• Published 14th Nov 2012
  • 5,796 Views, 88 Comments

Yu-Gi-Oh! Equus X Zexal - moviemaster8510

A crossover of the anime Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal and my fanfic Yu-Gi-Oh! Equus.

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Chapter 13: Jousting


Thursday, June 21st, 2012, Crystal Empire

Alex woke up in his new bed. Even in his tired, half-awake state, he could feel that Twilight’s presence wasn’t there, as he could usually tell by her body nestled cozily against his. He shot up out of bed. Not only was Twilight not in there, but neither was Rainbow Dash, who usually slept with Tom. However, Tom was sitting on his bed, fully clothed in his cleaned daytime attire as he played around on his computer. Upon noticing Alex’s sudden movements, Tom addressed him.

“Oh hey,” he said. “What’s with the sudden wakey-wakey, did you have a nightmare or something?”

“Hahaha,” sarcastically retorted Alex. “Where’s Twilight and Rainbow Dash?”

“Oh, them? We were supposed to meet them downstairs for breakfast as soon as you got your sorry ass showered and dressed.”

“Oh… Wait, meet them downstairs? Where were they?”

“Twilight told me she was doing some last minute handiwork with the faire, and Rainbow Dash spent the night with Shark.”

“Oh, okay.”

“There’s just one problem.”

“Huh? What’s that?”

“You aren’t getting your sorry ass showered and dressed. Now, come on!”

Alex, not wanting to keep his friend waiting, rolled out of bed and made for a bathroom with his neatly cleaned and folded clothes in hand.

Alex and Tom finally arrived downstairs after ten minutes. They walked inside a large banquet hall with a large table and chairs made entirely from crystal. Rainbow Dash and Twilight were the only ones down there sitting at the table next to each other. Tom and Alex took the chairs across from them, respectively.

“It’s about time you two sleeping beauties got down here,” exclaimed Rainbow Dash. “We’re starved!”

“Rainbow,” chided Twilight.

“I’m just saying!”

“Don’t be too hard on her, Twilight,” said Alex. “Those beds we slept on were so comfortable; I slept like a baby.”

“Speaking of sleep,” began Tom, trying to get some conversation in, “how’d last night with Shark go, Rainbow Dash?”

“Great!” she answered. “Shark’s a sound sleeper, just the way I like it.”

“That’s good.”

“I mean, you weren’t lonely last night, were you, Tom?”

“Meh, a little, but I figured you should hang with your new friend before he leaves. Don’t worry about it.”

“Where are the others?” asked Alex.

“Everyone except Applejack and Tori is out doing some last minute prep of the faire. They’re making your breakfast right now.”

Applejack came wheeling in a cart with four covered platters on them.

“Ah, speak of the devil.”

Twilight levitated each tray to each pony and person and removed the trays, revealing their contents. On each plate, there was a triple stack of pancakes, two sunny side up eggs, and cheesy cheddar grits. Needless to say, the food looked stunning.

“Wow, Applejack,” said Tom. “You really outdid yourself this time.”

“Aw, shucks,” said Applejack. “Thank you. I didn’t do it alone, though.”

“I made and seasoned the eggs,” spoke Tori, coming in fully dressed with an apron over her outfit.

“Well,” said Alex, “I’ll be the first to tell you how good they are.”

As Alex began eating his eggs, Tom and Rainbow Dash dove right into their pancakes while Twilight daintily ate her grits.

The six of them walked outside the palace through one of the legs, watching as each creature observed and inspected each minute detail of the faire to ensure its success. Yuma was the first one of them to notice Alex and his group exit the palace, having just walked by himself. He ran to the group to greet them. Astral, as always, followed closely behind him.

“Hey, Alex!” he called. “Tom! Good to see you all out here!”

“I know,” agreed Alex. “It’s going to be fun.”

“With this faire, we’re sure to brighten the spirits of the crystal ponies. It’s the ultimate kattobing!”

