• Published 11th Nov 2022
  • 823 Views, 25 Comments

Containment Is Magic Season 1 - Comet Diver

After taunting a fellow employee at the SCP Foundation, Senior Researcher Grey is about to be drawn into a world of magic energies, talking ponies, and more threats than he could imagine. Ugh, Mondays.

  • ...


Twilight seemed hesitant. "I don't know Spike. Growing magic is pretty advanced, and trying it on a human? I don't even understand their anatomy."

Spike was confident in her. "Come on Twilight, I know you can do it. You're amazing with magic."

She seemed touched by that comment. "Thanks Spike. You're the best assistant I could ever have."

Grey called from the observation booth. "Test commencing shortly. All personnel, please clear the test chamber."

Guards escorted Spike out. "You can do it Twilight!"

She smiled at him, and then turned around. Not much to look at. The test chamber was comprised of white stainless steel plates. Each one was a square, 1 meter in all dimensions, and totally featureless, except for the panel 5 meters ahead of her, which bore a large red X. Not all the chambers were so uniform. Panels could be switched out for different colors, shapes, patterns, even different materials for test which needed heat or electrical current. The chambers also had several apparatus, such as pedestal buttons and laser emitters that could be installed as required.

"Test chamber sealed. Lowering Class-D subject." A translucent glass tank descended from the ceiling, held by a claw arm. A liquid was seen sloshing inside it. Floating in the liquid was a man in an orange jumpsuit. A Class-D. The foundation's lab rats.

Mainstream science had placed humans in cryogenic stasis, but had failed to successfully resuscitate them. The foundation did not use mainstream science. The cryopod was actually quite an amazing invention. The subject was placed in a cylindrical capsule which was filled with a chemical that rested at a temperature of absolute zero, referred to as Specimen Lambda. The subject fell to a state of suspended animation, and the nutritional supplement was designed to be recycled for the whole period of stasis, keeping the subject alive.

The pod lowered to the floor, and gave an audible hiss before opening. The cryogenic fluid spilt out, and the subject collapsed on the floor. A weak electric current emitted from the coils on top of the pod. It jumped into the subject's body, restarting his heart. He pushed himself up, and coughed out a clear fluid. He stood up, gagged, and complained. "Ugh, can't you nerds make this stuff taste like anything other than [REDACTED]?"

"Mind your language, D-6974. Please stand on the red X." The subject complied, but grumbled under his breath. "Subject in position. Commence test." The lights in the chamber dimmed, and Twilight casted a spell. A field of magic particles formed around the subject's upper lip. It cleared, and a moustache was clearly visible on his face. "Phase one complete. Begin phase two." Twilight casted another spell. The field formed again, and when it cleared, the facial hair was gone. "Great job Twilight. Subject, return to your cryopod." The subject entered the pod, and it hissed shut. Specimen Lambda flooded into the tank, and the subject closed his eyes. The pod was lifted into the ceiling. Grey watched the journey of the pod. It moved across a track. It reached the CDCZ (Class D Confinement Zone), and took it's position in storage, among millions of other pods just like it. Grey pushed the green button to end the test. The lights in the chamber turned off, and the chamber opened. Grey escorted Twilight to the topside lift.

"Great work in there Twilight. But I'm curious. None of our unicorn subjects have shown as much magical talent as you. They've only known a few spells related to their cutie mark."

"True, for ponies whose talents are things like singing or math. But what if a unicorn's special talent is magic?"

The lift arrived at topside. "Ah, I see. So your talent is magic, which explains why you know so many spells."

"Oh, Grey, stop. I'm sure there are lots of ponies here in Ponyville that know just as much magic as me.

Spike joined the group. "Are you kiddin'? I don't think there's another unicorn in all of Equestria with your kind of ability!"

"Gangway!" Grey was knocked onto his side as something smashed into him at high speed.

He saw the two ponies who had slammed into him. They were unicorn foals. One was short and fat. One was tall, and looked like he was on drugs. "Watch where you're going you assholes!"

The high one spoke. "Haven't you heard? There's a new unicorn in town!"

The chubby one continued. "Yeah! They say she's got more magical powers than any other unicorn ever!"

