• Published 14th Nov 2012
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Yu-Gi-Oh! Equus X Zexal - moviemaster8510

A crossover of the anime Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal and my fanfic Yu-Gi-Oh! Equus.

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Chapter 2: Assurance


Chicago, USA


“At least Shark’s motorcycle made it okay,” said Yuma, observing the large purple vehicle that also made it onto the roof.

“Yuma,” scolded Shark, “we have many more important things to worry about than my motorcycle.”

“Like how we’re even going to get down from here,” sighed Tori in apprehension.

“Hopefully, someone will be up here shortly,” said Kite.

Like clockwork, the doors to the building’s roof flew open, with Alex, Tom, and Kyle running out of them. Upon seeing the people that made it onto the roof, namely their clothing and hair, Alex, Tom, and Kyle stared at them in shock.

“Excuse me, sirs,” spoke Tori, breaking the natives from their trance, “we seem to have gotten stuck onto your roof. Could you let us in?”

“Certainly,” said Kyle, still a little strange about the appearance of the five humans and robot on the roof.

Kyle held the door open, allowing Shark, Kite, Hart, Tori, Orbital, Yuma, and Astral to walk inside. As Yuma walked through the doors and to the stairway, Astral floated close behind. Alex couldn’t help but stare at the blue humanoid being standing there. Astral, upon observing the three strangers, also couldn’t help but notice that one of them was staring at him. Astral still passed into the doorway, leaving Alex, Tom, and Kyle to follow.

The lights of the halls were back on; the power was restored.

“Yuma,” spoke Astral as they continued to walk down the steps.

“Astral,” responded Yuma, giving his friend his attention.

“I can’t help but feel that that man in the black coat could see us.”

“Well,” said Alex from behind, “isn’t that obvious?”

Alex’s confirmation of sighting Astral made everyone stop on the stairs.

“Huh?” exclaimed Yuma, “you can see this guy too?”

“Of course I can! I mean,” he said, turning to Tom and Kyle, “you guys see this guy right?”

“Alex,” said Tom, his voice filled with concern, “are you okay?”

“There’s no one there,” said Kyle.

“You’re…” responded Alex, also filled with concern, “you’re yanking my crank, right? You seriously can’t see the big-ass blue alien thing here?”

“I wouldn’t necessarily classify myself as big,” spoke Astral, “or a donkey, for that matter.”

“It’s an expression!”

Tom and Kyle just looked at Alex as if he had completely lost his marbles.

“I’m still not sure how he can see him,” said Shark, “but we can deal with that later. Right now, we need to find out at the very least what happened.”

As everyone resumed walking, minus Orbital and Astral, who hopped down and floated, respectively, Alex continued to talk.

“You see?” said Alex. “Even kraken-head can see him.”

“What did you just call me?” yelled Shark, turning around and bringing the group to another halt.

“I hate to cause an argument,” spoke in Tom, “but my friend’s right. You look like Squidward bathed in grape jelly and decided to take a nap on your head.”

The strangeness in Tom’s reference caused Shark to calm down slightly.

“Squidward? I have no idea what you’re talking about. Let’s just keep going.”

As Shark continued walking down, Tom made another comment.

“Boy, your childhood must have sucked.”

For one reason or another, this statement brought Shark over the edge. Shark began to climb the stairs and head towards Tom.

“You bastard!” shouted Shark.

“Hey, Shark!” shouted Yuma, blocking his path with his arms up. “We shouldn’t be fighting. Like you said, ‘We need to find out what happened.’”

Shark’s body still emanated with fury as Tom watched and waited for his next reaction. To Tom’s surprise, Shark placed his hands in his pockets, turned on his heels, and walked back downstairs. Everyone wordlessly walked back.

“Wow,” said Alex, greatly surprised, “what was that all about?”

“I don’t know!” answered Tom. “I just couldn’t believe that he never heard of Spongebob before.”

Lauren sat in her boardroom, expecting Kyle shortly. Soon enough Kyle returned with Yuma and his friends in tow, along with Alex and Tom.