“Good to see you so in the spirit of things,” replied Twilight.

“Hey,” called Applejack, who was prodding at a poorly-carved, seafoam-green, crystal statue of a heart atop a narrow gem, “what’s this thing for?”

Twilight explained, “The last page of the book mentioned a crystal heart as the faire centerpiece, so I used my magic to cut one out of a crystal block.”

“Nice work, Twi. I think we’re ready to get this faire up and running!”


Twilight then addressed everyone present.

“Listen guys,” she told them, “I gave the same spiel to Yuma and the others and now I’m going to tell you. With this faire, we should hopefully have the power to repel King Sombra from the empire, where he will no longer harm this land or its inhabitants. You think you’re up to it?”

“Yes, ma’am!” spoke everyone in unison.

“Good. Now go out and make Equestria proud.”

Everyone ran out to man a position, Yuma and Alex at games, Applejack and Tori went to man a section of food carts, and Tom and Rainbow Dash went off to meet Shark and Daring Do at the jousting ring. As Tom ran, Rainbow Dash flew close behind, enjoying her time with Tom wholeheartedly. Upon reaching the jousting arena where Shark and Daring Do awaited, both of them locked their sights on Rainbow Dash upon seeing her fly closer.

“Hey, Shark!” called Rainbow Dash, landing in front of him, “how’s the ring coming?”

“Fine,” he answered.

“Daring Do, how are you? I didn’t see you last night.”

“I had a nice long walk around the kingdom,” she said. “For someone who goes on as many adventures as I do, it’s kind of nice to just relax and take it all in.”

“I heard that!” replied Rainbow Dash as she bumped her hoof with Daring Do’s.

Shark looked upon the jousting ring one last time before it would be crowded with others, dispelling any peace he would have for easily the rest of the day. Tom, however, broke him out faster than expected.

“Hey,” he asked.

“Tom,” answered Shark. “What do you want?”

“It may be a little bit before Twilight announces the beginning of the faire, and I just wanted to ask you…”

“Hm? What?”

“Would you mind dueling me?”


“Yeah. I mean, I got to see Yuma duel, I got to see Kite duel, but I never really got to see you duel.”

“What about when you watched Yuma and I before we came here?”

“Aw, that doesn’t count! I mean in person. Mono e mono. Stuff like that!”

“I don’t think it would be a wise idea. If these ponies have been away for as long as Twilight says that they have, then they will know nothing of Duel Monsters. Two or more monsters battling like that would scare them out of their wits.”

“Don’t worry,” said Tom with a smile. “I’ll beat you long before then.”

Tom’s answer became a shrill noise in Shark's ear, forcing him to respond.

“You think you can back those words?” said Shark, giving Tom a sly smile.

Hook, line, and sinker, thought Tom.

“I know I can!” answered Tom.

“Then I hope you brought your Duel Rezzer,” said Shark, already pulling out his D-Pad and walking to the other end of the jousting gate.

“But of course. How else could I challenge you? Let’s go!”

Tom constructed and equipped his D-Pad onto his wrist, while Shark threw his tablet in the air. Upon unfolding, Shark’s tablet landed on his wrist dealer and locked itself in. Both Tom and Shark’s zones unsheathed from their tablets. Rainbow Dash and Daring Do noticed the two of them beginning their duel and went over to see.

“Duel Rezzer! Activate!” shouted Tom, pushing his device’s button and tossed at the center of the jousting gate where it began to hover and project the holographic auras.

“Tom,” whispered Daring Do into Tom’s ear, “what in the wide, wide world of Equestria are you doing?”

“Dueling,” he answered, “what does it look like?”

“Did you not hear what Shark said? The Crystal Faire is going to start any minute and you’re already going to cause a panic.”

“You’re going to cause a panic,” retorted Tom sarcastically.

Daring Do was at a loss for words, not only for his disregard of her warning, but because she didn’t understand what that meant.

