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Explosion! The Three-Sword Style and Magic Ninjutsu! Zoro, Raph, Rainbow Dash and Siren Sisters Vs. Baroque Works!

Silence reigned over the village as the moon was high and nearly full.

"They're gone!" Mr. 9 gasped.

"What?! But how the hell could they just disappear?!" Mr. 8 questioned.

"A bounty hunter nest." Adagio's voice said.

"It’s been a while since we’ve been to one of those." Aria's voice noted in remembrance.

"And hopefully it’ll be as fun as the last time." Sonata's voice added as all of the villagers and bounty hunters started looking around for where those voices were coming from, right before noticing Zoro, Rainbow Dash, Raph and the Dazzlings right in the middle of the group, looking at the roof they were once on, catching everyone completely off guard from their speed and stealth as their mouths were comically gapping or smushed and their eyes comically bulging in shock, before the villagers backed away, getting ready to fight.

"I don't think you should try that." Raph warned as he, Zoro, Rainbow Dash, Adagio, Aria and Sonata smirked as the bounty hunters around them raised their firearms.

"Who do you think you are?!" A bounty hunter growled. "Fire!"

The bounty hunters around the six fired their weapons, only to find that Zoro, Raph, Rainbow Dash and the Dazzlings are gone and shot themselves instead, falling to the ground.

"Incompetent morons! They just shot each other!" Mr. 8 said.

"Yeah, and those six people got away!" Mr. 9 added as Mr. 8 turned towards him, Ms. Wednesday and Ms. Monday.

"Just kill them! They're only one man, four girls and a freak!" Mr. 8 ordered before finding Zoro's sword poking through his hair as Adagio and Sonata got close to him.

"Ask yourself, will six gravestones really be enough?" Zoro asked as he turned to Raph who appeared. "Alright, Raph, you're leading this assault."

"There they are! Now!" A bounty hunter shouted.

"No, don't shoot! Wait! You’re going to shoot me! Stop! Igarappa!" Mr. 8 yelled as he then blew into a saxophone and aimed the mouth above and behind his head, which fired bullets at some of the bounty hunters, only to find that Zoro, Raph, Rainbow Dash and the Dazzlings gone. "Alright you idiots, where did they escape to this time?"

Meanwhile, Zoro, Raph, Rainbow Dash and the Dazzlings hid behind a building.

"Okay, I did NOT see that coming." Raph admitted.

"Yeah, I don’t think any of us did." Rainbow Dash agreed.

"So that thing’s a weapon, huh? Dangerous. We better watch it." Zoro noted.

"Hey, I was thinking... Maybe we should abandon our Siren Sister Pirate names." Sonata suggested.

"So you’re saying that we should become more than that?" Aria guessed.

"I'm just saying we could try being something different." Sonata answered as she dodged a few bullets.

"Contact the Marines, alert them that the Siren Sister Pirates are alive." Mr. 8 ordered.

"Right away, Mr. 8!" A bounty hunter responded as he ran.

"So much for the Marines not finding out we're alive." Aria deadpanned as she fought some enemies.

"It was bound to happen sooner or later." Adagio said as she tossed away a bounty hunter and grabbed his katana. "Dash, catch!" Adagio called out as she threw the weapon with Rainbow Dash catching it.

"Thanks!" Rainbow Dash said in gratitude.

"Heh, looks like it’s time to test out my new recruits from Loguetown; Yubashiri and Kitetsu III." Zoro said, making the Dazzlings freeze.

"KITETSU?!" The Dazzlings' gasped in shock.

"So you know about this sword." Zoro noticed.

"KEEP IT AWAY FROM US!" The Dazzlings screamed in horror as they bolted in different directions.

After a few seconds of silence with a tumbleweed rolling by, Zoro, Raph and Rainbow Dash bursted out in laughter.

"What's their problem?" Raph asked.

"Guess they know about the Kitetsu's Curse." Zoro answered

"Curse?" Rainbow Dash questioned in skeptism before the bounty hunters burst through the door.

"How about showing us your skills." Raph requested.

"Alright. Up first, Yubashiri." Zoro started off as he cut up some bounty hunters without a problem. "Light. Well balanced."

"I'll be taking this now." Raph said, grabbing a flintlock from a beaten bounty hunter. "Alright, here's the plan. We fight our way through to the Merry, get the others, then bail out of here."

"Whoa whoa whoa! Slow down, Raph! You’re sounding like Leo!" Rainbow Dash noticed.

"Well, we gotta get out of here." Raph pointed out.

"Leave the fight to me." Zoro said.

"I'll help." Rainbow Dash volunteered as she grabbed her naginata with her other hand.

