• Published 14th Nov 2012
  • 5,793 Views, 88 Comments

Yu-Gi-Oh! Equus X Zexal - moviemaster8510

A crossover of the anime Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal and my fanfic Yu-Gi-Oh! Equus.

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Chapter 12: Camaraderie

Later that night, the wind blew softly through the newly constructed flag. Nightlife in the Crystal Empire was non-existent. The crystal ponies, in their depressed state of mind, were locked in their homes, not to be bothered by anyone. With these conditions, it was the ideal time for a certain someone to take a walk.

Shark exited the palace through one of the legs and began walking the streets of the seemingly deserted city, keeping his hands casually in his pockets. As he continued to walk, Rainbow Dash walked onto the balcony of the palace to see the majesty of the faire which she helped construct. However, the movements of Shark below caught her eye. Seeing that he was alone, she quietly swooped down, hoping to get a conversation in.

As Shark continued to mind his own business in his moment of peace and solitude, he felt the clopping sound of hooves behind him as they landed on the street. Only one pony could approach him as silently as she did. He didn’t even bother to turn around.

“What are you doing, Rainbow Dash?” he asked, somewhat annoyed. “Have you been following me?”

“I was just checking out the faire from the balcony,” explained Rainbow Dash. “Then I saw you walking out there and figured you could use some company.”

“Well, you figured wrong,” said Shark, continuing to walk.

Undaunted, Rainbow Dash followed Shark in a trot until she was alongside him.

“Why are you following me?” asked Shark, beginning to sound angry. “Can’t you see that I want some time to myself?”

“You’re always wanting time to yourself,” said Rainbow Dash.

“And what’s wrong with that?”

Rainbow Dash jumped up in front of Shark and looked him in the eye. Shark, giving respect to her, stopped and looked at her too.

“Because I’m your friend, Shark. I really like you. I like spending time with you. Plus, once we save the empire, you’ll go home…” Rainbow Dash’s eyes began to water. “…and then I’ll never see you again.”

Shark gasped. He knew he couldn’t fight the fact that he developed a fondness for the pegasus. And he’d be lying again if he said that the sight of Rainbow Dash in tears wasn’t tugging at his heartstrings. With a sigh, he bowed his head and placed his hands back in his pockets.

“Keep up,” he quietly ordered, walking around her.

In an instant, Rainbow Dash’s eyes lit up and an excited smile came upon her face as she leapt with joy over Shark’s acceptance. Taking his words to heart, she trotted alongside Shark, resting her head on his forearm as they walked.

“Alright, what’s on our menu?” asked Applejack, observing the several large bowls of berries, picked rice, and shucked ears of corn in the kitchen of the palace, which shone a bright white, much like the rest of the building.

Tori also looked at the rice and corn. The rice was shaped like tiny, little gemstones and sparkled in the light of the kitchen. Each kernel on each ear of corn was oddly placed, but their square shape was geometrically perfect, looking like little cubes of gold that stuck to the ears.

“I could make my famous rice balls,” responded Tori.

“Rice balls? What in sam hill is a rice ball?”

“It’s simple!” she gleefully responded. “I boil the rice, season it with a touch of salt and vinegar, pack them into lumps, and then there you have it!”

“Eh, Tori, don’t you think that sounds a little, you know, bland?”

“I don’t think so. Plus, Yuma absolutely loves them. Here, why don’t I make you one right now?”

“That sounds mighty nice of you, Tori. I’ll take you up on that offer.”

As Tori smiled, she reached her hand into the bowl of rice and began to make her signature treat.

Hart hid behind a pillar in the main corridor of the palace. He looked somewhat nervous as he panted, like he didn’t want to be found. Every so often he would peek behind the pillar and look down the hall, making sure that he wasn’t being followed.

He heard the sound of clopping from the hall, causing Hart to slowly turn his head to check the source of the noise. He took a sigh of relief upon seeing nothing there and turned back to the pillar. However, he felt himself back into something soft and warm. Knowing exactly what it was, he turned around quickly to see Pinkie Pie towering above him on her two hind legs.

“Gotcha!” she exclaimed, putting her arms up like a ghoul.

Hart then emitted a noise that was a cross between a shriek and a laugh as he ran from Pinkie Pie down the hall. Pinkie Pie, in a single bound, leaped from her spot behind the pillar and in front of Hart.

Pinkie Pie exclaimed, “Oh, no you don–”

Hart ran straight into her, causing them both to tumble to the ground, laughing and smiling all the while. When they finally settled, Hart laid on top of Pinkie Pie on his stomach, while she was laying on her stomach on the floor, pounding her hoof on the floor with how hard she was laughing. Kite happened to catch the scene, walking down from the stairway from the bedroom corridors.

“Hart,” he said, getting both of their attention, “Pinkie Pie.”

“Oh,” said Pinkie Pie, “hi, Kite! Me and Hart were just having the bestest and most roudiest game of hide and seek ever!”

“Pinkie Pie is really good, brother,” responded Hart. “I wasn’t able to find her once, but she keeps finding me every time!”

“I’m very glad that you’re having fun,” said Kite, “but it’s almost Hart’s bedtime.”

“Aww!” whined Hart and Pinkie Pie, the latter's ears drooping down at the revelation of this news.

“I’m not saying that you can’t continue playing, but Pinkie Pie, if Hart starts to get tired, please tuck him in for me.”

“It would be my utmost pleasure, friendo!” she said, while giving him a happy salute.