“Whatever,” responded Daring Do, fuming. “I’ll make sure Twilight has your head if your duel screws this up.”

“Yah, okay,” dismissed Tom. “Now,” he said to Shark, “where were we?”

As Shark smirked, he and Tom drew five cards from their decks. Rainbow Dash pumped her forearms in excitement while Daring Do observed sullenly.

“DUEL!” they both shouted.

Tom vs. Shark

Tom’s Turn: Tom summons Gladiator Beast Lanista (ATK: 1800 DEF: 1200). Tom equips Gladiator Beast Lanista with Gladiator Beast’s Battle Manica.

Tom places two cards face down and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-2 Life-4000 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-2

Twilight walked out onto the palace balcony with Shining Armor and Cadance, the latter looking exhausted, at her side. Pinkie Pie was at the right side of the entrance, producing an awful sound from the flugelhorn that she blew from, screaming “Flugelhorn,” into it, as if that would make it sound better. The three of them ignored her so Twilight could make the announcement over the banister and across the kingdom.

“Hear ye, hear–” she began to declare, before she was interrupted once again by Pinkie Pie’s horrendous noise from her flugelhorn.

As Twilight recovered her ears from the cacophony, she shot an angry glance at Pinkie Pie. Pinkie Pie, her eyes being shut from the straining of her energy into blowing, looked to see the three ponies looking at her confusedly. She responded by putting her instrument away.

“Hehe,” she giggled sheepishly, “my bad, hehe.”

With a final clearing of her throat, Twilight went on to make the announcement uninterrupted.

“Hear ye, hear ye! Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor do cordially invite you to attend the Crystal Faire!”

As her announcement rung all over the empire, all of the crystal ponies came out of their homes to hear the news. Upon hearing "Crystal Faire" however, something inside them came to life. A purple mare with a gold mane and a light blue stallion with a blue mane in particular flashed brightly. Upon the passing of the flash, their coats, which were lifeless and desaturated, became bright and vibrant. Their manes and tails, once drooping, were now neat and puffed. The mare also had a couple of hairbands that styled her mane even more. Also, their sullen frowns became replaced by happy, joyous smiles, eager to attend the festivities that the faire had to offer.

Many of the crystal ponies looked about their fair city as well, marveling at its splendor as if they had not seen it for years. Pinkie Pie and Twilight looked over the banister to see the ponies coming closer to the faire. Upon realizing their success, they clopped their front hooves together as they continued to observe. Applejack was already waiting for the group to enter as she explained the locations of things to the locals.

“Come on in, y’all!” she beckoned, tilting her head in the direction of each place as she named them off. “We got food and drinks that-a way, games and crafts are that-a way, and the Crystal Heart is in the back near the princess.”

Upon hearing the words “Crystal Heart,” the crystal ponies murmured amongst themselves, wondering if they had heard Applejack correctly. However, it didn’t stop the ponies from going to the various stands and attractions to have themselves a grand old time. A large group of ponies in particular made their way towards the jousting ring.

Shark’s Turn: Shark summons Double Shark (ATK: 1200 DEF: 1600). Shark then activates Aqua Jet, increasing Double Shark’s ATK by 1000 until the end phase (ATK: 1200 -> 2200).


“Double Shark,” shouted Shark, “attack Gladiator Beast Lanista!”

Just before the two monsters could battle, Tom’s Gladiator Beast Lanista shifted to its right, going to its right side of the jousting gate while Shark’s Double Shark shifted to its right side of the gate.

“What’s happening?” wondered Shark aloud.

Gladiator Beast thrust its spear forward, holding it in its left hand and preparing to attack.

“They’re gonna joust!” shouted Rainbow Dash.

“Joust?” murmured some nearby crystal ponies. “Somepony’s jousting?”

The ponies made their way to the jousting area, eager to catch the action. As they approached, Gladiator Beast Lanista and Double Shark lunged at each other.


