• Published 3rd Aug 2023
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The Anciridian: ACU Involved - Twisted Studios Inc

Anci Warrior Logan Jackson is brought to Equestria!

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Prologue: The Tower Battle

"No more the Admiral for the New Anci, got it," came a voice from behind the stack of papers. The Relian leaned to the side, spotting the Head Agent in charge. The room was dimly lit, with holographic displays flickering around, showcasing various anomalies and containment cases.

Logan Jackson, the man addressed as the Head Agent, spun around in his chair. His presence demanded attention, and his rugged appearance spoke of a life of battles and triumphs. Around 30 years old, Logan had striking brown hair that fell in waves, framing his chiseled features. But what truly set him apart were his eyes – one cyan, the other completely white, a unique trait inherited from his battle with the Ridi, now Overmind, soldier Lord Losa.

His reputation preceded him, for Logan was not only a war hero but also a seasoned captain who had served through about 5-6 Multiversal wars. In each conflict, he had showcased exceptional leadership and unwavering bravery. The Anci Containment Unit was lucky to have him as their leader.

The Relian straightened up, giving Logan a respectful nod. "Of course, Agent Jackson. I'll make sure the message reaches everyone in the division. The Anci have a formidable leader in your place now."

Logan acknowledged the compliment with a brief nod, his focus never wavering. His eyes scanned the room, assessing the progress on various containment cases and projects. The responsibility weighed heavily on his shoulders, but he had never shied away from challenges before, and he wouldn't start now.

"We've had a few minor incidents recently," the Relian continued, referring to some containment breaches that had been dealt with promptly. "But your presence here has undoubtedly made a difference. The team is more focused, and morale has never been higher."

Logan's lips quirked into a half-smile. He appreciated the recognition but knew that the true strength of the Anci Containment Unit lay in its collective effort. "I'm just one part of this team, and every member contributes to our success. We must stay vigilant. The New Anci may be safe for now, but we cannot afford to be complacent."

The Relian nodded in agreement, fully aware of the consequences of underestimating the Anci's capabilities. These beings were powerful, with abilities that transcended the limits of this reality. But with Logan's experience and strategic mind at the helm, they stood a fighting chance against these interdimensional threats.

As the Head Agent, Logan knew that his duty extended far beyond protecting a single universe. He was tasked with safeguarding the multiverse itself, preventing potential cataclysms that could endanger all existence. It was a burden that he willingly carried, for he had seen firsthand the devastating consequences of unchecked Multiversal activity.

With each war he had endured, Logan had grown stronger, not just in power, but in wisdom. He knew the cost of conflict and understood the value of preserving the delicate balance between dimensions.

The Relian watched Logan with admiration, knowing that the fate of countless lives rested on his capable shoulders. The Head Agent's dedication to his duty and his fellow agents inspired everyone around him. Logan decided to walk out of his office on the top of the ACU Tower, and took a lift to the lower levels.

Logan Jackson strolled through the bustling Level 9 of the Anci Containment Unit headquarters, where the Multiversal Scanning Equipment was housed. The room hummed with activity as technicians monitored the intricate displays and manipulated the advanced machinery. Logan's cyan and white eyes darted from one screen to another, taking in the complex data streaming in from different dimensions.

As he approached one of the scanning stations, he spotted Zeek Taurus, a Machinik whom he had created during the 3rd Multiversal War. Logan had designed Zeek to be a reliable and adaptable ally, and the sentient robot had proven his worth in countless missions. Over the recent years, Zeek had evolved from an highly trained fighter, into a skilled technician, responsible for maintaining and improving the scanning equipment.

"Zeek," Logan called out with a warm smile, "how's everything running?"

Zeek turned to face Logan, his metallic features displaying a mix of pride and diligence. "All systems are operational, Agent Jackson. The upgrades you implemented have significantly enhanced our scanning capabilities. I must say, I quite enjoy tinkering with these machines."

"I knew you would," Logan replied, patting Zeek's metallic shoulder. "You've always had a knack for technology. The Machinik race truly is a remarkable creation."

Zeek's mechanical eyes glowed with gratitude. "Thank you for the compliment, Agent Jackson. I am proud to serve in this capacity."

As they walked away from the scanning station, Logan and Zeek engaged in a casual conversation about their lives after the Multiversal wars. Zeek shared how he had adapted to his newfound passion for technology and how he relished the chance to contribute to the containment unit in this way. Logan, on the other hand, spoke about the challenges of transitioning from a war hero to a leader responsible for keeping the multiverse safe during times of peace.

"I have to admit," Logan confessed, "it was quite an adjustment. But I've come to realize that there are other ways to protect and serve. Our work here, ensuring the Anci stay protected, is just as vital as our battles during the wars."