“Great. Continue what you’re doing. I’ll be looking out the balcony if you need me.”

Kite walked ahead through the hallway, leaving Hart and Pinkie Pie to their fun and games. Upon reaching the entrance to the palace balcony, Kite suddenly realized how pleasantly nice the night was. After taking in a moment to breath in the cool, summery night air, he stepped out on edge of the balcony and leaned over the banister, looking out over the faire, the city, and the fields, smiling as he took in its serene beauty.

Hart and Pinkie Pie ran down the hallway to look for another hiding spot. As they ran, Twilight popped out of one of the other hallways, right in front of Pinkie Pie and Hart, causing them to crash. Twilight, Pinkie Pie, and Hart, while somewhat disoriented from the impact, got up to see each other.

“Hey, Pinkie Pie,” greeted Twilight. “Hello, Hart.”

“Twilight!” exclaimed Pinkie Pie. “Were you down here just a minute ago?”

“I guess so. Why?”

“Great! Then I need to tell you about what happened! You see, Hart and I were playing hide and seek, and Hart was hiding behind the pillar, but then he must have heard you, because he turned his head to see what it was, and then that gave me the opportune moment to sneak up on him and find him, and so I did, then we chased him, and I got him, and then we both fell down, and we laughed and laughed and laughed, and I wanted to thank you for helping me find him!”

“Uh… you’re welcome?”

“Oh, don’t mention it.”

“Anyways,” she said, awkwardly changing the topic, “have any one of you seen Kite.”

“He just went onto the balcony a second ago,” said Hart.

“Thank you so much,” said Twilight.

Without another word, Twilight trotted towards the direction of the balcony. As Pinkie Pie stared at her with a wide-eyed “oo” face, Hart tip-toed backwards, playfully trying to evade Pinkie Pie. The giddy mare was not easily fooled, turning around to see Hart five paces behind her.

“You little rascal!” she giggled. “Come here, you scamp!”

Hart ran down the hall, giggling as well as Pinkie Pie chasing him.

Kite looked out over the empire some more; he could’ve been there for hours. However, a familiar voice broke him from his peaceful and rarely-exercised idleness.

“Kite,” spoke Twilight.

Upon hearing her voice, Kite gasped slightly and turned around to see the purple unicorn standing humbly before him.

“Twilight,” confirmed Kite. “What are you doing here?”

“I was going to ask you the same question.”

Kite smirked at the pony’s light crack.

“If you really wish to know,” he explained. “After being in this world for a couple of days, I can safely say that my time here, minus earlier this morning, has been very enjoyable. After what happened with the World Duel Carnival, this is exactly what Hart and I needed to get away from all of that.”

“That’s great, but you know exactly why you’re here, right?”

“Of course I do!” exclaimed Kite. “We’re here to help you save the Crystal Empire so we can return home.”

“Yeah,” spoke Twilight sheepishly, drooping her ears down, “about that. Princess Celestia asked me to be the only one to assist Cadance and Shining Armor in saving the Empire.”

Whatever serenity Kite felt at that moment was torn from him.

“Huh? What was that?”

“Yes, Kite. After you, Yuma, Astral, and Alex left the Canterlot Castle yesterday, she addressed me that I must be the one who helps save the Crystal Empire; that’s my test!”

Kite turned away from Twilight, unable to cope with this news.

“Then why?” he whispered.

“Why what?”

Kite turned back around, furious now.

“Why did she bother sending us all out here? If your test was for you to be the savior of the empire, then what are we doing here?”

“Kite,” she hushed, “please. I’m very grateful for the way you and our friends combatted Ahuizotl, and I love the way you all helped set up the faire, but the fate of Equestria has been rested upon my shoulders. Please, understand that!”

Kite clenched his fist.

“What is it you wanted?” he asked. “I assume it wasn’t to question my location here.”

“You’re right. And it’s relevant to our conversation.”

Kite stared daggers into her, provoking a response.

“I want to duel you.”

“Oh?” questioned Kite, his anger only slightly reduced by her request. “For what purpose?”

“I want to make sure I’m ready for whatever comes if the empire falls under attack.”

Kite’s anger turned into his usually stoic demeanor.

“I see. Very well. I will accept your challenge, Twilight Sparkle. But I will not accept the duel to test whether you’re ready or not.”

“Huh? Why not?”

“Because I shall duel you to prove that you are not fit to protect the empire alone!”

Twilight was shocked at this answer. Was she just told that she was destined to fail her extremely important test?

“What did you say?” she asked, getting irate.

“You heard me. If you think that you’re capable of protecting an empire by yourself, you’re sadly mistaken.”

“We’ll see who’s sadly mistaken, Kite!” shouted Twilight, placing her constructed D-Pad onto her wrist, the zones unsheathing from the tablet.

“Duel mode!” bellowed Kite. “Photon Change!”

Kite’s black clothes changed from black to white. Twilight, having never seen Kite’s Photon Change, was initially shocked by his transformation.

What? she thought. How is he-?

A crescent of light spun from out of the sky and towards Kite’s left wrist. Upon the crescent hitting it, it transformed into his D-Pad.

So, thought Twilight, now smiling a little, this is how he wants to test me? Then it’s on, Kite.

Twilight Sparkle then pulled out a Duel Rezzer, pushing the button and throwing it on the ground, causing the machine to shoot out holographic auras as the machine went invisible.

“Duel Rezzer, activate!” she shouted.

“Whose are you borrowing there?” asked Kite.

