• Published 14th Nov 2012
  • 5,796 Views, 88 Comments

Yu-Gi-Oh! Equus X Zexal - moviemaster8510

A crossover of the anime Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal and my fanfic Yu-Gi-Oh! Equus.

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Chapter 5: Mission


Tuesday, June 19th, 2012, Northern Equestria, Dusk


Along with the night sky, the blizzard made it virtually impossible to see outside the train windows. Cadance and Shining Armor were already preparing for the trek to the Crystal Empire once the train made it to the Northern station. Shining Armor wrapped a thick, cyan scarf around his wife’s neck and head while she wrapped a black scarf around her husband. Lastly, they each put a pair of visors over their eyes to shield them from the storm.

“Are you ready for this?” asked Shining Armor.

“I think it’s way too late to turn back now,” Cadance answered.

The train was finally slowing down, prompting the two ponies to stand by the door of the train carriage. Upon stopping, the door opened up, exposing them to the freezing wind of the blizzard. Upon stepping out they made their last plans.

“Celestia told us that the empire is due north of the station,” explained Shining Armor. “She then just told us to be careful, whatever that means.”

“Forward we go, I guess,” said Cadance.

Cadance and Shining Armor trekked through the storm for what seemed like hours. The scarves felt warm over their faces and the visors provided an excellent method for seeing through the storm, but the blistering cold was still a detriment to their speedy arrival. Cadance panted onwards, until she saw something in the distance that lifted her spirits. A light like a beacon shone in the sky about two miles from their location.

“Shining, look!” she cried, pointing her hoof towards the light.

Shining Armor found the light too, becoming just as ecstatic.

“I see it!” he shouted. “It’s not too much farther!”

Before Shining Armor and Cadance could continue their journey, a sound similar to a horn was heard behind them, causing them to turn around to find the source of the noise.

“Hello!” shouted Shining Armor. “Is anyone there?”

His answer came in the form of a large cloud of black, shadowy smoke rising from the ground. What scared the two ponies even more was that the cloud had a pair of eyes. Where the eyes were normally white were now a bright, foreboding green, along red pupils with scarlet irises and two wispy purple auras from the sides.

“Cadance,” yelled Shining Armor, “run!”

Both Shining Armor and Cadance galloped through the snow as the cloud began to chase them. With the snow under their hooves restricting normal traction, the cold tiring their bodies, and the cloud’s speed matching their own, they knew they couldn’t outrun it. Both knew that they were getting closer, but a thought suddenly popped into Shining Armor’s head.

“Cadance!” he yelled.

“Yes?” she shouted back.

“Get to the Empire. We can’t let this thing get near it.”



Cadance moved towards the Empire as fast as her legs could carry her, not looking back, as Shining Armor skidded to a halt, standing face to face with the smog monster.

“You want to get in?” he goaded. “Then you’ll have to go through me.”

Shining Armor launched a spell at the monster, which allowed a hole to open onto itself for the spell to shoot through, causing Shining Armor’s magic to simply fly off into the air. The monster then lunged towards Shining Armor. Charging his horn, Shining Armor allowed the creature to envelop him until he was shrouded in complete darkness.

Canterlot, Equestria, Morning


Princess Celestia was reading several books at once, each one flipped to something about the Crystal Empire, only to find that most of the books were vague with details. Trixie was standing by with stacks of books, ready to give whichever one the Princess would ask for to her.

However, she was interrupted by a letter appearing before her in a burst of blue magic. Upon seeing the signature of the letter, it being Shining Armor’s, she decided to read it. The lettering wasn’t as refined as one would expect from a unicorn; almost as if it was mouthwritten by an earth pony or a pegasus.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I’m pleased to tell you that we have arrived at the Crystal Empire, but not quite in one piece. Upon our arrival at the station, a large smoky monster attacked the both of us. While Cadance had gotten there safely and casted a protection spell for us, I stayed behind to fend it off from the Empire. I casted a powerful spell at it that seemed to have warded it off, but it came at a price.

The creature seems to have cursed my horn, as upon my return, Cadance noticed that my horn was covered in black crystally fragments. They seem to preventing me from using any magic, so for the time being, Cadance is the only one capable of keeping the protection spell active. I’ve tried removing the fragments by rubbing them off with my hooves and having Cadance use a spell to take them off, but they’re stuck there.

