> Jackal > by Gallants > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Silo > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Commander," the station A.I's voice crackled through the launch control offices speaker, "I am sorry but the flood have disabled remote launching of the HAVOK warheads, manual launching and detonation is required," she informed the spartan, "might I suggest a team of marines is assembled to travel deeper into the facility, and sacrifice themselves to stunt the spread of the flood." Logically it made sense to the officer, but it wasn't her style, activating her neural interface; her sergeants, a fay of a man, callsign popped up. "Jackal, Evac is secured, all survivors collected and we're just waiting on you," he said, the commander smiled, "Ma'am what's your ETA?" he asked worry filling his feminine voice. 'I'm going to miss that cute voice,' she thought, "Dustoff lieutenant," she unsteadily commanded hearing a squeak of a 'what' in return, she steeled her nerves preparing to lie to her closest friend, "the flood have infested the systems and locked me in, and I'm too deep into the facility for you to breach," she told him, "the HAVOKS are armed and about to launch, so dust-off and get the survivors out of here," she ordered leaning over the desk tears dripping against the inside of her visor, "that's an order, Harper," the steel of the desk sheared with her weight as she pushed off, turning off her comms she let out a ragged breath. "How do we do this Advisor?" she questioned grabbing her sr99 and the m90 from the security locker, she walked over to the corpse of an elite combat form and pulling an energy sword out of its crushed and extinguisher-impaled corpse. "I will need to go with you, there are several steps which need to be followed precisely," The A.I told her, "manual activation simply requires I be installed directly to the silos hardwired backup computer system," the A.I explained, "and if that fails, then you attempt to activate the missiles by hand, that scenario is an uh-oh due to chance you won't able to launch them in time." Advisor deadpanned, getting a groan from the spartan. Jackal made her way down the hall rifle at the ready for the infected, she yelped as she was tackled from the side, "KILL US!" she thought she heard choked out in a desperate scream, as she watched her rifle grind against the concrete floor, she reached for her magnum but something caught her arm, drawing her knife she slashed at the flood grappling her which dropped to the ground taking the spartan with it. Jackal embedded her knife in the monster but was unable to remove her blade from its spongy body, letting go she grabbed a chunk of debris and started to smash the beast as the other pulled on her helmet from behind, slowly the flood loosened its grip as she spun and struck the other, a sickening, wet, crunch sounding from the creature. She let her emotions out while dismembering the flood beasts, taking deep breaths as she screamed into the void of the hallway, she nearly puked as she noticed they weren't single humans making the combat forms, they were chimeras of covenant and human. She panted and attempted to wipe away her tears, instead, she just drug her bracer against her visor, exhausted she tossed the now murky brown chunk of rubble to the side and looked around at the two dismembered, amalgamations of security, maintenance, and covenant bodies, holding her nausea back she reached for her rifle, before seeing the blip on her visor grabbing the m90 she shouldered it and pulled the trigger as the third flood made itself visible. "Please tell me we're close to the silo," she begged to no one in particular, happy when her companion highlighted an elevator shaft securing her rifle to her back and tossing the now empty shotgun to the side she pried open the door and saw the bottom half of the elevator, crawling under it she looked at the expanse below her, "if this elevator crushes me, I'll kill you." Jackal said to the A.I before dropping, locking her armor. "Acceptable terms." she heard fill her helmet as she struck the ground. Jackal slowly walked to the computer access and inserted Advisor, "All friendly ships out of orbit, no signs of your fireteam commander," Advisor announced quietly and Jackal accepted what was next, "beginning launch countdown," she said, causing the spartan to drop to her knees and let out a mournful wail, "Just kidding there's no need for a countdown, I thought the humor would cheer you up," Advisor told the soldier as the missiles launched, Jackal quietly laughed between her tears, one remained in its slot, "Goodbye commander, it was an honor to serve with you." the A.I said, a sad tone taking over her simulated voice. The spartan closed her eyes and let out a sigh, "The honor was mine Advisor," she said, pulling a picture out of an empty utility pouch, and running her thumb over the fellow spartan, "I'm sorry for doing this Harper," she whispered holding the photo close to her chest, staring at the speaker one last thought crossed her mind, "fucking glass our asses." "Detonating, Anubis Silo HAVOK variant V missile." Advisor said, and Jackal felt nothing as she was disintegrated. > Light > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A bright light, Jackal wasn't sure what she was expecting, but the light was comforting before she rotated and saw a green-blue mixture, "So this is hell," she said to herself locking her armor once more. The water quickly surrounded her after the solid smack she made and the shockwave created by her mass, "or maybe this is purgatory?" she questioned herself as she closed her eyes and sunk. Never noticing the glowing tendrils that slowly started to curl around her armored form. "What was that?" Princess Celestia questioned her tired eyes gazing at the pillar before it quickly receded back into the water. "Helmsman Rover, change course to the bearing of that pillar," she commanded the stallion next to her, who nodded and changed his bearing. "Princess, I hope you understand I can't risk this meeting being discovered," a mare said stepping next to the alicorn, "If she discovered I was here, I shudder at the method of execution she would pick," she continued looking about, thankfully trusting of the princess enough and her own guard to even accept this meeting in the first place, but a mysterious water pillar added too much risk for the mare, "We will have to reschedule Princess Celestia, I do hope we will be able to make this treaty work," she said motioning to the two cloaked stallions flanking her as they approached the rope connecting their boat to the royal ship, before looking over her shoulder, "however that medicine from the Griffin Empire will be distributed, and keep your borders reinforced, the griffins are planning something." Celestia bit her lip and gave a thankful nod as she watched the mare walk away, "I hope so as well, a treaty between our nations would be greatly beneficial," she told her as they spread their wings and flew to the tethered boat. "And I truly hope, this is worth our poor diplomatic first impressions," she muttered as she cast her first spell to locate something, anything of what had created the pillar. Deep below the waves but not deep enough for the current to catch it, she found it, an ancient magic, a remnant of when wild magic was common, a more dangerous time. Jackal fought against the tendrils, at least she tried as they seemed to interface with her armor, penetrating it in a way she didn't think possible. A cooling sensation overran her body as the tendrils made contact with her supple skin, it was calming, then the burning came, every fiber of her being ignited, her HUD turned off, her helmets COMM system deactivated as she screamed, and no other creature could hear it. Her nervous system couldn't take it anymore and she blacked out, the tendrils dissipating into the water, vestiges of wild magic dying off, now a purpose had been fulfilled. "Just a little more," Celestia grunted out as she drug the body out with her crew, many ponies thought an Alicorn had the strength of a thousand earth ponies, but that was false the truth was controlling the sun drained the sun princess more than she would ever admit, but she trusted this crew with her life so they knew her deepest secret. They got the thing up, it was bipedal, 'perhaps some sort of cursed ape,' Celestia thought to herself, "Well armored," she remarked unable to see anything which matched their current weaponry as one of her crew tried and failed to perform chest compressions, "Get it to my quarters, after being drowned I'd like a good bed as well," she chuckled before looking at the Rover, "Take us to shore, our new exotic here may be of use to us!" she called, a little life returning to her eyes, getting a stiff nod from the stallion the ship took a hard turn. "Princess, there isn't much we can do other than to monitor the creature," the doctor said, happy the princess was willing to wear a mask, "and with the plague, I'm not willing to put the resources towards trying to help this potentially dangerous creature," he told her waving his hoof over the soldier, "the only reason we know it's alive is we can see it's chest rising." "I understand Doctor Crow; the plague and wellbeing of my little ponies takes priority," Celestia's wings drooped as she watched a gurney, stained red and brown be pushed through the once great royal throne room, "the mages have made progress in finding a potential arcane source of the disease." she continued looking back at the creature, feeling as if it was watching her. Jackal looked into the eyes of the alien, her breathing steady, hoping to not alert the 'ponies' that she was awake her HUD notified her sidearm was still present, along with the energy sword. 