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Puerto Caballo 5

The alleyways leading back to Dona Yuca's house were still as empty as before, though there were more signs of life. Only a hoof full of ponies were out and about, and they all looked as guarded as Sunset was. It was understandable, with the city ready to erupt into full out war at any given moment. Sunset could literally feel the stares the ponies hiding in their homes sent her way.

"You must be a smart little unicorn." Alesia said, breaking the silence. She looked unusually relaxed, as if they were walking through the most guarded street in Canterlot, under the view of Princess Celestia. "What course were you assigned in the RMA?"

Of course Alesia would be more interested in Sunset's time at the Royal Military Academy, classes there were smaller since it was expensive, and she was a former guardsmare. It wouldn't hurt to tell her right?

"Engineering and Command." Sunset answered easily. They were about ten to fifteen minutes away from Dona Yuca's house by this point. With the port being full of creatures trying to escape, and a city on the verge of civil war, there wasn't much she could do in her spare time.

"Impressive, that must've been some scholarship." Alesia's eyes drifted towards the opening alleyway a few feet ahead. She narrowed her eyes. "The command course is the hardest ome to get accepted into, unless you're a noble."

Sunset winced. That was true, most of the ponies that attended command came from noble families. Most of the RMA classes she shared with Blueblood came from that course. She liked to think that they had a working, professional relationship by the time Sunset rebelled against the Princess and escaped into the human world. The spoiled Prince was one of the few ponies she could have actually called a friend.

"It was a very generous scholarship." Sunset defended herself. Balancing her schoolwork between the RMA and the School for Gifted Unicorns took a lot out of her, physically, emotionally, and mentally, but it would've been worth it if she had been able to make Princess Celestia proud.

She rarely did.

"So you say." They passed the alleyway without any issues. Alesia looked bored now. "With all your talents, what are you doing here? I'm sure there's more to it than Zumidian beaches."

Sunset eyed Alesia out of the corner of her eyes. The earth pony was unusually curious, it didn't match what little the unicorn had seen of her personality. Was she trying to figure out who Sunset truly was? Or was she just trying to make a new friend?

"I'm just trying to find out who I really am." Sunset said neutrally. That was a good enough answer that wouldn't reveal too much. She barely knew the older mare after all.

Alesia raised a lone eyebrow just as they turned the corner where Dona Yuca's street was. "You already have your cutie mark-"

She was interrupted by the sound of several loud cracks, causing Sunset's eyes to widen. She knew that sound, Sunset heard them almost every night back in the warehouse she called jlme in the human world.

"Gunfire." Alesia's thick accent made her voice sound even more grim. Yet, when Sunset twisted her head to look at the mare, all she found was a cold, hard smile on Alesia's muzzle. "Let us hurry, I need to hear what's on the radio."

Alesia trotted just a tad bit faster while Sunset stumbled behind her, nearly tripping on thin air.

"Nononononono." Sunset mumbled under her breath. This wasn't good!

She was going to be caught in the middle of a war zone!

Easy Move groaned softly as he buried himself deeper into his bed for the night, well day technically. He had to cover his muzzle with his blankets to prevent Princess Celestia's sun from glaring into his eyes. It wasn't everyday he got to sleep into a bed that wasn't shifting every couple seconds, or rocking like it did on the ERNS Radiance, his Blueblood-class battlecruiser. Admiral Cynosura was still pissed off that the idiot Prince managed to convince his aunt's to name what had been their latest design after himself. The lucky bastard hadn't even stepped onboard one.

The dark blue stallion giggled as he buried his muzzle in his pillow, slightly drooling. The Spa Island's were always nice this time of year, and Easy Move always enjoyed his time ashore in the new naval base in Southpoint. Somepony knocked on his door loudly, causing the earth pony to groan, covering his ears with his slobbered pillow.

They knocked again, pounding on the door even louder. Easy Move squeezed his head as hard as he could without hurting himself. They knocked again, causing him to groan even louder.

"Who is it!?" Easy Move shouted, rubbing his eyes. He blinked a few times to get rid of the blurriness. His red eyes glared at the door.

"It's Captain Ivy Twirl, sir." A muffled mare's voice came from the gap where the floor met the door. Oh, it was the captain of his flagship, the Radiance.

"What is it?" Easy Move shouted again, getting up from his bed. There was no way he was going to be able to keep sleeping if she was the one that was annoying him. He made his way to his closet, pulling his uniform.

"Orders from Naval Command, sir." Captain Twirl said. Her voice was quieter this time, but Easy Move's ears were still able to catch it.

"More pirates to catch." Easy Move grumbled under his breath, dressing himself with the utmost precision. He slicked his dark hair back, finishing the knot on his tie. "It's just a waste of taxpayer money."

Easy Move's black jacket slid on easily, leaving the final piece of his uniform, and his favorite. His officer's hat was carefully placed on his head at just the right angle to ensure that it always looked straight. He made his way to the door, unlocking it, revealing the green pegasus that decided to interrupt his sleep.

"Rear Admiral Easy Move, Sir!" Captain Ivy Twirl saluted. She was already in uniform, and had a serious look on her muzzle.

"At ease Captain." Easy Move scooted past her, taking a right down the hall. He was going to need breakfast and coffee before dealing with whatever Naval Command wanted from him. To the mess hall! Ivy Twirl fell in, walking beside him. "What does Cynosura want now?"

"Puerto Caballo's fallen into civil unrest." Captain Twirl started, interrupting Easy Move's yawn. Civil unrest in Puerto Caballo? It wasn't unheard of, it was an open secret amongst the south islands that Buckio Buckista replaced the president whenever he felt like it. "Princess Celestia has commanded the Navy to help evacuate the ponies fleeing."

Which means Cynosura wanted him to handle it.

"Just to evacuate?" Easy Move kept his head aimed straight forward. "Or does she want the ERN to restore order?"

Even if Puerto Caballo was still an independent nation, Equestria still had the final say in most matters. And it wasn't like they had a ship that could threaten his fleet, the Radiance alone should be enough to cow them into submission.

"Just to evacuate, sir." Ivy Twirl's left eye twitched. Hm, it looked like she was hoping for more action. Did she want to move up the ranks?

"I see, so the Princess doesn't wish for another Stalliongrad." Easy Move said out loud, nodding slowly. That made sense, with how much of a disaster that was for the Royal Guard. It would take a week to get there, maybe less if they pushed their ships engines to the max. "Prepare the fleet, I want all ships ready to sail within two hours, except the Sunny, it's still being repaired, correct?" That should give him enough time to grab a real breakfast.

"Yes sir." Captain Twirl nodded curtly.

"Have the shipyard focus on the repairs." Easy Move sped up to a trot. Ivy Twirl matched his speed. "And have the base on red alert until we return, or until I send a transmission."

"Very well, sir!" Ivy Twirl saluted him and broke off at the next intersection. Easy Move's shoulders sagged the moment she was out of view. Celestia and Luna, he really hated the sea.

Hopefully this operation would be completed soon.

Author's Note:

Easy Move is an OC from JahJah. Thank you for letting me use him! 

I commissioned this picture of Sunset in her future uniform