• Published 19th Aug 2022
  • 568 Views, 7 Comments

Jackal - Gallants

A spartan and a princess meet, while a plague is manufactured and cured.

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Operation Everfree Moonlight

Celestia looked at the two bound elements of harmony, "Twilight what were you thinking?" she asked groaning, Jackal stood to the side her featureless visor causing the ponies to shrink further to the ground.

"Well, I saw a military carriage that I couldn't identify and the map showed a marked-off zone in the Everfree, and I got really curious, I also thought two months of prep would keep us from getting caught," Twilight said nervously, "I'm not in trouble am I?" she asked.

"How much trouble you're in depends on Jackal, that is her academy after all." Celestia said looking over to her wife.

Jackal stepped closer to the two, squatting down she looked Twilight in the eyes, "If it weren't for you being the bearers of the elements of harmony," Jackal said, "and that I liked you Twilight, you would be put in the dungeons for 10 years as punishment for trespassing on government property, I mean come on, you jumped the fence that said no trespassers," she sighed out placing her glove on her visor, "I'll have you do 100 hours community service in lower Canterlot." she said waving them off, the guards quickly released them.

"Thank you." Twilight said as they were led out.

"I'm sorry that happened dear," Celestia said as Jackal removed her helmet and rubbed the bridge of her nose, "at least you won't need to worry too much longer." Jackal hummed before leaning into her.

"That's true," she said, "but we need to find a new assignment for Hornet." Jackal sighed looking out the window.

"Well, Director Spinnerate wants to reactivate the Deniable Operations unit," Celestia said rubbing the spartan's shoulder, "perhaps we could put her there?" she suggested kissing the exposed human's forehead.

"Holy Buck," Rainbow Dash squealed pushing Twilight, "do you know who that was?" she asked shaking with excitement, "that was the Commander Jackal, like the coolest most bad-flank soldier ever!" she said flying next to Twilight when the guard gave her a nod.

"I know who she is," Twilight, "Ms. Jackal used to help me study, she's actually really nice," she said chuckling, "in fact she only carries weapons ceremonially, now at least." Twilight told the befuddled Rainbow Dash.

"You knew the spirit, this whole time," Rainbow quietly said, "AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME!" she yelled out.

"I'd like to see the director," Jackal told the spartan behind the desk, such a shame, spartan's not being the soldiers they're meant to be, she thought to herself, "and no I don't have an appointment." the spartan looked at her and walked into the office, after a short wait she stepped out.

"The director said as long as you're quick," Jackal nodded and walked in, "and no commander I am not unarmed, mana pistol is under the desk." The secretary said smiling.

"Commander to what do I owe this pleasure," the changeling greeted sprawled across her padded desk a silk shaw framing her lithe body, "you know I'm oh so busy." she purred licking her lips.

"Cut the shit Spinnerette," Jackal said, "we both know you only have appointments from Agent Drops, and that's once a month." she told her getting a groan from the bug as she stood up and sat down behind her desk.

"You're no fun today Commander, was that little break-in at the academy really that bad?" she asked, "or is it Angle Iron not following protocol because that aggravates me as well." she said levitating a piece of paper over.

"Yeah, it's just everything right now," the commander told her sitting down and putting her helmet on the desk, "Tia's been getting busy as well and she's been up late," she explained sighing, Spinnerate humming as she looked over the report, "So Tia mentioned you wanted to reactivate deniable ops, have a place for training in mind?" She asked her while looking at the artifacts on the shelves, a few trophies from when they worked together.

"Yes, I would like to reactivate that particular program, and I figured we would use the I.H Academy it's got all of the equipment already, a prime location for higher-risk training," Spinnerette said smiling as she signed off on the report, "and Training Director Hornet doesn't have to move, she does like it down there." Jackal sat there mulling it over before letting out a breath.

"That works, I'll let Hornet know," she told her glancing at the clock, "and we need to get to the throne room for Coarse Grinds graduation and assignment." Jackal told the Ling who nodded and put her officer's hat on.

"It's a date then," Spinnerette said getting a smile and chuckle out the spartan, "there's that smile we all love to see." Jackal shook her head and put on her helmet as Spinnerate shifted her form as well as she could with the damage done to her, she'd be just like any other pony if not for her height and eyes.

"I am honored to name you as a spartan of the Royal Equestrian Military and Guard, trained to fight for the crown, infallible loyalty to both her highness and fellow service members," Hornet said Coarse Grind stood at attention in her dress uniform, probably the last time she'd ever wear it, "we are greatly honored to bestow upon you your set of Tyrfing MK VI armor." She told her as Celestia's golden glow brought the heavy pieces of enchanted armor to her, the gem containing Hornet being moved to the side.

Celestia gracefully took her place, "My little pony, you may have lost your family at such a young age, but you have found a new one within the guard; as you are the last spartan, and under the suggestion of Chief Petty Officer Fleur-de-lis," Fluer stood a little taller, her own light colored armor glinting, "I grant you the rank of Petty Officer, wear your armor with pride," Petty Officer Grind smiled brightly as she puffed out her chest, "and do not be disappointed by the all the peace." The princess told her winking.

Jackal took her wife's place, "Despite the hardships you went through, you persevered and came out stronger than before," she told her, "and I'm not one for speeches, public speaking was not part of the spartan III curriculum," she said getting a couple of chuckles from the gathered. The youngest princess giddily waited her turn, having been finally allowed to attend a spartan graduation, "I am proud of you," she told the spartan giving her a salute, "and so she doesn't die from excitement, Princess Cadence if you would do the honors." She said stepping to the side, pink pony quickly taking her place.

Cadence took a few deep breaths trying to calm down, "It is my honor to present you your assignment, as personal guard to the recently returned Princess Luna," she told her handing over the papers before levitating a box up, "and for good luck, the Everfree Expeditionary Ribbon," She told her handing the box over, "wear it with pride." Director Spinnerate tapped her on the withers, sheepishly smiling Cadence stepped to the side.

"As a spartan, you will be working closely with my office, and any reports of suspicious individuals are to be forwarded to my offices; remember six sightings before reporting is too many sightings," She laughed, "in all seriousness though keep this booklet on you and reference it for any letters or alerts," Spinnerette said handing over the pocketbook titled, 'Intelligence: 10 and color codes for the field agent or spartan', "wrote it myself." She said winking.

Jackal spent the next couple of minutes performing armor diagnostics with Grind, "everything working, no stiff joints or weird colors through your visor?" Jackal asked putting her aiming card away.

"No commander, all systems including IFF working perfectly," she said before removing her helmet and attaching it under her wing, "Ma'am, permission to hug you?" she shyly asked.

Jackal chuckled shaking her head, "The one thing you just can't seem to condition out of a pony," she said holding her arms open, "go ahead Petty Officer." she told her the bat pony quickly wrapped her legs around the large woman.

"Thank you so much for this," she told the commander, her eyes wet, "when I was first picked out for the program I was so scared, but those lectures you gave for those first few years made it so much easier." The bat pony sighed as she felt the strong arms of the spartan hold her.