I fear that Cadance alone will not have the strength to prolong the protection spell like I had when I protected Canterlot for our wedding. Whatever attacked us out there will be waiting until the spell eventually gives out, and if that happens, the Empire is doomed. If you have any more reinforcements, please send them here immediately. I’m having Cadance send the letter, so don’t be alarmed if you see a blue aura with this letter as opposed to my usual red.

Shining Armor of the Royal Guard

Celestia was wide eyed in fear.

“Your majesty?” asked Trixie, concerned for her leader’s disposition, breaking Celestia from her trance.

“Trixie,” she asked, “do you still have that letter I wrote yesterday?”

“Of course.”

“I need you to give it to me right away!”

“Yes, your majesty.”

Trixie galloped out of Celestia’s chambers and to her room to retrieve the letter.

“I’m sorry it had to come to this, Twilight” Celestia muttered, “but I need you now more than ever.”

Naperville IL, USA


Alex and Twilight walked out of the former’s bedroom and downstairs to the living room. As they walked by the bathroom door, they heard the shower going. Shark and Rarity were already up, and on the couch, eating scrambled eggs together. Shark was dressed in the same clothes he wore yesterday.

“Morning, Rarity,” greeted Twilight. “Morning, Shark.”

Shark raised his hand up, acknowledging her salutations.

“Good morning,” answered Rarity. “Would you like some eggs?”

“That sounds great, actually,” responded Alex.

“Great. I’ll go and make some.”

Rarity hopped from the couch and trotted into the kitchen. Alex and Twilight walked further into the living room.

“So, Shark,” said Alex, “is anyone else up?”

“Kite is showering as we speak,” answered Shark. “Hart and Tori have already cleaned and dressed themselves and are downstairs playing with Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy.”

“And no one else is up?”

“Not that I know of,” said Shark. “Yuma always sleeps until late, so don’t expect him to–”

Shark was interrupted from the sound of the door opening from the back. Yuma wearily wandered towards the kitchen, sniffing the air as he went. Strangely, he was dressed in his daytime clothes. Astral was following him as always.

“Eggs…” he mumbled. “I smell eggs…”

“Yuma?” said Shark. “What are you doing up?”

“Shark,” acknowledged Yuma. “I got up really early and showered before everyone did. I saw that everyone else was still sleeping, so I went to go back outside. I found my clothes all folded up nice and neat in a room near the back, so I grabbed them and got dressed outside.”

“You mean…” wondered Alex aloud, “…naked?”

“Only for a short second. And then I fell asleep for a bit and woke up just now.”

“Rarity,” called Alex. “You can go ahead and make those for Yuma. I’m thinking about a slice of leftover pizza from the fridge.”

“Pizza for breakfast?” asked Shark.

“Breakfast of champions.”

“…Whatever,” Shark scoffed.

Alex went to the fridge as Rarity added the scrambled eggs to a plate from the frying pan. Rarity carried the plate over to Yuma with a fork placed in the pile of fluffed eggs. Yuma, upon seeing the eggs sent to him, snatched them from Rarity’s grasp.

“Ah. Thank you, Rarity,” he spoke.

Yuma began shoveling the eggs into his mouth, making loud munching sounds as he ate, which was met with disdain from Rarity.

“What manners,” she exclaimed.

Tom’s bedroom door opened, from which Rainbow Dash and Applejack scampered out. Tom walked casually out of his room and into the living room.

“Whoa,” said Alex, “where’s the fire?”

“The stove, hopefully,” said Rainbow Dash, “because I’m hungry!”

“Me too,” added Applejack.

“Uhh…” sighed Rarity, heading to the kitchen. “I’ll go make some more.”

The bathroom door opened, revealing Kite in his jacket outfit.

“What’s with all the noise?” he asked.

“Sorry, Kite,” said Alex. “Applejack and Rainbow Dash just wanted some breakfast.”

“Well, be careful. I don’t want one of you to hurt yourselves going downstairs. Is Hart still in the basement?”

“Yeah. Has he had breakfast yet?”

“Of course. Rarity and Shark were the first ones up so they made us eggs. I assume she did the same for you?”

“Well, not me. She was making me some, but Yuma woke up, so I asked her to give the eggs to him and I had some leftover pizza.”

“Not exactly the most nutritious of breakfasts…”

“Twilight,” called Spike from upstairs, causing everyone in the living room to turn their heads towards Alex’s room.