“Alex’s. Enough talk. Let’s do this.”

Twilight and Kite, with everything now prepared, drew five cards from their decks.

“DUEL!” they both shouted.

Twilight Sparkle vs. Kite

Twilight’s Turn: Twilight summons Amores of Prophecy (ATK: 600 DEF: 2000). Twilight activates Amores of Prophecy’s effect. By revealing a Spellbook card in her hand (Spellbook Star Hall), she can special summon a level 4 or lower Spellcaster-type monster from her hand, choosing Arcane Apprentice (ATK: 1000 DEF: 400).

Twilight then activates Level Doubler, sending one card from her hand to the graveyard to double the level of one level 4 or lower monster that she controls, choosing Arcane Apprentice (Lvl.: 2 -> 4). Twilight tunes Amores of Prophecy with Arcane Magician to synchro summon Arcanite Magician (ATK: 400 DEF: 1800).

When Arcanite Magician is synchro summoned, two Spell Counters are placed on it (Spl.C.: 0 -> 2), and it gains 1000 ATK for each one that’s on it (ATK: 400 -> 2400). Twilight also activates Arcane Apprentice’s effect, adding an Assault Mode Activate from her deck to her hand when it’s sent to the graveyard for a synchro summon.

Twilight places two cards face down and ends her turn.

Status: Hand-1 Life-4000 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-2

Shark and Rainbow Dash found a spot to sit at the Crystal Empire library steps. Upon both of them sitting at one of the bottom steps, Rainbow Dash scooted close next to Shark, nuzzling into his left side. Shark reached over with his right hand and petted underneath and down the side of her neck, soothing her.

Rainbow Dash looked at Shark’s hand as he stroked her, noticing the silver rings on his pinkie and ring fingers.

“Hey Shark,” she said, getting his attention. “What’s with those rings? Are you married or something?”

“What?” asked Shark, almost offended. “Don’t be ridiculous!” he shouted before reverting to a softer tone. “These were me and my sister’s rings. She got them for both of us when we were kids. I was supposed to wear the ring finger ring, while she took the pinkie ring. I thought it was stupid at first, but after her accident, I felt obligated to wear them in her memory.”

“I’m so sorry,” said Rainbow Dash. “I bet you really miss her right now.”

“Yeah,” said Shark. “She’s almost going to be let out of the hospital soon, and I want to be there when she finally gets out.”

“She must be really lucky to have a brother like you. I wish I did.”


“I never had any brothers or sisters, Shark. My friends: Twilight, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Tom, everyone; I’ve always considered them my brothers and sisters. And really,” she said, unfolding her right wing and wrapping it around Shark’s back and the right side of his waist, “I’d like to consider you my brother too.”

As Rainbow Dash once again nuzzled into Shark’s side, Shark leaned against Rainbow Dash, wrapping his arms around her torso, smiling as he felt her warmth emanating from her. They continued to hug, unable to end their pleasant feelings for each other.

“Not a bad move,” said Kite. “But let’s see how you handle this.”

No doubt one of those set cards is Assault Mode Activate, thought Kite. I can’t summon Galaxy-Eyes now, but I can at least set up for it.

Kite’s Turn: Kite special summons Photon Thrasher from his hand, as he controls no monsters (ATK: 2100 DEF: 0). Kite then normal summons Reverse Buster (ATK: 1500 DEF: 0). Kite overlays Photon Thrasher and Reverse Buster to xyz summon Radiant Photon Paradios (ATK: 2000 DEF: 1000). Kite equips Radiant Photon Paradios with Photon Spear.

Kite places two cards face down and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-1 Life-4000 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-2

Hart and Pinkie Pie ran into Kite and Hart’s room, both giggling as they crashed on Hart’s bed. Orbital 7 was in the room, turned off and charging. However, upon hearing the noise in the room, Orbital awoke.

“Oy,” it exclaimed. “What’s going on here?”

“Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto,” greeted Pinkie Pie, laughing even harder. “Isn’t that hilarious? Tom taught me that in a song!”

“Yes,” said Orbital, nervously trying to go along with the “joke,” “quite humourous.”

Hart began to yawn.

“Boy,” he said, “I’m getting really tired.”

“Then let’s get your pajamas on and hit the hay!” exclaimed Pinkie Pie.

“Understood,” spoke Orbital before deactivating once again.

As Hart began undressing himself and putting his pajamas on that were laid on the bed, Fluttershy walked by the room, which Pinkie Pie saw through the crack in the door. Pinkie Pie gasped before she bounded outside and pulled Fluttershy in, scaring her.

“What is it?” asked Fluttershy, frightened out of her wits.

“Hart needs to go to bed, and I was wondering if you could wonder what kind of wonderful bedtime stories you can tell him!”

“So,” speculated Fluttershy, “all you want me to do is tell him a bedtime story?”

Pinkie nodded vigorously, causing Fluttershy to smile.

“Of course I can,” she said.

Pinkie Pie flew into the bed next to Hart, who was already in his pajamas and under the covers.

“This is going to be good,” said Pinkie Pie, nudging Hart’s shoulder.

Upon clearing her throat, Fluttershy began.

“Once upon a time…”

“I wonder what the point of that was,” said Twilight. “You weren’t able to attack me, and now you’ll have to deal with Arcanite Magician’s effect.”

“You think so?” asked Kite, smiling confidently.

“I know so. Like I said, I’m fit to save the Crystal Empire. Princess Celestia herself has given her full faith into me.”