“Kyle,” responded Lauren. “Is everything alright?”

“Well,” said Kyle, “we have some new guests.”

“I can see that. Would you all mind introducing yourselves?”

Yuma, eager as ever, walked up to shake hands with Lauren.

“Hey,” he greeted. “I’m Yuma Tsukumo.”

“Yuma? Like the city in Arizona.”


Lauren began giggling.

“I’m just teasing you.”

Lauren then walked up to the others, beginning with Shark, shaking his hand.

“My name is Reginald Kastle. But please, call me Shark.”

“Is that a nickname?”


“Judging from your hair, I would have expected your nickname to be ‘Octopus’ or something.”

Shark frowned as his hair took another insult. However, seeing from her introduction to Yuma that she was a jesting type, along with the fact that he and his friends’ hairstyles were much more extravagant than anyone else’s in this world, he retained his frown. Lauren then went to Kite and Hart.

“Kite,” he said, shaking her hand, “Kite Tenjo.”

“Kite? Is that a nickname too?”

“No, actually. It’s my real name.”

“Ah… well…”

She broke the awkward tension by kneeling to Hart’s level. Hart mustered the courage to shake Lauren’s hand.

“I’m Hart,” he spoke. “Kite’s my brother.”

“I see. Thank you, Hart.”

Upon standing up, she went to the robot placed next to Kite.

“Is this thing on?” she asked, observing it from different angles.

“Yes, I’m on!” shouted Orbital, hopping around like a tantrum. “Don’t you insult me, you–”

“Orbital,” shouted back Kite, “show some respect!”

“Un– Understood,” sheepishly spoke Orbital.

“Looks like he works okay,” said Lauren.

She then went to greet the girl.

“I’m Tori Meadows. I’m a friend of Yuma’s.”

“I see.”

Astral observed the meet and greet carefully. However, he couldn’t help but look out the window at the planet in the sky.

“I don’t think I got your name,” spoke Lauren in Astral’s direction.

Astral turned to see Lauren looking directly at him, shocking him again.

“Come on,” continued Lauren in a friendly tone, “did you think I wouldn’t see you?”

“As a matter of fact,” said Astral, “I did.”

Lauren was caught off guard by this answer.

“So,” exclaimed Yuma, pointing at Alex, “you can see him,” and then pointed at Lauren, “and you can see him. Gah! What’s going on around here?”

“If you wish to know my name,” spoke the blue humanoid, ignoring Yuma’s outburst, “my name is Astral.”

“Alright,” confirmed Lauren. “To all of you, my name is Lauren Faust. I’m the owner of this building you see here.”

“Frankly,” said Kite. “I’m more concerned about the fact that you’re not concerned that all of us just appeared on your roof just now.”

“I’ll do my best to explain that, but first you have to tell me that you’ll believe me.”

“Try me,” dared Kite.

Canterlot, Equestria


Shining Armor was lounging in his lavish living room when he heard a knock at the door. He wearily got up, unhappy about being brought up from his relaxation. Upon opening the door, his tired demeanor quickly transformed into alertness upon seeing two royal guards at his doorstep.

“Guys,” he casually said to them. “What’s wrong? Am I needed for duty?”

“Yes,” confirmed one of the guards. “But this is a different kind of duty.”

“How so?”

“Is your wife at home, Shining Armor?”

“Yes? Why?”

“You’re both needed immediately.”

Chicago, USA


“That’s preposterous!” yelled Kite upon hearing Lauren’s explanation, sitting at the boardroom table along with everyone else. “You’re telling us that we were sent here by a magic-powered satellite? That’s ridiculous!”

“Your hair is ridiculous,” said Tom. “Seriously, between the lot of you, you have enough hair gel in those do’s to last Lady Gaga an eternity.”

“And would you stop making hair jokes!”

“You’ll have to forgive Tom,” said Alex. “His style of humor is more… abrasive.”

“Whatever. The point is, that since you brought us here, you can bring us back, right?”

