• Published 3rd Aug 2023
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The Anciridian: ACU Involved - Twisted Studios Inc

Anci Warrior Logan Jackson is brought to Equestria!

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Chapter 1: The Wake Up Call

As Logan's consciousness slowly returned, he found himself lying in a dense forest, surrounded by the remnants of his gear. His head throbbed, and his body ached from the tumultuous journey through the Experimental Trans-Dimensional Rift. He groaned, trying to piece together what had happened.

His eyes fell upon his trusty shield, now dented and scratched from the impact with the ground. The shield had been a reliable companion in countless battles, and its current state was a testament to the force of his unexpected arrival in this unfamiliar dimension.

With a deep breath, Logan pushed himself up, wincing as he felt the pain coursing through his body. He was grateful that his Underium Shirt and Pants had provided some protection, but they couldn't shield him from the shock of such a landing.

As he tried to collect his thoughts, he noticed his suitcase, which held crucial weaponary, lodged high up in a tree. The contents were secure, at least, but retrieving the case would require some effort.

Summoning what strength he could muster, Logan rose to his feet and walked toward the tree. His blue coat was torn, swaying with each step, its familiar weight offering a sense of grounding in this unfamiliar place. His metal headpiece glinted in the dappled sunlight filtering through the forest canopy.

He inspected the tree, realizing it was too high for him to reach without assistance. Logan grunted with frustration; he needed that gear if he had any hope of finding a way back to the ACU or uncovering who was behind the attack.

Surveying his surroundings, Logan noticed a long branch nearby, sturdy enough to be used as an impromptu tool. He grabbed the branch, testing its weight before hurling it upward to dislodge the suitcase. It took a few attempts, but eventually, the branch struck the case, sending it tumbling down to the forest floor.

Relief washed over Logan as he caught the suitcase. He opened it, ensuring that the gear was intact, and then secured it within his coat once more. The contents that it contained was too valuable to be left unguarded.

With the immediate crisis averted, Logan took a moment to assess his situation. He was in an unknown realm, separated from his team, and unsure of the dangers that lurked in this forest. Survival required caution and a clear head.

Despite the pain and weariness, Logan knew he couldn't afford to rest for long. He had to find a way to navigate this dimension, discover its secrets, and ultimately return to the ACU to face the unknown enemy responsible for the attack on the Capitol.

Determined to make the best of his situation, Logan pushed forward into the forest, using his skills and instincts to guide him. With every step, he steeled himself for the challenges that lay ahead, his resolve unwavering in the face of adversity. The forest was a mystery, but Logan Jackson was no stranger to the unknown. He would survive, and he would find a way to bring justice to those who had threatened his home and his people.

As Logan gingerly navigated through the forest, the pain from his plasma burn serving as a constant reminder of the trials he had endured, he couldn't help but feel a heightened sense of alertness. The unfamiliar environment and the recent attack had made him wary of any potential threats.

When he heard rustling in the nearby bushes, his hand instinctively went to the hilt of his sword, but before he could draw it, two wolf-like creatures emerged from the undergrowth. Their wooden forms and piercing eyes marked them as something unusual, unlike any creatures he had encountered before.

His Dark Magic surged within him, and with a practiced gesture, his sword materialized in his hands. Gripping it firmly, Logan prepared to defend himself. He had encountered various adversaries in the past, but wooden creatures were entirely new territory.

The wolves circled him, their movements fluid and coordinated. They appeared to be guardians of this forest, and Logan was intruding into their territory. He remained cautious, observing them closely to discern any patterns or weaknesses.

As they continued to circle, Logan noticed a certain glimmer in their eyes, an intelligence that suggested these creatures were more than mere beasts. He took a step back, hoping to avoid any confrontation, but the wolves' demeanor remained unwavering.

With his weapon in hand, Logan engaged the wooden wolves, anticipating their moves as they lunged at him. The wolves were agile and formidable, their wooden bodies displaying an uncanny strength. Each clash was a test of skill and determination, and Logan fought with a focus honed through years of combat experience.

For a brief moment, he thought he had gained the upper hand, managing to land a well-placed strike that seemed to incapacitate one of the wolves. However, to his astonishment, the defeated wolf began to reform itself, its wooden body seamlessly knitting back together.

Logan's eyes widened in surprise as the wolves showed their resilience, and his heart raced as he realized that this was not an ordinary encounter. These creatures were unlike anything he had faced before.

Realizing that defeat was not an option, Logan made a quick decision to try and escape their relentless pursuit. Channeling his agility and mastery of parkour, he leaped and dodged through the dense forest, using the terrain to his advantage.

Despite his impressive maneuvers, the wooden wolves were relentless in their pursuit. Their determination to protect their territory was matched only by Logan's resolve to survive. He pushed himself to the limits, vaulting over fallen trees and navigating through narrow gaps with unmatched precision.

But the wolves were fast and cunning, and despite his best efforts, one of them managed to tackle him, causing him to crash to the ground. The wolf sank its wooden teeth into Logan's leg, and he gritted his teeth against the pain, refusing to let out a cry. He knew that showing weakness now would only embolden the creatures further.

