• Published 14th Nov 2012
  • 5,796 Views, 88 Comments

Yu-Gi-Oh! Equus X Zexal - moviemaster8510

A crossover of the anime Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal and my fanfic Yu-Gi-Oh! Equus.

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Chapter 16: Fear

Twilight could see the floor coming in fast. With Alex, Yuma, and Spike falling next to her, she knew they would be sharing a similar fate. Using as much of her concentration as her fear and excitement tried to suppress, she casted a levitation spell with the ground just yards from them.

A sudden stop would have proven just as effective as hitting the floor, so she slowed herself and everyone else down until each of them was just an inch or two from colliding. Lastly, she gently set Alex, Spike, and Yuma down, still immobile from the shock. Astral floated down back to Yuma.

“Thanks... Twilight,” groaned Yuma.

“Don't mention it,” spoke Twilight.

With the shock fading, the humans and dragon got up, while Twilight inspected their surroundings. She was happy to find a door there, walking to it to open it. As she pulled on the ringed handle with her magic, the door did something odd: it shifted to the right, leaving the cave walls intact.

“Woah,” said Alex, confused, “that's trippy.”

Twilight walked back to the door and tried to open it once again, only for the door to continue moving, confusing her further.

“What in the...” she muttered aloud.

With her patience running thin, she ran straight to the door, hoping to break right into it. However, the door moved upwards, leaving Twilight to crash straight into the wall. The door continued to move about the room as Twilight, Alex, Yuma, Spike, and Astral tried to keep up with it.

“Stop...” she exclaimed, becoming winded from chasing it, “...moving!”

The door finally stood still. Twilight, her frustration reaching fever pitch, casted a spell at a gem atop the door similar to the one that she casted to open the hidden passageway. A burst of air emitted from the edges of the door. With that, the door began to open up, a bright blinding light coming from it. Everyone was ecstatic, believing the light to be connected to the Crystal Heart.

“Guys,” spoke Twilight. “I think it's here.”

“Finally,” exclaimed Yuma. “Let's go get it! Kattobingu-da, ore!”

Twilight, Alex, Yuma, and Spike ran into the doorway with Astral following them, becoming enveloped in the light.

Shark, Tom, and Kite vs. Ahuizotl

Shark's Turn: Shark summons Needle Sunfish (ATK: 1500 DEF: 100). Shark then special summons Shark Stickers from his hand, as he normal summoned a Fish-type monster to his side of the field (ATK: 200 DEF: 1000).

Shark activates Falling Current, increasing or decreasing the level of one monster he controls by any number between 1 and 3, increasing the level of his Needle Sunfish by 1 (Lvl.: 3 -> 4). Shark then special summons Big Jaws from his hand, as he activated a normal spell card this turn (ATK: 1800 DEF: 300).

Shark overlays Shark Stickers and Big Jaws to xyz summon Submersible Carrier Aero Shark (ATK: 1900 DEF: 1000). Shark activates Submersible Carrier Aero Shark's effect. By detaching one xyz material from it, Shark can inflict 400 points of damage for each card in his hand (2 x 400 = 800).

Ahuizotl's Life Points: 12000 -> 11200

Shark places one card face down and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-1 Life-12000 Monsters-2 Face Down Cards-1

“Nice one, Shark!” called Rainbow Dash, eliciting cheers from her other friends as well.

“Hey,” said a stallion crystal pony, “that's the guy from the jousting ring.”

“Oh yeah!” spoke a mare crystal pony.

The memory of Shark and Tom's duel began to ring throughout the crowd, lifting the spirits of the crystal ponies and brightening their coats and manes. As they were restored to their happier selves, the crystal ponies cheered too. Shark smiled over the support he was receiving, but winced and grabbed his still-bleeding side, forced into kneeling from the pain.

“Shark!” yelled Rainbow Dash, concerned for her friend.

“I'll be fine,” grunted Shark, standing back up. “Just let this clown take his turn.”

“Clown, you say?” spoke Ahuizotl. “That language won't be tolerated in King Sombra's kingdom, the punishment being: death!”

As the cheetah, tiger, and panther that Ahuizotl sent reached the top of the stairs, they split up around the palace, looking for Twilight and her other escaped friends.

The tiger sniffed around towards the throne room, where upon entering, it found the entrance to the downwards staircase. With a loud growl, he alerted the panther and cheetah to the room. Knowing that Twilight and her friends would be down there, the three of them carefully and quickly prowled down the stairs.

Ahuizotl's Turn: Ahuizotl summons Feral Housecat (ATK: 200 DEF: 200). Ahuizotl special summons Feral Jaguar from his hand, as he controls no other monsters other than Feral monsters (ATK: 1800 DEF: 1600). Ahuizotl then activates Feral Housecat's effect, making its level and the level of another Feral monster that Ahuizotl controls equal to their combined levels (2 + 6 = 8, Lvl.: 2 -> 8) (Lvl.: 6 -> 8).

Ahuizotl overlays Feral Housecat and Feral Jaguar to xyz summon Feral Lion (ATK: 3000 DEF: 2600). Ahuizotl activates Feral Lion's effect. By detaching one xyz material from it, all of his opponent's monsters are switched to defense position.

Ahuizotl attacks Needle Sunfish with Feral Lion, but Shark activates Escape Lure, switching the target of the attack to another monster he controls and halving the battle damage, choosing Submersible Carrier Aero Shark. With Feral Lion's effect, it can inflict piercing damage.

Shark, Tom, and Kite's Life Points: 12000 -> 11000

Ahuizotl places two cards face down and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-2 Life-11200 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-2

As the light faded from around Twilight, she found herself entering Princess Celestia's throne room. Confused by her sudden whereabouts she scanned about the room with her eyes.

“What are you doing here?” asked Celestia, her voice very stern and angry as she signed papers stacked to her side.