Grey took a nicotine mint from his pocket and ate it. He was limiting himself to two cigarettes a day, but found himself eating like ten of those mints. Too many situations just called for a good smoke. "Oh yeah? Is that true? Well where is she?"

The tall one responded. "Ho, she's in the town square. Come on!"

Grey pushed himself to his feet, and followed them. He checked the civilian database on his PDA, and found their names to be Snips and Snails. Grey's first impression suggested that they had the IQ, and likely the attention span of a brick.

There was a crowd of ponies in the town square, gathered in front of what seemed to be a stage. "Come one! Come all! Come and witness the amazing magic of the Great and Powerful Trixie!" A blue unicorn in a wizard hat and cloak appeared on the stage in a puff of smoke. "Watch in awe as the Great and Powerful Trixie performs the most spectacular feats of magic ever witnessed by pony eyes!"

Grey immediately knew what was going on. "Oh you have to be shitting me. She's just a performer. There's nothing magical about smoke, mirrors, and being a narcissistic brat."

Rarity also seemed to clue in to the fact that there was a cargo plane's worth of hyperbole here. "My, my, my! What boasting!"

Twilight seemed uneasy. "There's nothing wrong with being talented, is there?"

Applejack appeared from the background. "Nothin' at all, 'cep'n when someone goes around showin' it off like a school filly with fancy new ribbons."

Rarity expanded on that point. "Just because one has the ability to perform lots of magic does not make one better than the rest of us."

Rainbow Dash swooped down from the sky. "Especially when ya got me around being the best of us." A quick glare from Applejack set her straight. "Uh, yeah, I mean, magic shmagic. Boo!"

The unicorn took notice. "Well, well, well, it seems we have some neighsayers in the audience. Who is so ignorant as to challenge the magical ability of the Great and Powerful Trixie? Do they not know that they're in the presence of the most magical unicorn in all of Equestria?"

Grey almost wanted to laugh. Twilight and Spike weren't by his side anymore, but he had to put this asshole in her place. "And what exactly makes you that? It's easy to say that you're powerful. It's another level to demonstrate it."

Trixie scoffed at him. "Heh, why, only the Great and Powerful Trixie has magic strong enough to vanquish the dreaded Ursa Major!" A bear appeared in the sky. The two foals were still simping for the unicorn. She continued her (fake) story. "When all hope was lost, the ponies of Hoofington had no-one to turn to, but the Great and Powerful Trixie stepped in, and sent it back to it's cave, deep within the Everfree Forest!" Snips and Snails continued to be gullible, praising the liar.

Spike seemed to be losing his patience. "How do you know? You didn't see it! And besides, Twi-" He was cut off. Grey looked over. His mouth was zipped shut, and he was trying to speak through it.

Trixie continued to be a narcissistic asshole. "It's true, my enthusiastic little admirers. Trixie is most certainly the best in Ponyville." There was silence from the crowd. "Don't believe the Great and Powerful Trixie? Well then, I hereby challenge you, Ponyvillians. Anything you can do, I can do better."

Spike unzipped his mouth and fell to his knees, begging to Twilight. "Please! She's unbearable! You gotta show her! You just gotta!"

Twilight became reluctant. "There's no way I'm gonna use my magic now, Spike. Especially since-"

She was interrupted. "Hmm, how about you?" Twilight gulped. "Well, how about it, hm? Is there anything you can do that the Great and Powerful Trixie can't? Well, little hayseed?"

Grey had it. "Enough of this. You're all bark and no bite. Magic is good for illusions, but it's no substitute for years of training and field experience." A holographic screen appeared in the sky, streaming a Project Oracle simulation. The soldiers on the battlefield moved with precision and elegance. Ponies watched in awe as the agents showed their combative prowess, each member of each team moving like a cog in a finely oiled machine. Cheer erupted from the crowd as the Ghosts took a strong lead. "I'd like to see you try that."

Trixie chuckled. "Oh, is that so?" She removed her stupid cosplay, and her horn lit up. Grey heard gasps behind him. He turned around, and was horrified at what he saw. The task force had broken formation. Their refined tactics had devolved into a head-first charge. The Ghosts fell to the gunfire of the Ravens, dropping in waves. The battlefield disappeared, and the logo of the Ravens spun endlessly on a black background. "That is what you consider an elite unit? The Great and Powerful Trixie could deal with them in her sleep." Grey immediately knew what had happened.