'I don't think I can fight out of this, should I be diplomatic?' she thought to herself. "Celestia, I am most sorry to disturb you in these dire times, with even worse news," a feminine voice piped up from a unicorn, a silk band covering her eyes, "but we have discovered without a doubt that this plague is magical-" her voice wavered, "-and was woven, with a small contingent of guards I could potentially track the warlock who designed this spell and discover or write a purifying spell," she offered Celestia looked at her and gave a grim shake of her head, "I'm sorry Archmage Sight, but guards we can't spare," her head hung low, "I've been informed that the griffins may be planning an invasion in our weakend state, instead of helping us." her voice grew more exhausted with each word. Jackal knew what she had to do and she sat up getting a yelp from the doctor, "might I offer my services?" she asked getting out of the bed, "I can escort and protect your archmage, and my part of the deal is housing within your borders." she told the group while she stretched and made sure her armor functioned correctly. "Only upon a success and Second Sight is returned alive," Celestia told the massive creature a blush crossing her features as she looked up at it, "and I require your name." she commanded stamping her hoof and straightening her back. "Spartan Commander Jackal, United Nations Space Command, Princess Celestia," Jackal introduced with a stiff salute, "I would also like to know more of your planet when we return." she struggled to stay neutral, 'is this my afterlife?' noticing her rifle laying next to her bed she picked it up and checked the chamber and magazine. "I willingly accept the offer from this 'spartan commander', princess," Second Sight said giving a deep nod of her head to the tall woman, "I am ready to begin our travel when you are prepared as my field pack is prepped and standing by." Second Sight seemed giddy at the thought of traveling with Jackal. "Then let's get additional rations, and water, and move out," Jackal said securing her carbine to her back, before handing the Archmage a simple reflective card, "keep it on you so I don't shoot you," her footsteps echoed and drowned out the various moans from the injured, "Doctor Crow, put this on my chart please, Human, Female, 22." she told him before following the archmage out. "I have a good feeling about this Doctor Crow." Celestia said, letting a smile return to her face. Jackal tossed the manticores corpse to the side, "have we found the warlock yet?" she asked kicking a tree and felling it creating a bridge over a ravine, "because it's been two weeks and you haven't given me an update." her head twisted as she watched the mare cross the makeshift bridge. "We are practically on top of the lair, do not worry friend," the archmage told her, "Soon we will bring an end to this horrid plague and prevent the invasion of Equestria by the Griffin Empire." the archmage's mane started to blow in a magic breeze before she smiled and pointed out a small hill. "And how is ending a plague going to bring Equestria back from a weakened state?" Jackal asked getting a confused scrunch to cross the mare's face. "A metaphorical bridge we will cross when we arrive." she said using another spell to reveal an entrance leading into the earth. The pair walked through the winding halls, avoiding various traps laid throughout, slowly voices could be heard. Activating her active camouflage module, muffling the sounds of her armor as they approached a central chamber. "Your spell is working wonderfully," a griffin, dressed up in fine silks, told a young stallion, "When our military, forces surrender from the princess you will be greatly awarded," he told the stallion, as a few of the large number of armored griffins approached the smiling stallion from behind, "After all, you don't want anypony to know you destroyed their country." he chuckled as one of the griffins drew a dagger. "Keep me out this, you're 'alone' here," Jackal whispered drawing her M6C/S and firing a round, the SAPHE round causing the griffins head to pop like a grape, "Move in." another suppressed round flew through the air, creating a scarlet ribbon out of the neck of another guard. Second Sight ran in, casting an incendiary spell on one of the griffons, Jackal held her breath as she heard the screams; the griffins quickly dropped their weapons and surrendered. Jackal pressed herself to the wall, taking ragged breaths as she heard the screams die off and Second Sights' voice, "There are more mages like me," a flash of light and crumbling of stone resounded through the tunnel, "Go to your king and let him know, an invasion will only end in griffin bodies feeding our plants." Second Sight finished her voice was followed by the scrambling, panicked sounds of steel and talons. "They were going to kill me." the stallion venomously said, Jackal slowly looked over, avoiding the burned corpse. "The counterspell, give it to me or I'll take it," Second Sight said, getting a deep laugh from the stallion, Jackal watched as the mare snarled and lit her horn pressing it against his, the stallion zoned out before collapsing, "I warned you." was all Jackal heard as the mare left his body behind. > Blacker Than Black > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Please don't mention what I did to the Princess." Second Sight begged as they approached Canterlot, it wasn't the first time she begged this to the spartan. "I understand she looks down on such things," Jackal said opening the door, "the details of our op are classified, only between us," she said, clearly irked, "you say to not mention to the princess one more time, you won't be entering the palace or any room ever again," she spit out. The archmage swallowed as they entered the throne room, a dejected princess finishing a eulogy for a filly, "I may not fully agree with your methods, but it was a necessary evil, to stop this." Jackal lowered her head in solemn silence. "Jackal, Archmage Sight, please tell me your travels were fruitful," Celestia said, "I'm not sure I will be able to perform another one of these." tears dripped onto the floor. "Yes princess, we found the warlock and obtained the cure," Jackal said placing a hand on her withers, "However we were unable to bring the stallion in as he perished while resisting arrest," gently she patted Celestia's withers, "we also confirmed that this virus was manufactured to assist the griffin empire in an invasion of your soil, I am willing to go into their lands and engage several officers to disrupt their military." "I see, I will discuss this with my council, as for now, only a few ponies know you exist and I would like to keep it this way," she said before looking at her blind mage, "as for you, we have a mass discharge crystal at the ready if you would please go and cast the spell." a slight smile crossed the alicorns lips as her mage left, giving a thankful nod to the spartan she returned to her single doctor and the many patients. Jackal took her leave and wandered the halls of the palace, with the princess's forces spread thin, the palace was practically empty, dust-covered the walls and a single ping appeared on the human motion tracker. "A shame isn't it," Celestia said, "so many dead and for what the promise of gold or a high standing," her voice wasn't as shaky anymore and she let out a sigh as a red wave ran across their bodies, passing through the walls, "I know what the archmage did during your trips, she always wants to get results, doesn't think about the toll using such spells have on one's mind," Celestia looked over at the spartan, "she seems to handle it well but I worry for the mare." "I understand that princess, I used to worry about the marines I served with, I still worry about myself," Jackal told her, shifting her attention to a stained glass window, "Princess Celestia, I'd like to apologize for when we met, I was awake for quite a bit before I spoke to you, but I was worried about how you would react to me," Celestia chuckled, "silly I know, I'm a soldier and I was worried about how you would act instead of talking to you when I woke up." "No, no it's not silly at all commander," Celestia wiping a few tears from under her eyes, "it's just that after all that's happened, you being nervous while surrounded by what must be aliens to you is so innocent, it's refreshing honestly," she wrapped a wing around the spartan and leaned into her, "I think we'll be good friends, Jackal, I'll prepare a room for you in the palace, there's a few which haven't been turned into medical storage and surgery." "I was expecting a hovel, not a palace room," Jackal said, her smile hidden under her helmet, "really this is too mu-" Celestia held up a hoof and cutting her off. "Nonsense you are my guest, and you offered more services than just mercenary work, you may be a new guard or military leader, only time will tell, now follow me." Jackal gave a nod and followed the princess. Jackal spent some time talking with a few intelligence officers on the targets that would most disrupt the griffin military structure, or she could assassinate their king. The king only stopped expanding his kingdom when Equestria raised up and started reinforcing smaller countries, when the plague hit, his expansion quickly started again, slowly approaching Equestria's borders. "I'll take out the king," Jackal told the officer, grabbing her rifle and walking out of Canterlot under the cover of night. Jackal lay in wait on a ridge, soon the king would show up at his favorite field, and his efforts to create a massive kingdom would end here, with his blood. Jackal shouldered her rifle and took a slow breath when the king and his guards showed up in the field. She quickly made her way through the tall grass after she watched the griffin's body slump to the ground. "Don't worry, I'll get you out of there!" Jackal screamed as she slammed the butt of her rifle against the cockpit of the pelican, "just a little more," she said as the glass started to spider web, screams coming from the pilots as the flames reached them, "there." her voice full of relief as she pulled them out, and grabbed the extinguisher off the wall spraying them with the agent. Lieutenant, behind you." one of the soldiers weakly said, turning around she raised her rifle and fired at the brute before diving to the side to avoid the hammer, watching in horror as the soldiers burned bodies were thrown across the room from the force, screams filling the air as they had landed in a fuel fire. Jackal awoke with a start, looking at her armor in a pile at the side, "I need to get to work." she told herself falling back into her sweat-soaked sheets. Jackal smiled at her new recruits, of course, to maintain operational secrecy she watched from the sidelines, but she heard the orders, and she how hard these stallions and mares wanted this job. It had been a grueling three months, out of 200 hundred recruits only 10 made it this far. Jackal stepped in front of her recruits, hushed whispers being traded between the group, "Welcome recruits. I am Commander Jackal," she told them getting them all to quiet down, "Now I know you all had a hard three months, but it's going to get much