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Chapter 9: The Final Battle, part 1

Grogar was standing menacingly before the group.

“First off, your lack of loyalty hurt me a lot” said Grogar. “Out of my 10 Elites of Darkness, 7 defected and those of you i recruited all defected as well...Those girls seem to have poisoned you with their friendship.”

“You do know that we have the numerical advantage, right?” said Rainbow Dash. " There’s no way you can win, old man!!”

“This is why i’ll even the odds...” said Grogar. “New Moon. Rising Dragon. One-Shot. Sugar Bomb. Zero Gravity. Black Tiger. Holy Grail. Razor Edge. Wood Chipper. Fire and Ice.”

As he said those words, Moonlight, Sunny, Shira, Ragna, Silva, Hearts, Kleaver, Razor, Shredder and Flare started having seizures and placed themselves in front of Grogar.

“What the?” asked Twilight. “What’s going on?!”

“I’ll tell you” said Grogar. “They’re under my command, now. The words i just pronounced earlier activated a failsafe i put in place should they ever turn against me. If they don’t serve me of their own will, they’ll serve me agaisnt their will. My Elites, kill them all and bring me their geodes.”

Moonlight and the rest of the 10 Elites attacked the heroes.

“Moonlight!! You’re stronger than that!!” said Rainbow Dash. “Break free!!”

“Mom, please, Mom!!” said Sunset. “It’s me, your daughter!! You have to break free!!”

Grogar laughed.

“It’s useless!!” he said. “They’re only listening to me!! The only way you’ll stop them is by killing them. Then, again, i won’t let that happen!! Give me your geodes and i’ll give your friends back...”

Sunset looked at her friends, who were struggling. Discord, Cosmos and Eris showed up. They immobilized the Elites with their magic.

“It’s very anti climatic, i know...” said Discord.

“I was waiting for you to show up...” said Grogar. “Not even you won’t be able to defeat me!!”

“Someone’s feeling cocky, today!” said Eris. “Maybe you can handle one of us, but 3? You’re dreaming...”

“See the bell i’m wearing on my neck?” asked Grogar. “It’s my Bewitching Bell...Use your magic against me and this beauty will suck it from your bodies.”

“I almost forgot that he has that stupid bell...” said Cosmos. “Plus, you enchanted it so we’d be unable to steal it from you with our magic.”

“Well, in that case...” said Discord. “We’ll be on our way...But not before doing something for them!!”

Discord and Cosmos used their power to undo the brainwashing on the Elites of Darkness. At the same time, Grogar blasted both with his bell. Their magic was drained from their body and they fell on the ground.

“Discord!!! Cosmos!!!” shouted Sunset. “Noooo!!!”

Eris grabbed them both and opened a portal to escape.

“I missed one, but it doesn’t matter” said Grogar. “They’re not a threat anymore...Nah, they were never a threat to begin with!!”

He noticed that Moonlight and Sunny stopped attacking the heroes and were looking at him with anger.

“Sunny, Moonlight!!” shouted Grogar. “Who told you to stop?! Kill them already!!”

“How about we kill you instead?!” Said Moonlight Frost. “I don’t know what you did to us, but we’re ourselves again...”

“I see...” said Grogar. “Well played, Discord, Cosmos...Well played. Still, you can’t attack me nor any of the Elites.”

“But they can’t attack us either...” said Sunny.

“I think that can be arranged...” said Grogar.

He recited a spell in Old Ponish.

“I just removed the spell preventing you to attack each other” said the madman. “Elites, attack everyone except the 7 girls!!”

Kleaver, Flare, Shira, Silva, Hearts, Ragna, Razor and Shredder rushed toward their opponents. Shira chose Chrysalis, Flare attacked Sunny, Silva attacked Moonlight, Heart chose the Sirens, Shredder chose Tirek, Razor chose Sombra, Ragna chose Stygian while Kleaver played the role of support.

“Now, it’s you against me” said Grogar to the girls. “Think you can climb this mountain?”

“We’ll defeat you, Grogar, you can bet on it!!!” said Sunset. “You want this? Come and get it!! Girls, let’s go!”