"You... you did this! You bastard! I should kill you!" He drew his pistol, and held it to her head. His grip tightened on the trigger.

Applejack placed her hoof on Grey. "Calm down Sugarcube. I'll deal with her." Grey trusted her. He lowered his pistol, and returned to the crowd. AJ approached Trixie, and scoffed. "Can your magical powers do this?" Applejack grabbed her lasso with her tail, spinning it wide enough to pass around her as she pulled it upwards. She began to jump through the lasso, swinging it side to side. She flung it onto a tree, caught an apple, and launched it into her mouth. Ponies began to cheer their farmer, and her skills with the rope. "Top that, missy."

Trixie grinned. Oh no. She was going to do it again. "Oh ye of little talent. Watch and be amazed at the magic of Trixie!" Snake charmer music was audible, and the rope began to move of it's own accord. One part elevated to the tree, and captured another apple. A second part quickly wrapped around Applejack's legs and hog tied her. She fell to the ground, and the rope shoved the apple into her mouth. The audience began to laugh at the spectacle. "Once again, the Great and Powerful Trixie prevails."

Rainbow hit her threshold next. "There's no need to go struttin' around and showin' off like that. That's my job!" Rainbow took to the skies. She spun the windmill, and ascended into the sky, puncturing several clouds. She posed in front of the sun for a brief moment, before descending on the same path. Rain droplets stored in the clouds began to come down. Rainbow spun the windmill in the other direction, sending the droplets along with her. She landed on the stage, the droplets made contact, and a miniature rainbow manifested above her. She looked beautiful. "They don't call me "Rainbow" and "Dash" for nothin'!" Another wave of cheer, this time for their chief weather pony.

"When Trixie is through, the only thing they'll call you is loser." A spell struck Dash, and the rainbow above her head began to curve. It formed a tornado, engulfed her, and spun her through the air. Dash only stopped when she made contact with the ground.

Rainbow was clearly disoriented. "I think I'm gonna be sick." Applejack, now free of the rope, galloped over to help her up.

"Seems like anypony with a dash of good sense would think twice before tussling with the great Trixie." A storm cloud appeared, and a lightning bolt struck Rainbow's flank. Her mane and tail shot stiff. The crowd collapsed into laughter again.

Spike couldn't take it anymore. "What we need is another unicorn to challenge her. Someone with some magic of her own."

Grey understood what he meant. "You're right. Somepony who could put her in her place."

Rainbow agreed. "Yeah! A unicorn to show this unicorn who's boss."

Applejack reinforced them. "A real unicorn to unicorn tussle."

Rarity interrupted. "Enough. Enough, all of you. I take your hint, but Rarity is above such nonsense. Rainbow Dash and Applejack may behave like ruffians, but Rarity conducts herself with beauty and grace." Grey gave a blank expression.

Trixie taunted her. "Ooo, what's the matter? Afraid you'll get a hair out of place in that rat's nest you call a mane?"

"Oh, it. Is. On." Rarity marched onto the stage, and started to go on a rant. "You may think you're tough with all your so-called powers, but there is more to magic than your brutish ways. A unicorn needs to be more than just muscle. A unicorn needs to have style." In a brief moment, Rarity turned curtains into a beautiful outfit. "A unicorn is not a unicorn without grace and beauty." A chorus of admiration came from the audience. Trixie smirked, and began to charge a spell.

Spike spoke aloud. It wasn't clear if he was trying to reassure the others, or himself. "Rarity won't let Trixie get the best of her! She's strong, she's beautiful, she's-"

Everyone gasped. "Quick! I need a mirror! Get me a mirror! What did she do to my hair? I know she did something terrible to my hair!"

The team rushed to calm her. "Nothing."

"It's fine."

"It's gorgeous."

"It's green." Everyone shot a glance at Spike. "What?"

Rarity seemed horrified. "No! Green hair! Not green hair!" She ran away, sobbing and crying. "Such an awful, awful color!"

A green-maned pony remarked from the crowd. "Well, I never!"

Grey couldn't handle this. "Twilight, the rest of the team are down. It's up to you."

"What do you mean? I'm nothing special."