harder," she informed them, "pack up you're going camping." worried looks were passed between the party. "Ma'am, what exactly are going to do here?" a mare asked tightening the lined jacket as the cold weather nipped against her coat. "Over the next four months you will be given challenges of survival, pathfinding, and codebreaking, and the princess has been kind enough to provide a teleportation spell to drop you in the places I have chosen, the last one to make it to the outpost is out of the program," she told them as they approached a way-stone, a crystal hovering in front it, "maps, the outposts coordinates are listed in code on this paper, good luck." she told them as they one by one disappeared in a flash of light. She looked over her last seven, hardened by their trials. "This last trial is the hardest of them all," she heard the swallow come from the group, "on the other side of the Everfree are six flags, return them to me and you'll be a member of my corps." The spartan watched the vitality markers blink out one by one the crystal provided, Celestia dropped in daily, just talking to her, and every time she would sit closer and closer. "So princess, after everything that happened with the plague, you're okay with these deaths here?" Jackal asked as she entered the shack with a cup of tea and one of coffee. "Well, they knew what they were signing up for," Celestia said glancing over, "it's not like the plague where it was forced onto them, deaths here aren't as heart breaking." she said looking at the helmet sitting on the small table. "I was one better augmented spartan III's," Jackal started before yelping and falling forward, knocking Celestia over, face to face they blushed, "Sorry a bit of mud," the spartan said quietly, 'she smells, like roses' she thought to herself rolling to the side, "S-so, as I was saying, the spartan III's were considered expendable, out of my company, 300 died in a single operation, and all they did was make a second one, kept sending them out on suicide missions," Jackal said with a sigh, "Harper and I were lucky ones, we survived enough missions to become head hunters and then we were moved into an ODST squad as support during our last two years." Jackal said looking wistfully at the ODST helmet on the table, she caught a glimpse the white wing of the princess getting draped over her chest. "I'm so sorry, it sounds like it was difficult." Celestia said to her and they just laid there for the rest day not saying a word. Three weeks later only two remained, and they just arrived, a unicorn and an earth pony, "made it through the forest alive?" she asked them. "No," the earth pony said, getting a side glance from the unicorn, "we went around, going through is suicide." "Good job Hornet," the unicorn huffed out, "now we aren't getting in," she complained to her, "I was really looking forward to this job." "Why wouldn't you make it?" Jackal asked getting a confused look from the pair, "I just said return the flags to me, I never said you had to go through the forest to get one," Hornet laughed at that, "So now, Incognito, Hornet welcome to deniable operations, from now on your jobs are blacker than black, your missions don't exist." she told them. "What happened to the others?" Incognito asked. Jackal looked at her and softly said, "As Hornet said, it's suicide to cut directly through the Everfree," a sad look passed over the two ponies, "they will be given proper honors." she assured them. > Emotions Run High, Always > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Princess, deniable ops were successful in disrupting the diamond dog raiders in the southern front, by way of leadership liquidation," Jackal said passing over a report, "officially the Equestrian 1st battalion, heart breakers, had such an intimidating presence that they surrendered on the spot," a series of grunted agreements and coughs filled the room, "as for the progress in maintaining an area in the Everfree for a potential spartan program, I have been successful in reducing the hostility of predators in a large swath of land, the area is still dangerous, but I believe some fencing will make a prime training location. I am prepared to select trainers once I get a satisfactory augmentation report from the alchemists." she told the collected council. "Good, and all other issues are internal I believe," Celestia said getting a quieted yes from the collected officers, outside of the intelligence and headhunter command, "Well let's begin with you Captain Salt, shall we?" she asked getting a nod from the group. "This is more a collective issue." Captain Salt said, swallowing as he kept glancing at the spartan. "Is there an issue captain?" Jackal asked looking at him, "you don't have to be nervous around me, I don't bite; too hard." "It's because you are the issue, since the founding of Equestria, its military matters have been always handled by ponies, and then you walk in and ruin everything." He almost yelled red in the face. "I see, I'm sorry you feel this way captain," Jackal said standing up, causing the captain to flinch in his chair, "since the matters concerning D-O are dealt with, I'll take my leave princess." Jackal quickly left, walking down the halls and entering her quarters. She walked to her bed and dropped her helmet and collapsed into her blanket, bunching it up, she quietly cried into it, slowly getting louder. "Jackal," Celestia quietly called out stepping into the room seeing the hunched form of the now silent sobbing spartan, stepping closer to her Celestia frowned, "are you okay?" she gently asked stepping around the bed. "No, princess, I'm not okay, I'm far from okay," Jackal said rolling onto her back and wiping her face, "I know you're happy with my position of desk command, but I need to work in the field," she told her, tears still flowing from her face, sharp breaths filling her lungs, "please I've been having nightmares, and I haven't been able to hold these damn tears back." She sobbed. "Maybe, you shouldn't hold them back," Celestia suggested climbing next to her, laying down and facing her, "after all it's refreshing to have another stoic being you can cry with when you need it," she laughed out, "I'm sorry the others are making you feel this way." Celestia got closer to the spartan and wrapped her wing around her. "It's not them," Jackal told her, grabbing the framed picture off her bedside table, "it's him, he was my best friend," she told the princess pointing at the shorter spartan, "and one of the last things I did was lie to him and went and got myself blown up," she quickly took an offered handkerchief and dabbed at her eyes, "the nightmares, however, are about marines I couldn't save, always the ones were I was right there." Jackal grabbed one of her pillows, pressed it against her face and let out another wail, and just held it there as she cried. "Let it out Jackal, I'm here for you," Celestia told her, "it's not healthy to use work as a way for you to cope with these losses, take it from me, I'm much older, nearly a thousand at this point," she chuckled, "and when I tell you, to just let it out I mean it, I do the same thing." Celestia pulled the spartan in closer, whose face was quickly buried in the soft fur of her barrel. The next morning Jackal, let out a relaxed sigh as she looked at Celestia raising the sun from the balcony, "either telling you about all of that, really helped," she said stretching, "or I need to fall asleep with you holding me more." she joked heading towards the bathroom. "I wouldn't mind that," Celestia said before blushing and hiding her face behind her wings, "forget I said anything." she shyly called out before feeling a pair of strong, armored, arms wrap around her. "Princess, are you coming onto me?" Jackal asked grinning, "because I wouldn't mind that." she whispered leaning into her. "Well, perhaps dinner tonight, just the two of us, in my private dining room?" Celestia asked getting a cute nod and playful wave from the spartan as she disappeared behind the bathroom door. As soon as she heard the water start running Celestia dropped to her haunches and started giggling, "I did it, I can't believe I did it, I asked her out." she sighed out between her giggles before teleporting to her bathroom and quickly taking a shower herself. Jackal stepped out of her shower, feeling a little giddy, "Oh god, did I just score a date with a princess?~" she said sweetly leaning against the wall, as she looked at her body suit, "I don't have enough time to get a dress." she frowned, and quickly got redressed, getting most of her armor on she decided to look over her paperwork, missions that may need head hunter assistance and a single alchemy report, promising, but not enough, she marked it and sent it back. That night Jackal elected to leave her magnum and helmet in her room. As she approached the dining room she stopped, her heart was racing, "This is ridiculous," she said sighing, "I'm a spartan, I've killed literal monsters, I can't be scared of a date... right?" she asked herself a shaky hand wrapping around the door handle. "Your bed is way better than mine," Jackal chuckled, as she sat up to get dressed, "dinner went great we should do it again." "We should," Celestia said stretching her wings and lightning her horn, raising the sun, "where are you going?" she asked as Jackal opened the door from her room. "Back to my room, where my toothbrush is." the spartan called out walking down the hall. Jackal tried to stop but she couldn't, this smile hist stayed plastered against her face, and the giggles escaping her lips was distracting her as she looked over reports. A knock at her door knocked her out of her thoughts grabbing her helmet and straightening her papers and calling them in, "Jackal, I just wanted to let you know an important dispute came up with minotaurs, and I need to leave now," the spartan was happy for her helmet as it kept her disappointment hidden, "I'll see you as soon as I can, and if it isn't any trouble, maybe keep to your room other than walks on the ground so course, the council still isn't accepting of you." Celestia said, getting a nod in return, turning around she started to leave. "Celestia," Jackal called out, "stay safe, for me?" she asked getting a coy smile from the alicorn who stepped over and standing on the tips of her hooves planted a kiss on the side of the spartan's visor. "I'll be back as soon as I can, there's another meeting I need to make afterward." the alicorn assured her, closing the door. "Be