Zeek nodded thoughtfully. "Indeed, the threat may have changed, but our dedication remains unwavering. We must stay vigilant, for the safety of the multiverse depends on it."

Their conversation turned more personal as they reminisced about their fallen friend, Vonn Askew, who had fought alongside them during the 3rd Multiversal War. Vonn had been a remarkable ally, brimming with courage and charisma, but he had made the ultimate sacrifice to save countless lives.

"I miss Vonn every day," Logan said, his voice tinged with a hint of sorrow. "He was a true hero and a dear friend. We must honor his memory by continuing to protect what he fought for."

Zeek's robotic features shifted, displaying a mixture of empathy and sadness. "Vonn's sacrifice will never be forgotten. His legacy lives on in the hearts of those he inspired, and we carry his spirit with us in every mission we undertake."

Logan smiled gratefully at Zeek's understanding. "You're right, Zeek. We carry on, in his memory and for the countless lives we aim to protect."

As the night descended upon the ACU, Logan retired to his quarters, seeking a few hours of rest before the new day's challenges. Sleep came slowly, and when it did, he found himself drifting into a realm of haunting memories.

In his dreams, the battlefield of the 7th Multiversal War unfolded once more. The Newly-reunited Ridi Armada stood formidable, led by the merciless Lolin Jackion. The battle was fierce, and Logan fought with all his might alongside his loyal comrades, including his dear friend, Vonn Askew.

The memories of that fateful day flooded Logan's mind. The clash of powers, the roar of battleships, and the cries of fallen soldiers echoed in his ears. He saw Vonn, his unwavering ally, facing Lolin Jackion with unyielding determination. The confrontation was intense, and despite Vonn's valor, he couldn't withstand the sheer might of the Ridi leader.

Logan relived the heart-wrenching moment when Vonn was dismantled before his very eyes. He could do nothing but watch in despair as his dear friend fell in the line of duty, fighting for a cause greater than himself.

In the midst of the turmoil, Logan's memories shifted to another moment in time, long before Vonn was a machine. It was during the 2nd Multiversal War, and Logan, still young and inexperienced, had just met Vonn on the battlefield. Back then, Vonn was an Eternal Strategist, full of life and bravery.

Their meeting had been unexpected, and yet, a bond formed between them almost instantly. They had saved each other's lives countless times, forging an unbreakable connection that transcended the boundaries of war and species. Logan dreamt about how they stormed the Dark Castle of Kelos, how Vonn was killed, and how Logan brought him back as a Machinik

As the dream progressed, Logan found himself reliving Vonn's final moments. The pain of loss was as raw as it had been on that tragic day. Vonn had been a loyal friend, a trusted confidant, and someone who had always stood by Logan's side, regardless of the odds.

"I'm with you till the end, Sir- I mean, Logan," Vonn's voice echoed in his dream, his final words etched into Logan's heart forever.

The dream took a darker turn as Logan remembered the Ridi Dreadnought, the massive warship that had nearly cost him his life. He recalled how, in a desperate attempt to save the multiverse, he had sent the Dreadnought hurtling into a dimension of frozen time. The price for such a maneuver had been steep, freezing Logan in a stasis that lasted for thousands of years.

Yet, despite the agonizing trials he endured, the New Anci had eventually discovered their long-lost leader and brought him back to the Capitol. Logan emerged from his frozen slumber, unaware of how much time had passed.

As the night drew to a close, Logan woke from his dream with a heavy heart and tear-streaked eyes. The memories of war and loss weighed on him, but they also fueled his resolve to protect the multiverse and honor the sacrifice of his fallen friend, Vonn Askew.

The ground shook, and Logan sensed something was wrong. Looking out the window, Logan saw the Capitol Headquarters in flames. Panic and confusion overtook Logan, as he quickly rushed to his desk and activated an emergency intercom.

“Call all active agents, the New Anci Headquarters has been attacked! I repeat, it has been attacked!” Logan called, his voice echoing throughout the Tower. Many agents looked up, and most of them set off towards the Capitol, eager to get the situation under control.

After nearly 80% of the ACU had left the Tower, however, the real attack began. Logan heard a crashing sound, before smoke rushed past his windows. There, several enemy troop transport ships were opening fire on the Tower. Knowing that this was the true attack, Logan slammed his hand in the emergency Lockdown and Defence lever, activating the red lights and alarms.

As Logan Jackson made his way through the smoke-filled corridors, he could feel the weight of responsibility pressing down on him. The unknown enemy had caught them off guard, and his heart sank as he witnessed the carnage left in their wake. Fallen agents lay scattered across the floors, their sacrifices a stark reminder of the dangers they faced.