Rainbow Dash opened the fight by running circles around Grogar. She made a tornado, with the intent of suffocating him in it. The big villain used his magic to take control of the tornado, which ejected Rainbow Dash out of it.

“Ouch!!” she said.

Grogar used magic to increase the size and power of the tornado and threw it at the girls. Applejack clapped her hands and dissipated the vortex. She punched the ground, making a fissure in it, fissure that formed under Grogar. This one levitated and laughed. He lauched a huge ball of magical energy toward the group, that Rarity blocked with a barrier. Grogar threw more projectiles against the barrier. But Rarity was not faltering, blocking projectiles after projectiles. Away, the rest of the heroes had engaged in a battle against the braiwashed Elites of Darkness. Tirek was maintaining Shredder at a distance, since his magic require physical contact to activate. Chrysalis was doing the opposite, fighting Shira at close range. Sombra was on the defensive, deflecting Razor’s long and short ranged attacks. Adagio, Aria and Sonata were taking turns attacking Hearts, who kept transforming from one animal to another. Stygian was knocking away Ragna’s makeshift bombs while making sure to keep him as far as possible. Sunny was bodying Flare mercilessly, countering her elemental powers with her various transformation. Moonlight, him, had already neutralized Silva and was trying to undo the mind control on her.

“You’re good, Tirek.” said Shredder, with a perverted smile. “I will enjoy wearing you after i kill you...”

”I need to be close to him to drain his magic”thought Tirek. ”But if i get too close, this guy will turn me into thousands of little cubes with his magic. I have to catch him off guard, but how?”

“Fighting me at close-quarter combat is a good strategy” said Shira. “My specialty is sniping, after all. But Father insisted that i learn hand to hand combat to balance out my weaknesses. I’m glad i listened to his advice or else you would have already put me down.”

“You can hold your own, alright” said Chrysalis. “But certainly you noticed by now that your magic doesn’t work against me, not while i have this rock embedded in my armor plate. All you can right now is dodge, well, keep dodging, cause your life depends on it!”

“You’re wasting your time, Razor” said Sombra. “Your poor offensive game will never get past my defensive game. I’m starting to get bored, you know.”

“SHUT UP!!!” shouted Razor. “I’ll show you what i’m really capable of!!”

“Is this the power of the Elites of Darkness?” asked Stygian, mockingly. “And here i was expecting a good fight!!”

“All you do is defend yourself...” answered Ragna. “You’re too coward to fight me up close!!”

“She’s really annoying, that one...” said Adagio. “But she won’t evade our attacks forever.”

“Maybe we should try another strategy, Adagio” said Aria. “Any ideas?”

“What’s the problem?” asked Hearts. “You’re 3 and you can’t even hit me? So pathetic!!”

Sunny had defeated Flare and was now heading toward Kleaver.

“Oh, you’re approching me?!” asked the priest.

“I’m gonna punch you until you’re unrecognizable!!” answered Sunny.

Kleaver casted a magic barrier to stop Sunny from approaching him. This one turned into an Hydra and started blasting the barrier with electric plasma breath.

“Such power” thought Kleaver. “Father, give me strenght!! 10 Divine Barriers!”

A magic dome appeared around Kleaver, just as Sunny had broken through his first barrier. She bumped against the magic dome.

“Let’s see if you can get past the 10 Divine Barriers!!” shouted Kleaver.

Sunny started blasting the dome with her plasma breath. Soon enough, the first layer broke. She started attacking the second layer, but it didn’t broke as fast as the last one.

“That second barrier took me way longer to break” thought Sunny. “Could it be that each barrier become stronger the closer i get to him? I can’t imagine how hard the last barrier will be to break...”