“I don't know,” answered Twilight nervously. “I opened the door and–”

“And now you must go!” ordered Celestia as she rolled and sealed the scroll.

“Go where?”

“It doesn't matter to me,” spoke Celestia, turning to face her student with harsh and unforgiving eyes. “You failed the test, Twilight!”

Twilight couldn't believe what she had heard, her voice breaking from the stress of her worry.

“I don't understand. The test?”

“Not only will you not move on to the next level of your studies,” stated Celestia, sealing another scroll, “you won't continue your studies at all!”

The words pierced Twilight like needles in every inch of her body. The pain became unbearable as she struggled to hold back her tears.

“Bu...” stammered Twilight, fighting to find the words, “you didn't say anything about no longer being your student if I failed!”

Unfurling her wing, Celestia nonchalantly covered Twilight's body with it before pushing Twilight away from her and walking away.

“Didn't I?” responded Celestia, leaving Twilight absolutely demoralized.

“But,” she asked desperately, “what do I do now?”

Celestia ignored her as she walked farther away from her. Twilight looked up at the stained glass walls, seeing an icon that scared her deeply. Upon it, King Sombra, covered in a red aura, hovered over a defeated Twilight, the Crystal Heart covering her in its light. Below the two of them was a dark, red fire with dark crystals jutting from the ground.

Twilight, left with nothing but despair and loneliness, fell to the ground and buried her head into her arms as she sobbed.

The effects of the previous attack left Shark on the ground, writhing in pain, made worse by his injury.

Don't worry, thought Tom. I'm not going to leave you hanging.

Tom's Turn: Tom summons Gladiator Beast Bestiari (ATK: 1500 DEF: 800). Tom overlays Shark's Needle Sunfish and Gladiator Beast Bestiari to xyz summon Amber Minotaur (ATK: 2400 DEF: 1900). Tom then activates Xyz Treasure, drawing cards equal to the number of xyz monsters on the field (2). Tom activates Amber Minotaur's effect, allowing him to normal summon a second time without tributes, summoning Gladiator Beast Spartacus (ATK: 2200 DEF: 1600). Tom then equips Gladiator Beast Spartacus with Gladiator Beast's Battle Archfiend Shield.


“I attack Feral Lion with Gladiator Beast Spartacus!” declared Tom, much to Ahuizotl's shock and delight.

“What?” shouted Rainbow Dash.

“You idiot!” shouted Kite.

“I know what I'm doing!” snapped Tom. “Trust me!”


Tom attacks Feral Lion with Gladiator Beast Spartacus. Feral Lion's ATK is higher than Gladiator Beast Spartacus', but with Gladiator Beast's Battle Archfiend Shield's effect, it's destroyed instead of Gladiator Beast Spartacus. Battle damage is still applied.

Tom's Life Points: 11000 -> 10200

At the end of the battle phase, if Gladiator Beast Spartacus attacked or was attacked, Tom can return it to his deck to special summon a Gladiator Beast monster from his deck, choosing Gladiator Beast Secutor (ATK: 400 DEF: 300).

Tom places four cards face down and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-0 Life-10200 Monsters-2 Face Down Cards-4

“Tom,” grunted Shark, looking at Tom's seemingly weak monster as he stood with slightly wobbling knees, “what have you done?”

“Exactly what I needed to,” he answered.

Ahuizotl is new to this game, thought Tom. If he doesn't know about Secutor's effect, then he's going to be in for one unpleasant surprise.

Ahuizotl's Turn: Ahuizotl activates Dark World Dealings, having each player draw one card and then discard one card. Ahuizotl activates the effect of Feral Cougar from his hand, discarding it to special summon a Feral monster from his graveyard, choosing Feral Cheetah (ATK: 2400 DEF: 1000).

Ahuizotl attacks Gladiator Beast Secutor with Feral Cheetah, but Tom activates Defensive Tactics, preventing his monsters' destruction and reducing all battle damage to 0.

At the end of the battle phase, if Gladiator Beast Secutor attacked or was attacked after it was special summoned by the effect of a Gladiator Beast monster, Tom can special summon two Gladiator Beast monsters from his deck, choosing Gladiator Beast Hoplomus in defense position (ATK: 700 DEF: 2100) and Gladiator Beast Laquari (ATK: 1800 DEF: 400).

When Gladiator Beast Hoplomus is special summoned by the effect of a Gladiator Beast monster, its DEF becomes 2400 (DEF: 2100 -> 2400). When Gladiator Beast Laquari is special summoned by the effect of a Gladiator Beast monster, its ATK becomes 2100 (ATK: 1800 -> 2100).

Ahuizotl ends his turn.

Status: Hand-1 Life-11200 Monsters-2 Face Down Cards-2

The light faded around Spike, who found himself in front of the Ponyville Library where he lived.

“Ponyville?” queried Spike. “How did I get...”

His musing was brought to a halt as he felt a magical aura lift him off the ground and into an iron cage that was rested upon a wooden cart parked in front of the large tree. As he sat up, he watched a lock magically shut the cage up. Upon seeing the pony responsible, he couldn't contain his shock. It was none other than Twilight Sparkle as she magically jiggled the lock to see that it wouldn't break free.

“Twilight?” asked Spike, getting frightened. “What are you doing?”

“What does it look like?” Twilight responded coldly. “I'm sending you away. You're no longer of use to me.”

“What?” shouted Spike, gripping the bars. “How could you say that? I'm your number-one assistant!”

“Not anymore. Right, Owlowicious?”

A brown owl perched upon Twilight's shoulder, pumping butterflies into Spike's stomach.

“Hoo?” hooted the owl in a questioning nature.

“You are,” answered Twilight in a sing-song voice. “You're my number-one assistant.”

Spike couldn't help but watch as his eyes welled with tears.

“Alright,” called Twilight to the cart's driver, “he's all yours!”