“And what if I were to tell you that she was wrong?”

Twilight gasped in sheer shock at Kite’s disrespect for Celestia.

“What? How dare you say such a thing? Princess Celestia is the wisest pony alive today. She would never give me a task that she wouldn’t think I could handle.”

“There’s a first for everything,” was all Kite could say.

“Shut up! I won’t have you insulting Princess Celestia anymore!”

Twilight’s Turn: Twilight activates Arcanite Magician’s effect, removing one Spell Counter (Spl.C.: 2 -> 1) (ATK: 2400 -> 1400) to destroy one card on the field, choosing one of Kite’s face down cards. Twilight activates Arcanite Magician’s effect again, removing one Spell Counter (Spl.C.: 1 -> 0) (ATK: 1400 -> 400) to destroy one card on the field, choosing Radiant Photon Paradios.

When Radiant Photon Paradios is destroyed by the opponent, Kite draws one card. Kite then activates Armored Back. When a monster that he controls that’s equipped with an equip spell card is destroyed, Kite can special summon that monster and equip it with the card that it was equipped with. That monster cannot be destroyed this turn either.

Twilight activates her face down Assault Mode Activate, tributing a synchro monster she controls to special summon an /Assault Mode monster whose name includes the tributed monster’s name from her deck in attack position, choosing Arcanite Magician/Assault Mode (ATK: 900 DEF: 2300). When Arcanite Magician/Assault Mode is special summoned, two Spell Counters are placed on it (Spl.C.: 0 -> 2), and it gains 1000 ATK for each one that’s on it (ATK: 900 -> 2900).

Twilight attacks Raidiant Photon Paradios with Arcanite Magician/Assault Mode. Because of Armored Back’s effect, it isn’t destroyed. Battle damage is applied normally.

Kite’s Life Points: 4000 -> 3100

Twilight sets one monster.

Twilight ends her turn.

Status: Hand-1 Life-4000 Monsters-2 Face Down Cards-1

Rarity was intricately weaving straw together, her brow sweating furiously. Along with the basket she was weaving, she had many other crafts inside the sewing room where she was working. They mostly consisted of baskets of different sizes, and crystalline hats of different colors. Spike watched as his crush weaved the straw with expert precision.

“Spikey Wikey,” chimed Rarity, “could you be a dear and get me that ribbon?”

Spike immediately handed her a purple ribbon with arch-like designs on it, which she used to wrap around the top of the basket. With it she had what looked to be a wide, jug-shaped basket.

“Hah!” she exclaimed, marveling at her craftsmanship. “It’s perfect!”

“Anything made by you is perfect, Rarity!” said Spike in a winded tone.

“Oh,” squealed Rarity, “you’re such a sweetheart.”

Rarity gave Spike a smooch on the check, making Spike feel woozy as he fainted on his back.

Twilight grimaced, unhappy that she couldn’t take down Kite’s monster.

“That was a good play,” said Twilight with an unhappy tone.

“Not really,” answered Kite.

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“If you had summoned your /Assault Mode monster right away and used its effect to wipe out my field, I would not be able to activate Armored Back and you’d be at a heavy advantage.”

“What advantage? I would have only inflicted 900 points of damage and had a monster with only 900 ATK on my field.”

“And your situation now is better? You inflicted the exact same amount of damage to me and yet my field remains strong. If you’re just going to rush through this duel instead of playing properly, then you certainly aren’t fit to save this kingdom.”

“Well,” said Twilight, “the joke’s on you. My monster is 2900 ATK strong, and your monster doesn’t come close to scraping it.”

“Not anymore.”


Kite’s Turn: Kite places one card face down. Next, he activates the effect of Photon Spear, allowing the monster equipped with it to be treated as two tributes for a special summon.


As Kite conducted his ritualistic summoning of Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon, Twilight couldn’t help but feel uneasy at the sight of it.

What kind of monster requires a summoning like this? she thought.

“Darkness within the shining galaxy,” chanted Kite, “become the light of hope and live as my servant!”

Kite’s dragon appeared from the crest.

“Appear before us! Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon!”


Kite tributes his Radiant Photon Paradios to special summon Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon with its effect (ATK: 3000 DEF: 2500). Kite then normal summons Photon Delta Wing (ATK: 1800 DEF: 900).

Kite attacks Arcanite Magician/Assault Mode with Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon, but Kite activates Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon’s effect, banishing both it and the monster it battles until the end of the battle phase.

Kite then attacks Twilight’s face down monster with Photon Delta Wing, which turns out to be a Morphing Jar (ATK: 700 DEF: 600). When Morphing Jar is flip summoned, all players discard their hands and draw five cards from their decks. Twilight then activates Card of Last Will, drawing five cards when a monster she controls has been destroyed by battle.


“At the end of the battle phase,” explained Kite, as his monster reappeared in a burst of large sparkles, “all monsters which have been removed from play due to Galaxy-Eyes’ effect will be special summoned back to the field. However, since your monster can only be special summoned through the effect of Assault Mode Activate, your monster shall remain banished.”

“No way,” muttered Twilight, shocked and impressed with Kite’s strategy.

“What did you think I would do? Destroy your monster? Foolish. I knew that if I had done that, you would have been able to special summon Arcanite Magican from your graveyard with your monster’s effect. And knowing your ace xyz monster and what it requires to be summoned, I could not let that happen.”

“Either way,” said Twilight, defiant as ever. “It will do you no good.”