Determined to protect whatever survivors remained, Logan quickly donned his Underium Shirt and Pants, the advanced attire that provided him enhanced protection. He pulled on his old, blue coat, the garment that had accompanied him through countless battles, and placed a metal headpiece on his forehead, an accessory that augmented his natural abilities of sight.

With grim determination, he sprinted towards the tower's highest floor, where the lab was located. The enemy's true intentions remained a mystery, and Logan knew that he had to gather any information he could. The lab contained vital data and research that must not fall into the wrong hands.

Amid the chaos, he spotted a few remaining agents holding their ground against the attackers, providing cover for others to escape. Logan nodded to them, acknowledging their bravery, but he knew that he couldn't afford to join the fray just yet. He had to reach the lab first.

As he ascended to the 18th floor, the intensity of the confrontation below began to fade. The enemy seemed more interested in ransacking the Tower's main floors, leaving a path of destruction in their wake. Logan reached the lab, and with swift movements, he retrieved a secured data chip containing critical information about the New Anci and potential weaknesses the enemy could exploit. Logan also grabbed a wrist shield, a backpack, and a metal suitcase.

His thoughts were clouded with grief and anger as he realized the extent of the betrayal. Someone had orchestrated this attack, someone who knew the ACU's inner workings and vulnerabilities. But there was no time for contemplation; his priority was to survive this onslaught and protect the knowledge that could endanger countless lives if misused.

In the lab, Logan found a hidden escape route that led to the rooftop of the tower. As he emerged into the open air, he was met with the acrid smell of smoke and the distant sounds of gunfire below. The Tower was under siege, and he was its last line of defense.

He gazed out at the cityscape below, a stark reminder of all he had fought to protect. His comrades, his friends, and innocent lives were at stake. Logan took a deep breath, his emotions suppressed, and his resolve sharpened to a razor's edge.

With the data chip secured in a hidden compartment within his coat, he activated a communicator, sending a distress signal to the remaining agents who could still hear him. "Regroup at the rendezvous point," he urged them, "Stay alive and fight your way to the rooftop. We have to get out of here."

As the ACU agents battled their way to the top, Logan scanned the horizon for any signs of their attackers. He knew that they couldn't stay on the rooftop for long, as it was only a matter of time before the enemy traced their location.

Gripping the metal headpiece on his forehead, he steeled himself for what lay ahead. The unknown enemy had made a grave mistake by underestimating the resilience of the Anci and their leader. And as the survivors reached the rooftop, Logan's eyes blazed with determination, ready to lead his people through this night of terror and exact vengeance upon those who dared to threaten their home.

The rooftop doors burst off their hinges, and men in black armour came rushing out, their Plasma Guns pointed at Logan. Enemy forces closed in, and Logan knew that he was running out of time. His mind raced, searching for a solution that could save his people and turn the tide of the battle.

With the data chip containing critical information secured within his coat, Logan knew that he couldn't risk it falling into enemy hands. And then it struck him – the Experimental Trans-Dimensional Rift device he collected from the lab below. It was a high-risk option, but it might be their only chance at survival.

"Get back!" Logan shouted to his fellow agents as he activated the device. The rooftop trembled as the rift began to open, and just as he did, he felt a searing pain in his side. He had been shot by an enemy who had managed to close the distance during the chaos.

Gritting his teeth against the pain, Logan stumbled backward, losing his balance as the rift's energy pulled at him. He fought against the darkness threatening to consume him, mustering every ounce of strength to stay conscious. He knew that if he were to fall now, the data chip would be lost, and the ACU might be doomed.

With a final surge of determination, Logan dived into the rift just as it began to close behind him. The world around him dissolved into a kaleidoscope of swirling colors and fractured realities. The sensation was disorienting, and he felt like he was being torn apart and reassembled all at once.

As the rift sealed shut, Logan found himself tumbling through an unknown dimension, his body battered and wounded. The turmoil of the trans-dimensional journey made it difficult to maintain his grip on reality, but he clung to consciousness, driven by the hope of survival and the duty to protect his people.

The sensation didn’t last long, as the swirling, purple fires of the Rift peeled away, leaving only blue sky. Logan quickly looked around. He was falling: that was certain. But the Argon Energy in the area around him felt off. Looking down, Logan saw that he was heading for a forest at high speed. Thinking quickly, Logan activated his wrist shield, and braced for the impact.

The darkness closed in as Logan hit the forest floor.

Author's Note:

Alright! First Anciridian story on fimfiction! I welcome you readers to my story. If you like what you read, feel free to follow me for more stories! If you feel like there are some issues, please leave some constructive criticism. And as always, have a good day!