“Actually, no,” answered Lauren. “A powerful magic from that planet up there did. If you’d want to discuss being brought home, you’d have to talk to the ones in charge there. I’ve tried contacting them, but I haven’t gotten any response yet.”

“So, in other words, we’re stuck here.”

“Yes. Yes you are.”

Kite grabbed his hair with his hands, trying to make sense of everything.

“You know,” said Alex to Kite, “I also know much about that world. If you ever need help…”

“Thanks,” interrupted Kite, getting up from his seat, “but your help is not needed.”

Kite began to walk away, prompting Alex and Yuma to follow.

“Hey, Kite!” called Yuma, making him stop in his tracks, “this guy’s trying to help us out. Plus, he says he knows a lot of stuff about this whole thing. Please Kite, let him help.”

“I’m sorry,” explained Kite, “but I’m not having a bunch of weaklings follow me around and pull me further down. We can manage on our own.”

“Brother,” muttered Hart.

“Master Kite,” whimpered Orbital.

“Weakling?” asked Alex, slightly angered. “Listen, buddy, I’ll have you know that I saved my world, not to mention the one above us.”

“I saved my own world too,” said Kite, “what of it?”

“Fine, then. Let’s prove our strength. Kite, I challenge you to a duel.”

Upon the mentioning of the word "duel," Kite, Yuma, Shark, Tori, Hart, and Astral’s eyes widened in shock while Orbital let out a high pitched whine.

“Duel?” questioned Kite.

“Don’t play dumb,” said Alex. “We know you play Duel Monsters on your world, and Lauren explained to you that we have Duel Monsters here. If you want to call someone a weakling, you better be prepared to prove that. So, what say you?”

Kite then did something that no one had seen all day. Kite smiled.

“Fine,” Kite said. “I’ll accept your challenge…”

“Alex,” he answered for him.

“Alright, Alex. But where should we go?”

“I think I can help here,” spoke Kyle.

Alex and Kite stood in a tall, white room the size of a professional basketball court. The only break in the sheer brightness was a large window on one of the longer sides of the room, where Yuma, Shark, Tori, Hart, Orbital, Astral, Tom, and Lauren were observing. Unbeknownst to Kite and Alex, Kyle was sitting in a control panel room behind the wall nearest where Alex had his back to.

“So, guys,” spoke Kyle through and intercom, “are you ready for this?”

“I’m still not sure what the meaning of this is,” answered Kite aloud. “We could have dueled outside and it would have been just as good.”

“No, it won’t. Trust me.”

“Hehe,” giggle Yuma in anticipation, already pulling out his D-Gazer. “This is going to be awesome.”

“Ah ah ah,” scolded Lauren playfully, “you aren’t going to need that.”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“Just put that thing away and watch.”

Yuma placed his D-Gazer back into his pocket and looked down at Kite and Alex.

“So,” said Kyle through the intercom, “if you could duel anywhere in the world, where would you like to do it? Anyone?”

“How about in the sky!” shouted Alex.

“Awesome,” confirmed Kyle. “Airship Fortress, coming up.”

“Airship Fortress?” asked Kite

From the control room, Kyle typed some buttons on a computer and pressed the Enter key.

The white room began to glow brightly.

“What’s this?” wondered Kite aloud.

Suddenly, the light faded, causing the area around Alex and Kite to change. Instead of a white floor, they were standing on a metallic, rectangular aircraft the same size as the floor in the room. On each of the corners was a propeller that kept it flying high in a blue sky mottled with clouds. The window at the top of the room, however, remained, which appeared in the room as a blemish in the sky.

“Woah,” said Alex, observing his surroundings.

“What is this?” asked Kite.

“This is the way of the future,” said Kyle. “Welcome to the prototype of the Duel Room. We’re hoping to release these all over the world with the completion of this experiment. That way, duelists can still enjoy duels in exciting locations no matter the weather or conditions outside. I hoped to test them out with you and Tom, Alex, but it seems this will have to do.”

“It will do just fine,” answered Alex. “Let’s go!”