“Oh? Let’s see, then.”


At the end of the battle phase, Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon is special summoned from the banished zone. Because Arcanite Magician/Assault Mode can only be special summoned by Assault Mode Activate, it remains banished.

Kite places one card face down and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-4 Life-3100 Monsters-2 Face Down Cards-2

In Alex and Tom’s bedroom, Alex, Tom, and Yuma were laughing at a YouTube video that Tom was showing on his Macbook on one of the beds. On it, a tan, Hispanic young man with a green shirt was attempting to cut a slice of bread from a baguette with a stalk of celery.

Upon the vegetable breaking under the force, unable to cut the bread, a young Caucasian man with a blue shirt and a brown bowl cut laughed at his expense. The video then stopped as a red X appeared on the screen with a buzzer accompanying it, further solidifying the green-shirted man’s failure.

Alex and Tom giggled in anticipation for the next scene, as the blue-shirted man held a pink-frosted sprinkled donut in his right hand.

“Check this out, Anthony,” said the blue-shirted man, “I can chop this bagget in half in one fatal swipe.”

Yuma giggled, anticipating the donut to be about as effective as the celery. With a shriek, the blue-shirted man rose the donut above his head and brought it down. The video then cut to a shot of the bread at a different angle. As the man brought his pastry upon the bread, it went right through the bread, cutting it as he said it would.

Yuma couldn’t control his laughter at the absurdity of his action, while Alex and Tom laughed as well. Astral was mostly confused by the whole ordeal.

“Equestrian Observation #5:” stated Astral. “Pink-frosted sprinkled donuts can also function as knives.”

“And this is what you have for entertainment in your world?” asked Yuma to his human friends, who paused the video.

“Yeah,” explained Alex. “Anyone can put up their videos here and millions of people can watch them. It’s great.”

“That’s cool,” said Yuma, as he got up off the bed and began walking away.

“Hey,” called Tom, “where are you going? We still have three minutes left.”

“I’ll be back. I just want to check up on Cadance and Shining Armor.”

As Yuma left the room, Astral flew out as well, following his companion. Alex smiled at Yuma’s altruistic tendencies.

“Ready to see me now?” asked Twilight.

What could she be planning? thought Kite.

Twilight’s Turn: Twilight activates Card Destruction, having each player discard their hands and draw cards equal to the amount discarded. Next, Twilight activates Soul Exchange, allowing her to tribute a monster on her opponent’s side of the field for an advance summon as if she controlled the monster, tributing Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon to summon Reaper of Prophecy (ATK: 2000 DEF: 1600). However, she cannot conduct her battle phase this turn.


“Galaxy-Eyes!” shouted Kite in light-anguish.

Kite then scowled at Twilight’s play.


Reaper of Prophecy gains effects depending on the number of Spellbook spell cards in her graveyard (5). Twilight activates Reaper of Prophecy’s third effect, special summoning a level 5 or higher DARK Spellcaster-type monster from her deck, choosing Dark Magician (ATK: 2500 DEF: 2100). Twilight then activates Monster Reborn, special summoning Arcanite Magician from her graveyard. Twilight overlays Arcanite Magician and Dark Magician to xyz summon Hierophant of Prophecy (ATK: 2800 DEF: 2600).

Twilight activates Hierophant of Prophecy’s effect. By detaching one xyz material from it, she can destroy spell and trap cards on the field up to the number of Spellbook cards in her graveyard, destroying both of Kite’s face down cards.

Twilight places one card face down and ends her turn.

Status: Hand-6 Life-4000 Monsters-2 Face Down Cards-1

In the palace kitchen, Tori finished packing the large rice ball for Applejack to taste.

“Here you go,” said Tori, placing the mound of rice in Applejack’s hoof.

Applejack, still somewhat skeptical, sniffed the food on her hoof, but after a shrug, she took a small bite. After letting the flavors roll on her tongue for a bit, her inquisitive face was replaced by a perfectly content one as she continued chewing. Tori took this as a sign of her liking it, causing her to smile.

“I gotta say, Tori,” said Applejack, “them crystal ponies are gonna go head over hooves for these.”

“Thank you so much, Applejack!”

“Ooh,” moaned Yuma, who wandered into the kitchen as he sniffed the air. “Rice balls…”

“Howdy, Yuma,” greeted Applejack. “I heard how much you like these rice balls, and I gotta say, hoof-lickin’ good!”

“I know, right?” asked Yuma. “Tori’s a great cook.”

“I’ll say. Would you like to finish mine?”

Applejack tossed the nibbled rice ball to Yuma, who caught it with both hands.

“Really?” he asked. “I can have it?”

“All yours, sugar.”

“Whoa! Thanks, Applejack!”

In one large bite, Yuma ate the entire snack, causing Tori and Applejack to giggle.

“Well,” said Applejack, “what brings y’all down here, anyways?”

“I was just wondering,” asked Yuma, “is there bread down here?”

“That was a dirty tactic,” spoke Kite, still upset over the disappearance of Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon.

“It’s a perfectly legal tactic,” said Twilight with confidence. “For a monster with such an extravagant summoning, I can easily tell that it was your ace monster, so I had to get rid of it. If you think I’m going to allow you to bad-talk my abilities, then you have got another thing coming.”

“Hmph,” huffed Kite with a slight smile. “Too bad Galaxy-Eyes won’t be staying away for long.”