Spike ran out of Alex’s room and down the stairs, heading straight towards Twilight. Both she and Kite saw that the purple dragon had a letter in his hand, immediately prompting their interests.

“Who’s that letter from?” Twilight asked.

“It’s from the Princess.”

Kite gasped, hopefully awaiting good news. Twilight opened the letter and began reading aloud.

My Dearest Twilight,

You must come to Canterlot at once! I have an extremely important test for you to take. Details will be explained upon your arrival.

Princess Celestia.

Kite was almost horrified.

“What? What about–”

P.S., continued Twilight. I realize that you are at Alex’s currently. Please stand on the street and wait for me to pick you up. No materials will be necessary.

Twilight looked nervous as well. Not only were pop tests like this highly unusual, but the direness of her letter unnerved her as well. She took the one action that she felt that she should have done. Twilight darted towards the front door, opened it with her magic, and ran towards the street. Kite ran out towards her.

“Twilight!” he yelled.

“Kite,” called Alex and Yuma, running after him as well, along with Astral coming close behind.

By the time Kite, Alex, and Yuma were on the front lawn, Twilight had stopped in the middle of the street.

“I’m ready,” whispered Twilight. “Come on, Princess Celestia. I’m ready.”

A white light began to shine onto Twilight, getting brighter by the second.

“Get back here!” yelled Kite. “I need to get answers!”

“Kite!” yelled Alex.

“Wait!” shouted Yuma.

“Guys!” yelled Twilight. “Get back!”

It was too late. Kite and Alex ran towards Twilight as the beam reached a solid white.

“Twilight!” yelled Kite, reaching at the beam.

“Kite!” shouted Alex, grabbing him by one of his pointed coattails.

“Kite! yelled Yuma, touching Kite’s shoulder.

As soon as Kite touched the beam, all three humans were frozen in place. Kite started turning completely white like the beam, along with Yuma and Alex. Kite and Yuma gasped over the confusion of what was happening to him. Astral was also shocked to find that although he wasn’t in contact with anyone, his body became covered in white as well.

Kite, Yuma, Astral, and Alex’s bodies then became one with the beam, all four of them screaming in surprise. The beam then disappeared in a burst of small, white bubbles that faded almost as soon as they appeared.

“Alex!” shouted Tom, running outside.

“Yuma! Kite!” yelled Shark.

However, they were shocked to find no one there. They continued to stand there completely confused over their friends’ whereabouts.

Canterlot, Equestria


Twilight, Alex, Kite, Yuma, and Astral appeared in the center of Celestia’s chambers in the same exact positions they were in upon being frozen. However, normal physics were back in motion. Yuma crashed into Kite, forcing both of them down and towards Twilight, who quickly cast a teleportation spell to send her in front of the scrum.

With Alex grabbing Kite’s jacket, he was pulled forwards by Kite’s fall, forcing him onto his stomach. Meanwhile, Yuma and Kite fell too, Kite landing on the red carpet while Yuma landed on top of Kite. All three humans groaned from the subsequent breaks of their fall.

“What is going on here?” asked Celestia sternly upon sighting the three humans, walking towards them.

“Princess Celestia,” Twilight desperately tried to reason, “I can explain.”

“I would like to hear it.”

Kite got up to his feet, tossing Yuma behind him in the process.

“You,” growled Kite, causing Celestia to turn towards him. “You’re Princess Celestia, aren’t you?”

“Yes?” spoke Celestia, walking towards Kite. “And who might you be?”

“That’s not important. What’s important is why you haven’t answered any of Twilight’s letters!”

Celestia was initially appalled at Kite’s disrespect for her, which only fueled her anger towards him.

“You will answer my question, human.”

“I won’t answer you until you answer me!”

Celestia walked up to Kite and pointed her muzzle in his face, her eyes glaring into his, yet yielding no reaction from Kite. Twilight watched this confrontation with horror.

“I don’t know who you think you are,” Celestia continued, “but you have a lot of nerve coming into my castle, uninvited, mind you, and ordering me around.”

Yuma ran in between the two, pushing them both back before any damage could be done.

“Oy!” he shouted. “Quit fighting!”

Celestia was shocked upon Yuma’s lack of hesitance with pushing her, but realized that it was for the best, bringing her voice back to a civil, but stern tone.