Shark attacks Gladiator Beast Lanista with Double Shark. With Gladiator Beast Battle Manica’s effect, Gladiator Beast Lanista cannot be destroyed by battle. Battle damage is still applied.

Tom’s Life Points: 4000 -> 3600


Gladiator Beast Lanista was thrust back, overwhelmed by Double Shark’s attack, but it landed right back where it started.

“Nice play,” commented Tom, “but Gladiator Beast Battle Manica prevents my monster’s destruction by battle.”

“I know,” commented Shark, smiling smugly. “But my Double Shark can attack twice this battle phase. So go, Double Shark, attack Gladiator Beast Lanista once again!”


With Double Shark’s effect, it can attack twice during the battle phase. Shark attacks Gladiator Beast Lanista with Double Shark again.

Tom’s Life Points: 3600 -> 3200


Many crystal ponies had begun to gather around the jousting ring, but were somewhat confused at the anthropomorphic eagle and the blue, armored shark in the arena. Daring Do began to look upon them with a nervous expression. However, upon seeing the monsters do battle again, which resulted in the same outcome, the ponies began to get excited.

“Wow,” said a yellow stallion, his body brightening up like some of the others, “that Double Shark is great!”

“That Lanista one is strong too,” commented a magenta mare.

Shark and Tom noticed the crystal ponies gather to the stands, watching them upon their comments, but shared a mutual smile with each other, knowing that their duel wasn’t frightening them; it was entertaining them. Daring Do was surprised to see the crystal ponies reacting so positively to the monsters.


At the end of the battle phase, if Gladiator Beast Lanista attacked or was attacked, Tom can return it to his deck to special summon a Gladiator Beast monster from his deck, choosing Gladiator Beast Dimacari (ATK: 1600 DEF: 1200). Tom then activates his face down Double Tag Team, special summoning a Gladiator Beast monster from his hand or deck when he successfully summons a Gladiator Beast monster, choosing Gladiator Beast Andal from his deck (ATK: 1900 DEF: 1500).

When Shark activates a normal spell card this turn, he can special summon Big Jaws from his hand (ATK: 1800 DEF: 300).

During the end phase, Double Shark’s ATK returns to normal (ATK: 2200 -> 1200).

Shark places two cards face down and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-1 Life-4000 Monsters-2 Face Down Cards-2

The ponies began to murmur again, unsure of the purpose of Shark’s face down card or the use of Tom’s card effects. Daring Do was now sure that the ponies would become frightened. Rainbow Dash shared her sentiments, but couldn’t allow the duel to stop, knowing that either way, questions were unavoidable, so she figured why stop the entertaining duel? She flew above the crowd to rile them up.

“See these creatures?” she addressed, getting the attention of the crystal ponies in attendance in the stands. “They have the ability to summon creatures and magic to joust with them for your entertainment! Watch and be amazed as they exchange blows with each other until one of them rises as a victor!”

With Rainbow Dash’s words of encouragement, the ponies smiled again and cheered. Rainbow Dash flew back to Daring Do’s side, who was highly impressed with her words.

“You never struck me as a user of that vocabulary,” said Daring Do slyly.

“Hanging around Twilight enough,” Rainbow Dash explained, nudging Daring Do’s shoulder, “you begin to learn those kinds of words.”

Daring Do giggled, feeling the tension leaving her body.

“Hm,” said Tom under his breath. “Good job, Rainbow Dash.”

Tom placed his fingers upon his deck.

“Ready to give these ponies a good show?” he asked.

Shark nodded in response, prompting Tom to take his turn.

Tom’s Turn: Tom summons Gladiator Beast Tygerius (ATK: 1800 DEF: 800).

Tom attacks Double Shark with Gladiator Beast Dimacari.

Shark’s Life Points: 4000 -> 3600

Tom then attacks Big Jaws with Gladiator Beast Andal, but Shark activates Zeus Breath, negating the attack and inflicting 800 points of damage to Tom.