Kite’s Turn: Kite activates Forced Release, detaching all xyz materials from Hierophant of Prophecy. Next, he activates the equip spell card Galaxy Zero, special summoning a Galaxy-Eyes monster in his graveyard and negating its effects, choosing Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon.

Kite attacks Reaper of Prophecy with Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon, but because of Galaxy Zero’s effect, Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon’s ATK is reduced by 800 during the battle phase when it declares an attack (ATK: 3000 -> 2200). Twilight activates Attack Invulnerability, preventing Reaper of Prophecy’s destruction by battle. Battle damage is applied normally.

Twilight’s Life Points: 4000 -> 3800

Kite then activates the quick-play spell Photon Wind from his hand, inflicting 1000 points of damage when he inflicts battle damage to his opponent through battle with another monster but didn’t destroy it.

Twilight’s Life Points: 3800 -> 2800

Furthermore, Kite draws one card.

At the end of the battle phase, Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon’s ATK returns to normal (ATK: 2200 -> 3000).

Kite places one card face down and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-2 Life-3100 Monsters-2 Face Down Cards-1

Shining Armor and Cadance were in the palace throne room. Since Yuma’s duel with the both of them, Cadance’s fatigue returned. Shining Armor laid by her right side as she struggled to stay awake to keep the shield up. Shining Armor’s face was in a constant grimace, unsure if his wife would even last the night.

The opening of the door to the room caused both ponies to turn their heads. They saw Yuma and Astral enter with Yuma holding something behind his back, coming closer towards them.

“Oh,” exclaimed Shining Armor, pleasantly surprised, “Yuma, it’s you. What have you got there?”

Yuma unveiled a large baguette of bread, which he shook at Cadance like he was presenting a treat to a dog.

“I got you something to eat,” said Yuma. “I figured that you’d be hungry by now.”

“That’s very nice of you, Yuma,” replied Cadance with a weak smile, “but I… I just can’t eat anything right now.”

“Don’t joke with me!” exclaimed Yuma, kneeling down on the floor besides Cadance’s left side. “Everyone needs to eat, even you. You have an empire to save, and you certainly can’t do it on an empty stomach.”

“Yuma, please…”

“I’m not taking no for an answer!”

Astral himself found Yuma’s forcing Cadance to eat adding tension to the room.

“She says she doesn’t want to eat!” spoke Shining Armor in a commanding tone. “Why are you being so hard on her?”

“Because,” explained Yuma, breaking off a piece of bread, “everyone who I duel becomes my friend. I believe that we create bonds with the people that we duel, and as your friend, I’m not going to let your wife starve.”


“I may find the zealousness of Yuma’s actions unorthodox,” said Astral to Shining Armor, “but ultimately, he’s right. If your wife wants any hope to save the kingdom, she must have some sustenance.”

“Please,” begged Yuma, holding the bread in front of Cadance’s face. “You need to eat. I know it hurts, but it will do you some good. Now please, eat the bread.”

Cadance looked into Yuma’s sympathetic face, which was filled with love and light. She slowly opened her jaw, shifted her head toward the bread until the piece was in her mouth, and bit down. Tears streamed from her face, both from the pain that she felt and the sheer kindness of Yuma’s actions. Yuma let go of the piece to allow Cadance to chew it.

“There, there,” cooed Yuma, supporting her head with his left arm while stroking her neck with his right hand.

Both Shining Armor and Astral smiled upon him as Yuma continued feeding Cadance little by little.

Kite and Twilight stood defiantly before each other, each one still hoping to get their point across to the other.

“So your monster has come back,” said Twilight, “big deal. Without its effect, it’s about as vulnerable as it could be.”

“You think so?” asked Kite. “This monster has been through hell to protect me from my enemies, much like your friends have gone through hell trying to help you save the Crystal Empire. Are you really willing to throw all that away for some test?”

“It’s not some test!” shouted Twilight, finally fed up with Kite’s trivializing attitude. “Princess Celestia tasked me with saving the empire. My friends would understand that.”

“Are you sure? Have you spoken to any one of them about it?”

Twilight’s following silence and drooping ears were enough of an answer for Kite.

“No, of course not,” he answered. “Because you very well know that if you told your friends about it, they’d do everything in their power to help you save the empire. But if your friends are less valuable than the passing some stupid test from a stubborn leader, then you don’t deserve either!”

The words hit Twilight like a thousand piercing arrows, the pain of them causing her tears to stream from her face. Her sorrow soon turned to anger as she seethed at Kite.

“How dare you?!?” she shouted. “You have no right telling me about the value of the bonds with my friends. I will not be brought down by the vulgarity of your words. I will show you how strongly I cherish my friends. Just watch!”

Twilight’s Turn: Twilight activates Reaper of Prophecy’s 3rd effect, special summoning a level 5 or higher DARK Spellcaster-type monster from her deck, choosing Prophecy Destroyer (ATK: 2500 DEF: 1200). Twilight overlays Prophecy Destroyer with Reaper of Prophecy to xyz summon Magi Magi Magician Gal (ATK: 2400 DEF: 2000).

Twilight activates Magi Magi Magician Gal’s effect. By detaching one xyz material from it and banishing a card in her hand, she can take control of one monster that her opponent controls until the end phase, choosing Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon..

Twilight attacks Photon Delta Wing with Hierophant of Prophecy, but Kite activates Mirror Shade, halving his life points to take no battle damage this turn.

Kite’s Life Points: 3100 -> 1550

Twilight activates the continuous spell card Ectoplasmer.