Alex took out his silvery D-Pad tablet and wrist dealer/graveyard and placed the latter on his wrist. He then placed the D-Pad tablet on top of his graveyard and unsheathed the zones from it.

“Duel mode,” shouted Kite, “Photon Change!”

With a loud yell, every bit of black in his clothing, be it his coat, his boots, and his fingerless glove, turned white, spreading over his clothes from the waist. Alex looked upon it in shock, along with Tom and Lauren upstairs.

“Kyle?” asked Alex, unsure of what was happening.

“This isn’t part of the room’s imagery,” explained Kyle.

“Whatever it is, it’s cool.”

A white crescent then swirled down from the top of the room, seemingly out of nowhere. Upon making contact with Kite’s left wrist, a white-and-purple, crescent-shaped D-Pad appeared on Kyle’s arm. Alex recognized it immediately.

So that’s where Trixie got her duel disk from, thought Alex.

Kite stood in stance while watching Alex do the same.

“Aren’t you going to get out your D-Gazer?” Kite asked.

“Please,” spoke Kyle. “D-Gazers have been obsolete for about a year now. With this room’s technology, you don’t need a D-Gazer for this duel.”

“I see. In that case, we’re ready to go then.”

“I guess so,” confirmed Alex.

“Let me just turn on the speakers to the other room so your friends can hear you guys,” said Kyle, shifting a knob on a large mixer.

“Go get ‘em, Kite!” cheered Yuma.

“Master Kite,” called Orbital, “show that moron what for.”

“Brother,” muttered Hart.

“Alex!” cheered Tom.

Shark casually observed the duel, saying not a word.

With everything in place, Kite and Alex drew five cards from their deck.

“DUEL!” they both yelled.

Kite vs. Alex

Kite’s Turn: Kite summons Photon Circle (ATK: 1000 DEF: 1000).

Kite places one card face down and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-4 Life-4000 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-1

“Photon Circle,” observed Astral aloud. “That card almost caused me to lose my first duel with Kite. Alex better be careful.”

“I’m sorry,” said Lauren, “did you say something?”

“Not to you, I’m afraid. I’m still getting used to the fact that other people can see me. Which reminds me, how are you able to see me anyways?”

“Here’s a question: How come you’re invisible to most people?”

“Yuma could originally see me because we’re linked to the pendant that he wears around his neck. Hart could see me because he was infused with powers from a place known as the Barian World. And after a duel involving Shark and Kite with Tori and Orbital observing caused them to gain high exposure to the Barian World’s energy, they can now see me as well. And you?”

“My best solution to that would be because I was possessed by a malicious magical creature. When I was freed from his control, the magical powers he once had were endowed to me. That high level of magic must be why I can see you.”

“And what of Alex?” asked Astral, looking at him observing his strategies below. “For all I know, he seems like a normal man.”

“Trust me,” giggled Lauren, “Alex is anything but normal. I can’t even explain it myself, but my best solution would be to ask him yourself; he’d give you a much better answer.”

Astral smiled at Lauren.

“I shall in due time.”

“What’s wrong, Alex?” asked Kite. “Are you already regretting this fight?”

“I’m not regretting anything, Kite!” shouted Alex. “If anything, you’re going to be the one regretting underestimating me.”

Alex’s Turn: Alex special summons Hieratic Dragon of Tefnuit from his hand, as his opponent controls a monster while he controls none (ATK: 2100 DEF: 1000). Alex then normal summons Dragunity Aklys (ATK: 1000 DEF: 800).

Alex attacks Photon Circle with Hieratic Dragon of Tefnuit, but Kite activates Lumenize, negating the attack and having a LIGHT monster he controls gain ATK equal to the attacking monster, choosing Photon Circle (ATK: 1000 -> 3100).

Alex places two cards face down and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-2 Life-4000 Monsters-2 Face Down Cards-2

“Wow,” spoke Alex, “that sure is a powerful card.”

“Thanks,” said Kite, “but its about to get much worse for you now.”

Kite’s Turn: Kite summons Photon Crusher (ATK: 2000 DEF: 0).