"Yes you are. You're better than this jerk."

"I'm not better than anyone!"

"Ha! You think you're better than the Great and Powerful Trixie? You think you have more magical talent? Well, come on, show Trixie what you've got. Show us all." Twilight made an excuse about laundry, and galloped off. Grey couldn't believe it. She wasn't listening to reason. The unicorn with the most magic in all of the foundation (citation needed) wouldn't face down a show-off. Then he realized. She wouldn't face this show-off, because she was afraid she would be a show-off. "Once again, the Great and Powerful Trixie has proven herself to be the most amazing unicorn in all of Equestria. Huh, was there ever any doubt?" If Twilight wouldn't deal with Trixie, he would.

"Spike, go back to base. Keep talking to Twilight. I'll try and catch Trixie in a lie." The rest of the day was very slow. Grey spent most of it watching Trixie, only stopping for a quick smoke. Time seemed to move on frame-by-frame. Trixie spent most of the day combing her hair, drinking an oat smoothie, and generally telling Snips and Snails to bugger off. He heard Snips and Snails talk to Spike, but couldn't catch any words without taking his eyes off Trixie. He was getting sloppy. He made a mental note to run some stealth training simulations in Project Oracle when he got the chance, but continued to watch Trixie for now. The investigation in Hoofington was a dry run as well. No-pony recalled Trixie, but earlier, she spoke of the event as if it were some time ago. It could easily be attributed to ponies just not remembering. Nothing was turning up that could incriminate her. As night fell, Grey knew he wasn't getting anywhere, and made the decision to pack up and go home. Along the way, he ran into Spike, kicking a pebble down the path. "Hey kid."

"Hi Grey."

"You got nothing?"

"Nope. I just don't understand. She'd be using her magic to stand up for her friends, but she's worried about showing off." Screaming was heard from down the path. Snips and Snails were running towards them at a galloping pace.

"What have you two done this time?"

Snips galloped past them. "Can't talk now!"

Snails followed. "Got a major problem!"

"Yep! Ursa Major to be exact!"

"What did his annoying face say?" Grey and Spike heard trees collapsing behind them. They turned around, and before their eyes was a giant bear. It's fur was glowing a midnight blue, and there were faint stars in it's body. The one on it's head was much larger and more prominent. The Ursa opened it's mouth, bearing dangerously sharp fangs. "Oh. My. God."

"All civilians be aware! A dangerous anomaly is in your area, and you must take shelter. The anomaly in question is an Ursa Major, believed to have originated from the Everfree Forest. Please obey the following safety guidance.

  • Do not speak, no matter how quietly. The anomaly is believed to be extremely sensitive to sound. Hoof gestures are the only way to communicate without placing yourself in danger.
  • Do not approach, touch, or expose yourself to the anomaly. It is dangerous.
  • Do not attempt to combat the anomaly. It is useless, and you will put yourself at risk. The anomaly can only be terminated via coordinated efforts of trained personnel. Avoid confrontation at all costs.
  • Cooperate with SCP Foundation forces. We are here for your protection, and we will be able to protect everypony easier if you cooperate. Follow guidance from armed security personnel. They will lead you to evacuation shelters located throughout the town. Do not interfere with other personnel.
  • Do not help trapped individuals. Your safety should be your top priority.
  • Do not panic. The SCP Foundation will contain the situation.

After evacuation shelters are sealed, Mobile Task Forces will begin to fire upon the anomaly with heavy munitions. Do not be alarmed if you feel tremors.

Evacuation shelters will seal 10 minutes after the broadcast of this message, or in the event that the anomaly comes within 5 meters of an individual shelter. If you are late, you will be left behind.

Remain calm. The situation will be resolved soon. Secure. Contain. Protect.

Grey entered the Golden Oak Library. "Twilight, we have a situation."

"I told Spike, and I'll tell you Grey. I don't want to show up Trixie."

"No, it's not that. There's an Ursa Major in town. We need to evacuate." Twilight dropped her book and turned around.

"Did you just say..."


Grey gathered up the rest of the Mane 6 and led them through town. They made sure to keep low to the ground. They reached a part of the town where they met up with another group. Grey spoke to the guard leading them. "Report."

"30+ personnel. No clear injuries. But there were 3 back there. They weren't listening to us."