fast," Jackal said falling into her chair, "I don't have as much time as you." she whispered looking back to her paperwork. "Happy to be working with you spartan," the ODST said holding out his hand, Jackal happily took it, "this is my first combat drop, any suggestions to stay calm during it?" he nervously asked, his eyes darting over to his C.O. Jackal smiled picking up her Mk IV helmet and showing a small stuffed jackal under it, "I found holding onto this helps me a lot," she told him handing the plush over, "I'm sure I can do one drop without her, besides this is my first time with an ODST squad." she said smiling as he took it. "Thanks a lot, I'll, uh, I'll keep her safe." he said getting a laugh from the spartan as she walked towards her pod. "You better, I've had her since I was a little girl!" she called out. The battle was going smoothly, "Covenant forces are retreating towards their command center," Jackal called out to the advancing marines, "Black squadron has secured Mesa Plaza." she told them looking at the rooftops. "Hey commander," she heard called out from behind her turning around she saw the young ODST walking up, "here she actually helped a lot." he told her handing the plush over, the sergeant he was with rolling his eyes. "Don't try to win brownie points with us spartan," he spit out, "you guys think you're hot shit with all your augmentation, but black squad was doing just fine before you arrived." he told her using his gun as a pointer for emphasis. "Sergent, please," the rookie begged, "it doesn't hurt to have spartan assistance," he told him; the sergeant grunted and walked away, "I'm sorry for him commander," he told her as he started walking past her, Jackal slowly turned to keep facing him before he stopped and jumped, "Commander look out!" he yelled, a plasma bolt from a beam rifle tearing through his chest plate and impacting her shields "No," Jackal screamed raising her rifle and sending three rounds through the elite who took the shot, grabbing the rookie she dragged him into an archway, dropping to her knees she pulled off her helmet and pulled his off as she grabbed her bio foam applying it to the chest wound, "Come on, come on," she begged as his eyes focused on her blood dripping from his mouth, "this is your first drop, you aren't supposed to die here." she said tears pulling at the corners of her eyes, she felt a tug at the collar of her armor. "Finish the fight." the rookie said before going limp in her arms, a few tears landing on his armor as the sergeant stepped over. "Commander, we confirmed that was the only one other units ran into them," he quietly said, as the spartan put her helmet back on, "those invisible split jaws have been running disruption attacks throughout the city." he knelt down and closed the ODST's eyes. "I want their heads." Jackal said putting a second magazine in her rifle. Jackal looked at the coffin, her dress uniform was hotter than usual, the eulogy was already complete and she stepped forward her legs shaking as she held up her plush and gently she placed it next to his cold body, "I'm sorry, I couldn't save you." she whispered before walking away, falling to her knees at the back of the crowd. Jackal woke up and wiped her wet face with the shreds of what was her blanket, "I need you back Tia," she quietly said falling back against the sheets. > Operation Deniable > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It took a month for Celestia to return, but she wasn't happy, "Send the 1st through 4th battalion, to the minotaur border," she commanded, "King Minos has been assassinated, an insurrectionist cell has been raiding our towns and slaughtering our citizens!" she yelled tossing vase causing her generals to quickly get to their hooves. Jackal had just entered the war room quickly dodging the vase, "As much as I hate to ask this princess," she said walking over to Celestia, "but were there any orphans, under the age of 10, 6 is preferable?" the ponies looked at her confused. "What could you possibly need with such young children?" Captain Salt asked, a worried look across his face. "The spartan program, I just finished reading the report on an acceptable alchemical formulation, but they believe younger subjects will have a better chance at surviving the transformation," she told them, "I was 6 when I became a spartan, and the time it takes to train and mentally prepare before augmentation can happen, makes it necessary to pick them young," Jackal said handing a file to Captain Salt, "Princess, Captain Salt, I would like to suggest placing your reinforcements in as many frontier towns as you can." Celestia and Salt shared a look. "For what purpose do we need to reinforce?" Salt and Celestia asked at the same time. "It's simple, insurrectionists are terrorists," Jackal said leaning against the wall, "and terrorists go after soft targets, give me the option to overview how many ponies to reinforce each town, and any that can't be sufficiently reinforced will be set up until only a single town is left soft," Celestia frowned about to speak, "Then I will lead Deniable Operations in that town to disrupt their operation as they begin, leaving a few survivors to create a legend of a demon or ghost." she told them getting a shared look from the collected officers. "Do you think you and two operatives, will be able to handle a raider party?" Salt asked, getting a confident nod from the spartan, "Well then princess what are you waiting for, give the monster what she wants." he told Celestia, getting a roll of her eyes. "I'd rather you refer to Jackal as such or as commander," Celestia said, "she is a wonderfully kind woman, who is willing to put her life on the line for this country," Celestia took a step forward causing the captain to fall over, "and I will not tolerate insults being slung at her," her horn lit, and Jackal stepped forward placing a hand on her barrel, her head turned, "You're right Jackal, I'm sorry, just a bit on edge," Celestia said quietly taking a step back. "You'll have everything you need commander, take care of the situation." she told her dismissing the council. "Commander, it's an honor to work with you in such close proximity." Hornet said when they met at the rendezvous. "Don't mention it, this is another test," Jackal told them, "There's a new project, and we'll need trainers, so show me what you got," she told them, magnum at the ready and walking towards the town as they saw the torches in the distance. Jackal ran through the alleys, catching glimpses of the insurrectionists worriedly looking down them, slowly she crept up, behind a particularly frightened group as yelps sounded from the other streets as her team got to work. Raising her magnum, she put a round in the back of the head of a single minotaur before disappearing down an alley. The Deniable Operations squad quickly thinned out the herd, they started to run from the red-stained cobble streets, but a single one, who roared out a challenge to the spirit, Jackal grinned behind her mask and stepped into view, a few other minotaurs stopping their retreat to watch. "You asked for the spirit," Jackal said grabbing the hilt of the energy sword, "here I am, I hope you realize you won't be leaving." she threatened getting a roar in return as the larger beast sprinted at her, raising his war hammer high above his head, and swinging down, intent to flatten the spartan, who sidestepped and got behind the creature. Climbing onto his back Jackal raised the hilt of the energy sword and ignited the cool blue, plasma blade thrusting forward, killing the minotaur on the spot as she twisted the sword out of his skull, and she slowly faded into the background as she turned on her active camouflage. The remaining survivors ran out the village and as quietly as they had come, Deniable Operations left the village, few villagers were brave enough to look out their windows. "Commander, do you think they'll return?" Incognito asked wiping her knife on the leather armor of her companion. "I'm not sure, the legends of the spirit might be enough to ward them off," Jackal said, "we'll get a message to the princess and see how she wants to continue from here." she told them getting into a ditch, as an equestrian battalion marched by, confused Jackal nodded to her D-O's and headed back towards her Transportation to Canterlot passing several more battalions on her way. When the spymasters' air carriage landed in the Palaces walls, Celestia was quick to greet the spartan, "Jackal, how went the operation?" she asked spreading her wings and wrapping them around the spartan. "It went well, Celestia," Jackal told her, "What is with the army heading towards the border?" she asked and Celestia frowned. "I got intel from a trusted source that the Minotaur Government is funding the insurrectionists, due to King Minos' friendly attitude towards ponies," she told her, walking towards the palace proper, "I elected a full reinforcement along with a firm warning that any additional insurrectionist actions will result in Equestrian aid in rooting them out and snuffing them, of course, the minotaur's sent an unofficial letter saying they agreed, an effort to make us look like the aggressors in the world stage," Celestia said having led them to her room, "Unfortunately for them, I already had my minister of affairs send out a series of papers showing the insurrectionist work to the surrounding kingdoms and empires, any action we take will be seen as practical to protect our citizens." her wings flared out as she removed her regalia. "I'll send the word to Deniable to disrupt insurrectionist hideouts," she told the princess, "I'll also give them instructions to hit hard targets with approval from intelligence," Jackal said removing her helmet and bending over Celestia's desk, "I'll write the letter right now and hand it off to intel," she told her when there was a knock on the door, "Come in." Jackal called out getting an annoyed look from Celestia. "Princess, Commander," Director Shadow, a tall mare, "We have unconfirmed reports of a warlock casting mental spells," she told them, "however, every single pony who has reported it, has recanted their statements, can I request Deniable Operations to go and investigate, local and royal investigators, have come to a dead end and we can't officially pool any more resources towards an investigation, and your operatives don't need to follow laws." she said stiffening as she looked between the two. Celestia nodded at the commander, "You'll have