Tom’s Life Points: 3200 -> 2400

At the end of the battle phase, if Gladiator Beast Dimacari attacked or was attacked, Tom can return it to his deck to special summon a Gladiator Beast monster from his deck, choosing Gladiator Beast Murmillo in defense position (ATK: 800 DEF: 400). Tom activates Gladiator Beast Murmillo’s effect, destroying one monster on the field when its special summoned by the effect of a Gladiator Beast monster, choosing Big Jaws.


That’s it, thought Shark, grinning deviously.


Tom overlays Gladiator Beast Tygerius and Gladiator Beast Andal to xyz summon Amber Minotaur (ATK: 2400 DEF: 1900).


“Huh?” questioned Shark. “He also controls a Stone of Equus? Hmph. No matter.”


Shark activates Splash Capture, banishing two Fish-type monsters in his graveyard to take control of Amber Minotaur.

Tom places one card face down and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-1 Life-2400 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-2

Rainbow Dash was surprised over how easily Shark took control of Tom’s monster like that, her mouth agape as her former friend’s monster now stood as his enemy. Amber Minotaur itself looked unhappy about being on Shark’s side. The crystal ponies themselves found Shark’s tactics to be quite unsporting, as told by their chatter, which shifted from pleasant and entertained to confused and disheartened.

“Oh no,” sighed Daring Do, “Shark’s losing them.”

“Now your Amber Minotaur is mine,” stated Shark to a shocked and demoralized Tom. “I have to admit, I was not expecting you to hold a Stone of Equus card as well.”

“Don’t get too comfortable,” shouted Tom, “because I’ll make sure you don’t keep my monster–no, my ally from me for long.”

“Go, Tom!” shouted Rainbow Dash.

This only slightly lifted the spirits of the crystal ponies, who began to become invested in what now seemed to be a “rescue” of sorts for Amber Minotaur. Shark glanced at Rainbow Dash for her outburst, who only offered a flat-faced shrug. Shark ignored her and began his turn.

Shark’s Turn: Shark summons Shocktopus (ATK: 1600 DEF: 800). Next, Shark activates Amber Minotaur’s effect. By detaching one xyz material from it, he can normal summon again this turn without tributes, summoning Jawsman (ATK: 2600 DEF: 1600). Jawsman gains 300 ATK for every other WATER monster that he controls (1 x 300 = 300, ATK: 2600 -> 2900).

Shark attacks Gladiator Beast Murmillo with Shocktopus, but Tom activates Defensive Tactics, preventing the destruction of all monsters he controls by battle and reducing all battle damage to 0 when he controls a Gladiator Beast monster.

At the end of the battle phase, if Gladiator Beast Murmillo attacked or was attacked, Tom can return it to his deck to special summon a Gladiator Beast monster from his deck, choosing Gladiator Beast Darius (ATK: 1700 DEF: 400). When Gladiator Beast Darius is special summoned by the effect of a Gladiator Beast monster, Tom can special summon a Gladiator Beast monster from his graveyard with its effects negated, choosing Gladiator Beast Tygerius.

Shark ends his turn.

Status: Hand-0 Life-3600 Monsters-3 Face Down Cards-0

Tom was still upset that Amber Minotaur was now his enemy, but was visibly relieved in his gratitude that Shark decided not to attack with him first, using his own monsters instead. Rainbow Dash, Daring Do, and the crystal ponies were drawn in, waiting to see what would happen next.

“If it’s any consolation,” said Shark to Tom, “my taking of Amber Minotaur was in no way a sign of ill will. It’s just one of my strategies for defeating opponents who would otherwise be stronger than me.”

“I don’t understand,” spoke Tom. “What kind of duelist would use taking others’ cards as a strategy?”

“Perhaps I can explain. After my first loss to Yuma, I was ridiculed out of school, taking solace in a street gang that let me in. In that time, I doctored my deck with cards that would help me fight the Numbers better, namely, Yuma himself. After defeating him this time, he still held onto the belief that we were friends.