Moonlight finally figured out how to undo the brainwashing on Silva and had taken her to safety. He looked at the girls and was going to head to their rescue, but saw Sunny struggling to get to Kleaver. He came across Flare, who had a hole in her chest. Moonlight sighed and used time magic to undo the injury. Flare woke up and before she could move, Moonlight knocked her lights out. He then proceeded to undo Grogar’s brainwashing on her. Speaking of Grogar, this one was giving a hard time to the heroes. He was physically outmatching Applejack and Rainbow Dash strenght and speed, effortlessly blocking Pinkie Pie, Twilight and Sunset’s attacks and relentlessly bombarding Fluttershy and Rarity with magic projectiles, all at once.

“He’s too strong!!” said Twilight. “He’s not even trying!!”

“Don’t underestimate yourselves, girls” said Grogar. “You’re actually keeping me on my toes!! But if that’s your best, you should give me your geodes...”

”Remember, girls” said Eris’ voice to them. ”Your power is limitless, the only thing stopping you is your own doubts. Trust in each other, have faith in your friendship and your Element of Harmony!! Believe in yourselves!!”

Sunny had broken through the fifth barrier and was getting exhausted. Moonlight had undone Grogar’s brainwashing on Flare and was now using a redemption spell on her. Once that was done, he brought her to safety with Silva.

“Now, to help Sunny” he said.

Moonlight rejoined her quickly and saw she was exhausted.

“Brother... You’re...puff...Here!” she said. “I’ll let you handle him, okay? I just need to take a nap...”

She fell asleep and started snoring.

“You casted your 10 Divine Barrier spell, haven’t you?” asked Moonlight.

“Yes, and i’m impressed that your sister was able to break through half of them” answered Kleaver.

“You’re quite proud of that spell, aren’t you?” said Moonlight. “Seeing how much faith you put in it...Well, it will make it all the more painful when i’ll smash through it...”

“You think you can get past my barrier?” asked Kleaver. “I’d like to see you try!!”

Moonlight sighed and pulled a rapier out of nowhere. He took a deep breath and pointed it toward Kleaver.

“From the Spatial Magic Series: Space-Piercing Strike!” said Moonlight.

“Ha!! You’re wasting your...Ugh!!” said Kleaver.

He looked down and saw a gaping hole in his chest.

“Impossible...” he said, before dropping dead.

Moonlight headed toward him and used time magic to undo his injury. He then knocked out Kleaver as soon as he opened his eyes and like with the two before him, proceeded to undo the brainwashing. Sunset and friends we’re still having a hard time against Grogar, despite Eris’ motivational speech of earlier.

“You’re stronger than you were 5 minutes ago” said the evil tyrant. “But it will take way more than that to beat me...If your power is indeed limitless, then show it!!”

“We’re giving it our all, Sunset, but this bastard just won’t bulge!!” said Twilight.

“We’re not giving up!!” shouted Sunset.

“He have a magic draining bell, right? So why didn’t he used it against us yet?” asked Rarity.

“Cause your magic comes from a magical artifact and the bell can’t take magic away from them” answered Grogar. “My bell only steal magic from beings magical in nature, like your two draconequus friends. “None of you, safe Sunset, are magical beings and as such, the bell won’t affect you...Does that answer your question? I’ll take that as a yes...”

Moonlight was done with Kleaver and was waiting for the others to finish their opponents. He was carrying Sunny in his arm, slighly bothered by her snoring and drooling. In that moment of peace, he looked back at something that happened many centuries ago, during the Medieval Era. It was during his time as a knight that he learned everything about swordsmanship. He remembered being mocked by his fellow knights regarding his choice of weapon. Unlike everyone else, who used standard swords, Moonlight chose a rapier to fight, a fragile and weak weapon in the eyes of warriors. But he was able to turn a seemingly weak weapon into a tool of death. He was so good with his weapon on the battlefield that he was promoted to the rank of Grandmaster in only a few years time. And it was centuries later that he found a type of magic suited to the art of fencing: Space-warping magic. By focusing his magic in the tip or body of the rapier, he was able to increase the piercing and slashing power of his space-warping magic. He was able to deliver an attack that could bypass any protection and directly hit it’s target. His stare left the sky and turned toward the fights. Sunset and friends were still in a bad position while the other heroes were visibly gaining the upper hand over their opponents. The fate of the universe would soon be decided.