them, E.U.P forces will be able to combat the minotaur insurrection," Jackal said starting to write a letter, "I'll just need this passed onto my operatives," she told them handing over the letter. Director Shadow nodded and headed out, "Think she knew I was here?" Jackal asked chuckling before walking over and wrapping her arms around the mare. "I do believe she did, she's almost my best source on gossip," Celestia said chuckling, "that mare probably already knows what's happened between us," she told her tilting her head back, "So dinner?" Jackal chuckled nodding yes before kissing the royal on the cheek. A week later Jackal was helping the princess with some paperwork when she went to get a new inkpot and loose cobblestone gave way and sent the spartan through the wall, landing in the garden, surrounded by nobility. "Uh, I didn't land on anypony, did I?" she asked, then the screaming started, 'I hope Hornet and Incognito are doing better than this,' she thought as she stood up and walked back into the palace. "Incognito, what was that?" Hornet asked panting as they finished barricading the door, a sinister clicking on the other side, "I thought we were hunting a warlock, not a demon!" she yelled, a cracking resounding from outside followed by scratching, "It's climbing, why is it climbing?" she asked. "I don't know," Incognito said walking through the house, her eyes falling on the chimney, "We need to get out right now!" she yelled as a thump sounded from the fireplace. "Ma'am, I'm so sorry," Incognito said shaking as she held the mug, "I-I killed it though, not before it did something to Hornet." she told Jackal taking a sip from the mug. "It's okay, it's not your fault, intel didn't suggest that," Jackal said placing a hand on her withers, "Director Shadow is beating herself up enough as is," the spartan stood up and headed out nodding to the doctor and walking towards the morgue, "I need to see her body, make sure the family can I.D her." she told the attending who quickly unlocked the door showing Hornets body, her eyes frozen in fear and a large pulsating crystal in her mouth. Jackal was called into the throne room, for an emergency several nobles giving her a wider berth others demanding that she tell them why the princess wouldn't see them, she ignored them, entering through the doors she saw Celestia standing next to an injured mare, bug like wings on her back, and a jacked horn tipping her head, glowing blood flowing from her abdomen, "Jackal this is Pharaoh Spinnerate, she's a changeling." the changeling held up her hoof. "My hive is gone, most of my senses destroyed, I'm no longer Pharoah of the Saddle Arabian hive, I am simply Spinnerate," she corrected, "apologies to you spartan, but I must ask for assistance it required quite a bit of love to make it here and not bring attention to myself." she told the soldier, Jackal walked over and started her treatment. "You need a real doctor for this," Jackal complained as she followed the instructions given to her by Celestia, Spinnerate yelped as the stitching was finished, "Well now we just hope you don't suffer from an infection." Jackal told her. "Don't worry about that we changelings are a hardy bunch." she said chuckling. > Return > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia threw her blanket over Jackal as her sister burst through the door, "TIA SHALL WE GO GALLAVANTING?" she yelled, "Tis been many years since I could enjoy a walk with you dear sister~" Luna sing-songed. "Not today Lulu," Celestia said giggling getting a disappointed sigh from Luna, "I've gotten into a habit of having one day just for me." she explained watching her sister leave. "Are you embarrassed by me or something?" Jackal asked laughing as she pulled the blanket down, "Come on Tia we're married, I should meet my sister-in-law." she said snuggling into the mare. "You do not embarrass me, I just don't want to overwhelm Luna," Celestia told her lover, "I mean how would you feel if you went back to your world, and found out Harper had an Elite as a wife?" she teasingly asked wrapping her wing around her. "Well fine then, we'll give her time to adjust to the modern world," the spartan said sighing under Celestia's warm wing, "to be fair I'm still amazed it only took me a year to go and start dating native." she said pecking the mares muzzle. A sudden flash of green fire and a rolled letter landed on the bed. "Oh, it must be from Twilight," Celestia said lifting the letter before seeing the black seal. "It's for you," she sighed handing it over before seeing a frown cross the humans face, "what's wrong sweetie?" she worriedly asked her. "There have been a couple of disappearances at the academy," Jackal said, "and I'm needed down there," she sighed getting up and going to the bathroom turning around at the whine that escaped the princess' mouth, "I'm sorry I know it's our day, but maybe you can spend it gallavanting with your little sister." she told her closing the door, Celestia sadly lay back against her pillows for another minute before raising the sun. "What's the situation Hornet?" Jackal asked stepping into the main office. "Commander we had all 10 recruits dissappear, we believe they slipped out of the fence when it was damaged during Nightmare Moons return," the crystal informed the spartan, "we're worried they're trying to prove that they're ready for augmentation." she said a magic hologram forming Hornet old body, saluting her commander. "I'll take two squads of security and do a grid search," she told her looking over the map Everfree they kept spread out, "We will also use long range crystal transmitters, radio silence until we've confirmed location of recruits." she told the suspended intelligence before checking her magnum. "One more thing, Instructor Angle Iron is also missing," Hornet shyly said, "not a single exercise is logged by him however." She told the spartan who groaned. Jackal wasn't happy, they had already confirmed 7 deaths, she pushed into a cave, finding an 8th body, "recruit 8 confirmed deceased." she called out moving deeper until she reached the back wall. Private Flash Sentry was amazed that he was allowed to work so closely with the spirit herself, but finding these bodies made him wish he had gotten a different duty instead, "Recruit 9, confirmed deceased." he heard called over the crytals Manawave, he sighed out, his partner had moved further east. "H-hello," he heard get called out, moving at faster pace he pushed through the brush and saw the teenaged bat-mare crying over the shallow breathing Instructor Iron. "Recruit 10 and Instructor located need med-evac at Alpha, negative 11, Bravo negative 7." he called into his crystal immediately getting a response from the spirit. "Copy, Jackal on the way," Jackal started sprinting towards the coordinates. Getting on scene she started treating the Instructor, "what got him?" She asked, she was barely able to understand the answer through the sobs. "A-a-a gem we-weaver, killed it, over there." she said pointing to a Bush. "Shit," she let out, "forget stabilizing him, we need to get him back to the academy right now." she commanded lifting both the recruit and Instructor over her shoulder, "LET'S MOVE IT!" she yelled at them running through the woods. As the doctors took the Instructor inside, Jackal grabbed the girl and lifted her before pressing her against the wall, "What happened?" she growled out. "Th-The other recruits were getting restless and wanted to become spartans already," she sputtered out, "and Instructor Iron decided to take us into the woods to prove we were ready," she explained, "I said we shouldn't go and they all started to leave, I didn't have time to warn director Hornet, and I went with them." she said tears soaking her fur. "Why did you go?" Jackal asked relaxing her grip. "I was squad leader and I wasn't going to let them go without me, they were my responsibility," she said determination burning in her eyes, "when things got hairy I tried to keep them organized but they ran i stayed with the Instructor because he had the weapon, I understand if I'm out of the program." she said before feeling herself fall to the ground. "Report to alchemy, you're ready, your last two months will be with a spartan mentor." Jackal said walking towards the office. "Commander, Director I hope things went well with the missing ponies." Celestia's hologram greeted, Hornet and Jackal shared a look between them. "No ma'am it did not," Jackal said grimacing, "I'm officially putting an end to the spartan program, we lost 9 recruits, and one of the instructors is to blame," she explained, "Director Hornet has already written up the discharge papers for Angle Iron." Celestia frowned. "If you feel it is for the best dear, now I must get back to my sister." she told them. Instructor Angle Iron groggily woke up, and saw the commander standing over his bed, "Ma'am the recruits?" he weakly asked. "You've been out for a week and they're all dead, except for recruit Squad Leader Grind." Jackal said getting a forlorn look on the officers face. "I'm sorry, I thought it would be safer," he said before being handed the discharge papers, "what is this, I make one mistake and I'm out of the guard?" He angrily asked. "If you can't be trusted to follow protocol for training exercises, then you can't be trusted to follow them in field service," Jackal stated, "besides that mistake also killed 9 recruits," she growled, "you weren't the first one either, you're the sixth Instructor to get their recruits killed, so the spartan program is being ended." Jackal said leaving the room. "Commander Jackal," she heard a French accent call out from behind her, turning around she saw one of the newer model spartans, designated as a undercover rapid response operator, "Chief Petty Officer Fleur-de-lis, reporting for duty." she said with a parade perfect salute. "Chief Petty Officer, good to see you again," Jackal greeted with a salute of her own, "I called you down to finish training recruit Coarse Grind, up to the task?" she asked her. "Of course commander, it is my honor to train this recruit," Fleur said giving a small bow and heading down the hall towards the staff quarters. Jackal smiled as she walked back to the landing strip, she looked back at her academy before climbing into her carriage. "Hey Rainbow Dash, what's in that section of the Everfree?" Twilight asked as she pointed at the red swath on the map. "Oh, I don't go over that area, no fly zone, a serious one, like, the princess can't fly over