Drawing upon his Dark Magic once again, Logan summoned a burst of energy that threw the attacking wolf off him. He quickly scrambled to his feet, clutching his injured leg, and continued his desperate attempt to evade the relentless pursuit.

Every step felt like an eternity, his body tiring, but he couldn't give in. The stakes were too high, and his determination to survive burned brighter than ever. He needed to find a way out of this forest and back to the ACU. The data chip in his coat was a constant reminder of the responsibility he carried, even in this treacherous realm.

With the wolves still hot on his trail, Logan pressed on, driven by the knowledge that the survival of the ACU and the multiverse depended on his escape. His heart pounded in his chest, adrenaline coursing through his veins as he pushed himself to the limits of his abilities.

Through the dense foliage and over treacherous terrain, Logan fought to maintain his footing, hoping to outmaneuver the relentless creatures pursuing him. As he continued to run, his mind raced, seeking a way to gain the upper hand and turn the tide of this unexpected battle.

In this unfamiliar realm, Logan Jackson, the Anci war hero, was now faced with a fight for his life against enigmatic adversaries. The outcome was uncertain, but he remained steadfast in his determination to protect his people and return to the ACU, no matter the challenges that lay ahead.

As the wooden monsters closed in on him, Logan knew he had to act swiftly. Drawing upon his Dark Magic, he channeled the energy within him, forming a blazing fireball in his hand. With a forceful throw, he launched the fireball at the approaching creatures, and upon impact, the wolves erupted into flames.

The wolves howled in pain as they caught fire, momentarily stunned by the unexpected attack. The flames provided a much-needed diversion, buying Logan precious time to escape. He wasted no time, taking advantage of the momentary distraction to sprint away from the burning wolves.

Despite his injured leg, he pushed himself to his limits, fueled by the adrenaline coursing through his veins. The pain was numbed by his determination to survive and the dire need to reach safety. He spotted a hollowed tree trunk nearby and didn't hesitate to dart into it, using the tree's natural shelter to hide from the still-recovering timberwolves.

In the confines of the tree trunk, Logan reached into a hidden compartment of his coat and pulled out a small needle filled with pain-killers. He quickly jabbed it into his injured leg, delivering the numbing relief he needed to dull the agony temporarily.

The pain-killers took effect swiftly, easing the throbbing pain in his leg. Breathing a sigh of relief, Logan focused on steadying his breathing and composing himself. He knew that he couldn't stay hidden for long; he had to formulate a plan to escape this dangerous forest and find his way back to the ACU.

As he caught his breath, Logan's mind raced, analyzing the situation and weighing his options. He had to find a way to outmanoeuvre the creatures and reach safety. With a sense of caution, Logan steeled himself for what lay ahead. He knew that there were more challenges to overcome, more mysteries to unravel in this unfamiliar dimension. But he was a seasoned warrior, and he had faced overwhelming odds before.

Carefully, he peeked out from the tree trunk, making sure the coast was clear before venturing out again. The flames from the wooden wolves' earlier encounter had dissipated, and the forest was eerily quiet.

Moving with cautious determination, Logan charted a new course, seeking a path away from the wolves and toward a potential escape route. The adrenaline still surged within him, but he focused on maintaining control, using his skills and wits to navigate through this treacherous terrain.

As he moved forward, the echoes of the wolves' howls lingered in the air, a constant reminder of the danger he faced. But Logan Jackson was no stranger to danger, and he was prepared to do whatever it took to survive and return to the ACU, where the safety of the multiverse depended on his success. After what seemed like hours, Logan spotted a small river. By this point, his adrenaline was gone, and Logan was using his sword to limp along.

Energy gone, Logan collapsed by the river bank. Looking at his reflection, Logan saw that his face was bloodied and covered in sweat and dirt. Lifting his Underium shirt, Logan started to put water in the burn. Upon impact, he cried out in extreme pain. But Logan knew it had to be done, so he kept going. Tears were filling his eyes as Logan kept washing his wound. Soon, the burn stopped hurting, and Logan observed the flow of the river.

There were bits of red in the water, as it was carried away. Logan, who was slowly reaching his exhaustion limit, got up, and followed the river, limping with each step. The more he followed it, the thinner the forest got. Soon, Logan felt the ground rushing up to him, and Logan let the darkness come creeping in. At least he was out of the woods.

”Who is’t art thee?” came a voice in the darkness. Logan opened his eyes, seeing that he was surrounded by darkness. Logan looked around, but there was nothing to look at. Alert, Logan attempted to summon his sword. It never appeared. Now, Logan was more concerned than confused.

“Who’s there?” He yelled into the darkness, hoping to scare whatever it was off. But Logan saw movement from the corner of his eye. Turning quickly, Logan was now face to face with a large, midnight-coloured horse.

Author's Note:

Oooh, introducing Luna! Anyway, hope you all enjoyed! As usual, feel free to follow for more!