Kite then took off his two monsters from their zones and placed them into his graveyard, causing them to vanish in a blast of yellow sparks.

“I release my Photon Circle and Photon Crusher!”

Suddenly, a large, red, cross-shaped crest with a cyan gem in the center appeared in Kite’s right hand. Upon its materialization, Kite threw it up into the air, causing it to rotate. Upon reaching a height of around thirty feet in the air, the crest floated in the air and began to spin even faster. Sparks of light began to fly from seemingly nowhere and enter the now glowing gem in the center.

“What in the…” muttered Alex.

“Darkness within the shining galaxy,” chanted Kite, “become the light of hope and live as my servant!”

The light that flew into the gem began to spread out of the crest, materializing into a bright, blue, bipedal dragon with black armor plating and wings that looked as if they were made of the blades of swords. The crest seemed to be a part of the base of the dragon’s wings, helmet, the end of its tail, and an amulet at the center of the dragon’s chest.

“Appear before us! Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon!”


Kite tributes Photon Crusher and Photon Circle to special summon Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon with its effect (ATK: 3000 DEF: 2500).

Kite attacks Dragunity Aklys with Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon, but Alex activates Covering Fire, having a monster he controls that’s being attacked gain ATK equal to a monster on his side of the field until the end of the damage step, choosing Hieratic Dragon of Tefnuit (ATK: 1000 -> 3100).

Kite activates Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon’s effect. When it battles another opponent’s monster, he can banish Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon and the monster it battles. At the end of the battle phase, they are both special summoned back to the field (ATK: 3100 -> 1000).

Kite places one card face down and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-2 Life-4000 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-1

“Wow,” said Tom. “That was an interesting move.”

“How so?” asked Shark, who happened to be nearby.

“If Kite had attacked immediately with Photon Circle after summoning Photon Crusher, he could have been at a serious advantage. Even with Covering Fire, Kite could’ve attacked Tefnuit with Circle and made both monsters’ ATKs equal, causing both of them to be destroyed.

"Then, Kite could have attacked Aklys with Crusher and not only deal 1000 points of damage, but keep Alex’s field clear of monsters. Now, all he has is a big dragon, and Alex’s field remains practically untouched.”

“Hmph,” huffed Shark, impressed by Tom’s alternative strategy. “Galaxy-Eyes is a very powerful monster, and Alex is going to need to improve his playing if he wants to defeat it.”

“Trust me. Kite’s letting Alex have any monsters on his field is going to bite him in the ass next turn, pardon the pun, you know, with sharks and stuff.”

Shark couldn’t help but chuckle.

“You know,” admitted Shark, “you’re alright. I don’t think we were introduced properly.”

“Tom,” he stated, putting his hand in for a shake. “Tom Emmitt.”

Shark accepted the shake.

“Pleasure,” Shark replied.

“My turn!” shouted Alex from inside, causing Tom and Shark to turn their attention back to the duel.

Alex’s Turn: Alex tributes Dragunity Aklys to summon Hieratic Seal of the Dragon King (ATK: 0 DEF: 0). Alex overlays Hieratic Dragon of Tefnuit and Hieratic Seal of the Dragon King to xyz summon Jade Wyvern (ATK: 2500 DEF: 2100).


“J- Jade Wyvern?” stammered Kite. “I’ve never heard of this monster!”

Yuma and his other friends were just as surprised by Alex’s alien ace.

“I couldn’t imagine that you would have,” responded Alex. “This is the secret power of Equestria, the Stones of Equus!”

Kite shook himself out of his shock.

“Whatever powers your monster may hold,” shouted Kite, “it’s useless against my Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon! This card has been designed to make any and all xyz monsters tremble in its wake!”

“What a story, Mark!” spoke Alex in an obliviously happy tone.



Alex activates the continuous spell card Dragon Mastery, allowing him to equip a Dragon-type monster to a monster he controls from his hand, choosing Dragunity Pilum. A monster equipped with a Dragunity monster gains 500 ATK with Dragon Mastery’s effect (ATK: 2500 -> 3000). With Dragunity Pilum’s effect, the monster equipped with it can attack the opponent directly, although the damage is halved.