it without authorization from three different ponies." Rainbow told her, before they saw a carriage flying out from the area. "I think that was a military carriage," Twilight said, "I haven't seen that exact model before though, we should investigate the area, besides I'm the princess's student, we'll just get stopped and sent back," Twilight said, Rainbow Dash have a wide smile and nodded. Jackal stepped into her shared room being greeted by a beaming Celestia, "I take it this week went well?" Jackal asked securing her weapons in a locker, hidden in the closet, she quickly got a nod from her wife, "well, at least you had it better than me." Jackal said as she removed her armor. "Well I talked to my sister, and she knows about you, well snippets of you from the guards and maids and now she wants to meet you, so I suggested breakfast in the morning," she said before chuckling, "she doesn't know we're married though, all the maids and guards simply refer to you as the commander." Celestia said leaning against her. "Clearly you don't show off your piece of hoof candy enough." Jackal told her getting a bout of laughter from the mare. "It's your fault, you refused to take the title, submit and become a pretty pony princess like me and everypony will refer to you as my wife." Celestia told her smacking her with a hoof. "How about I stay the commander and instead get a jacket that says married to Princess Celestia on it for this year's gala?" She asked making Celestia laugh even more, Jackal deciding to quiet her by planting kisses on the pony as she layed her into the bed. The next morning Celestia woke up alone, at first worried, she calmed down when she saw her wife putting on her dress uniform, "What are you doing sweetie?" she asked running her wings over her eyes, "we still have half an hour before I have to raise the sun, you know I like snuggling during the sunrise." She continued, getting up herself and walking into the bathroom. "You're the one who told your sister to meet me at breakfast this morning," Jackal called out getting the energysword from the locker, "so I decided to get up early and make sure all my adornments are on right!" she called out teasingly. "One dinner, one dinner 30 years ago," Celestia yelled out after spitting out her toothpaste and stepping out, "out of 80 years of marriage I only messed up my regalia once, and you love bringing it up all the time," she huffed levitating her regalia on, "I'll send for my sister." she said telling a guard to go alert her, before motioning for her wife to follow her. "Oh dear, your tiara," Jackal said flipping the tiara over, "there, now let's go." she said holding her arm out, Celestia's wing gently rested on it as they walked towards the royal dining room. "Thank you, I have been a bit distracted," Celestia said leaning more into the spartan, "It's Twilight, she's still a little antisocial, and it worries me with her in Ponyville." she tiredly said before going quiet and just enjoying the walk with her beloved. Her horn lit up, raising the sun as they reached the doors. "Dear sister, and thee must be the mighty Commander Jackal," Luna excitedly greeted, "Tis is an honor to meet thee, art thou also a nigh immortal?" she asked stirring her coffee. "That's what the doctor said before we got married," she said placing her hands on Celestia's hoof. Luna looked between them before smiling. "Oh Tia, tis wonderful news~" she cooed, "what was it about the commander that made thee first interested in her?" she asked as she pointed at what she wanted on the menu. "Well, it's a little shallow, I was attracted to her height at first," seeing Luna's muzzle scrunch Celestia placed both of her hooves on the table, "don't look at me like that," Celestia said, "she is just over 22 hooves in armor, and nearly 22 hooves, n-nude,"she meeped out, "and I'm only 19 hooves, so it was an immediate lust based attraction," she defended, "don't judge me, Lulu." she begged. "Tis just that thee always disliked ponies who married based on physical attraction." Luna said. "Well, it's not just her height, she has a wonderful personality, especially after I scraped away that shell of hers," Celestia said leaning back into her chair, "I'd like the eggs benedict." she told the waiter. "Oh and before thee embarrass thyself in court, thee tiara is upside-down." Luna said causing Celestia eye's to shoot open as she stared at the spartan who was holding back her laughter. > Operation Everfree Moonlight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia looked at the two bound elements of harmony, "Twilight what were you thinking?" she asked groaning, Jackal stood to the side her featureless visor causing the ponies to shrink further to the ground. "Well, I saw a military carriage that I couldn't identify and the map showed a marked-off zone in the Everfree, and I got really curious, I also thought two months of prep would keep us from getting caught," Twilight said nervously, "I'm not in trouble am I?" she asked. "How much trouble you're in depends on Jackal, that is her academy after all." Celestia said looking over to her wife. Jackal stepped closer to the two, squatting down she looked Twilight in the eyes, "If it weren't for you being the bearers of the elements of harmony," Jackal said, "and that I liked you Twilight, you would be put in the dungeons for 10 years as punishment for trespassing on government property, I mean come on, you jumped the fence that said no trespassers," she sighed out placing her glove on her visor, "I'll have you do 100 hours community service in lower Canterlot." she said waving them off, the guards quickly released them. "Thank you." Twilight said as they were led out. "I'm sorry that happened dear," Celestia said as Jackal removed her helmet and rubbed the bridge of her nose, "at least you won't need to worry too much longer." Jackal hummed before leaning into her. "That's true," she said, "but we need to find a new assignment for Hornet." Jackal sighed looking out the window. "Well, Director Spinnerate wants to reactivate the Deniable Operations unit," Celestia said rubbing the spartan's shoulder, "perhaps we could put her there?" she suggested kissing the exposed human's forehead. "Holy Buck," Rainbow Dash squealed pushing Twilight, "do you know who that was?" she asked shaking with excitement, "that was the Commander Jackal, like the coolest most bad-flank soldier ever!" she said flying next to Twilight when the guard gave her a nod. "I know who she is," Twilight, "Ms. Jackal used to help me study, she's actually really nice," she said chuckling, "in fact she only carries weapons ceremonially, now at least." Twilight told the befuddled Rainbow Dash. "You knew the spirit, this whole time," Rainbow quietly said, "AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME!" she yelled out. "I'd like to see the director," Jackal told the spartan behind the desk, such a shame, spartan's not being the soldiers they're meant to be, she thought to herself, "and no I don't have an appointment." the spartan looked at her and walked into the office, after a short wait she stepped out. "The director said as long as you're quick," Jackal nodded and walked in, "and no commander I am not unarmed, mana pistol is under the desk." The secretary said smiling. "Commander to what do I owe this pleasure," the changeling greeted sprawled across her padded desk a silk shaw framing her lithe body, "you know I'm oh so busy." she purred licking her lips. "Cut the shit Spinnerette," Jackal said, "we both know you only have appointments from Agent Drops, and that's once a month." she told her getting a groan from the bug as she stood up and sat down behind her desk. "You're no fun today Commander, was that little break-in at the academy really that bad?" she asked, "or is it Angle Iron not following protocol because that aggravates me as well." she said levitating a piece of paper over. "Yeah, it's just everything right now," the commander told her sitting down and putting her helmet on the desk, "Tia's been getting busy as well and she's been up late," she explained sighing, Spinnerate humming as she looked over the report, "So Tia mentioned you wanted to reactivate deniable ops, have a place for training in mind?" She asked her while looking at the artifacts on the shelves, a few trophies from when they worked together. "Yes, I would like to reactivate that particular program, and I figured we would use the I.H Academy it's got all of the equipment already, a prime location for higher-risk training," Spinnerette said smiling as she signed off on the report, "and Training Director Hornet doesn't have to move, she does like it down there." Jackal sat there mulling it over before letting out a breath. "That works, I'll let Hornet know," she told her glancing at the clock, "and we need to get to the throne room for Coarse Grinds graduation and assignment." Jackal told the Ling who nodded and put her officer's hat on. "It's a date then," Spinnerette said getting a smile and chuckle out the spartan, "there's that smile we all love to see." Jackal shook her head and put on her helmet as Spinnerate shifted her form as well as she could with the damage done to her, she'd be just like any other pony if not for her height and eyes. "I am honored to name you as a spartan of the Royal Equestrian Military and Guard, trained to fight for the crown, infallible loyalty to both her highness and fellow service members," Hornet said Coarse Grind stood at attention in her dress uniform, probably the last time she'd ever wear it, "we are greatly honored to bestow upon you your set of Tyrfing MK VI armor." She told her as Celestia's golden glow brought the heavy pieces of enchanted armor to her, the gem containing Hornet being moved to the side. Celestia gracefully took her place, "My little pony, you may have lost your family at such a young age, but you have found a new one within the guard; as you are the last spartan, and under the suggestion of Chief Petty Officer Fleur-de-lis," Fluer stood a little taller, her own light colored armor glinting, "I grant you the rank of Petty Officer, wear your armor with pride," Petty Officer Grind smiled brightly as she puffed out her chest, "and do not be disappointed by the all the peace." The princess told her winking. Jackal took her wife's place, "Despite the hardships you went through, you persevered and came out stronger than before," she told her, "and I'm not one for speeches, public speaking was not part of the spartan III