During the end phase, Twilight activates Ectoplasmer’s effect, tributing a face-up monster that she controls to inflict damage equal to half of the tributed monster’s original ATK, choosing Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon.

Kite’s Life Points: 1550 -> 50

Twilight places one card face down and ends her turn.

Status: Hand-4 Life-2800 Monsters-2 Face Down Cards-1

Alex and Tom continued to wait up in their bedroom, becoming bored from the wait.

“I know,” said Alex. “Let’s go see Cadance and Shining Armor too. They could use some more company.”

“Yeah,” agreed Tom, prompting them to both leave their room.

Applejack yawned.

“All this preparations is makin’ me pooped,” said Applejack. “How’s about we get some shut-eye, Tori?”

“Mmhm,” responded Tori with a nod, following the orange mare out of the kitchen.

“…and they all lived happily ever after,” concluded Fluttershy.

She looked at Hart and Pinkie Pie, both of whom were underneath the covers on the bed with their heads on the pillows, fast asleep. Hart, however, clung to Pinkie Pie like a large teddy bear as she snored. Orbital 7 remained off in the corner. Fluttershy smiled, quietly leaving the room to let the two sleep.

“Now,” she said to herself, “I wonder what Twilight’s up to…”

“Just look at these!” exclaimed Rarity in glee at her collection of straw baskets and crystal hats that she had made.

“They look good, Rarity,” said Spike.

“I must show this to Cadance and Shining Armor,” she said, trotting out of the room with a basket and hat magically in her grasp. Spike followed her out.

Shark and Rainbow Dash began walking back to the palace when they saw several monsters on the balcony, all of which were Spellcasters.

“A bunch of wizard-looking monsters,” said Rainbow Dash. “Twilight must be dueling.”

Shark then noticed the white coat of a young man standing at the back of the balcony.

“And it’s against Kite.”

“Really?” asked Rainbow Dash, getting excited. “I haven’t gotten to see him duel yet. Come on, Shark. Let’s go see!”

Rainbow Dash galloped back to the palace while Shark did his best to follow close behind.

Kite panted, still recovering from the massive damage inflicted to him.

“Like I said,” stated Twilight, “I’m a force to be reckoned with, and you have one turn to prove me otherwise. You have no more monsters on your field to attack mine. And even if you can destroy them all, I'll just special summon Prophecy Destroyer from my graveyard with its effect, and then I’ll activate Ectoplasmer’s effect to wipe out the rest of your life points. You’re finished, Kite.”

“No,” said Kite, standing back up straight, surprising Twilight. “I’m far from finished. As long as I have something to live for, I will not stop fighting.”

“Something to live for? And I don’t have something to live for either?”

“I’m not saying that you don’t, Twilight, but you don’t seem to comprehend the gravity of the situation. Right now, Cadance’s magic is probably weakening as we speak, and it’s only a matter of time before King Sombra, and possibly Ahuizotl, breaches through and attacks the empire.

“If Sombra and Ahuizotl’s forces take back the Crystal Empire, as Celestia had said, this world will be shrouded in another era of fear and hatred. Then what of your test? Then what of your friends? Then what of Hart and I?”

Twilight began to understand, as told by her drooping ears, widening eyes, and gaping mouth.

“Twilight, you don’t understand how badly you need your friends now. You don’t know how badly Equestria needs all of us right now. You can’t let something as petty as a test, no matter whom the teacher who assigns it, jeopardize this world. I can’t allow Hart, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, or even you to live in such a world if King Sombra succeeds. I won’t allow it!”

Kite’s Turn: Kite activates Photon Sublimation, banishing two Photon monsters in his graveyard and drawing two cards. Kite activates Monster Reborn, special summoning Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon from his graveyard. Kite then activates Photon Hurricane, returning spell and trap cards that the opponent controls to the owner’s hand up to the number of cards in his hand (2). Kite normal summons Galaxy Wizard (ATK: 0 DEF: 1800). When Galaxy Wizard is used as xyz material in an xyz summon, its level increases by four and it can be treated as two xyz materials.


Galaxy Wizard duplicated in puff of purple aura, followed by the level counters of both Galaxy Wizard and its clone showing its level increasing from four to eight. Kite began to yell as a red aura enveloped him, shocking Twilight even further.

“What…” she mumbled. “What’s going on?”

“Twilight,” said Kite. “I was once like you: arrogant and lonely. I carried the burden of saving Hart all on my shoulders, just like you’re doing with the empire. However, after Yuma opened himself to Hart and I, he made me realize the bonds I had with him.

“On the second night of the World Duel Carnival, after Vetrix had kidnapped Hart to drain him of his powers and sent Trey and Quattro to stave Yuma and I off, my brother used the little strength he had left to give me the power that represented those bonds. And now, I shall show you that power!”

Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon and the two Galaxy Wizards became wispy beams of light that flew towards a galaxy portal, starting another ritualistic summoning. Twilight continued to stare at Kite with shock and awe, wondering just what this power was.

“I overlay my level 8 Galaxy-Eyes and Galaxy Wizard being treated as two xyz materials!” shouted Kite. “I construct the overlay network with these three monsters. Xyz summon! The reversed galaxy, now become the light of surging wave and show yourself!”

The large spear formed in Kite’s hand, which Kite threw into the portal, causing an explosion and the appearance of the red-and-black dragon.

“Descend, my very soul! Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon!”