Alex attacks Kite directly with Jade Wyvern.

Kite’s Life Points: 4000 -> 2500

Alex ends his turn.

Status: Hand-0 Life-4000 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-1

“Brother!” cried Hart.

“Master Kite!” cried Orbital

“What a move!” cheered Yuma. “Alex is so cool!”

“Hey!” shouted Orbital. “Whose side are you on, you idiot?”

“Don’t you call Yuma an idiot!” yelled Tori, making the robot quiver in fear. “He knows a well played move when he sees one.”

Tori crossed her arms and pouted.

“I’ve got to learn to stop insulting Yuma when she’s around,” muttered Orbital to itself.

“Impressive,” said Shark. “Perhaps Kite was wrong in letting Alex’s monsters survive.”

“Just you wait,” said Tom. “He’s just getting warmed up.”

Kite got up, weary from the damage that he took.

“You’ve got a strong monster, I’ll admit,” said Kite, “but your trickery ends here.”

Just try it, thought Alex with a sly smile.

Kite’s Turn: Kite summons Photon Cerberus (ATK: 1300 DEF: 600). When Photon Cerberus is normal summoned, neither player can activate trap cards until the end of the turn.

Kite attacks Jade Wyvern with Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon. Kite activates Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon’s effect, banishing Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon and the monster it battles during the battle phase. Kite attacks Alex directly with Photon Cerberus.

Alex’s Life Points: 4000 -> 2700

At the end of the battle phase, Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon and the monster it battles return to the field. If the monster banished by this effect was an xyz monster, Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon gains 500 ATK for each xyz material attached to it when it was banished (2 x 500 = 1000, ATK: 3000 -> 4000).

Kite ends his turn.

Status: Hand-2 Life-2500 Monsters-2 Face Down Cards-1

“Nice play, Kite!” called Yuma.

“Brother!” called Hart. “You can do it!”

“I wouldn’t be cheering Alex out yet,” said Tom to Yuma. “As long as Alex has fight in him, he is the most dangerous man in the world.”

“You think he’s that powerful?”

“Please, I know he is.”

“Then let’s see how he gets out of this one.”

Because of Galaxy-Eyes’ effect, thought Astral, not only has Kite depleted Jade Wyvern of its xyz materials, but Dragunity Pilum has been sent to the graveyard as well. Kite has two monsters, one of which has 4000 ATK. Alex’s situation seems dire, but, like any good duelist, he can find a way out of it.

Alex’s Turn: Alex summons Dragunity Legionnaire (ATK: 1200 DEF: 800). When Dragunity Legionnaire is normal summoned, Alex can equip one level 3 or lower Dragon-type Dragunity monster onto it from his graveyard, choosing Dragunity Aklys.

Alex activates Dragunity Legionnaire’s effect. By sending a Dragunity Card from his spell/trap card zone to his graveyard, Alex can destroy one face-up monster on the field, choosing Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon. Alex then activates the effect of Dragunity Aklys, destroying one card on the field when sent to the graveyard while equipped to a monster, choosing Kite’s face down card.

Alex attacks Photon Cerberus with Jade Wyvern.

Kite’s Life Points: 2500 -> 1300

Alex attacks Kite directly with Dragunity Legionnaire.

Kite’s Life Points: 1300 -> 100

Alex ends his turn.

Status: Hand-0 Life-2700 Monsters-2 Face Down Cards-1

“Woah,” silently exclaimed Yuma, heavily impressed by Alex’s turnaround.

“Brother!” shouted Hart, his voice filled with worry.

“He just… defeated Galaxy-Eyes,” muttered Astral. “This Alex really must be something else.”

Kite stood up, despite having heavy scuffs in his coat, pants, and boots.

“You think this is the extent of Galaxy-Eyes’ powers?” asked Kite, alerting Alex. “I’m going to show you my true power.”