curriculum," she said getting a couple of chuckles from the gathered. The youngest princess giddily waited her turn, having been finally allowed to attend a spartan graduation, "I am proud of you," she told the spartan giving her a salute, "and so she doesn't die from excitement, Princess Cadence if you would do the honors." She said stepping to the side, pink pony quickly taking her place. Cadence took a few deep breaths trying to calm down, "It is my honor to present you your assignment, as personal guard to the recently returned Princess Luna," she told her handing over the papers before levitating a box up, "and for good luck, the Everfree Expeditionary Ribbon," She told her handing the box over, "wear it with pride." Director Spinnerate tapped her on the withers, sheepishly smiling Cadence stepped to the side. "As a spartan, you will be working closely with my office, and any reports of suspicious individuals are to be forwarded to my offices; remember six sightings before reporting is too many sightings," She laughed, "in all seriousness though keep this booklet on you and reference it for any letters or alerts," Spinnerette said handing over the pocketbook titled, 'Intelligence: 10 and color codes for the field agent or spartan', "wrote it myself." She said winking. Jackal spent the next couple of minutes performing armor diagnostics with Grind, "everything working, no stiff joints or weird colors through your visor?" Jackal asked putting her aiming card away. "No commander, all systems including IFF working perfectly," she said before removing her helmet and attaching it under her wing, "Ma'am, permission to hug you?" she shyly asked. Jackal chuckled shaking her head, "The one thing you just can't seem to condition out of a pony," she said holding her arms open, "go ahead Petty Officer." she told her the bat pony quickly wrapped her legs around the large woman. "Thank you so much for this," she told the commander, her eyes wet, "when I was first picked out for the program I was so scared, but those lectures you gave for those first few years made it so much easier." The bat pony sighed as she felt the strong arms of the spartan hold her. > Bonbons > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "And a dozen eclairs," Petty Officer Grind said finishing her report, "and the princess requested I personally go down and pick up her order, doesn't yet trust the royal couriers." Her wings drooped a little as she realized who she was complaining to. "You weren't quite expecting the severity of the alicorn sweet tooth, were you? Tia gets the same way," Jackal said signing off the report from the Petty Officer, "don't worry about venting to me, I'll go with you down to Ponyville to pick up the order," she told her standing up, "besides I have business down there with the Apple family." Putting her helmet on, and motioning for the mare to follow. "Ma'am I thought we would be taking a carriage?" Grind said as she looked around the train car. "Nonsense, as a spartan it's your duty to make sure the rail company is maintaining the weight standards listed in the emergency deployment act," Jackal explained, "besides I like trains, trains are cool." She said chuckling while relaxing, the petty office smiled herself and relaxed a little more. As the two walked down the dirt path outside of town, Coarse Grind looked up at her C.O, "Commander, what business do you have with the Apple family?" She asked watching the blue pony who seemed to be approaching them. "I need to discuss this year's contract with the academy and do a check-up on Big Macintosh," she told her before groaning when the blue pony started walking backward, "Rainbow Dash, what do you want?" she asked seeing the pony grin. "You remember me, not that weird I am pretty awesome," Rainbow bragged, "but not as awesome as the Spirit herself," she said flapping her wings and hovering next to them, "I bet you came down here to recruit me to your spartan program huh?" she asked excitedly. "No, the spartan program is over," Jackal said, "and I wouldn't recruit a pony who trespassed on royal property." she informed her. "Then why are you here if not for me?" she asked dropping to the ground. "Working," she told her as they approached the orchard, "some contract discussion," she stepped to the side as Applebloom ran by, "staying out of trouble Appleoom!" She called out. "NO WAY COMMANDER!" The filly yelled back laughing as she tripped. Rainbow Dash stopped and dropped to her flanks, "WHY DO ALL OF MY FRIENDS KNOW HER EXCEPT ME!?" She questioned the sky before she realized the time and flew off towards her weather team. "Well howdy there Jackie," Applejack called out waving her hat as the spartan approached, "Oh I ain't in trouble am I?" she joked as she saw the other spartan, "Anyhow Big Mac ain't around, he's on a delivery, I'll send him up to Canterlot when he gets back," Applejack told the pair. Jackal laughed with her as she took off her helmet, "Applejack you know I love you, but you got to stop calling me Jackie, and thanks for the heads up, shortens our trip." She said as Applejack led them towards the house. "Granny we got one more coming by today!" She called out opening the door, "Now spartan you are going to love this cider," Applejack said whistling while looking at Coarse Grind, "Wow, I have never got to see that Tyrfing armor up close, sure is pretty, and a might thinner looking than yours commander." She said as she took a seat at the table. "Well, it's not quite as protective as Mjolnir, but we had trouble getting the same protection while allowing a pony's natural magic to flow easily," she explained, "we ended compromising for lighter weight and less protection." Jackal said picking up the offered mug. "Commander, am I allowed to remove my helmet?" Grind asked as she looked at the offered mug. Jackal placed her mug back onto the table, "I'm sorry petty officer, yes since you aren't on special duty, your identity doesn't need to stay a secret," Jackal informed her smiling as the mare took the offered mug and removed her helmet, "so as I'm sure this is just a formality, I trust we won't need to make any changes to the contract?" Jackal asked as Grind gave a satisfied sigh. "O-of course we'll be able to handle the normal contract," Applejack said while looking at the pony spartan, "how old is she?" The farmer asked. "That's classified." Jackal quickly answered, keeping an eye on the mare beside her, who had started to chug the cider. Smiling the bat mare looked over at her commander and without thinking simply said, "Thanks mom." Jackal froze and placed her mug down. "Just sign here," she dryly said pulling out the contract from the pouch on her hip, Applejack quickly signed the paper, "Let's go," she said standing up and putting her helmet on, Coarse Grind stayed in her seat refusing to look up, "I said let's go." Jackal growled grabbing the spartan and her helmet. Putting her helmet on, Coarse Grind ran up next to the commander, "Ma'am I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have called you mom." she said refusing to look at her commander. "You're right, you shouldn't have that was completely unprofessional," Jackal said, before stopping and getting to her knee, you could hear her sigh through the helmet, "but I understand why you said it, I did try to go to the academy as much as I could and I tried to be approachable, besides Tia's motherly ways have been rubbing off on me after these 80 years," Jackal told her removing the pony's helmet and ruffling her mane, "you aren't in trouble and I'm not mad, just disappointed you would do something so casual while working," she explained putting the helmet back on and walking down the path, "now let's pick up my sister-in-laws sweets." she told her standing back up and motioning for her to follow. "Welcome to Lyre and Cane," Bon Bon called out, having recently finished her order, "How can I he-" she stopped speaking as she saw the spartans standing just inside, looking around she swallowed as her store was empty, "Must be something important for you to be down here with another spartan commander." she said straightening up her counter. "It is pretty important," Jackal said walking up to the counter, "We're here to pick up Princess Luna's order." she told the mare, putting the order papers on the counter. "Oh is that, all?" Bon Bon asked, getting a nod in return, "It is a pretty big order, guess it makes sense for two to pick it up," she said walking into the back room and pushing out two large carts she looked over the order papers once more, "So the princess overpaid, so keep the carts I already got two more delivered yesterday, and have a good day," Bob Bon said before pulling a manila envelope out from under the counter, "Actually do you mind delivering this?" she asked smiling as the spartan took it in hand, "Thanks, I've been getting busier, and haven't had time to go up to Canterlot." Bon Bon said, Coarse Grind looked between them, her curious head movements not going unnoticed by Jackal. "I was never given this envelope," Jackal said slipping the letter into her messenger bag, "understand petty officer?" She asked getting a salute from her, when they were about to leave a small devilish thought ran through the commander's head, "Hey, Grind," she said, catching the bat mare's attention, "Want me to get you a treat, sweetheart?" she asked, Coarse Grind stopped before looking at the ground. "Yeah, I'd like that." she said sheepishly, Jackal looked over her shoulder, Bon Bon smiled and shook her head, walking into the back and quickly returning with a small bag and a small box. "Don't be so mean," Bon Bon chuckled handing the bag over, "The box is for you commander." she told them waving as they left. "Commander, do you really not have a problem with me accidentally calling you mom?" Coarse Grind asked after their silent walk to the train, the gentle rumbling, a sigh came out from the commander as she took off her helmet. "It's complicated," she told her opening the box and popping a bonbon into her mouth, "Princess Celestia has kept her distance from the spartan program, especially since, despite the training and the best armor we could give them," she said leaning back, "death rates where high during the wars, a surprising amount dark wizards, took a while to figure out a good general shield spell," she explained, "There's a reason Tia tries to help so many orphans, in fact, she hated the spartan program originally, but conceded since it would mean fewer orphans and homeless