“I’m sorry,” defended Yuma, “but my friend can be a bit… demanding.”

“I can see that,” answered Celestia.

“Listen, I think we got off on the wrong foot. My name is Yuma Tsukumo, and this is my friend Kite.” Yuma then motioned his arm towards Alex. “And this is–”

“Alex Yuwell,” said Celestia with a smile, her new expression surprising Kite. “I know him quite well. And what of him?” asked Celestia, motioning towards Astral.

“My name is Astral, Princess Celestia,” he greeted. “I’m a companion of Yuma’s. From what I hear, you are the leader of this nation. Is that correct?”

“That’s right.”

“Are there no kings and queens?”

“There hasn’t been a king or queen since my father and mother passed. There is only my sister and I.”

“Two princesses? Better yet, wouldn’t that make you two queens?”

“We tend to stick to the title of ‘Princess.’ We find it a friendlier and, how do you say, ‘down-to-earth’ title than ‘Queen.’”

Odd, thought Astral. Equestrian Observation #1: The leaders can choose the status of their leadership as they see fit.

“Princess Celestia,” spoke Kite again, the fires of anger in his eyes extinguished, “please forgive me for my outburst, but did you receive any letters from Twilight Sparkle yesterday?”

Princess Celestia continued to look sternly at Kite.

“I shall explain, but first I must tell my student, and for that matter, the rest of you, why she has been summoned here.”


Celestia put her hoof up, silencing Kite.

“Twilight Sparkle, I have brought you here to tell you…”

Twilight, Alex, Yuma, and Kite leaned in, ready for the answer.

“…the Crystal Empire has returned!”

“The… Crystal Empire?” asked Twilight, unsure of what her mentor meant. "What is that? What even is that?"

"A once lost city," answered Celestia.

Celestia walked back to her throne, where on the right side of it, a light purple crystal was kept in a glass case on a short pillar-like table. Celestia used her magic to lift the case from the table and bring the crystal in between her and Twilight’s group.

“Few remember that it ever existed at all,” she explained. “Even my knowledge of the empire is limited.”

Celestia then cast a spell at the crystal, causing a magical hologram of an ornate, circular, crystalline city to appear before everyone. The roads and the way that they connected were shaped like a snowflake with a six-pronged star in the center. The crystal then shot more magic into the air, revealing a virtual model of a tall, slender palace supported by four legs, a large, open space being left underneath the actual palace.

“So cool…” sighed Yuma, enthralled by the appearance of the kingdom.

“What I do know is that it contains a powerful magic, much like the one that sent you and your friends here, Kite.”

“Sent?” asked Kite. “So you did get those letters!”

“Yes. But please, let me continue.”

Kite relaxed once more, watching virtual ponies that shimmered like gems happily wandering and going about through the city along with Alex, Yuma, Twilight, and Astral.

“A thousand years ago, King Sombra, a unicorn who’s heart was a black as night, took over the Crystal Empire.”

The green, lush grass that made up the city’s foliage, was overridden by a sheet of light brown, with several jagged black crystals rising from the ground. The palace also became covered in back. Upon the transformation of the city, the scene changed. On the palace balcony, stood a grey unicorn.

His mane was long for a stallion, allowing it to flow in the wind. His tail, however, was shorter, but still flowed like his mane. It wore a sinister looking crown. Along the each side of the crown rose two thorns. In the center, a grey orb in between two small, red thorns. Underneath the sides of the crown were two black strands of his mane that ran along the side of his jaw. From underneath the center, a black patch of fur ran from his forehead to the snout above his nostrils.

It had a long, thorn-shaped horn extending from his head, grey at the base, fading to red further up until the tip was a hot red. It’s eyes were green and his pupils red, along with two strands of purple aura coming from the outer sides each of its eyes. It’s neck and chest were plated in a silver brace, while each of his limbs and hooves were plated with armor as well. It wore a red, cape on its back with white trimming with black specks.

With a fanged smile, it looked below as a line of the crystalline ponies were bound by chains and shackles, marching miserably throughout the city.

“That must be King Sombra,” commented Yuma pointing at the grey unicorn.

The scene changed again, this time, it was merely King Sombra standing on a sheet of glacial ice while a silhouette of Princess Celestia flew above him.

“He was ultimately overthrown, turned to shadow, and banished to the ice of the arctic North…” Celestia continued.

