• Published 7th Sep 2023
  • 1,766 Views, 57 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendship is Cine-magic: Pooh's Grand Adventure: The Search for Christopher Robin - IndyWriter Productions

The Main 7 are brought into a magical land with talking stuffed animals and a young boy who goes missing.

  • ...

Part 3: Where's Christopher Robin?

The golden rays of the rising sun bled throughout the changing landscape. Birds began chirping their morning songs. The leaves of the trees began to abandon their lush green color and changing to red, gold, orange, and brown. They began to break from the branches and dance through the air from the light, seasonal winds. The hundred acre woods was now littered with piles of fallen leaves.

Several of them flew through the open window of Pooh's home. Pooh and the Main 7 were still slumbering under the brisk, autumn air. Pooh slept soundly, muttering what Christopher Robin told him last night. Or, something close it.

"* snore * Braver than our beans. * snore * Longer when we gleam. * snore * Hum dee duh de dum." He muttered while the leaves floated ever so closer to him. “* snore * Hm dee duh-duh dee.”

Pooh smacked his lips as the leaves finally landed on his nose. He chuckled.

"Hello, Christopher Robin. I can't seem to remember the...To remember the, uh,..." Pooh said, still half-asleep.

The bright sunlight finally got him to open his eyes. Pooh quickly sat up and let the leaves fall in his hands.

"It's autumn?" He said, a smile forming on his face.

He leaped out of bed which startled the ponies and dragon awake.

"Hey, what's going on?" Rainbow rubbed her eyes.

"Pooh, what's happened?" Twilight asked, still waking up.

Pooh was too distracted to answer. He looked out through the window and saw all the colorful trees with leaves covering the cooling ground.

"It is. It's the first day of autumn." Pooh said excitedly.

"Wait. That's why you're up so early?" Spike asked.

The Main 7 all peered out through the window.

"We'll, it is beautiful out there." Applejack admitted.

"Yeah, whatever. I'm going back to sleep." Rainbow muttered.

Pooh wooshed right past her.

"A time of hot-chocolaty mornings and toasty marshmallow evenings." He ran into a closet and replaced his pajamas for his red shirt.

Pooh then ran for the door.

"And best of all...leaping into leaves." He cheered, opening the door and jumping for a pile of leaves.

The fall was suddenly halted when Pooh landed on something hard. he stood up in confusion and looked down. He saw a bright, blue honey pot underneath him. He slipped from the top and bonked his head against the ground.

"Oh, someone's left a honey pot." He chuckled. "All alone and lonely. With no one to care for it."

The Main 7 walked outside to see what the commotion was about. Fluttershy took in a deep breath of the crisp, autumn air and sighed in comfort.

"Has that been their the entire night?" Rarity asked, pointing to the honey pot.

"Ooooh. Somepony left a gift." Pinkie hopped in place.

"But, who?" Twilight asked.

Pooh sat down and thought.

"I suppose..." He hopped over to the jar and opened the lid. "I should take it."

Pooh dipped his hand into the pot. Golden honey oozed from the top and dripped all over an unnoticed note attached to the jar.

"Ew. Have you tried using spoon instead?" Rarity grimaced.

"Yeah, that seems a bit unsanitary." Twilight added.

"Hey, save some for us." Pinkie squealed.

Before he could stuff his face with honey, Pooh stop, a thought overtaking him.

"Although it might belong to someone. Though, just as easily not." Pooh said.

"What are you talking about? It was at your front door. It's clearly for you." Rainbow deadpanned.

"Hmmm. Think, think. Think." Pooh poked his head with the honey-covered hand.

"Dude, that is so gross." The blue pegasus scowled.

"It's getting everywhere." Spike said as the honey dripped onto his feet.

"I believe when a question becomes this sticky, I should ask my good friend, Christopher Robin." Pooh began to make his way over to the large tree they met over yesterday.

"Pooh, I'm pretty sure that's a gift for you." Twilight called out.

"Honestly, does he have no common sense?" Rarity wondered out loud.

"Let's just follow him." Fluttershy said.

The Main 7 all walked after the bear. When they finally reached the tree, Pooh was already calling out for Christopher Robin.

"Christopher Robin." He called. "Are you here?"

Pooh walked around the tree, trying to see the young boy in the distance.

"He must not be here, Pooh." Twilight said.

Pooh Bear kept looking around.

"Are you there?" Are you...anywhere?" He said.

"Maybe he's back at his house." Spike supposed.

Pooh look down in sorrow..