foals." Jackal told the mare. "That doesn't answer my question, ma'am," Coarse Grind said, "I called you mom and I shouldn't have, it was wrong and you don't want that." she slowly pulled off her helmet and opened the small bag, and chewing on one of the pieces of candy Bon Bon gave her. "It's not a big deal," Jackal said before placing a hand on the mare's armored withers, "just don't let Tia hear you call me that," she said, "seriously it will cause issues with both of our duties, because she really wants a foal and refuses to adopt," she told her, "and I don't have any internal repro organs due to a covenant energy sword." she told her placing a hand over the phantom pain that cropped up. "Why can't the princess bear a child?" The mare asked. "You'll need to talk to your other mom for that information." Jackal told her. > 80th > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "A SMALL AMOUNT OF CREAM AND SUGAR IS FINE!" Jackal screamed as she dodged the various pots and pans her sister launched at her, "IT CAN BRING OUT THE NUANCES OF CERTAIN BEANS AND ROASTS!" She pleaded with the alicorn. "NAY THOU ART A HEATHEN AND BLACK TIS THE ONLY ACCEPTABLE METHOD OF COFFEE!" Luna yelled back. Celestia walked into the kitchen and looked at her wife's pleading look as she used a wok as a shield, "TIA ÞISSE CONCERNS THEE NOT, TIS BETWEEN THINE HEATHENOUS WIFE AND OURSELF!" She shouted at her sister who simply shook her head and was about to leave when she spotted Luna's personal spartan picking up the pots and bringing them back to the side of the moon princess. "PETTY OFFICER YOU TRAITOR!" Jackal screamed as Celestia slowly brought her cup to her lips, more interested in how long it would take for her wife to fight back. "I'M SORRY MOM, IT'S MY JOB!" Coarse Grind yelled back, causing Luna to stop chucking cooking utensils and Celestia to drop her tea, Jackal looked at the mare before looking at the shocked expression on each of the princesses' faces. "Honey, I can explain," Jackal said, "I was a bit too motherly during the classes I he-" Celestia had stepped up and placed her hoof against the spartans lips. "We will talk about you keeping this from me later," she told the spartan before walking up to her sister and the spartan that endeavored to hide behind her wings, "Oh sweetie there's no need to hide," Celestia cooed wrapping her wings around the mare. Jackal could see the bat stiffen, unsure how to react, "I've always wanted a foal," she said letting out a deep breath, "but I couldn't adopt because that would make the other foals jealous and of course, the spell incident ruined any future attempts at bearing." She said chuckling tears running down her eyes. "Tia, don't do this to yourself," Jackal said walking up to her wife and placing a hand on her withers, "it's hard enough outliving the guards, imagine what a daughter would do." She whispered running her hand up the mare's head and pulling it into herself. "The memories would be worth it," Celestia quietly said before looking up at the spartan, "Wouldn't they?" she asked, tears lining her eyes. "I think they would be." Coarse Grind said taking her helmet off and looking for an answer in the spartan's face. "I, I don't know-" Jackal said, quickly getting pulled into the hug. "Dear, I know you don't want children," Celestia said, "and I know why, but you haven't lived as long as me," the princess looked between the younger mare and her wife, "But we should discuss this further before coming to a decision," she glanced back at the bat before standing up, releasing her, "We should, do so privately, come on dear." Celestia commanded stepping out of the kitchen, the staff peeking around the corner as they watched the spartan approach. "This isn't done Luna, we will settle this like men," Luna's eyes narrowed, "With table tennis," Jackal told her sister who took a confused step back. Jackal quickly caught up to her wife, who pulled her into a side room, "Tia, it's not that I don't want kids," she said to her, "It's just that, I'm worried what happened to me, will happen to her." Celestia tilted her head. "What do you mean what happened to you?" Celestia asked, "You don't like talking about your past," she told the spartan wrapping a wing around her, "I don't mean to pry dear." she said getting a finger on her lips. "No, I should tell you, it's not fair I know so much about your past and you know nearly nothing of mine," Jackal said resting her head in the nook of the alicorns neck, "My name is Jackal because when I was a little girl, the covenant wiped out the colony I lived on, my parents didn't live," Celestia tightened her grip on the human as she felt her fur become wet, "and no one knew who I was, I hit my head a-and couldn't remember my name, or if I had a brother or s-sister, l-let alone my parents faces," her breath became ragged as she wrapped her arms around the mare, "th-the only th-thing I had from that time, wa-was a stuffed ja-jackal, so everyone just called me jackal." she whined out, only calming when her wife lifted her face. "Are you scared the covenant are going to show up and destroy us?" Celestia asked with a gentle smile on her face. "Things have been going too well for me, time for a real kick in the balls." the spartan laughed out as Celestia nickered and pulled her back into her. "You are a silly super soldier," Celestia said as she helped her wife up, "and maybe we should find a good therapist for you," she told the spartan before her face suddenly became worried, "Oh geez, we never found a stuffed jackal, I'm so sorry, it must have gotten lost in the ocean." Celestia said looking into her eyes. "No, don't worry, I gave her to an ODST as a parting gift ," Jackal told her, wiping her eyes, "He didn't make it, and at his funeral, I put her in his casket," she said letting out a ragged sigh, "it was his first combat drop, he was picked out from tech support, there was a mistake in the paperwork only reason he was there," Jackal looked up and realized they were at their room, "he's the reason I wear the armor, it's fashioned after an ODST uniform," she said before smirking, "just with a tighter body suit." she chuckled out as she was placed on the bedding. "I do love that body suit," Celestia said pulling the blankets out from under her and tucking her in, "it really accentuates your curves," she said with a kiss on the cheek, "I would like you to stay here and relax. We will talk about adoption later, besides our anniversary is coming up." She told her giving her another kiss before leaving. "I can't believe I forgot." Jackal groaned rubbing her forehead. Jackal waited for Luna and Coarse Grind to arrive after she had sent a message to them, "Wife of our sister tis time for our table tennis match?" Luna asked as she stepped through the door stopping and gazing at the upside-down down, sweat-dripping spartan. "No, I don't actually care anymore, just don't attack me over my coffee opinion," Jackal told her finishing off her last set of situps, "so much has happened these past couple months, I forgot Tia's and my anniversary is coming up, and there's only one present to make her really happy," she explained letting out a deep breath as she dropped to the floor, "I'm adopting you petty officer," she said getting a high pitched yelp to escape from the spartans helmet, "I just need an officator which would be you Luna, I already have the papers." She went to her desk and pulled a stack of papers from her drawer. "When did thee get the papers?" Luna asked looking at the stack. "Raven brought them to me on the down low." Jackal told her getting a hum in return as Luna fitted a pair of glasses on her muzzle, looking over the papers. "We see, we see, everything appears to be in proper order," Luna mumbled, before clearing her throat, "just need thine signatures here, here, and here," she said pointing at the lines as Jackal and Coarse Grind signed, "congratulations thou art a mother, as is our sister." Luna stated as she looked over the signatures. "Does this change, anything commander?" Coarse Grind asked, scraping at the carpet with her hoof. "Oh yeah," Jackal said getting on her knee, "you don't answer to me anymore for work, you answer directly to Spinnerette," She said patting the mare's shoulder, "Also you can like talk to me about like mother, daughter stuff, because we are no longer professionals, we're family, like a real family." When her sentence finished the mare quickly wrapped herself around the spartan. "Thank you so much mom," she sighed out before smirking, "so there's this colt," She said getting a firmer pat in return from the human. "Give me a month on that," Jackal told her breaking the hug, "Now get out of here before Celestia gets back, and not a breath till I announce it to Tia." She told them waving. Jackal looked over her dress, making sure it wasn't creased as she fixed her hair, she let out a sigh as she finished combing back her hair, "Tonight is the night," she said picking up the box containing the adoption papers. She nervously made her way to the garden, Celestia sat at a candlelit table, a large box placed next to her, Jackal smiled taking a seat across from her wife, "You still put butterflies in my stomach.~" the spartan said sweetly. Celestia blushed, "Oh sweetie, you still put them in mine as well and I'm happy something of mine is bigger than yours," she said winking pointing at the present, "But what did you get me, love?~" she asked as their dinner arrived. Jackal made a motion with her finger and they ate and laughed as they joked. "Okay, now I know you said we'd talk about this," Jackal said passing the box over, "but I figured you deserve something big for our 80th, especially since I forgot." she told her rubbing the back of her head. "Must be big," Celestia joked, opening the box and reading the papers, her mouth hanging open, "I-I can't believe it, you adopted Coarse Grind?" she asked, getting a nod in return, "m-my gift is so insignificant," she said pushing the box over, "I thought you would enjoy the joke, of the small present, big box," she said chuckling stopping as Jackal covered her mouth, "I'm so sorry for getting you something so stupid, compared to this." she said. "She, looks exactly like mine did," the spartan said pulling out the stuffed jackal, small enough to fit in her helmet, "Tia, I love her," she said tears streaming down her face, "and I love you so much.~" she said diving over the table and tightly pulling the alicorn into her. "I love you too." Celestia said relieved.