Accompanying her narration, the silhouette of the virtual Celestia cast a magical beam at Sombra, causing his cape, armor, and crown to be blown off of him as he withered away into dust with the blinding light. A crevice in the ice then appeared, forcing Sombra’s shadowy essence to be sucked inwards before the crevice closed again. Yuma, Kite, Twilight, Alex, and Astral were all in awe, even as the scene changed once again to the peaceful version of the Crystal Empire.

“…but not before he was able to place a curse upon the empire,” spoke Celestia, “a curse that caused it to vanish into thin air.”

The crystal at the center of the virtual city, inside the open space of the palace, began to glow brightly. Then, the image of the empire was sucked into the crystal, leaving it the only item in between Celestia and her guests. The light caused by it forced everyone minus Celestia to shield her eyes. Celestia then brought the crystal back into the air.

“If the empire is filled with hope and love…”

Casting another spell at it, the crystal began to shine, serenading the room in various colors.

“…those things are reflected across all of Equestria.”

Twilight smiled in wonder, as Yuma, Alex, Kite, and Astral looked at it in amazement. Celestia then closed her eyes and concentrated.

“If fear and hatred take hold…”

Celestia’s eyes opened, revealing them to be a solid green, along with Sombra’s purple auras on the sides of her eyes. Her horn also bubbled with a purple aura. She then shot a black, lightning-like spell at the crystal, rendering it colorless and grey.

The crystal began casting a shadow onto the carpet, elongating until it was heading for Twilight and her friends. Before the shadow could reach them, a jagged black crystal rose from the ground, its shadow forking from it with Twilight and her friends in between the newly formed shadows. Two more crystals popped from the ground next to the five of them, forming a triangular-pointed barrier. Both Twilight and Yuma looked frightened upon the appearance of the crystals while Alex, Kite, and Astral observed with caution.

Celestia, her eyes now rendered a bright yellow, then cast a ray of golden light from her horn, shattering the crystals surrounding Twilight and her friends. The loose fragments being blown towards them forced everyone to shield their faces. Celestia then approached them.

“…which is why I need your help finding a way to protect it.”

“You need me to protect an entire Empire?” asked Twilight, her voice filled with worry.

“It is a different kind of test,” Celestia explained, putting the crystal back into its case, “one I’m certain you’ll pass.”

Twilight’s doubtful demeanor soon became one of determination.

“How do I begin?” she responded.

“Hold on!” spoke Kite. “What does this have to do with my friends and I?”

“I suppose now is as good of a time as any to explain,” said Celestia. “Your arrival was caused by the re-emergence of the Crystal Empire. Like I said, the Crystal Empire contains a powerful magic, which is most likely what interfered with the Orion and sent you here. You can be brought back to your home, but you need the magic of the Crystal Empire to aid you, and since its safety is in jeopardy, it will need to be protected first in order for its magic to be used.

“As to why I never answered Twilight’s letters, which I did read, I had waited to hear from Shining Armor and Cadance upon the status of their protection of the Empire.”

“My brother’s there?” asked Twilight, perking up.

“He is, but he’s not well.”

Twilight’s ears drooped and her sad frown returned.

“I had hoped to hear that Shining Armor and Cadance’s arrival had gone on without a hitch, which would have guaranteed Kite and his friends’ return home, but this wasn’t the case. Upon arriving, both of them were attacked by a shadow-like monster, which I can only assume to be King Sombra. Shining Armor stayed behind while Cadance had casted a protection spell for the kingdom. Shining Armor was cursed as a result, being completely unable to use magic.

“With Cadance being the sole protector of the kingdom, she will not be able to protect it for long, leaving the Crystal Empire at the mercy of King Sombra when he eventually returns. I didn’t return the letters in case this were to ever occur and end up getting your hopes up for nothing. However, there is still hope. The Crystal Empire is your only chance of returning home, and if you wish to go home, I will need you to assist Twilight Sparkle in protecting it. I can only hope you are up for the task.”

“Are you kidding?” exclaimed Yuma with a smile, getting a surprised reaction from Celestia. “If my friends’ siblings are suffering, I’m going to do everything in my power to help them out. That King Sombra’s got another thing coming if he thinks he can push us around like that. We’ll put our kattobing to full force, right Kite?”

Kite glanced at Yuma, giving him a small, but reluctant smile.

