• Published 26th Sep 2012
  • 3,155 Views, 40 Comments

Show Me Kindness, Show Me Love - Brian Jacko

Fluttershy learns kindness and love.

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Goodbye For Now

The two of you have been sharing the new house now for a few months.

You have bought her a very expensive wedding ring and you are patiently waiting to propose to her. You figured that by now your symptoms would be getting better, but that isn't the case. You wanted to wait until you were all better and back on your hooves again, but that doesn't seem like it is going to happen anytime soon.

Fluttershy takes excellent care of you and is very understanding.

You feel bad that the two of you can't do much together. Occasionally, she sits with you by the river next to your house and the two of you watch the sunset. That's really just about how far you can walk. You don't understand why you suddenly became more ill than usual. Maybe you picked up some kind of new virus or disease when you overworked your body and you collapsed to the ground while working on the house before. You don't know, and the doctors don't have much of an answer either.

They assume you have caught some kind of new virus that they don't have any knowledge about yet and have no idea about your life expectancy.

The thought of death is scary to you when you are alone, but with Fluttershy nearby, all your fears and worries vanish. You don't want to leave now. Everything seems so absurd. You remember how you wanted to die so badly in the past, but now all of that has changed. All you want to do is live peacefully with who you hope would be your soon-to-be bride. It is truly amazing how strange life can be sometimes. You have trouble breathing and cough often. Some days you are afraid that you will suffocate. While you are in bed, struggling to breathe, Fluttershy is outside tending to her animals, you decide to write a letter to her just in case you don't make it. You put the letter under your pillow and pray that you will somehow make it through another day.

When night time settles in and it is time to sleep, the both of you hop into bed together.

Fluttershy scoots in closer to you and puts her front legs around your body like she does every night. She's just too cute. Even though the bed is big enough for her to sleep far away from you, she still chooses to fall asleep in your hooves every night.

You feel safe and comfortable, and if you were to die tonight, then at least you would die while holding her in your hooves. You run your hoof through her mane like you do every night and listen to her deep breathing as she sleeps. You have a weird feeling that this will be your last night together. You hope that this won't be the case, but you are unsure. You do your best to stay awake as much as you possibly can and enjoy watching Fluttershy sleep so peacefully. Suddenly, you are overcome by extreme fatigue and your heart starts to beat slower and slower. You realize that this isn't a normal tired feeling, but something new. Your body must be shutting down for good. The memories of your life flash back to all of the wonderful times you had while growing up and all of the great things that you did. You didn't realize that there were so many things in life that you cared about. Eventually, your mind flashes back to when you first met Fluttershy and you remember all of the things you did together. You love her so much. As your mind begins to slow down with the thoughts, you make a final wish that she will be able to find a new stallion who would love her and would take care of her. You wish that she would also be able to get over her fears and make new friends. You also hope that she will remember you and that you will get to see her in the afterlife when her time would come. That's it. You slowly take your last breath and die while still holding your precious love, Fluttershy, in your hooves.

The next morning, Fluttershy wakes up and is still nuzzled close against your body. She realizes that you feel very cold and that your body is stiff. She panics as she gently shakes you. She fears the worst. "Wake up! Oh, please wake up my love," she cries. She takes your pulse and there is nothing. You're gone. She puts her front legs around your body and sobs heavily into your chest. "Why did you have to go so soon? We didn't even get the chance to marry." Eventually, Fluttershy lets your family know what has happened.

It isn't long before the funeral is arranged. Lots of ponies show up. Fluttershy and your family stay through the entire session. Fluttershy has been offered to give a speech, but she is too traumatized and upset to do so.

Your family loves Fluttershy and offers her help any time she needs it.

When the funeral is over, there is a big feast being held for family members and friends.

Your family and Fluttershy share so many stories and memories of you. Your family really cares for your special friend and every pony does their best to try to comfort her and one another.

Fluttershy leaves the dinner get together early. She needs to be alone for a while. She had been through so much.

At home, her animal friends swarm to her and try to cheer her up, but it is no use.

She looks down at the animals and says, "I'm so sorry to inform you all, but my love is gone and he won't be coming back."

All the animals lower their heads in sorrow.

Fluttershy runs over to the bed and cries into the pillow. Just then, she notices something sticking out from under the pillow. It is a letter. She opens it up, and out falls a picture of the two of you and a beautiful gold ring attached to a delicate necklace. She reads the contents of the letter.

"My Dearest Fluttershy, I don't think I'll be able to make it through the night, but I want to tell you not to worry and to be strong. I want you to remember the love and passion that we share together, and I so desperately hope that you'll be able to get over your fears and make new friends. I hope you find another stallion who will be able to love you as much as I do. You are the sweetest, most precious mare I have ever met. My only regret is that we didn't start dating earlier. You gave me reason to want to live again and you gave me the happiest and most special moments in all my life. I'm so happy and grateful that I got to share my life with some pony as loving and sweet as you. Thank you for being my special some pony during my stay here. I'm so sorry that it was short, but being with you made my life feel complete. Thank you for taking care of me during my last days. You took away my suffering with every hug and kiss that you gave me. I bought you a ring a while ago. I wanted to propose to you, but I was waiting until I got healthier again. I guess that's not going to happen. Please have this ring and let it be a reminder of the special relationship that we share. I also left you my favorite photo of us together. I would look at it every single day when I got up in the morning. I want you to know that I am happy and satisfied with my life. I want you to live out the rest of your life in peace and happiness. Please don't dwell in sorrow or depression. If there is one thing in life I hate to see, it is seeing you hurting and suffering. I'll be waiting for you in the afterlife. I can't wait for that day when we'll be reunited again and our new bodies will be made perfect. I guess I should stop writing now. I'm kind of rambling a bit and I am exhausted. I love you now and forever. Goodbye for now."

Fluttershy cries as she looks at the ring and the photo. The photo is of you and her hugging and smiling after your graduation from flight school. She places the letter on her desk and sobs uncontrollably.