Kite then threw his arms to the side, tilted his head up, and yelled. His body became covered in a red aura, which also changed the color of his clothes. The white parts of his coat and boots became black again, while the purple areas of his coat were now orange.

“Whoa!” shouted Alex. “What the hell?”

“Go, Brother!” cheered Hart.

“Are you ready to taste the power that dwarfs even Galaxy-Eyes?” asked Kite in an energized voice.

Kite’s Turn: Kite activates Treasure Cards of Adversity, drawing two cards when he controls no monsters and his opponent controls a special summoned monster. Kite then activates Galaxy Zero, special summoning a Galaxy-Eyes monster from his graveyard and equipping it with Galaxy Zero, choosing Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon.

Kite then activates Galaxy Expedition, special summoning a Galaxy Knight from his deck when he controls a Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon (ATK: 2000 DEF: 2600). Kite then special summons another Galaxy Knight from his hand, as he controls another Galaxy Knight.


“Here it comes,” spoke Astral.

“I overlay my level 8 Galaxy-Eyes and two Galaxy Knights!” shouted Kite.

All three of Kite’s monsters became wispy strands of yellow light that flew up into the virtual sky.

“I construct the overlay network with these three monsters. Xyz summon!”

A galaxy-like portal opened up, all three of the strands of light entering it, causing the portal to explode in an array of neon colors.

“The reversed galaxy, now become the light of surging wave and show yourself!”

As Kite made his chant, a large, two-pronged, black and red spear appeared in Kite’s hand, the spearhead dwarfing Kite by comparison. Kite then hurled the spear into the still formed galaxy portal. The portal then closed up and exploded into a large neon firework.

“Descend, my very soul!”

A similar dragon materialized in front of Kite, similar in appearance to Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon. However, this dragon was much larger and bulkier, and on the base of both of its shoulders was a dragon’s head. While covered in similar black plating, the monster’s body itself was a bright red.

“Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon!!”


Kite overlays Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon and both of his Galaxy Knights to xyz summon Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon (ATK: 4500 DEF: 3000). When Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon is xyz summoned with Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon, the effects of all other monsters on the field are negated.


“This is the end,” said Kite. “I attack Dragunity Legionnaire with Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon! Ultimate Photon Stream!!!”

A beam blasted from each of the dragon’s heads, connecting and forming into a much larger beam as it headed straight for Alex’s monster. The winged birdlike monster vaporized upon impact with Alex taking the remaining brunt of the attack. Alex was forced backwards as he yelled from the extent of the damage, falling into a cloud of smoke and fire created by the blast of Kite’s monster.

“You did it, Master Kite!” cheered Orbital, rocking side to side.

Kite stood, panting but triumphant. However, the sight of the passing of the smoke caused Kite to gasp. Alex was standing, weakly, but resolutely. His life point counter then appeared: 300.

“What?” questioned Kite. “Why haven’t I defeated you?”

Once more smoke cleared, an activated trap became visible for all to see.

“I activated my trap,” said Alex, “Gift of the Mystical Elf before the attack hit and raised my life points.”

“Yeah!” cheered Tom. “That is what I’m talking about!”

“Alex…” muttered Yuma. “You…”

“He really is a special duelist,” said Astral.


Kite attacks Dragunity Legionnaire with Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon, but Alex activates Gift of the Mystical Elf, increasing his life points by 300 for each monster on the field before the attack hits (3 x 300 = 900).

Alex’s Life Points: 2700 -> 3600

Alex’s Life Points: 3600 -> 300

Kite activates the continuous spell card Battle Gravity, having either player take 1000 points of damage if a monster that they control doesn’t attack on their turn.

Kite ends his turn.

Status: Hand-0 Life-100 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-0

“It doesn’t matter if you survived my attack,” said Kite, “because unless your monster can increase its ATK above 2000 this turn, you’re life is as good as depleted.”

Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon roared, backing Kyle’s statement.

He’s right, thought Alex. Unless I can summon my true ultimate weapon, I need luck, and I need a lot of it.

“Alright,” exclaimed Alex, punching his right fist into his left hand, “last turn. Here we go!”