“Hehehe,” cackled the driver, turning its head to Spike, “you'll make a mighty fine belt.”

Spike was terrified now. As the cart began to pull away, Spike tried to chew the cage with his sharp teeth, but to no avail. With one final look, he watched as Twilight walked back into the library without a second glance, Owlowicious still perched on her shoulder. Turning its head 180°, the owl's eyes grew green and red.

“Bye-bye, Spike,” growled the owl in a low, raspy voice.

“No!” shouted Spike, still trying to shake the bars free as the cart was being pulled from town. “Twilight. Twilight! TWILIGHT!”

Kite, while surprised that Tom's plan had worked so well, was happy for the support that he was about to give him.

“Can you do something with that,” asked Tom, “or are you still going to whine and moan?”

“No,” answered Kite. “This is exactly what I need.”

Kite's Turn: Kite summons Photon Crusher (ATK: 2000 DEF: 0). Tom then activates his face down Unusual Assistance, giving control of one of his monsters to another player on the field until the end phase, giving control of Gladiator Beast Laquari to Kite.


Kite gave a gracious nod to Tom before continuing his turn.

"I release Photon Thrasher and Gladiator Beast Laquari. Darkness within the shining galaxy,” chanted Kite as he summoned his monster, “become the light of hope and live as my servant!”

All of the ponies present had never seen Kite's summoning of Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon before, leaving them mystified by what they saw, especially as the massive monster appeared.

“Appear before us! Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon!”


Kite tributes Photon Thrasher and Tom's Gladiator Beast Laquari to special summon Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon with its effect (ATK: 3000 DEF: 2500).

Kite attacks Feral Lion with Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon, but Kite activates Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon's effect, banishing both it and the monster it battles until the end of the battle phase.

At the end of the battle phase, Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon and the monster it battles return to the field. If the monster banished by this effect was an xyz monster, Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon gains 500 ATK for each xyz material attached to it when it was banished (1 x 500 = 500, ATK: 3000 -> 3500).

Kite places one card face down and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-3 Life-10200 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-1

Ahuizotl was upset that his monster was now depleted of xyz materials. However, he would not be easily daunted.

Ahuizotl's Turn: Ahuizotl attacks Amber Minotaur with Feral Lion, but Kite activates Lumenize, negating the attack and having a LIGHT monster that he controls gain ATK equal to the attacking monster's ATK, choosing Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon (ATK: 3500 -> 6500).

Ahuizotl places one card face down and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-1 Life-11200 Monsters-2 Face Down Cards-3

“Nice job, Kite,” spoke Tom.

Kite looked at Tom with a respectful smile.

“I sure hope you can make something with my other monsters,” Tom said to Shark.

“Of course I can,” answered Shark. “And I have Ahuizotl to thank.”

Ahuizotl, Kite, and Tom, looked slightly confused, prompting an explanation.

“When he activated Dark World Dealings, he allowed me to set up a strategy that will allow me to summon my ace.”

“By all means,” spoke Ahuizotl, “do it then.”

“Hmph. With pleasure.”

Shark's Turn: Tom activates his face down Trap Stun, negating the effects of trap cards this turn. Shark sets one monster. Then, Shark activates Surface, special summoning a WATER monster from his graveyard in defense position, choosing Tripod Fish (ATK: 300 DEF: 1300). When Tripod Fish is special summoned from the graveyard, its level is increased by 1 (Lvl.: 3 -> 4). Shark overlays Tripod Fish, Tom's Gladiator Beast Hoplomus, and Tom's Gladiator Beast Secutor to xyz summon Number 32: Shark Drake (ATK: 2800 DEF: 2100).


Most of the ponies (excluding Rainbow Dash, Daring Do, and the crystal ponies who had watched his and Tom's duel) had also never seen the summoning of Number 32: Shark Drake, as told by their excited murmuring, while those who were familiar with the monster cheered Shark on.

Shark looked upon the crowd again. Suddenly, he swooned, feeling weaker due to the loss of blood. However, he caught himself and stood steadfast in front of his enemy.


Shark attacks Feral Cheetah with Number 32: Shark Drake.

Ahuizotl's Life Points: 11200 -> 10800

Shark activates Number 32: Shark Drake's effect. By detaching one xyz material from it, Shark can special summon the destroyed monster to his opponent's side of the field, reduce it's ATK by 1000, and have Number 32: Shark Drake attack it again, summoning Feral Cheetah to Ahuizotl's side of the field (ATK: 2400 -> 1400).

Shark attacks Feral Cheetah again with Number 32: Shark Drake.

Ahuizotl's Life Points: 10800 -> 9400

Shark ends his turn.

Status: Hand-0 Life-10200 Monsters-2 Face Down Cards-0

Shark heard his name chanted by the ponies, raising not only the spirits of the crystal ponies, but the spirits of Tom and Kite as well. However, all of it came to a sudden stop upon hearing Ahuizotl giggling.

“Now,” he spoke. “All the players are on the stage. I think it's time now...”

“Time for what?” questioned Kite.

“You'll find out now. And once you do, you'll wish you never did.”

Ahuizotl's Turn: Ahuizotl activates his face down Call of the Haunted, special summonng Feral Cheetah from his graveyard. Next, he normal summons Feral Lynx (ATK: 1600 DEF: 1200). Ahuizotl activates Feral Cheetah’s effect, making the level of one Feral monster he controls the same as Feral Cheetah’s, choosing Feral Lynx (Lvl.: 4 -> 8). Ahuizotl overlays Feral Lynx with Feral Cheetah to xyz summon Feral Tiger (ATK: 2800 DEF: 1800).


The two xyz monsters became orange wisps of light that flew up and swirled into the air.

“What?” shouted Shark.

“He's going to overlay two rank 8 monsters?” questioned Tom.

“I overlay my rank 8 Feral Lion and Feral Tiger!” shouted Ahuizotl as the wisps of energy flew into the ground. “With these monsters, I construct the overlay network! Xyz summon!”