"Don't worry, Pooh. I'm sure he's around here somewhere." The alicorn comforted.

"Maybe the others might know." Pooh said.

"What do ya mean by "others"?" Applejack asked.

"Piglet!" Pooh knocked on a door of a another house built into a tree.

"You mean to tell me that there are others living here?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah." Pooh answered sincerely.

"Why didn't you tell us about them. There's more friends to make." Pinkie yelled.

"Piglet! Christopher Robin is gone." Just as Pooh finished, two acorns bonked in the head.

"Christopher...* bonk *...Chri...* bonk *" Pooh looked at the others as more acorns fell.

"Ow! Who keeps throwing those?" Rainbow rubbed her head.

Pooh stepped back and looked up. At the top of the tree, was a little, pink piglet.

"Why, Piglet, whatever are you doing...up there?" The bear asked.

The Main 7 all gasped as the little creature slowly crawled up the thinning branches.

"I'm doing just what Christopher Robin said I should do." Piglet replied. "I'm going to look my fear of heights right in the face and conquer it."

Suddenly, the branch Piglet held onto snapped. Now Piglet swayed helplessly with branch barely holding his weight. He stared downward.

"That is, if it doesn't conquer me first." Piglet's ears flattened as he now realized how high he was from the ground.

He covered his eyes with his hands in fear.

"Christopher Robin!" The little pig yelled at the top of his lungs.

"Oh, no!" Fluttershy cried out.

"Are you looking for him, too?" Pooh asked.

"Gee, Pooh. What do you think?" Rainbow asked sarcastically.

Just then, an orange creature with black stripes tackled Pooh Bear to the ground.

"What in tarnation?" Applejack said in surprise.

"Hiya, Pooh!" The creature chuckled hyperactively. "What's up?"

"Hello, Tigger." Pooh greeted.

"Hey, what's the big idea?" Rainbow asked angrily, getting in Tigger's face.

"Oh, Pooh. Whose your friend?" Tigger asked.

"Oh, that's...uh...Rainbow...Bash?" Pooh guessed.

The rainbow-maned pegasus face-hooved.

"It's Rainbow Dash! It's not that hard to remember." She said irritated.

"And we're her friends." Twilight said.

The other ponies and dragon said there names once again.

"Why, hello, you all. Name's Tigger. T-I-double guh-rrr. That spells Tigger." The spring-tailed tiger said, shaking Twilight's hoof.

"That's not how it's spelled. Or pronounced." Twilight pointed out matter-of-factly.

Tigger laughed.

"I sure I would know how to spell my own name." He said cheekily.

Twilight sighed in annoyance.

"Was it really necessary to tackle Pooh like that?" Rarity asked. "That was just uncalled for."

"Wait, then what exactly are you? What do you do?" Fluttershy added.

Tigger chuckled.

“Oh." Fluttershy whispered.

“Well, I have to admit. I like his enthusiasm.” Rainbow said.

"So, what brings you all here?" Tigger asked.

Several more acorns fell on top of the group.

"Piglet...is up." Pooh pointed upward.

Tigger looked up to see Piglet hanging for dear life as the branch continued to break.

"Help!" Piglet yelled desperately.

"Oh, relax, Piglet, old pal. There's no difference between plunging 10,000 feet to the jagged rocks below and...tumblin' out of bed." Tigger lifted Pooh back onto his feet.

"...What?" Twilight's brained bluescreened at the ridiculous logic.

Piglet slowly opened his eyes.

"Oh. Really?" He asked happily.

"Why, sure!" Tigger laughed. "Except for the splat at the end they're practically similar."

That statement killed all of Piglet's hopes. He covered his eyes again and panicked.

"Christopher Robin!" Piglet cried.

"Tigger!" Twilight said angrily.

"What is wrong with you?" Fluttershy said, who was just as miffed.

Tigger rubbed his chin in thought.

"Hmm. Clutched in the throes of terror, eh?" Tigger told himself. "Well, I guess I just better bounce up there get him down."

"How are you going to get him down?" Spike asked incredulously.

"Stand back, this is gonna take a world's record bounce." Tigger announced.

He bounced on his tail and sprang up to Piglet.

"Woah." Spike said dumbfounded.

Tigger grabbed for Piglet, but he couldn't get close enough. He fell down and sprang right back up. Acorns rained down on Pooh and the Main 7.

"Hey, watch it." Rarity growled.

Tigger missed again and again. As he came down for a third bounce, he looked angrily at his tail.