Alex’s Turn: Alex activates Xyz Treasure, drawing a number of cards from his deck equal to the number of xyz monsters on the field (2). Alex activates Monster Reborn, special summoning Hieratic Dragon of Tefnuit from his graveyard. Alex then special summons Hieratic Dragon of Su from his hand by tributing Hieratic Dragon of Tefnuit (ATK: 2200 DEF: 1000).

When Hieratic Dragon of Tefnuit is tributed, Alex can special summon a normal Dragon-type monster from his graveyard and have its ATK and DEF become 0, choosing Hieratic Seal of the Dragon King. Alex overlays Hieratic Dragon of Su and Hieratic Dragon Seal of the Dragon King to xyz summon Hieratic Dragon King of Atum (ATK: 2400 DEF: 2100).


Alex pointed his arm up.

“I overlay my rank 6 Jade Wyvern and Hieratic Dragon King of Atum!” stated Alex.

“What? Impossible!” shouted Kite. “Overlaying two xyz monsters?”

Yuma, Shark, Tori, Hart, Astral, and Orbital were also shocked by this action.

“I construct the overlay network with these monsters! Xyz summon!”

Jade Wyvern became a green wisp of light while Hieratic Dragon King of Atum became a yellow one. They both flew up and spiraled into the sky before a blinding light showered the entire area inside the room. When the light faded, a long, white dragon with a back of green hair flew down and in front of Alex, ready to battle for him.

“Unbelievable,” muttered Kite in pure awe.

“Show yourself, Shining Platinum Dragon!”


Because his life points are below 500, Alex overlays Jade Wyvern and Hieratic Dragon King of Atum to xyz summon Shining Platinum Dragon (ATK: 3500 DEF: 2500).

Alex activates Shining Platinum Dragon’s effect, detaching all xyz materials from it to reveal a number of cards on the top of his deck equal to the number of xyz materials detached (4). Shining Platinum Dragon gains 500 ATK for each Dragon-type monster revealed by this effect. The cards revealed are Dragunity Phalanx, Xyz Reborn, Dragunity Arma Mystletainn, and Hieratic Dragon of Sutekh (3 x 500 = 1500, ATK: 3500 -> 5000).

Alex attacks Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon with Shining Platinum Dragon.

Kite’s Life Points: 100 -> 0

Alex wins.

Kite was knocked to the ground from the attack. The red aura on his body faded, bringing his clothes back to normal even before the duel started. The Duel Room’s interior flashed white again before it was restored to its original format. Kite’s duel disk even faded from his arm in a burst of white sparkles.

“Yeah!” cheered Tom, fist pumping the air below him. “I knew he could do it.”

“Alright,” said Kyle, walking inside the Duel Room from the control panel room. “That was quite possibly the best way to test this thing out ever. It’s official. This thing is ready for exhibition!”

“That’s great to hear,” responded Alex.

Kite tried getting up, but found it hard to do so.

“Alex…” he moaned.

“Yes?” said a voice from behind him.

Kite turned to see Alex standing above him and offering a hand to help him up. Kite graciously took the hand and allowed Alex to pull him up.

“That was a wonderful duel,” said Kite. “If you really wish to help us return home, then I give you my full permission to assist us.”

“Like you had a choice, buddy,” stated Alex, gently slapping Kite on the back and walking through the exit to the room.

Alex and Kite met their friends on the upper floor where they observed the duel. Everyone but Lauren and Astral flocked to the two of them.

“Wow!” exclaimed Yuma. “You’re one heck of a duelist. You really showed your kattobing in there!”

“Uh… thanks,” said Alex nervously, unsure of the meaning of Yuma’s nonsense word.

Hart walked up to Kite and gave him a comforting hug. Kite looked down at his brother and smiled at him reassuringly.

Don’t worry, thought Kite, we’ll get you home.

“Now that,” said Tom wrapping his arm around Alex’s neck, “was awesome.”

Astral observed Alex as he was congratulated by Tom and Yuma.

“Alex,” he said to himself, “you have earned my interest.”