Soon, the ground ruptured open in a flash of purple and green lights, leaving the crystal ponies, as well as the others sitting on the palace steps, frightened once again.

“The golden statue worshiped by many long ago,” chanted Ahuizotl, “serve me now and crush my enemies with your powers!”

A heap of golden scrap began to rise from the glowing crater, shaping itself until it formed into a large, golden lion.

“Show yourself, Feral Idol – Gi-gato Gato!”

With the final declaration of his monster, the golden lion roared at Shark, Tom, and Kite.

“Just...” muttered Kite. “Just what is this monster?”


Ahuizotl overlays Feral Lion and Feral Tiger to xyz summon Feral Idol – Gi-gato Gato (ATK: 4200 DEF: 3200).


Suddenly, the large monster began to start glowing purple.

“What's this?” asked Shark.

“When Gi-gato Gato is xyz summoned,” explained Ahuizotl, “the effects of all other monsters on the field are negated.”

“What did you say?” yelled Tom.

With another deafening roar, a purple pulse emitted from Feral Idol – Gi-gato Gato. Upon hitting them, all three of Shark, Tom, and Kite's monsters were sparking slightly in purple. The three duelists grimaced at their monsters being weakened like that.


When Feral Idol – Gi-gato Gato is xyz summoned, the effects of all other effect monsters on the field are negated.


“Now, I activate Feral Idol – Gi-gato Gato's effect!” shouted Ahuizotl, removing a card from underneath his xyz monster and inserting it into his graveyard, causing Feral Idol – Gi-gato Gato to begin glowing again. “By detaching an xyz material, all the effects of all other monsters on the field are negated.”

“But why?” asked Kite. “Didn't you do that when you summoned your monster?”

“Yes, but with this effect, you also cannot change the battle positions of your monsters, so now, they're forced to be in attack position for as long as they're on the field.”

Kite bared his teeth as another pulse of energy hit his and his allies' monsters, immobilizing them further.


Ahuizotl activates the effect of Feral Idol – Gi-gato Gato. By detaching one xyz material from it, he can negate the effects of all monsters his opponent controls and prevent them from changing their battle positions.

Ahuizotl attacks Amber Minotaur with Feral Idol – Gi-gato Gato.

Shark, Tom, and Kite's Life Points: 10200 -> 8400

Tom activates Card of Last Will, drawing five cards when a monster that he controls is destroyed by battle.

Ahuizotl ends his turn.

Status: Hand-1 Life-9400 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-2

Astral observed his surroundings as the light faded away. He was inside a gold, circular room that looked to be made of nothing but gears.

“How did I wind up in the Emperor's Key?” he asked to himself.

Before he could wonder any longer, a black, oily wall rose up around Astral before it quickly closed up around him, constricting him and holding him tight.

“What is this?” questioned Astral.

His eyes widened upon the realization.

“Don't tell me...”

“Hello, Astral.”

A black blob appeared from the wall before taking shape into what appeared to be a clone of Astral. However, this clone was black, like the wall he came from, and the markings of its body were green as opposed to Astral's blue, along with red, horn-like markings on both sides of its forehead. It's left eye resembled Astral's, but its right eye was completely black. The malicious smile it sported also made Astral uptight with fear.

“Dark Mist!” shouted Astral. “Let me go! I need to–”

“You need to what?” answered Dark Mist. “Save the Crystal Empire? Retrieve the Crystal Heart? Boring. You knew your mission, and you deserted it. Now, you will pay the price.”

The wall around Astral continued to squeeze the life out of him as oil seeped from the top and began to coat Astral from his neck up. As his eyes were about to be covered, he saw as both of Dark Mist's eyes appeared red-and-green with a purple aura trailing from the sides.

“No!” shouted Astral, his voice muffled by the oil filling his mouth. “NMMMMPH!”

“You will complete your mission,” giggled Dark Mist, “whether you like it or not.”

Astral began to give up and let the dark liquid overtake him.

Twilight, he thought, Yuma. Forgive me...

Tom was reeling from the pain brought on by the powerful attack of Ahuizotl's monster.

“Are you too weak to continue?” asked Ahuizotl, proudly. “If so, then quit. There's no shame in knowing that you were a lesser duelist than I. Plus, you'll live. How much more convincing of a proposition can that be?”

“Get...” muttered Tom as he slowly got up to his feet, “...bent, you asshole.”

Shark and Kite observed him from their spots as Rainbow Dash and the other ponies respectfully watched him stand.

“I stood before you with full knowledge that I was putting my life on the line. Not to mention, I've risked my life so many times times in the past couple of months now; you think I'm going to stop just because you asked me to?”

Ahuizotl frowned at Tom's resilience while Rainbow Dash and her friends smiled at his bravery, Daring Do especially.

“I'd rather die protecting my friends and family than live knowing I subjected myself to you.”

With Tom's final statement, Ahuizotl smirked.

“Then get on with your death,” ordered Ahuizotl. “I grow tired of waiting.”

“You and me both.”

Tom then turned to Kite.

“Hey!” he called. “Mind if I borrow Galaxy-Eyes?”

Kite was visually apprehensive about lending Tom his most trusted card, but upon remembering his odd, but brilliant plan just a few turns ago, along with seeing Hart and Pinkie Pie huddled together in fear, Kite's hands were tied.

“You have my permission!” shouted Kite, which Tom returned with a smirk.

Tom's Turn: Tom activates Monster Reborn, special summoning Amber Minotaur from his graveyard. Next, he activates Gift of the Martyr, sending a monster from his side of the field to the graveyard to increase the ATK of a monster that he controls by the ATK of the sent monster, sending Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon to the graveyard to increase Amber Minotaur's ATK by that amount (ATK: 2400 -> 8900).


“8900 ATK points?” exclaimed Tori.