“If it means going home,” answered Kite, “then I’m in as well.”

“As if I’m not going,” spoke Alex. “My friends need to get home, and I need to help them out on that front.”

Princess Celestia smiled.

“Thank you all,” she said. “You have no idea how much your assistance means to us all. I shall also be sending the rest of your friends with you.”

“Like Tom?” asked Alex.

“Like Shark?” asked Yuma.

“Like Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and the others?” asked Twilight.

“Yes,” answered Celestia, walking towards the end of the room, “all of them shall meet you at the train station. I have every confidence you will succeed in this task.”

Twilight and her friends followed Celestia to the end of the room, where Princess Luna was also waiting with two royal guards.

“Alex, Yuma, Kite, Astral,” addressed Celestia, “would you mind leaving the castle for a moment? I need to talk to my student alone. The guards can see you out.”

Alex, Yuma, Kite, and Astral were wordlessly escorted by the two guards through the hallways and towards the exit. When Celestia felt that they were comfortably far away, she talked to Twilight again.

“Once you pass this test, I’ll know that you’re ready to move on to the next level of you studies.”

Twilight, glanced at Luna, who gave the young mare an expectant glare, causing unease in her.

“But what if I fail?” asked Twilight.

“You won’t,” answered Celestia confidently.

“But what if–”

She was stopped by Celestia’s hoof placing itself onto Twilight’s back.

“You won’t, but Twilight…”

Twilight turned to her mentor, seeing that both she and Luna were looking right at her.

“…it must be you, and you alone, who ultimately assists Princess Cadance and Shining Armor in doing what needs to be done to protect the Empire. Do you understand?”

Twilight rediscovered her determination again.

“Mmhm,” responded Twilight with a proud smile.

“Then go,” said Celestia, stepping back inside with Luna. “There is no time to lose.”

Celestia and Luna both closed the doors, leaving Twilight on her own.

Twilight walked outside the palace with Alex, Yuma, and Kite sitting on the palace steps. Astral was busy taking in the peerless architecture of the city.

“Equestrian Observation #2:” spoke Astral to himself, “it seems that one can create such a marvelous city with nothing but hooves.”

As Twilight walked down the stairs, Alex, Yuma, Astral, and Kite followed her to the train station. Alex was dismayed to see her look so sullen.

“Twilight,” said Alex, “I know you’re worried about your brother, but we’ll help him. Don’t you worry.”

Twilight looked up and smiled at Alex, but her still-drooped ears were enough of an indicator that Twilight was still anxious about her brother’s well being.

Upon making it to the train station after a fifteen minute walk, Alex and Yuma were happy to see that everyone, as Princess Celestia had promised, had come. Not only that, but Shark’s motorcycle, along with Alex and Tom’s duel runners were parked next to the station. Tom had two backpacks, one red and the other black, equipped with him while Shark carried two large duffle bags. Rarity herself had a large suitcase that was being carried by Spike.

“Brother!” cried Hart, running to Kite.

Kite knelt down, allowing his brother to jump into his arms and hug him.

Twilight,” called Applejack, issuing a brighter smile from Twilight, “did you pass your test?”

“Not exactly,” answered Twilight. “We’re going to the Crystal Empire.”

Twilight’s friends murmured about each other, confused over what this Crystal Empire could be.

“I’ll explain more in the train,” said Twilight, relieving her friends’ confusion.

“Hey,” said Alex to Tom, concerning the duel runners, “what’s this about?”

“You never know when we’ll need some extra horsepower,” said Tom, “plus, some personal affects.”

Alex took the red backpack from Tom, allowing the both of them to use their free hands to clasp them and bump shoulders.

“Shark!” exclaimed Yuma, running to his purple-haired friend, “what’s with the bags?”

“Our sleeping attire,” he said. “All of our sleeping attire. Rarity said she’d be sure to keep our clothes clean for the next few days that we’re gone.”

A train soon pulled into the station. It was similar to the one Cadance and Shining Armor took. However, there were more passenger carriages behind the train to accommodate the larger number of passengers. Also, in between the first carriage behind the engine and the rest of the passenger cars, were two longer, metallic, boxcar-like carriages.

“And that,” said Tom, “is where our bikes go.”

“Excellent,” said Shark unenthusiastically, dropping the duffle bags and walking to his motorcycle.