"What's the matter with wrong?" He asked, grabbing his tail. "Being a second-rate bouncer is not what tiggers like best."

Tigger sprang up once again with acorns raining down.

"This is dumb. I'm going to get Piglet myself." Rainbow said and began flying to Piglet.

Before Rainbow could reach Piglet, the branch he held onto broke off. Piglet fell and collided with Tigger as he ascended. The two dropped to the ground with a mighty thud.

"Oh, gosh. Are you two okay?" Fluttershy asked worriedly.

Their problems didn't end there. The entire premises of Piglet's house began to shake from Tigger's crash landing.

"Uh, what's going on?" the speedy pegasus asked.

A downpour of acorns fell from Piglet's tree and soon the ground was flooded with them. The tidal wave of acorns began to push Pooh, Tigger, Piglet, and the Main 7 with it.

"Everypony hold on." Twilight cried out.

Meanwhile, far up ahead was a field of harvested vegetables. The owner of the farmland was struggling to pull a carrot out of the ground. Rabbit heaved and pulled with everything he had, but the carrot would not budge. He pulled one last time, but the root vegetable pulled back and flung him into a wheelbarrow.

"It doesn't matter if you think you're not ripe." Rabbit said angrily. "This is Rabbit's garden, and Rabbit does things by the book."

He shoved the "Bunny's Farm Company" book in-front of the carrot. He opened it to prove his point.

"As it clearly says in the official almanac, "Today is...*ahem* the first day of fall following the last day of summer." Harvest day." He sneered. "Any questions?"

"Hellooooo!” A voice rang out.

Rabbit sighed.

"Oh, yes, the rutabaga in the back row, "Hello" what?" He asked impatiently.

Then he heard and felt a rumbling sensation. It was getting closer to him. His eyes widened and looked over.

“Incomin’!” Applejack called to the vegetable farmer.

Rabbit screamed as the acorn tsunami scooped him up.

"Hello, Rabbit." Pooh greeted.

"Hi, new friend." Pinkie greeted as well. "Weeee! This is fun."

"No! It’s not!" Rarity cried out.

Meanwhile, again, a depressed-looking donkey just finished building his house. A tent-like structure with sticks leaning against each other. Eeyore stared at it glumly.

"Not much of a house." He said flatly. "Just right for not much of a donkey."

Eeyore lowered his head gloomily. Then, he heard rumbling and panicked gibberish. He looked at see the wave of acorns along with his friends and some people he had never seen before heading toward him.

"Look out!" Twilight cried out.

The acorns swept Eeyore and his house up, but it didn't last long. The acorn wave finally broke apart and the gang clattered to a halt. The sticks from Eeyore's house now held him up helter-skelter.

"Easy come,...easy go." He groaned before the sticks broke apart. He flopped to the ground in a pile of his own home.

"Woohoo! Let's do that again." Pinkie bounced around excitedly.

"Let's not." Rainbow said cracking her back.

"Is everypony okay?" Twilight asked with concern.

The other nodded weakly.

"I hate acorns." Rarity grumbled.

Rabbit ended up on a pile of acorns. Every time he tried to get up, he would slip and fall back down with a thud.

"Excuse me, Rabbit, but would you happen to have a...* thud * a, um,...* thud * Christopher Robin about you?" Pooh asked.

"No! I haven't seen him." Rabbit tried to maintain balance.

* thud * Acorns flew everywhere.

"Bother.* thud * " Pooh said dejectedly. "He isn't where he should be."

* thud *

"And wasn't where we were."

* thud *

"And seems not to be anywhere..."

* thud *

"...where he can tell me..."

* thud *

"...whose honey this is."

* thud *

"Well, it isn't mine." Rabbit got up. "And I don't have time. It's harvest day! Says so in the book!"

"All right, sugarcube, settle down." Applejack said calmly.

"No! No, I won't settle down. I have carrots to cut, pumpkins to pick, peas to pluck!" Rabbit yelled furiously.

He couldn't continue his tantrum as Tigger tackled him to the ground with the jar of honey in hand. Pooh looked at his empty hands, realizing that Tigger now held the pot..

"Well, of course it's mine. It's got my name scribbled all over it." Tigger said. "T-I double g..." He his hand in honey and stuffed it in his mouth.

Until the actually taste of the honey assaulted his mouth.

"Honey?! Yuck! P-tooie! Blech!" Tigger spat the honey out in disgust.

The Main 7 looked on with varying emotions expressed on their faces

"Oh, good grief." Rainbow groaned.