“Awesome!” cheered Rainbow Dash. “If this attack connects, that mecha-cat will be destroyed and Ahuizotl will take a ton of damage.”

“Go, Tom!” shouted Daring Do.

“Now, Amber Minotaur, attack Gi-gato Gato! Bronze Axe Slash!”

As Tom's monster lunged at Feral Idol – Gi-gato Gato, all of Gi-gato Gato's xyz materials met in front of it, merging to form a light shield. The blade merely bounced off the shield as a burst of harsh wind blew onto Ahuizotl, bringing his life points from 9400 to 7700.

“But how?” wondered Tom.

Ahuizotl smiled as he exclaimed, “I activated my trap: Xyz Superpower!”


Tom attacks Feral Idol – Gi-gato Gato with Amber Minotaur, but Ahuizotl activates Xyz Superpower. If an xyz monster that he controls is attacked by another monster that the opponent controls, his xyz monster is not destroyed, and the battle damage he takes is reduced by the number of xyz materials attached to it times 1000 (3 x 1000 = 3000).

Ahuizotl's Life Points: 9400 -> 7700

Also, at the end of damage calculation, Ahuizotl draws cards from his deck equal to the number of xyz materials attached to his xyz monster (3).

Tom sets one monster.

Tom places two cards face down and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-1 Life-8400 Monsters-2 Face Down Cards-2

“You came so close,” taunted Ahuizotl, “but now, the real pain begins.”

Ahuizotl's Turn: Ahuizotl equips Feral Idol – Gi-gato Gato with Big Bang Shot, increasing its ATK by 400 and giving it the effect of piercing damage (ATK: 4200 -> 4600).

Ahuizotl then activates his own face down Trap Stun, negating the effects of trap cards this turn.

Ahuizotl attacks Shark's face down monster, which is a Shocktopus (ATK: 1600 DEF: 800).

Shark, Tom, and Kite's Life Points: 8400 -> 4800


Ahuizotl laughed as Shark, Tom, and Kite were all blown away by the force of the attack.

“Tom!” shouted Rainbow Dash. “Shark!”

“Brother!” screamed Hart while Pinkie Pie shouted, “Kite!”

As Ahuizotl laughed at his enemies' pain, his laughter was broken by the sight of Shark's destroyed monster appearing behind Feral Idol – Gi-gato Gato and wrapping its tentacles around it. As the golden cat machine roared, its ATK went down from 4600 to 0.

“What?” questioned Ahuizotl.

Shark began chuckling aloud as he crawled to a kneel, Tom and Kite having stood back up.

“Now we've got you,” spoke Shark.


Shark activates Shocktopus' effect, equipping Shocktopus to Feral Idol – Gi-gato Gato, reducing its ATK to 0 and preventing it from changing its battle position (ATK: 4600 -> 0).

Ahuizotl places two cards face down and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-2 Life-7700 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-2

Yuma found himself back in the throne room of the Crystal Empire palace once the light around him faded away. However, meeting him there was King Sombra himself.

“You...” growled Yuma.

Upon Yuma taking a step closer to him, King Sombra pointed at the walls behind and high above him, revealing Astral bound in chains.

“Astral!” shouted Yuma, now sounding frightful. “ASTRAL!”

“Yuma!” shouted Astral. “Help me!”

Upon running towards him, King Sombra quickly launched a dark spell at Yuma, forcing him to the ground. Yuma's arms and legs jiggled slightly, but they wouldn't budge.

“My arms,” exclaimed Yuma. “I can't move them.”

“So much power,” spoke King Sombra, “in the one you name Astral. I want it!”

The chains binding Astral began to emit purple and green sparks. Astral winced and groaned in agony as a stream of purple aura spilled from his chest and into King Sombra's horn.

“Stop it!” pleaded Yuma. “Stop it, now!”

“This power,” spoke King Sombra. “It's delicious.”

Yuma's cries of “Astral!” were blasted from Yuma's mouth until his voice was hoarse. He could only watch as Astral, getting weaker and weaker by the second, faded to nothingness as Sombra drained the last of Astral's life from him.

Yuma could no longer scream. He merely rest his head upon the floor and wept over the loss of his friend.

“Be prepared to say your prayers, Ahuizotl,” shouted Kite.

Ahuizotl, knowing that his monster wouldn't survive Kite's attack, glanced desperately at a nearby tiger. Using his gaze, Ahuizotl directed the tiger to go to the leg where Pinkie Pie and Hart were. Using stealth and cunning, the cat made his way over.

Kite's Turn: Kite activates Photon Hurricane, sending spell and trap cards that Ahuizotl controls to his hand up to the number of cards in Kite's hand (3). Ahuizotl chains Miser's Strength, preventing a face-up spell or trap card that he controls to be destroyed or returned to the hand this turn, targeting Big Bang Shot. Kite returns Ahuizotl's other face-down card to his hand.


Unbeknownst to the distracted Kite, the tiger leaped onto the stairs and grabbed Hart by the collar of his shirt with his mouth before bounding off to Ahuizotl with the boy in tow.

“Hey!” shouted Pinkie Pie.


Kite activates his own Monster Reborn, special summoning Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon from his graveyard.


“Attack! Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon!” declared Kite. “Photon Stream of Des–”

Before Kite could declare his attack, the tiger tossed Hart to Ahuizotl, who delicately caught Hart by the neck with the hand on his tail.

“HART!” shouted Kite. “What are you doing, Ahuizotl?”

“Go ahead,” goaded Ahuizotl, “attack me. Just know that by taking me down, I'll take your dear brother with me.”

Pinkie Pie stared at Hart with frightened tears in her eyes.

“You unbelievable bastard,” seethed Kite. “I'll never forgive you!”

“What's your choice, Kite, my boy? The kingdom, or your brother?”