"We'll handle them. Get these ponies to the shelter."

"Yes sir." The guard saluted, and motioned for the ponies to follow him. Grey led his group in the direction the others came from. When they saw three ponies, it was clear why they were a problem. It was Trixie, Snips, and Snails. Trixie formed a small storm cloud, and struck the Ursa with a bolt of lightning. It was really quite pathetic.

Grey ran up to Snips and Snails. "What happened?"

Snips looked at Grey, and smiled, almost as if he was proud of the situation. "We brought an Ursa to town."

"You. Did. WHAT!?"

Snails looked at him. "Don't worry. The Great and Powerful Trixie will vanquish it."

The two morons looked at Trixie in anticipation. She hung her head. "I can't."

Snips and Snails were clearly not expecting that. "What!?"

Trixie came clean. "I can't. I never have. No one can vanquish an Ursa Major. I just made the whole story up to make me look better."

The group had a very mixed reaction.

"Made it up!?"

"And you're admitting this now?"

"What did I tell you?"

The Ursa landed behind them all, and roared. A shiver shot down Grey's spine. He looked at Twilight. She was their last hope. Both her and Grey knew it. She took a deep breath, and stepped forward. Her horn began to glow, and a cool breeze blew through Ponyville. Water reeds began to move, and then... a lullaby. The reeds were producing a lullaby. How was that possible? Then Grey remembered Test #16. Twilight was clever to use it in this way, and it seemed effective. The Ursa's eyes seemed to grow heavy.

Twilight's horn began to glow brighter, as the magic particles took the formation of a horn in several layers. In the distance, a water tower was ripped off it's supports, and began to float. The tower opened, and the water spilt out. Twilight's horn was glowing even brighter. Sparks began to fly from the formation. The tower passed through a barn, and cows were heard mooing from inside. The tower floated out, filled with fresh warm milk. She hadn't done that before. The Ursa began to fall towards Trixie.

The glow from Twilight's horn was shining as bright as the moon, and rays of light shot out. Twilight grabbed the Ursa in a telekinetic field. Everypony present was watching in total awe. The creature closed it's eyes, and began to drink from the top of the water tower as it floated away. Realizing what was happening, Grey pulled up the security feed from Area-16. Sure enough, the Ursa Major floated into a cave, and out of the camera's view. The glow on Twilight's horn flickered and died. She gasped for breath, and was then startled by cheers behind her. Grey clapped. "That was incredible."

Applejack remarked. "Heavens to Betsy! We knew you had ability, but not that much!"

Twilight shrunk back. "I'm sorry. Please, please don't hate me."

Rarity was confused. "Hate you? Why, whatever do you mean, darling?"

Twilight seemed about as confused as Rarity. "Well, I know how much you hated Trixie showing off with her magic tricks, and I just thought-"

Rainbow cut in. "Woah, woah, woah. Magic's got nothing to do with it. Trixie's just a loudmouth."

Rarity continued. "Most unpleasant."

Applejack finished. "All hat and no cattle."

"So, you don't mind my magic tricks?"

"Your magic is a part of who you are, sugarcube, and we like who you are. We're proud to have such a powerful, talented unicorn as our friend."

Rainbow spoke. "And after whipping that Ursa's hindquarters, we're even prouder."

"You are?" The group gave confirmation.

Grey spoke. "I'm impressed Twilight. How did you know what to do to stop that rampage?"

"That's actually what I was doing when you went to get me. I was so intrigued by Trixie's bragging that I was compelled to do a little reading up on them."

"All the same, you were able to vanquish an Ursa Major alone."

"That wasn't an Ursa Major. It was a baby. An Ursa Minor."

"Wait... that was just a baby?"

"And it wasn't rampaging. It was just cranky because SOMEONE woke it up."

Everypony present glared at Snips and Snails. Grey looked back at Twilight. "If that was just an infant, what are they like when they're fully grown?"

"You don't wanna know."

Trixie walked up to Twilight. "Huh. You may have vanquished an Ursa Minor, but you will never have the amazing, show-stopping ability of the Great and Powerful Trixie!" A puff of smoke, and she was galloping away. Wow. She was the textbook definition of an asshole.

Advanced Guardsman Adam Hall radioed in. "Suspect fleeing. Permission to detain."