“That night, I was sent to go to a museum to rob a valuable card alongside two Numbers-possessed gang members who merely used me for my dueling skills. When Yuma decided to stand up to the three of us, I decided to fight alongside him, taking solace in a true friend who cared for my safety as opposed to a multitude of fake ones who would easily dispose of me. With my newfound fervor, I used my anti-Numbers cards to aid my alliance with Yuma against anyone who meant him harm.

“I rarely use those cards anymore, Tom, mainly because I already own a Numbers, but I only use them in the biggest of pinches, much like the one you put me in just a turn ago.”

“A… pinch?” wondered Tom.

“Yeah,” answered Shark, who began to produce a slight smile. “Like Yuma said, a duel is a clashing of souls; we get to know about our opponents from them. And right now, I see a young man before me who wants a fun, challenging duel with a friend, and who am I to deny him that?”

With Shark’s words, Rainbow Dash and Daring Do were smiling as well. The crowd of crystal ponies were also uplifted, satisfied with Shark’s explanation. A couple went as far to clap their hooves together to show their support for them.

“However,” finished Shark, “I hope you’re going to take my challenge seriously. I have three monsters on my field, one of which is your Amber Minotaur. I anticipate how you’re going to counter that.”

“Just you wait and see,” said Tom. “I told you that you wouldn’t have my monster for long, and I meant it. Ready for this?”

Tom’s Turn: Tom summons Gladiator Beast Equeste (ATK: 1600 DEF: 1200). Tom overlays Gladiator Beast Equeste, Gladiator Beast Tygerius, and Gladiator Beast Darius to xyz summon Citrine Manticore (ATK: 2800 DEF: 2000).


“What? Impossible!” gasped Shark. “He controls another Stone of Equus monster?”

“You bet I do,” responded Tom.


Tom attacks Amber Minotaur with Citrine Manticore.

Shark’s Life Points: 3600 -> 3200

Tom activates Citrine Manticore’s effect. By detaching one xyz material from it when it destroys a monster by battle, he can inflict damage to his opponent equal to the DEF of the destroyed monster.

Shark’s Life Points: 3200 -> 1300

Tom activates his face down Xyz Reborn, special summoning Amber Minotaur in his graveyard and attaching Xyz Reborn to it as xyz material. Tom activates One Day of Peace, having each player draw one card and has no one take damage until the end of the opponent’s next turn.

Tom ends his turn.

Status: Hand-1 Life-2400 Monsters-2 Face Down Cards-0

With Amber Minotaur back on Tom's field, the crystal ponies, along with Rainbow Dash, cheered wildly. Daring Do, however, made a respectful clop of her front hooves.

“Well,” said Shark, “I have to hand it to you. You not only got your monster off my field, but you also got it back onto yours.”

“I ain't no pushover, Shark,” exclaimed Tom. “Now your life is below mine, and whatever you do, you can't inflict any damage onto me thanks to One Day of Peace.”

“That won't be a problem,” said Shark, causing a surprised gasp from Tom and Rainbow Dash. “What will be a problem is that after my turn, you will be without one of your monsters.”

Tom's shock subsided back into his confident demeanor.

“Is that a challenge? Then please, by all means, go ahead and try.”

Shark merely smirked as his fingers went over his deck.

Shark’s Turn: Shark summons Hammer Shark (ATK: 1700 DEF: 1500). Shark then activates Falling Current, choosing one monster he controls and increasing or decreasing its level by any number between 1 and 3, decreasing Jawsman’s level by 2 (Lvl.: 6 -> 4). Shark overlays Jawsman, Shocktopus, and Hammer Shark to xyz summon Number 32: Shark Drake (ATK: 2800 DEF: 2100).


The crystal ponies were still awed by the flashy appearance of Shark's ace monster, while Rainbow Dash only crossed her arms and smiled, having come in contact with Tom's monster once before.

“Funny,” said Tom. “I used to own a copy of that.”