"Ah, the shell with it! I’m in!" Raph said.

Meanwhile with Aria, she was fighting her way through some bounty hunters.

"Nice knife." Aria said as she took a Serpent-Blade Knife before spotting Nami sneaking around as the kunoichi strapped the knife's sheath to her belt. "Where's she going?"

Back with Zoro's group, Sonata caught back up with them.

"Thought you bailed on us." Zoro quipped.

"Well, the fact that you have a Kitetsu sword scared the hell outta me and my big sisters!" Sonata hissed in anger.

"It's just a sword. What's the big deal?" Rainbow Dash asked as she cut down some bounty hunters with her weapons and wind slashes.

"IT’S CURSED FOR CELESTIA’S SAKE!!!" Sonata roared her answer.

"Just follow Zoro. We gotta clear a path to the Going Merry." Raph responded as he was shooting with the flintlock.

"There they are! Get ‘em!" A bounty hunter ordered.

"You three get behind me." Zoro said.

"We can fight too, ya know!" Sonata pointed out as Zoro mowed down an incoming wave like they were nothing.

"On second thought, we'll cover the rear." Rainbow Dash responded.

"You need a ride?" Sonata offered.

"No thanks." Zoro refused.

"I’m up." Rainbow Dash responded, having consideration for that.

"Same here." Raph agreed.

"Alright, then here we go!" Sonata declared as she started growing scales, a fin, a tail, and in size as her nose turned into a snout. After a few seconds, Sonata transformed into a Spinosaurus, giving a ferocious blood-curdling roar, making a few bounty hunters run away in fright.

"Whoa!!!" Raph gasped.

"Yowza!!!" Rainbow Dash said.

"That’s awesome!!!" Raph and Rainbow Dash awed in amazement with starry eyes before Sonata morphed back and picked up two swords.

"It was cool... But this is more fun!" Sonata responded as a bounty hunter with a huge stone hammer jumped up behind Zoro.

"Zoro, look out!" Raph called out as Zoro grabbed Kitetsu III, slicing right through the hammer and cutting the opponent.

"What the hell is it doing?! Well Kitetsu III, you’re quite sharp, but you’re also a bit of a troublemaker, aren't you? A good sword only cuts when its master directs it to. Cursed or not, you're going to listen to me now." Zoro said to the sword that had a will of its own.

"He won't listen." Sonata warned before a kid started charging at the four of them.

"Die, pirates!" The kid yelled before Raph pointed his new pistol, making him stop before a woman showed up and shielded the kid.

"No, please have mercy on the little boy, I beg you. Please kind sirs and madams, have mercy on us. Or try some blinding powder!" The woman said as her cross blew out powder before Zoro attacked her and the boy.

"You'd be better off trying that cheap trick on someone who's more likely to fall for it." Zoro advised as the two bounty hunters fell unconscious "The flat of the blade is mercy."

"Stupid trick." Sonata agreed as she, Rainbow Dash, Raph and Zoro kept on climbing.

"Sir, they're cutting us to pieces!" A bounty hunter informed as Mr. 8 watched Adagio took them down.

"An entire battalion couldn't take down the Siren Sister Pirates. What hope do any of you have?" Adagio taunted, making Mr. 8 growl in anger.

"Mr. 8, allow me to take care of Tricera Siren Adagio!" Mr. 9 said as he struck Adagio, who dodged effortlessly.

"Yeah, I am definitely ditching that title." Adagio noted.

"Bloody Bats!" Mr. 9 shouted as his next attack was about to strike Adagio on the head, but then she started growing a horn on her nose as her forehead horn split in two, growing a tail and a frill, before having turned into a Triceratops and blocked the bat effortlessly with her hard head.

"Big mistake."Adagio said as she swung her head up, sending Mr. 9 flying behind her.

While the carnage was happening outside with Luffy, Mikey, Pinkie, Sanji and Usopp unconscious, Aria and Nami were doing some cat burglar work.

"I know you’re behind me, Aria. And I know that the other ninjas are up as well, except Mikey and Pinkie." Nami said.

"How did you know this was a Bounty Hunter Nest?" Aria asked.

"Come on. A town that welcomes pirates? That was practically screaming ‘trap.’" Nami answered.

"And you're going to help yourself to whatever treasure they have?" Aria assumed.

"Pretty much." Nami confirmed.

"I'm in." Aria said with a smile.

"And you just earned my respect." Nami replied, smiling back.

But a few minutes later, the duo found nothing of profit value worth taking.

"Well that was a bust." Aria noted.

