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Chapter 8: David vs Goliath

After a peaceful flight back to Canterlot, our heroes were happy to be home. The next days following their return had been quite calm and the girls made sure to enjoy them, while being on their guards. Their next enemy, Tirek, would not be easy to defeat and Twilight came up with a strategy to fight him. They knew Tirek could steal magic and would try stealing theirs, especially Sunset and Twilight’s. At the moment, they were still arguing about the best plan of attack.

“I could probably match his brute strenght” said Applejack.

“And i could certainly handle his magic beams with my barriers” said Rarity.

“I think you’re downplaying Tirek” said Sunset. “I’ve heard that at max power, Tirek’s magic blasts could blow up the Moon. At his peak strenght, he could lift an island the size of Manehattan. And even on a bad day, he can easily body the most powerful monsters in Equestria. I doubt you can lift an island, Applejack, even less move one. And you Rarity, i doubt your barriers can deflect, even less block, a Moon-busting beam. Unless you can somehow break your current limits and go beyond, you have no chance against Tirek. You better let me and Twilight handle him, while you protect the citizens.”

“It’s you who’s downplaying Tirek, now” said Rainbow. “He can absorb magic, remember? Even if you can both literally bend reality and space in your super forms, all Tirek need to do is take a citizen, or one of us, hostage and force you to lend him your magic. And with reality warping magic at his disposal, you can bet none of us stand a chance against him.”

“We might be worrying too much” said Twilight. “Just like the other before him, his goal is to test our power. He’ll be strong enough to give us a run for our money, but not enough so we can’t defeat him...”

“What will happen after that?” asked Rarity. “Are all those villains going to attack us at once?”

“Quite likely” answered Applejack. “They’ll also likely be more powerful than before and will not hold back.”"

“There is also those two mysterious individual that sent those big monsters after us” said Sunset. “We might have to fight them soon enough, probably after we defeat Tirek...”

Meanwhile, at Grogar’s castle, Tirek was doing some exercises before going into battle. Sunny was watching him train with a lusty stare. Ever since Stygian left the castle, she did her best to find another submissive guy to toy with. Unfortunately, Sombra and Tirek were far from the submissive type and both had ton of assurance, which was getting on her nerves. As for Nightmare and Discord, she felt only disgust toward them due to their personalities. Nightmare was creepy, rude and cold while Discord was creepy, weird and childish. She was also not into older men like Discord and Grogar and felt no desire to have sex with them. Finally, she did tried herself on Moonlight a couple of times, but each time, he would remind her they were siblings and that would be disgusting. It didn’t help that Grogar forbid her to have sex with anyone in the castle or from the outside, at the risk of being punished severely. Moonlight and Cosmos was watching her at all times to made sure she didn’t disobeyed his orders, so she couldn’t even flee the castle. She was getting more and more irritated after each day passing, as well as hornier. Moonlight was watching her from afar at the moment.

“999...1000!!” Said Tirek, “I’m done!! It’s time for me to fight those girls now!!”

Tirek got up and left the training room, leaving Sunny alone. Moonlight entered the room and walked in her direction. When Sunny saw him, she grabbed a dumbell and threw it at him. He caught it with ease, but couldn’t dodge a punch in the face in time. The lusty stare Sunny had earlier made place to a mad stare as soon as she saw Moonlight. This one got up before she bashed his face with another dumbell.

“Aw shit” said Moonlight. “She snapped”

Sunny turned partially into a dragon and started destroying the room. If she couldn’t satiate her lust with sex, then she would satiate it with blood and violence. She spitted upward from her mouth a magic beam that was visible from miles around the castle. Tirek, Sombra and Chrysalis jumped right in to calm her down, but were quickly forced to step back due to their injuries. Cosmos and Discord appeared and used their magic to immobilize her. They also tried to calm her down, but she had lost her mind. Grogar finally had to step in and walked toward Sunny. As soon as she saw him, her rage decupled and she broke out of the spell immobilizing her by sheer willpower. She fully turned into a dragon and flew through the hole she made in the roof and fled the castle.

“I’m going after her” said Moonlight.

This one made shadow wings pop on his back and went after Sunny. Discord repaired the damages and healed everyone. Tirek asked Grogar to open him a portal to Canterlot, through which he disappeared. Grogar then turned to the others and told them to move on and continue whatever they were doing. Once arrived at Canterlot City, Tirek started terrorizing the citizens in the area. Sunset and her friends quickly capted his presence and arrived in the minute to intercept him.

“Now that i got your attention” said Tirek. “Mind if we take this somewhere else?”

Sunset and the other agreed and Eris teleported them in the middle of a semi-desertic region.

“Much better” said Tirek. “I’m not quite in my Element in a big city...I prefer wilderness. Plus, you don’t have to worry about cititzens getting killed or buildings being destroyed. It’s a win for both of us.”

Tirek punched the ground and created a shockwave that made the girls fell on the ground. Applejack was the first to get up and smiled at Tirek.

“My turn” she said.