“Is that right?” said Shark. “Perhaps you're familiar with how strong it is.”


Shark attacks Citrine Manticore with Number 32: Shark Drake. Both monsters’ ATKs are equal, but since Numbers can only be destroyed in battle with other Numbers, only Citrine Manticore is destroyed.

Shark ends his turn.

Status: Hand-0 Life-1300 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-0

Very nice, thought Tom, he used the damage negating effects of One Day of Peace to his advantage there. Now I'll take damage next turn if he attacks. But hell if I'm going to let him take down my Amber Minotaur again.

“My turn!” shouted Tom, drawing a card from his deck. “DRAW!”

And this card might just be the one to do it.

Tom’s Turn: Tom activates Xyz Treasure, drawing cards equal to the number of xyz monsters on the field (2). Next, he activates Gladiator Beast’s Respite, shuffling two Gladiator Beast cards from his hand into his deck to draw three cards. Tom equips Amber Minotaur with Axe of Despair, increasing its ATK by 1000 (ATK: 2400 -> 3400).

Tom attacks Number 32: Shark Drake with Amber Minotaur. With Number 32: Shark Drake’s effect, it cannot be destroyed by battle except with another Numbers card. Battle damage is still applied.

Shark’s Life Points: 1300 -> 700

Tom places one card face down and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-1 Life-2400 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-1

Tom stood confidently, proud with the damage that he inflicted, the crowd cheering him on next to him only boosting his morale even further. However, the cheering subsided to the sound of Rainbow Dash laughing behind Tom. Daring Do, Tom, and the rest of the crowd was confused by the cyan pegasus' disposition.

“Huh?” questioned Tom, turning around. “What's so funny?”

“You are in SO much trouble now,” spoke Rainbow Dash.

“How so?” asked Daring Do.

“Why don't I just show you myself?” asked Shark, causing Tom to turn back around.

Shark, feeling massive power course through his veins, began to shout as his body began to glow with a purple aura. The crystal ponies were a tad frightened, if not, mystified by Shark's powers. Daring Do and Tom on the other hand, were absolutely terrified.

“What in the actual hell?” shouted Tom.

Shark’s Turn: Since Shark’s life points are 1000 or lower, Shark overlays Number 32: Shark Drake to chaos xyz summon Number C32: Shark Drake Veiss (ATK: 2800 DEF: 2100). Shark activates Number C32: Shark Drake Veiss’s effect. By detaching one xyz material from it, he can banish a Shark monster in his graveyard and have a monster that the opponent controls lose ATK equal to the ATK of the banished monster, banishing Hammer Shark to decrease Amber Minotaur’s ATK (ATK: 3400 -> 1700).

Shark activates Number C32: Shark Drake Veiss’ effect again, detaching another xyz material from it to banish Number 32: Shark Drake from his graveyard to decrease Amber Minotaur’s ATK (ATK: 1700 -> 0).


“Go, Shark Drake Vice!” declared Shark. “Attack Amber Minotaur! Depth Chaos Bite!”

Shark's monster shot a burst of purple energy at its target that spread out into multiple beams that kept online with Amber Minotaur. Several beams hit Amber Minotaur, causing blasts to form around where it stood, shrouding it in smoke, dust, and debris. Tom shared the same fate, becoming hit with each individual beam as they sent him flying back and onto his stomach.

“Tom!” cried Rainbow Dash.

“It's over,” chuckled Shark.

Shark's smile disappeared as he saw a shape in the cloud of smoke where Amber Minotaur stood. Kneeling there, was a very much alive Amber Minotaur with his arms brought over its face. Its body was also badly beaten, bruised, and cut.

“Why isn't Amber Minotaur destroyed?” asked Shark, becoming angry.

Tom's silhouette became visible through the fog as he stood back up to face Shark, pointing at a glowing trap card with his arm as his life points were deducted from 2400 to 200. Shark could only growl in response.