Grey drew his radio. "Negative. Let her go. She's not our concern now. Besides, we have the other cause of this shitshow." He looked at Snips and Snails. "You two are henceforth detained for questioning."

Snips tried to talk out of it. "We're sorry we woke up the Ursa Minor. We just wanted to see some cool magic. And the way she vanquished that Ursa Minor was awesome!"

"Oh, I'm glad you enjoyed this. I mean, you caused countless bits in damage, endangered everyone, and even cost 3 lives, but if you had fun, everything's fine."

"Phew, okay. We'll just be-"

"I was being sarcastic!" Grey looked at the investigation teams, marked by green triangles on their uniforms. "Agents. Remove them from my sight." The teams grabbed Snips and Snails, sedated them, and took them away.

3 days later, the clean-up was done. Grey hoped that he would never see those foals again. He couldn't get to sleep. He hadn't been able to get to sleep for the past 3 days. Maybe a cup of tea would help. He fumbled on his bedside table for his keycard, but instead found his way to the picture of him and his wife, with their new-born daughter. He decided to stop putting it off. He picked up his PDA, and turned it on. He opened the comms network, and sent a message to Perkins.

Sir, Grey here.

Positive reactions to our public reveal. Several ponies are already signing up. Prevented a disaster today. You know the Ursa Minor constellation? Turns out that it has a physical form here. I just have a request. Could you transfer my family to this project? I haven't been getting much sleep lately, I'm kind of worried about them. I'm probably just being paranoid. Sorry to disturb you sir.

Thank you.

Grey put his PDA down, scanned his keycard, and stumbled into the kitchen. He felt hungry, but just wanted some tea for now. He heard that sometimes, sensations of hunger can actually be caused by thirst. The kettle took forever to boil. He sipped, and his eyes began to feel heavy. He stumbled back to his room, and saw a light on his PDA.

To, Grey.

Good to hear that. You're doing fantastic, just as I predicted. I'm sorry to hear that you haven't been sleeping well. I suggest trying to keep yourself awake in bed. Research is pretty mixed, but it works better than trying to force yourself to sleep. Of course I can transfer your family to your project. I'll get the paperwork sorted within a week. Keep up the good work.

Best, Perkins.

Grey didn't need the rest of the tea.

Author's Note:

Warning: Profanity starts to appear from this chapter on.
As you can tell if you read the story, I REALLY don't like snips and snails. They're worse than Flash Sentry, and he was just a love interest so there could be a love interest. When you're worse than someone who was added to fill a quota in a cliché, that's something.
Yes, the quote "Applejack appeared from the background." was a reference to the "Best background pony" meme. No, I don't agree with it. Applejack's a hard worker, and I don't understand all the hate. She's one of my favourite ponies.

The nutritional supplement being a clear fluid with a poor taste was inspired by the book "Halo: The Fall Of Reach."
The test chambers and their widely configurable nature was inspired by the Perpetual Testing Initiative from Portal 2, which was a free post-launch DLC that let users make their own test chambers.

Project Oracle is a hyper-advanced next generation virtual reality simulation to train foundation agents. Several video games that could teach valuable skills to agents (Such as Metal Gear Solid or Hitman for stealth, Call Of Duty or Titanfall for combat, etc.) are re-coded from the ground up by highly trained technicians to be compatible with Project Oracle The participating agents are given full-body suits which mimic the feeling of every part of the environment, loaded into a transparent sphere of reinforced glass, and then loaded into a VR world. The sphere moves in the opposite direction of the agents, essentially allowing them to move in the simulation, while remaining stationary in reality. Simulations are incredibly detailed, with elaborate injuries, objectives, wind and cloud cover, and a program which records the simulation and streams it to anyone who wants to watch. Ever since first launch, Project Oracle has led to a massive increase in effectiveness of all combative personnel. Shortly after, it became available to non-combatants for leisure. Leagues were formed, and competitions were organised. (Like E-sports championships) In the story, the simulation being run is a team deathmatch between the Ghosts and the Ravens. I know this may sound advanced for the Foundation, but they've made reality anchors and AI constructs, so this should be a puddle jump.

That part at the end about trying to keep yourself awake in bed has worked for me in the past.