She punched the ground and splitted it up. The fissure reached Tirek and got bigger, enough to make him have to jump in the air to avoid falling to his death. He landed behind the group, who all got up on their feet. Tirek had visibly been shook by Applejack’s demonstration of strenght.

”She’s not only strong” thought Tirek. ”She’s also super precise when using her strenght.”

His heart was beating faster all of a sudden. From fear? Excitation? Or infatuation? He didn’t know exactly why. But it was due to Applejack’s presence.

”All three of them, actually” said Sunset to him by telepathy. “Like a predator, you see in Applejack another fierce predator that could kill you, and that get you scared. But you are also excited at the perspective of fighting that opponent, since you rarely get to fight someone as strong as you. But since that opponent is a female, you also feel a natural attraction toward her.”

“Nice figure of speech you used there” said Tirek. ”Comparing me to a predator is not far from the truth. But considering HER like a predator is wrong. To me, you are all PREYS!!”

Tirek fired a beam from his mouth at the group, who dispersed. Twilight started throwing chunks of earth at him, while Pinkie Pie was bombarding him with 2 party cannons. Applejack rushed toward Tirek and punched him in the chest, sending the titan a dozen meters back against a big rock.

“Let me handle him” said Applejack.

“He’s all yours” said Sunset. “But we’ll stay ready to jump in if you need us.”

Tirek looked the girls getting away from Applejack. This one was looking at him with a smug smile and with her hand, told him to come at her. Grogar, looking at their fight, was getting amused. Chrysalis was also amused,

“That’s cute” said Chrysalis. “The big, strong Lord Tirek is actually being intimidated by someone smaller than him”

“So, this is the strategy you girls came up with” said Grogar to himself.

Tirek and Applejack were duking it out. Applejack was dodging Tirek’s attacks with ease while her punches never missed their target. Tirek was clearly at a disadvantage against a smaller, but still as strong, opponent like Applejack. This was her who came with this idea when she remembered playing a 3D boxing game with Rainbow Dash. This one chose a big, tall fighter while Applejack took a smaller one. Rainbow’s fighter could barely manage to punch his opponent, while Applejack’s fighter was hitting his opponent every time. She was applying this strategy right now, against Tirek, who couldn’t do anything but getting a beating.

“What do you mean by that?” asked Chrysalis.

“You’d think Tirek’s bigger size would give him the edge in this fight” answered Grogar. “And you would be right, if their strenght was not on par with each other. You see, Applejack might be smaller, but she hit as hard as Tirek and she’s more precise in her attacks.”

“You forget the most important factor here” said Sombra. “The source of their strenght...”

“Elaborate, please” said Chrysalis.

“It’s Tirek’s physical strenght vs Applejack’s magical strenght.” said Discord, who heard everything “Tirek’s physical strenght reside in his muscle mass. To get physically stronger, he need bigger muscles and the only way to do that is grow in size. And that’s what put him at a disadvantage against Applejack. Her strenght is magical, since it come from her magic geode, Aka the Element of Honesty. To get stronger, she doesn’t have to grow in size or gain muscles like Tirek, but only to tap into her values. Applejack values family, Pinkie Pie values happiness, Fluttershy values wildlife, Twilight values intelligence, Rainbow Dash values sports, Rarity values beauty and Sunset Shimmer values friendship. That’s what power their magic...”

“Applejack doesn’t have to sacrifice agility and flexibility to get stronger.” said Sombra. “That’s what i wanted to bring up, but Discord explained it better than i could ever do.”

“Speaking of” asked Discord. “What do you value, you and everyone else”

“I value Nobility above all else” answered Sombra.

“I value Self-Preservation above all else” answered Chrysalis.

“Tirek values Physique above all else” said Grogar. “I value Knowledge, Moonlight values Perfection, The Sirens values Music. Stygian values Peace, Nightmare values Negativity, Sunny values Pleasure, Starlight values Independance and Cosmos and Discord both values Chaos.”

“But it goes even further” said Discord. “Luna values Self-Respect, Celestia values Harmony, Cadence values Love, Princess Twilight values Magic, Cozy Glow valued Power...Everyone values something. That’s what make us who we are at our core.”

The fight between Tirek and Applejack was coming to it’s conclusion. A solid uppercut from Applejack finished off Tirek, who fell loudly on the ground. Discord appeared out of nowhere to take him back to the base. Applejack’s friends jumped on her and cheered her for her victory. Back to the castle, Cosmos woke him up with a bucket of icy water. Tirek got up and went to his room, without saying anything. Once inside his room, Tirek sat on the mat serving as his bed and started breathing deeply to calm down. Meanwhile, Moonlight was on Sunny’s back, trying desperately to stop her rampage. This one already burned down thousands of acres of forest and destroyed dozen of villages earlier. As he was getting desperate, an idea come to his mind...

”If i can’t calm her down, then maybe they can” he said to himself.

Moonlight opened a magic portal to Canterlot, that Sunny went right through. The next moment, they were flying above a city. Moonlight jumped off her back and went to hide somewhere, waiting for the girls to handle her.

”Grogar will probably kill me if Sunny end up killing one of them” said Moonlight. ”However, i’m pretty confident those girls can tame her.”