Yuma suddenly felt an urgent feeling in his groin, causing him to hold it while quietly whining, which went unnoticed by his friends. Yuma ran to the farther end of the building looking for the bathroom. He was relived upon seeing two doors, each with an image of a pony upon them, but was dismayed upon finding that, to him, they looked the same, causing him to fidget and whine even louder. Astral observed the signs.

“Yuma,” he said, “I’ve noticed that the males in this race have squarer muzzles than the females. The door on the left has a square-muzzled pony. I think that’s the bathroom you need.”

“Thanks, Astral,” sighed Yuma, “you’re a lifesaver.”

Yuma ran in immediately, Astral patiently waiting outside.

Shark rode his motorcycle up the station platform, causing everyone to move out of his way. Twilight opened the sliding door to the first boxcar with her magic, allowing Shark to ride it in and park it inside. Shark exited, allowing Twilight to close the door and lock it. Alex and Tom tried to carry their duel runners up the stairs, but found it more difficult.

Twilight used her magic once again to lift their vehicles to the platform and opened the door to the second boxcar, allowing Alex and Tom to walk their bikes inside. Unlike Shark’s motorcycle, Alex and Toms’ were skinny enough to fit both of them inside. With both bikes situated, the conductor of the train pulled forward a bit, allowing the passenger cars to be accessible.

“Is that it then?” asked Twilight. “Where’s Yuma?”

“He’s probably inside,” said Shark, picking the duffle bags back off the wooded platform, walking into the first passenger car.

Astral looked past the building to the train to find people and ponies entering.

“Yuma,” called Astral. “You must hurry. The train is about to leave.”

“I’m working on it!” shouted Yuma.

As the ponies, humans, robot, and dragon filed into the car, Tori looked around the station and peered into the windows of each car.

“Guys,” she exclaimed, “I don’t see Yuma.”

“The idiot probably got lost,” spoke Orbital, before walking to into the carriage.

“What did you say?” shouted Tori, running towards Orbital furiously.

Orbital let out an electronic shriek and ran inside the car for safe haven. Tori ran inside too, forcing Orbital to run into the back. Tori, determined, chased it back. Upon reaching the caboose, Orbital found itself stuck, leaving it to Tori’s mercy. Just as Tori was going to strangle Orbital, the train lurched forward, tripping Tori and causing her to tackle Orbital. Tori wearily got up, but she was scared to find the train inching forward upon looking over the caboose banister.

“Oh no!” shouted Tori. “Stop the train! Yuma’s not on board!”

Back at the station bathrooms, Astral was horrified to find the train moving as well.

“Yuma!” shouted Astral. “The train is leaving the station!”

“What?” shrieked Yuma, bursting through the bathroom door with his fly open and button undone. “We have to hurry!”

Yuma ran to the platform as he buttoned his button and zipped his fly, Astral flying close behind. Upon seeing Yuma, Tori continued to shout.

“Guys, slow down! Yuma needs to get on!”

Yuma leapt onto the platform in one jump and continued to sprint to the train. The caboose was already past the other end of the platform, forcing Yuma to quicken his pace.

“Alright,” shouted Yuma. “Years of jumping twenty stacks is finally going to pay off!”

Yuma ran to the end of the platform, placing his right foot onto the very corner and pushed off, launching him into the air towards the caboose.

“Kattobingu-da, ore!”

Tori put her arms up, prepared to catch Yuma.

“Ugh,” moaned Orbital, finally getting up from Tori’s unintentional blow, “what happened?”

Yuma fell right on top of Tori and Orbital, knocking them all to the floor.

“Hehe,” chuckled Yuma, getting up with his female companion. “Thanks for the catch, Tori.”

“Ugh,” sighed Tori, “you can be such an idiot sometimes.”

“That’s what I keep saying!” yelled Orbital, its head rising from its body.

Tori pounded its head with her fist, emitting another shriek from it.

“Come on,” said Tori, walking inside the caboose and back into the train. “Twilight is going to explain everything to us.”

“Un…” moaned Orbital, Tori’s abuse taking its toll on it, “Understood.”

Orbital followed Tori inside. Yuma and Astral continued to stand outside in the caboose, watching the scenery unfold.

“The Crystal Empire,” spoke Yuma to himself. “We’re going to the Crystal Empire.”

As Yuma stood and observed the outside around him, the train sped into a tunnel, shrouding it completely in temporary darkness.