Shark attacks Amber Minotaur with Number C32: Shark Drake Veiss, but Tom activates Warrior’s Endurance, preventing Amber Minotaur’s destruction by battle and increasing its ATK by 600 during damage calculation (ATK: 0 -> 600). Also, it would be banished during Tom's next end phase.

Tom’s Life Points: 2400 -> 200

Tom’s monster’s ATK returns to normal (ATK: 600 -> 0).

Shark places one card face down and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-0 Life-700 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-1

“Alright, Tom!” cheered Rainbow Dash.

“How apt of you,” said Shark with a smile, “but it's useless. Your monster's ATK is still 0, and even then, it's banished by the end of your turn anyways. There's no way you can win this.”

“You think so?” asked Tom, gaining Shark's attention. “I'd explain how wrong you are, but I kind of like surprises, so I'll just show you instead.”

Rainbow Dash's eyes grew wide, knowing what was coming. Shark could only wonder what Tom could muster forth that would defeat him.

Tom’s Turn: Tom activates Double Cyclone, destroying a spell/trap card that he controls and a spell/trap card that his opponent controls, destroying his Axe of Despair and Shark’s face down card. Tom then activates Monster Reborn, special summoning Citrine Manticore from his graveyard. Since Tom’s life points are below 500, Tom overlays Amber Minotaur and Citrine Manticore to xyz summon Shining Golden Minotaur (ATK: 3400 DEF: 2400).


"No..." muttered Shark, in complete awe of his new xyz monster. "No way."


Tom activates Shining Golden Minotaur’s effect. By detaching all xyz materials from it, Tom can inflict 400 points of damage to the opponent for each xyz material detached from it when he inflicts battle damage to the opponent.

Tom attacks Number C32: Shark Drake Veiss with Shining Golden Minotaur. Numbers cannot be destroyed in battle except by other Numbers. Battle damage is still applied.

Shark’s Life Points: 700 -> 100

Shark takes 400 points of damage for each xyz material detached from Shining Golden Minotaur (3 x 400 = 1200).

Shark’s Life Points: 100 -> 0

Tom wins.

“Whoa…” gasped Daring Do.

With Daring Do's quiet exclamation breaking the silence, the crystal ponies cheered for Tom.

“Bravo, knight Tom!” cheered a random pony in the crowd.

Tom walked up to Shark, who stood up off the ground, the purple aura having disappeared from him. Tom grabbed his Duel Rezzer from the jousting gate and deactivated it. After placing the Rezzer into his left hand Tom offered his right to Shark, which he gladly took.

“Great duel there,” said Tom. “You were on fire. At least, I think that's what that was.”

Shark chuckled, “I'm not entirely sure myself. Either way, that was a good duel. See ya.”

Letting Tom go, Shark turned and walked away, going down the road to observe more of the faire.

“Come on!” shouted a crystal pony from the stands. “We want to see another duel!”

“Hehe,” chuckled Tom, addressing the crowd. “Listen, guys, it was a lot of fun and all, but I was just having fun with my friend. Right now, I'm going to see if my other friends need help with the faire. There will be more dueling today, I promise!”

With Tom's reassuring words, the ponies cheered for him as he exited. With Shark and Tom now gone, Rainbow Dash and Daring Do were left alone, making them feel rather awkward.

“Uh,” said Rainbow Dash, “I know your wing is still kind of messed up, but do you think you can do a couple of jousts with me and help keep this crowd going?”

“As long as I can use my left wing,” answered Daring Do with a smile, “but sure, I can spar a little with you.”

Rainbow Dash and Daring Do wasted no time in putting armor on their bodies and nestling a lance into their left wings. Each one of them stood at opposing ends of the gate once they finished, awaiting for a signal to allow them to start.

Thankfully for them, a crystal pony pulled a flugelhorn out and blew into it, sounding off the joust. With one last shift backwards, Rainbow Dash and Daring Do charged at one another, starting the first in many jousts that would entertain the ponies for most of the day.