Kite looked back at the crystal ponies, who were miserably watching the duel as Ahuizotl gained the upper hand. Then he looked at his brother, helpless in Ahuizotl's grasp. His decision wasn't easy, but it was the only one he could bring himself to do.


Kite places one card face down and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-1 Life-4800 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-1

Alex appeared through the palace exit to find himself at the underside.

Before Alex could even speak, magic shackles appeared from the walls and clamped themselves to Alex's wrists and ankles and pulled him to the door.

“What?” stammered Alex. “What the hell?”

Now having a chance to observe his surroundings. Everyone of Alex's friends, including Twilight, Spike, Yuma, and Astral, were shackled to each other along with the crystal ponies. They all looked miserable.

Alex couldn't find Tom, Shark, or Kite until he found Ahuizotl, who stood before the three. It was apparent that they were dueling, Feral Lion, Feral Panther, and Feral Tiger standing next to Ahuizotl, but it looked like he already won, as told by his opponents' submissive kneeling and heavy cuts and bruises.

“Ah,” spoke Ahuizotl, “we finally found him. Let's give him something to see before he dies.”

“Tom!” shouted Alex. “No, God, please!”

“My monsters,” shouted Ahuizotl. “Attack Tom, Shark, and Kite directly!”

“NO!” screamed Alex as he tried to pull at his chains. “STOP!”

All three cat monsters shredded into their enemies' chests. Forcing their life point meter to drop to 0 as they lied motionless on the ground.

“TOM, NO!” screamed Alex with his head tilted to the sky.

Alex sunk to the ground as low as his chains could let him, weeping as he hung from the walls.

“You bastard...” cried Alex.

Back in the cavern, Alex, Yuma, Twilight, and Spike sat in front of the open door, their faces drowsy and their eyes red and green. Astral floated lazily in front of the door, his eyes also rendered similar colors. On the other side of the door was nothing but the wall.

“Let's just end this now,” spoke Ahuizotl.

Ahuizotl's Turn: Ahuizotl summons Feral Bobcat (ATK: 1400 DEF: 800). Ahuizotl activates the effect of Feral Bobcat, tributing it to destroy one spell or trap card on the field, choosing Shocktopus (ATK: 0 -> 4600). Ahuizotl activates Feral Idol – Gi-gato Gato's effect, detaching an xyz material to negate the effects of all other monsters on the field and prevent them from changing their battle positions.


Ahuizotl looked at Kite, his glare telling him to not dare activate his face down card so Ahuizotl could win.


Ahuizotl attacks Number 32: Shark Drake with Feral Idol – Gi-gato Gato, but Tom activates Shift, switching the target of the attack to his face down Morphing Jar (ATK: 700 DEF: 600).

Shark, Tom, and Kite's Life Points: 4800 -> 800


Kite was shocked at Tom's heroism.

“Tom!” yelled Kite. “Stop it. Otherwise, Hart–”

“I'm not letting Hart die,” shouted Tom, “but I won't let this empire die either!”

“Foolish...” spoke Ahuizotl.

Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash, inspired by Tom not giving up, devised a plan quietly amongst themselves.


When Morphing Jar is flip summoned, each player discards their entire their hand and draws five cards from their deck.


"Now Hart," spoke Ahuizotl, "be a good boy and watch your brother perish as he tried to save your life."

"BROTHER!" shrieked Hart.


Ahuizotl activates Oni-Gami Pursuit from his hand, detaching all xyz materials from an xyz monster that he controls to allow it to attack again when it destroys a defense position monster by battle, having Feral Idol – Gi-gato Gato attack Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon, but Tom activates Numinous Healer, increasing their life points by 1000 before the attack hits.

Shark, Tom, and Kite's Life Points: 800 -> 1800

Shark, Tom, and Kite's Life Points: 1800 -> 200


“No!” shouted Ahuizotl, lifting up Hart by his neck. “Now your brother is as good as dead!”

Before Ahuizotl could do anything more, a rainbow blur snatched Hart up and flew him away from the palace.

“I got you, bud,” assured Rainbow Dash.

As Ahuizotl looked as his hostage flew away, he motioned towards Pinkie Pie and her friends, having a pack of cats gather towards her and her friends. Pinkie Pie, undaunted, pulled out her party cannon and aimed, forcing the cats back.

“You lay so much as a claw on my friends and I'll turn you all into cake batter!” she shouted.

Kite was surprised, but relieved of Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie's rescue. Tom and Shark joined in a relieved smile, directing it back at Ahuizotl, who was gritting his teeth angrily over the destruction of his plan.

“It doesn't matter,” spoke Ahuizotl.


During the end phase, Ahuizotl activates the effect of Feral Idol – Gi-gato Gato, sending the top two cards of his deck to his graveyard to target a monster card in his deck and attach it to Feral Idol – Gi-gato Gato as xyz material, choosing Feral Puma.

Ahuizotl places two cards face down and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-2 Life-7700 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-2

The cats sent to look for Twilight and the others continued to descend the stairwell. As they came across the stairs that broke due to Twilight and her friends' weight, they bounded over it, continuing to descend.

Shark stood forward, ready to take his next turn. His blood still poured from him, making him feel woozier by the minute. However, upon seeing Rainbow Dash perch back down to the steps with Hart, he felt the energy to continue on.

“Are you almost done?” asked Ahuizotl. “You might not last the turn.”

“Maybe not,” spoke Shark, “but I'm certainly not letting you win!”

Shark's body became covered in purple aura, shocking Ahuizotl and most of the ponies (minus Rainbow Dash and Daring Do).

“I don't think I ever heard you say your prayers yet,” said Shark.

As Alex looked back up to see the remains of his slaughtered friends, he saw as Ahuizotl laughed in victory. Alex clenched his fists and pulled on the shackles holding his arms while trying to force the chains off his legs.

“No,” grunted Alex. “You will not laugh over my brother!”