Kite overlays Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon and Galaxy Wizard to xyz summon Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon (ATK: 4500 DEF: 3000). The monster xyz summoned using Galaxy Wizard's effect loses 2000 ATK (ATK: 4500 -> 2500).

With Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon’s effect, the effects of all other monsters on the field are negated, as Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon was used in the xyz summoning of Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon. Kite then activates Overlay Regenerate, having each player take a card from the top of their graveyard for each xyz monster they control and attach one of those cards to each xyz monster.

Kite activates Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon’s effect. By detaching one xyz material from it, Kite can detach all other xyz materials from all other monsters on the field and have Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon gain 500 ATK for each one detached (3 x 500 = 1500, ATK: 2500 -> 4000). Also, Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon can attack a number of times up to the number of xyz materials detached by this effect.

Kite attacks Magi Magi Magician Gal with Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon.

Twilight's Life Points: 2800 -> 1200

Kite attacks Hierophant of Prophecy with Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon.

Twilight’s Life Points: 1200 -> 0

Kite wins.

Twilight was nearly blasted back into the palace through the balcony entryway. Kite went out to where the Duel Rezzer was and lightly stepped on it, pushing the button to deactivate it. As the holograms faded, Kite’s aura and D-Pad disappeared. His clothes also returned to their normal black color.

Twilight began to get up, but couldn’t find the strength to stand, lift her head, or raise her ears, opting to sit instead. Kite knelt down to the unicorn, attempting to stroke her in condolence.

“Twilight…” he said softly.

Upon hearing her name, Twilight ran into Kite’s arms and sobbed into his chest.

“I’m so sorry,” cried Twilight. “I can’t let anything bad happen to the empire, but I don’t know what Princess Celestia will think of me if I fail her test! I don’t know what to do!”

“It’s okay,” cooed Kite. “It will all work out. I promise.”

Twilight continued to cry as Alex and Tom happened to walk by, observing the scene. Alex, concerned for his friend’s well being, ran to her and Kite.

“What happened?” asked Alex.

“We need to get the rest of her friends,” said Kite, picking her up and standing up. “Come on!”

As Kite began to walk to the throne room, entering the inside of the castle, Fluttershy, Spike, and Rarity came down the stairs from the hallway, Shark and Rainbow Dash came upstairs from the palace entrance, and Applejack and Tori came from further down the main hall. Upon seeing Kite holding the crying Twilight, all of them rushed to see what the matter was.

Yuma, Cadance, and Shining Armor were still inside their room when everyone burst in, alerting them to their presence.

“Guys,” exclaimed Shining Armor, “what’s wrong?”

“It’s Twilight,” said Kite, letting Twilight down to be consoled by her brother.

“Twily!” exclaimed Shining Armor, his voice filled with worry.

The two ran to each other and held a long embrace.

“Now,” cooed Shining Armor, “what’s the matter?”

“And now I don’t know what to do,” Twilight finished explaining, her friends encircling her in seated positions. “Either I try and protect the Empire myself and pass Celestia’s test, or I get your help and fail.”

Kite looked around the group hoping to get some answers.

“I just realized,” asked Kite. “Where is Pinkie Pie? Shouldn’t she be here?”

“Pinkie Pie is asleep with Hart,” explained Fluttershy, nervous about Kite’s reaction. “Um, I hope that’s okay.”

“That’s fine,” he said simply, relieving her.

“I’ll explain it to her tomorrow,” said Twilight, “but right now, I’m more concerned with what you all think.”

As she bowed her head back down, Applejack’s voice broke the silence.

“Well,” said Applejack, approaching her, “I sure as sugar don’t want Sombra to take the empire back, but I certainly don’t want you to fail your test either.”

“Neither do I,” spoke Rainbow Dash.

“There’s no way I’m letting that happen to you,” said Yuma. “Like I told Shining Armor and Cadance, everyone that I duel is my friend, so there’s no way I’m letting you go back to Princess Celestia in disgrace. I won’t leave here until the empire is saved and you pass your test.”

“Mmhm,” all of the ponies, along with Tori, Tom, Alex, and Spike stated, nodding in agreement.

Kite, while somewhat surprised that her friends were also very concerned with Twilight’s test, smiled at knowing that they all had not just Twilight’s, but his best intentions at heart as well.

“Thanks, guys,” Twilight sniffed. “I don’t exactly know what I need to do to help Shining Armor and Cadance protect the empire, but until then, I don’t want my friends leaving my side.”

“It’s a deal,” said Alex, crawling to her and giving her a hug.

Twilight happily returned it, nuzzling into Alex’s chest. Spike ran up to hug her too, also becoming wrapped in Twilight’s arms, followed by Yuma, then Rainbow Dash, Tom, Shining Armor, Kite, Tori, and then the rest of the ponies, all joining in the group hug.

Cadance even mustered the strength to join in, resting her arms around the brotherly scrum. Twilight’s tears began to dry as she looked up to see Astral floating above them. He smiled and gave a nod, making his support known. Twilight slowly smiled into a beam, her sadness and burden slowly melting away from her.

Outside the empire, in the freezing cold, the blizzard was still going strong. The smog-like form of Sombra watched as the barrier to the kingdom faltered slightly, emitting a chuckle from him. Ahuizotl walked up to and stood next to Sombra. His eyes were now red and green like his new master.

“The barrier is fading,” said Sombra. “I’d say we will be able to attack by tomorrow morning.”

“That’s good,” answered Ahuizotl. “And tomorrow, the empire shall fall once again, and the Crystal Heart shall be all mine!”