"Oh, seriously? This is all the treasure they have? This is a pathetic excuse for a bounty hunter's nest. Whisky Peak is a thoroughly useless town." Nami said.

"Agreed, nothing but junk and wanted posters." Aria added in agreement before Nami noticed something.

"Whoa! That’s you and your sisters, Aria!" Nami pointed out as Aria looked and saw the Siren Sister Pirates’ old posters. Tricera Siren Adagio, Pterano Siren Aria and Spino Siren Sonata, each worth a hundred million berries.

"I'm starting to understand why Sonata wanted to go by a different Aliases." Aria realized.

"Not really creative." Nami agreed.

"Hey, girls." Karai said.

"Karai, I was unaware you were awake." Aria responded.

"Hard to sleep with the carnage outside. What's a Bounty Hunter Nest?" Karai asked.

"This whole town is full of Bounty Hunters." Aria answered.

"That makes more sense." Karai noted.

"Bounty Hunter Nests are usually places Pirates are lured into so they can be ambushed and taken into custody." Nami informed.

"Believe Nami on that one, because me and my sisters went to a few and escaped from them." Aria added.

"And the looting?" Karai asked.

"Eh, thought we'd make off with something." Aria answered.

"Nothing here was worth taking anyway." Nami added.

"Well, I better get out there and help the others." Aria said.

"We need to find a way to escape." Karai agreed.

"That's the plan. The strongest of us are carving a path to the Merry." Aria informed.

Meanwhile, Zoro, Raph, Rainbow Dash and Sonata were still fighting the bounty hunters, as the enemies were climbing up a ladder, before Zoro and Raph grabbed it with smirks.

"Well that was fun." Zoro said.

"See ya next fall." Raph quipped as he and Zoro pushed the ladder down, taking out some bounty hunters.

"Are we closing in on the Merry?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I think so." Sonata answered as she and Zoro's group jumped towards another rooftop.

"T-They're coming right for us! S-Shoot them!" A bountey hunter ordered as they started firing at the warriors.

"Two-Sword Style... Hawk Wave!" Zoro shouted as he swung his swords, blowing the group of bounty hunters away, as another group jumped from another rooftop above them, while Rainbow Dash swung her arms on the floor, before she, Zoro, Raph and Sonata walked away from the spot they were on as the bounty hunters landed on that same spot.

"You guys should watch your step." Rainbow Dash quipped as the bounty hunters were confused before the floor collapsed below them, making them into a hole. But then Zoro, Raph, Rainbow Dash and Sonata saw a shadow on theirs from behind, before ducking, dodging a ladder swung by Ms. Monday.

"Man! Talk about your close shaves!" Sonata said in relief.

"Is that a woman or a man?" Raph asked, much to everyone else's annoyance.

"Really, Raph?" Rainbow Dash and Sonata deadpanned as Ms. Monday tossed the ladder away as she put some knuckles on her right fist.

"It was a good effort, but there is no man who can best my strength." Ms. Monday said as she grabbed Zoro by the neck. "Now you die swordsman." Ms. Monday declared as Raph, Rainbow Dash and Sonata tried to help Zoro, but they were pinned down by her as she pinned Zoro in the ground too. "Taste my superhuman brass knuckle!" Ms. Monday shouted as she struck Zoro, causing the roof to crack and a dust cloud to erupt, catching the attention of Adagio, Mr. 8, Mr. 9 and Ms. Wednesday.

"Zoro!" Zoro's group yelled in shock.

"Well, that’s one *Ahem!* Mah-Mah! Well, that’s one taken care of. Now to take care of you." Mr. 8 declared as Adagio was about to fight them once more before they heard a scream of pain from Ms. Monday.

"Ms. Monday!" Mr. 9 noticed as he, Mr. 8, Ms. Wednesday and Adagio looked up to see Ms. Monday on her knees, trying to pry Zoro off her who was gripping her head quite hard as she was crying out in pain.

"What’s the matter, muscle woman? Didn’t you wanna pit your strength against mine? Well, I guess you lost." Zoro said as he let go of Ms. Monday, who fell unconscious, surprising Raph, Rainbow Dash, Sonata and Adagio.

"He ain't human..." Rainbow Dash awed in shock.

"Is he some kind of mutant like Karai?" Raph asked.

"Is that all you can offer, Baroque Works? ‘Cause you’ll need to do a lot better than that." Zoro said as everyone stood in silence as the shadow of a cloud passed over the area, with Zoro, Raph, Rainbow Dash and Sonata standing on the edge of the roof as the shadow passed.

"It can’t be! They really beat Ms. Monday?!" A bounty hunter gasped.