"How do they put up with him?" Spike asked.

"Tiggers do not like honey." He said indignantly, hopping off of Rabbit.

Rabbit pulled the honey-covered note off of him.

"It isn't mine. Then again, few things are." Eeyore muttered sadly.

"Oooohhh. Why the long face, new friend." Pinkie hopped over to Eeyore. "Why not turn that frown upside down."

Pinkie took the ends of Eeyore's mouth and lifted them up, creating a smile. The pink mare giggled.

"Doesn't that feel better?" She asked.

"No, now please let go of my face." Eeyore grumbled.

Pinkie smiled and giggled.

"Just stick with me, Grouchy and I'll make you happier than you can ever dream of." Pinkie pulled the donkey in for a side-hug.

"Uh, Pinkie, is it? Eeyore isn't much of a happy fellow." Piglet said.

"Well, that's gonna change soon." The pink, party pony said happily.

Eeyore rolled his eyes.

Rabbit wiped and whipped the honey off his fur.

"Oh, here!" He shoved the honey pot in Pooh's hands.

"If only I could find Christopher Robin. He could tell me whose it is." Pooh said.

"Why do you need Christopher Robin for this?" Rarity said, staying clear of the spilled honey. "I'm sure you can figure this out yourself."

"Why don't you check the note and find out?" Rabbit angrily shoved the note in Pooh's face. But, the note stuck to his hands, thanks to the honey. It slapped back to Rabbit's face, forcing him to shove back at Pooh's.

Pooh grabbed the note off his face.

"There was a note on the jar this whole time?" Rainbow asked.

"A note! Why, Rabbit, how clever of you." Pooh chuckled "I'll just read it."

His smile turned to a frown.

"Or would... if I could." Pooh said.

He looked over to Rabbit.

"Perhaps you can, Rabbit?" Pooh asked with a smile.

Rabbit gave him a grumpy look. He harrumphed and grabbed the note from Pooh.

"I could read this with my eyes closed." Rabbit boasted and laughed.

Twilight looked over to Applejack with a dumbfounded look. Applejack shrugged.

"It says...[ahem] ehway ehno umba woohu gleghe seelia wooya. Googoo uoomgum berbum uh eelia culia..." Rabbit stopped and peered over the note with an embarrassed look.

The others had looks of confusion and incredulousness. Except for Spike, who struggled to hold in his laughter.

"Maybe if you did close your eyes you could've read it better." Rainbow joked.

"Well, I could have read it if Tigger hadn't bounced me so." Rabbit huffed.

"Let me see it." Twilight sighed.

She grabbed the note with her magic.

“By the way, I didn’t catch your name. Or any of your friends’ at that.” Rabbit said.

“Oh, right. My name is Twilight Sparkle. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

The rest of the Main 7 shared their names again, much to Rainbow’s.

“Seriously, we’ve said are names dozens of times. Surely you remember at this point.” She said flying up to Pooh Bear.

“Rainbow Dash!” Rarity said defensively. “There is nothing wrong with sharing our names if they didn’t remember the first time. It’s the polite thing to do.”

“Okay, okay. I’m sorry.” Rainbow sighed.

“Eh, right. Rabbit’s the name. I’m sure you’ve Pooh, Piglet, and Tigger already.” Rabbit said.

“Eeyep.” Applejack answered.

“And that’s Eeyore.” Piglet pointed to the donkey.

“Hello.” He muttered.

“Doesn’t seem very happy to see us.” Fluttershy said.

“Oh, he’s like that all the time.” Rabbit said.

Twilight tried to see what the note said, but with all the honey coating the paper, it proved to be impossible.

"I can’t tell what it says. All the honey is making the words wonky and distorted. I can’t discern it." Twilight said.

"What do we do now?" Fluttershy asked softly.

"Well, there's someone who might be able to help." Rabbit said.

"Really? Who?" Applejack asked.

"Follow me everyone." Rabbit said.

The others followed after him.

"So, once we translate the note, we'll find out who the honey belongs to." Spike said.

"It's Pooh's. Why else would it be at his doorstep." Twilight said exasperated.

"Calm down, Twi. They all figure it out." Applejack comforted. "And then we can figure out where Christopher Robin is."

Twilight drew in a deep breath.

"You're right, Applejack. Hopefully this clears up soon." The friendship princess sighed.

"It will, Twilight. Ah guarantee it." The farm pony said.

Unfortunately for the Main 7, things were going to get much more complicated. And much darker.

To be continued