed next to the batcar and could see the two were tired and bloody Nightmare sat on the hood of the car.

"Thanks," said Nightmare as she held her hurt shoulder, which was bleeding a bit.

"No problem." said Dash, holding the shard she got and looking at her "Do you have the other shard?"

Nightmare removed the shard from her belt, and both shards started to glow, but nothing else.

"We need to head back and get out of this universe so Dashie can get better," said Dash as she flew to get the shard but suddenly felt dizzy and fell on the ground. Nightmare and Raven could see her body was starting to fade again.

"What's happening?" asked Dash as she started flicking between Dashie's body and her own.

"Your friend woke up and told me something, it seems both of you can't be in the same universe and it's trying to erase you Seems it's trying to do the same with your friend." explained Nightmare as she picked Dash up and placed her in the back seat of the batcar and then telling Raven to go in the batjet and return with it.

"Is she okay?" Dash said weakly as Nightmare got in the car, placed the shards on the passenger seat, and started the car.


"Please...save her."

Nightmare didn't drive off; instead, she removed her mask and turned her head to Dash, who smiled as if she had seen that face before in a past universe.

"She also told me that you'll disappear for good if you two jump again. Maybe this is a passing attack, and you two might-" said Nightmare as she stopped as Dash raised her hoof.

"Take me there. Let me save her. She's a good kid; she's me, after all." smiled Dash

"You'll die."

"Yeah. As long as she lives, that's what matters."

"What about your family!?" said Nightmare as for once, her cold emotionless face was filled with sadness "Friends People who love you?"

Dash looked up and, through the car window, could see the morning sun peeking through the night sky.
"What about hers She's still young, she has more things to do and finding that girl she loves I lived a good life and I know the mare I'm looking for, will hate me for this but I'm not letting someone die for me Please, take me there."

Nightmare looked away, thinking for a moment, and nodded as she drove off, heading for the cave.

"Thank you."

After some time, Nightmare and Dash made it back to the cave. Nightmare got out and saw Rav wearing her mask off, revealing her purple dragon skin and short green hair, and running up to her.

"It's bad; she's getting worse."

Nightmare went inside the Batcave and saw Cindy by the bat computer, with Dashie on the bed, coughing and sweating.

"Her fever is high," said Cindy

Nightmare looked at the shard in her hand, placed it on Dashie's bed, returned to the bat car, took Dash out, who was holding the other shard, and carried her to Dashie. That's when the reality around the cave started to break down as they got closer to Dashie and the other shard.

"Put me down next to her," ordered Dash as her chest and wings started to vanish.

Nightmare did what she was told, and the moment she was put down, both Dash and Dashie started to glow again, and the shards glowed and started to hover above them. Dashie opened her eyes and began to cry as she saw Dash and the shards floating.

"Why..." whispered Dashie as tears fell down her face.

"To save you." said teary eyed Dash, as she used the little energy she had to pet Dashie head The moment they touched, both shards fused and the cave was enveloped by the pillar of rainbow colors and the moment Nightmare and the others opened their eyes, the pillar and both girls were gone.

"They're gone..." whispered Raven as she started to cry.

"What happened?" Cindy asked as Nightmare walked past her, sitting in the chair and opening a folder on the bat computer. "Brice?" Cindy called out, but Nightmare ignored her and was working on something.

Soon Cindy took Raven up the stairs and to her room to rest, while Nightmare working on her computer She was searching for something as she was going over records of comets and she found something There was a report of a passing Rainbow comet three weeks ago, the same time Flare disappeared She remembered Flare talking about getting a sample of a comet She scanned the solar system with the league's space station radar and trying to find the comet but it was no where to be found She sat back in her chair and look at the picture of the comet She felt on unease about something.

"Where are you, Flare?? The feeling is that something bad is going to happen soon..."

Dashie could see her memories flashing in her mind as she saw them being played out: meeting Faith when she was getting bullied, going to her first marathon and watching her mother running in it, doing her first run and releasing a sonic rainboom, getting her cutie mark, moving to Ponyville, meeting AJ, Rarity, and Pinkie, saving the world, taking down gangs and protecting her turf from them, protecting her beloved...

"No...that's not right..." said Dashie as she grabbed her head in pain.

"What's not right?"

"Who's talking?" asked Dashie, looking around her but unable to see her memories. "Wait, this isn't right...this never happened."

"Of course not."

"Huh?" said Dashie

"That was a different reality She's trying to change you two The real you."

"I don't get it Who are you?" asked Dashie, and then a familiar voice rang out as the memories were replaced with the garden and the big tree from before Leaning on the tree, was the purple alicorn, as she looked up and waved at her.

"Welcome back!"

"You?" said Dashie in shock and awe as she blushed deeply

"Me." smiled the alicorn.

"Where am I? What's going on?"

"Your home."


"Our home, Our reality."

"That doesn't make sense My reality isn't here I need to get home Back to Equestria I need to find...her..." said Dashie.

"That was her reality This is yours The real one."

"This is mine?"


"Then why can't I remember this? Can't remember her? ...You?"

"She's trying to erase her and make you into "her"."

"Her. Who are you talking about?"

"That pony that you think is you."

"But I'm a pony I'm Rainbow B...."

"No, you're not."

"Yes, I am."

The alicorn was quiet for a moment before turning her head to Dashie. She looked sad as the garden started to glitch out with static.

"I'm sorry. She's taking over. She'll erase everything you are and make you into "her" if you allow her plan to work. You two need to remember her name. When you do, you'll return where it all started. Others are there; they're also trying to stop her, but they don't know it yet. You can stop her, too. Only "us" can stop it."

"Wait!" cried Dashie as the glitching grew worst "How do we stop her!?"

"Just remember her name." smiled the alicorn. The static took over, and she was gone. The garden was gone, and Dashie could feel herself falling into the prism light. As she fell, the light revealed three bodies: her human self and two pony bodies.

Dashie opened her eyes and saw the bright blue sky above her and the white clouds. She slowly rose and saw that she was in a flower field. She was a bit confused, not remembering the last few minutes.

"Where am I? How did I get here?"

She sat up and held her blue hand before her face as the sun's rays hit her eyes.

"Am I dreaming?"

She took a moment to let it sink in as she could see airships in the sky Her thoughts were interrupted by a voice that spoke from the distance.


She turned and could see two men wearing red and green knight armor as they arrived with their horses and pointed their swords at Dashie.

"What did you do with the princess? You are a blue-skinned demon!" said the red knight.

"Where's Lady Eirika!" shouted the green knight as he pointed his spear at her.

"Woah, Woah Slow down I'm not a demon!" shouted Dashie.

"Lies Only demons are blue and have different color hair!" yelled the red knight.

Dashie stood up and could see a large group heading towards them, among the large group were wizards, healers, more knights, heavy armor knights, archers, and so on She saw a female child running up to her and then transforming into a large baby dark blue skin dragon.

"Hi, What's your name!"

"My name?" said Dashie as the two knights moved back as the dragon got closer to her

"What are you?" asked the red knight as he looked at the weird get-up that Dashie was wearing

"Your skin Are you a dragon too!?" said the dragon, as she sniffed and licked Dashie. "Oh You taste like a candy!" smiled the dragon.

"Kuu, don't go licking strangers!" said a black mage wearing a purple robe and hat and long purple hair as she approached the group. "May we have your name?"

Dashie pointed her thumb at herself and smiled.

"Rainbow Rainbow Dashiell!"

end of chapter 6