Using all of his strength, he began to yell as he pulled harder and harder until he got Ahuizotl's attention. With one last pull, the chains were dislodged from the walls, freeing him.

Shark's Turn: As his life points are 1000 or lower, Shark overlays Number 32: Shark Drake to chaos xyz summon Number C32: Shark Drake Veiss (ATK: 2800 DEF: 2100).


“Whoa,” was all that Applejack could say on behalf of her friends as they looked at Shark's monster.


Shark activates the effect of Number C32: Shark Drake Veiss, detaching one xyz material from it to banish a Shark monster in his graveyard and have a monster that his opponent controls lose ATK equal to the banished monster, banishing Number 32: Shark Drake to reduce Feral Idol – Gi-gato Gato's ATK by Number 32: Shark Drake's ATK (ATK: 4600 -> 1800).

Shark attacks Feral Idol – Gi-gato Gato with Number C32: Shark Drake Veiss. Ahuizotl attempts to activate Mirror Force, but Shark activates the quick-play spell Shark Spark from his hand, negating the activation of Mirror Force and destroying it. The attack is about to go through, but Ahuizotl activates Safe Zone, preventing his monster's destruction by battle or card effects. Battle damage is still applied.

Ahuizotl's Life Points: 7700 -> 6700

Shark places one card face down and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-4 Life-200 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-1

“No!” shouted Ahuizotl. “I'm not done. Not by a long shot!”

Ahuizotl's Turn: Ahuizotl equips Feral Idol – Gi-gato Gato with Malevolent Nuzzler, increasing its ATK by 700 (ATK: 1800 -> 2500).


"Now," declared Ahuizotl,"I attack Amber Minotaur with Gi-gato Gato!"

The golden lion charged a green colored beam from its mouth, preparing to attack.

"We'll survive," said Tom. "We can handle another 100 life points."

"100? Try 1100," Ahuizotl explained. "When Feral Puma is attached to a monster as xyz material, it inflicts 1000 points of damage when the monster it's attached to inflicts battle damage to the opponent. With this you shall lose, and you shall die!"

Feral Idol – Gi-gato Gato blasted its beam at Tom's monster.

"NOOOO!" screamed Rainbow Dash.

"As if I'll let you!" shouted Kite in response.


Ahuizotl attacks Amber Minotaur with Feral Idol – Gi-gato Gato, but Kite activates Mirror Shade, halving his life points to negate the battle damage.

Shark, Tom, and Kite's Life Points: 200 -> 100

Because no battle damage occurred, the effect of Feral Puma attached to Feral Idol – Gi-gato Gato as xyz material cannot activate.

Ahuizotl ends his turn.

Status: Hand-2 Life-6700 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-0

“I hate to do this,” said Tom to Shark, “but I need to borrow your monster too.”

Shark merely smirked.

“After the way you fought,” spoke Shark, “you deserve it.”

Tom, smiling again, put his fingers on his deck.

Yuma looked up to see King Sombra brimming with Astral's powers that were taken from him. Yuma, using all of his strength, tried to lift his arm up. With King Sombra's spell, it felt impossible to do.

“I'm not going to give up,” grunted Yuma. “I'm going to free the Crystal Empire from your grasp! Kattobingu-da, ore!”

Yuma's fist flew into the air. He was freed from Sombra's spell.

Tom's Turn: Tom activates the equip spell card Xyz Revival, special summoning an xyz monster in his graveyard and equipping Xyz Revival to it, choosing Amber Minotaur. Since Tom's Life Points are below 500, Tom overlays Amber Minotaur and Number C32: Shark Drake Veiss to xyz summon Shining Golden Minotaur (ATK: 3400 DEF: 2400). Tom activates Shining Golden Minotaur’s effect. By detaching all xyz materials from it, Tom can inflict 400 points of damage to the opponent for each xyz material detached from it when he inflicts battle damage to the opponent.

Tom attacks Feral Idol – Gi-gato Gato with Shining Golden Minotaur.

Ahuizotl's Life Points: 6700 -> 5100

Ahuizotl then takes 400 points of damage for each xyz material detached from Shining Golden Minotaur (4 x 400 = 1600).

Ahuizotl's Life Points: 5100 -> 3500

Tom summons Gladiator Beast Equeste (ATK: 1600 DEF: 1200). Next, he activates Overlay Regenerate, attaching itself as an xyz material to Shining Golden Minotaur.

Tom places two cards face down and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-1 Life-100 Monsters-2 Face Down Cards-2

Ahuizotl's cats were about two stories away from Twilight and her friends, who were still paralyzed in their trance.

Ahuizotl's Turn: Ahuizotl activates Reload, adding his hand to his deck, shuffling it, and drawing the same number of cards he had in his hand.

Ahuizotl places two cards face down and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-0 Life-3500 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-2

“You're getting desperate now,” spoke Kite, “as well you should. After what you did to me and my brother, I'll see to it that you die by my hand.”

Looking at his replenished hand, he saw a card in it that he knew would change everything.

Thank you, Tom, he spoke. I'll make sure that your efforts weren't in vain.

“My turn!” shouted Kite. “Draw!”

Yuma stood before King Sombra as the two began to stare each other down. With a launch in his step, Yuma ran to King Sombra.

“Get down!” yelled Sombra, launching another spell at Yuma.

However, the spell didn't phase Yuma at all as he leaped high into the air. With a loud yell, Yuma, punched the frightened King Sombra in the face, causing him to shatter into a blinding light that overtook Yuma.

Alex, freed from his bondage, ran out to Ahuizotl. As cats jumped in to stop him, Alex easily disposed of them by running through them all like a ballistic freight train. Alex then jumped up and flew towards Ahuizotl. Upon his fist colliding with Ahuizotl's face, Ahuizotl exploded in a burst of light that shone over the entire area.

Kite's Turn: Kite activates Message in a Bottle, special summoning three monsters with different levels in his graveyard, choosing Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon, Photon Crusher, and Photon Lizard (ATK: 900 DEF: 1200). Their effects are negated and their ATK becomes 0 (ATK: 3000 -> 0) (ATK: 2000 -> 0) (ATK: 900 -> 0).

Kite then activates Shift Up, having all monsters that Kite controls be the same level as the monster with the highest level that he controls (Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon) (Lvl.: 4 -> 8) (Lvl.: 3 -> 8).


Kite shouted loud as his coat and body were covered in red aura, shocking every living being observing except for Tori and Hart. Pinkie Pie's jaw was reaching for the floor.

“Go, Brother!” shouted Hart.

“I overlay Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon, Photon Crusher, and Photon Lizard!” shouted Kite. “I construct the overlay network with the three monsters. Xyz summon! Feelings Towards the Future! Become the shining light and show yourself!”

With the appearance of the large, black-and-red spear, Kite hurled it into the portal, causing a flashy explosion and the appearance of his true ace.

“Descend, my very soul! Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon!”


Kite overlays Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon, Photon Crusher, and Photon Lizard to xyz summon Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon (ATK: 4500 DEF: 3000). With Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon’s effect, the effects of all other monsters on the field are negated, as Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon was used in the xyz summoning of Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon.

Kite activates Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon’s effect. By detaching one xyz material from it, Kite can detach all other xyz materials from monsters on the field and have Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon gain 500 ATK for each one, as well as allowing Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon to attack a number of times equal to the number of xyz materials detached (2 x 500 = 1000, ATK: 4500 -> 5500).

Kite attacks Feral Idol – Gi-gato Gato with Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon, but Ahuizotl activates Magic Cylinder, negating the attack and inflicting damage equal to the attacking monster's ATK. Tom then activates Parry, returning a Gladiator Beast monster that he controls to the deck to negate and destroy Magic Cylinder. Ahuizotl attempts to activate Dark Bribe to negate and destroy Parry, but Shark activates Deep-Sea King’s Judgment, negating and destroying Dark Bribe. Parry's effect activates, destroying Magic Cylinder.

The attack goes through. Because of Safe Zone's effect, Feral Idol – Gi-gato Gato isn't destroyed by battle. Battle damage is still applied.

Ahuizotl's Life Points: 3500 -> 500

With Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon's effect, it can attack once more this turn. Kite attacks Feral Idol – Gi-gato Gato again with Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon.

Ahuizotl's Life Points: 500 -> 0

Shark, Tom, and Kite win.

As Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon's attack ravaged Feral Idol – Gi-gato Gato and the shrieking Ahuizotl, the large, golden monster began to explode in bursts of purple flames.

“NO!!” shouted Ahuizotl.

Feral Idol – Gi-gato Gato exploded, its burst incinerating and vaporizing Ahuizotl. In an instant, each and every one of the cats burst into paper, freeing everyone from Ahuizotl's control.

Alex and Yuma both jolted awake inside the cavern, their eyes returning to their natural color. Alex looked at the open door, seeing that the stone wall was the only thing on the other side. However, he saw Twilight, Spike, and Astral still sitting with their eyes colored.

“Could it really be?” questioned Alex.

“Astral!” called Yuma, trying to snap his friend out. “Oy, Astral!”

Before he could ponder, he saw as the cats came down the stairs. Using all the speed he could muster, Alex shut the door, alerting the cats nonetheless. With the door closed, Twilight, Spike, and Astral awoke from their trance, trying to familiarize themselves with their surroundings.

“Guys!” Alex shouted. “Look out!”

With their consciousness restored, everyone jumped out of the way as the cats came down to the foot of the stairs. Twilight stood in front of her four friends, ready to defend them. Before the cats could advance further, they too burst into paper, confusing Twilight even further.

Shark, Tom, and Kite stood still as the holographic imagery faded as the Duel Rezzer shut off, bringing everyone's clothes to their original state. Shark then immediately fell to the ground and lied on his bleeding side. Tom, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity ran to his side while Hart and Pinkie Pie ran to Kite to give him a big hug. The crystal ponies gathered around Shark as well.

“Come on, Shark,” spoke Tom. “Hang in there.”

“Here,” spoke Shining Armor, giving Tom the Crystal Empire flag. “Use this as a tourniquet.”

Tom tore a strip off and quickly but delicately dressed the wound. Rarity couldn't help but squeal in sorrow to see her handiwork tarnished like that.

“Thank you,” grunted Shark. “You did real good, Tom.”

Tom smiled as he gripped Shark's hand.

“What was that thing?” asked Yuma, looking at the door.

“King Sombra's dark magic,” answered Twilight. “A doorway that leads to your worst fear.”

Spike was still shaken by his experience, trying to wipe the tears from his eyes as they continued to bleed from them.

“We were home,” he said. “You told me you didn't need me anymore. You were sending me away.”

Spike's melancholy was ended by Twilight lovingly putting her arm around Spike and nuzzling her face into his, issuing a smile from him.

“A fear that will never come to pass,” she assured him. “I'm never going to send you away.”

Alex picked up the leftover papers from the cats that tried to attack them.

“And I'm not going to fail my test,” finished Twilight, casting a light-purple spell upon the crystal atop the door.

A white outline went around the door. Once it finished, the door opened up, revealing a white room on the other side. Twilight, Spike, Yuma, and Astral entered through the door. Alex continued to look at the papers.

Good job, guys, thought Alex. I knew you could beat him.

“Coming, Alex?” chirped Twilight's voice.


Alex tossed the papers aside and walked into the room.

King Sombra hovered outside the empire outskirts, heavily angered by Ahuizotl's failure.

“It looks like I'll have to do this myself!” he shouted, before diving into the ground where his horn fell.

A shadow began to stretch out to the kingdom, leaving a trail of dark crystal's sprouting from the ground in its wake.