"No! It’s just not possible!" Another bounty hunter said in disbelief.

"Now I understand. It seems that you and all of your friends are quite powerful and dangerous." Mr. 8 realized.

"Yeah, you’re right. That does make sense." Mr. 9 agreed.

"Yes, that does explain why they would fetch such high prices." Ms. Wednesday said in agreement as well while Adagio jumped up to Zoro and the others.

"You're a... Demon." Adagio told Zoro in amazement and fear.

"Definitely." Sonata agreed.

"They did call me a demon in human form." Zoro remembered.

"Well, this is getting disgraceful. The boss put us in charge of this town, and he’s not going to be very pleased if we lose to five measly pirates." Mr. 8 said.

"Well then, looks like we’ll have to fight." Ms. Wednesday agreed.

"Something you may not know; in Baroque Works, the smaller an agent’s number is, the greater their power, as well as their rank in the company. Take the two of us, Mr. 9 and Mr. 8, we’re single-digit agents, and don’t forget Ms. Wednesday. Our abilities are much greater than the riffraff you’ve all been fighting against so far tonight." Mr. 9 informed.

"Hmph. I found that fancy titles mean nothing when it comes to fighting. The strongest wins, and that’s it." Zoro declared.

"And right now the strongest here is us." Raph agreed as silence reigned over the area as the dust blew throughout the battlefield, with both sides waiting for the first move, like two cowboys in a quickdraw.

"Igarappa!" Mr. 8 shouted as he blew his saxophone, firing bullets at Zoro, Raph, Rainbow Dash, Adagio and Sonata, who dodged them.

"Let’s go, Ms. Wednesday!" Mr. 9 declared.

"Of course, Mr. 9." Ms. Wednesday agreed as she whistle while Mr. 9 jumped up the building. "Come here, Karoo." Ms. Wednesday called out with another whistle as a large duck appeared with a quack, before holding its right wing out. "NO! NOT SHAKE! NOW COME HERE!" Ms. Wednesday ordered before having boarded Karoo. "Now Karoo, show them how fast you are. Leave them in the dust." Ms. Wednesday said as Karoo quacked before sitting down. "I didn’t tell you to sit now, did I?!" Ms. Wednesday asked in anger as she punched the back of Karoo's head.

"You kidding? A duck?" Zoro noticed.

"A duck? Outrun me? Yeah right, as if." Rainbow Dash scoffed before she and Zoro's group saw Mr. 9 on the spire of a rooftop.

"Hahaha! You all get distracted so easily! How could you hope to follow my acrobatics? *Flipping downhill towards Zoro’s group* You'd better prepare for… my Bloody Bats!" Mr. 9 shouted before Leo and Sunset ambushed him, cutting his attack short. "WHAT THE?!" Mr. 9 gasped as he found himself fighting Leo and Sunset now.

"They tricked us!" Mr. 8 growled.

"What’d you expect from ninjas?" Sunset asked.

"If you thought you guys could trick us, then you’ve got another thing coming." Leo retorted before a word suddenly popped up in Sunset’s mind.

"Room." Sunset simply said as a sphere surrounded her, Leo and Mr. 9.

"Huh?" Leo noticed.

"Grr! Bloody Bats!" Mr. 9 shouted as he charged towards Sunset and Leo, before the kunoichi threw her kunai at him, who dodged it. "Ha! You gotta do better than that!"

"Shambles." Sunset simply said as the next thing Leo knew, Mr. 9 and Sunset’s kunai swapped places, causing the single-digit agent to fall into a bazaar as Sunset grabbed her kunai.

"Wow." Leo awed in amazement.

"What was that?" Sunset asked.

"That was the power of the Op-Op fruit! You can create rooms where you can manipulate space." Adagio answered.

"Sweet." Sunset said with a fist pump.

"Heh. Is that really the best Baroque Works can do?" Zoro asked.

"There’s better. I’m still here. Are you all ready, Mr. Bushido and Team Nindo?" Ms. Wednesday said as she was somehow on the same rooftop with Karoo as Zoro’s group were.

"That's new." Adagio noted as she saw Karoo.

"Take a look at this." Ms. Wednesday called out, confusing Zoro's group as she opened her palms, revealing bottles of perfume. "Now enjoy my Perfume Dance." Ms. Wednesday said as she started dancing as perfume was in the air. But when Zoro’s group smelled the perfume, they coughed and found themselves paralyzed. "Hehe. Good dogs." Ms. Wednesday quipped as she grabbed a weapon. "And now, Peacock Slasher! Go Karoo!" Ms. Wednesday ordered as Karoo quacked before they charged at Zoro's group, only to miss completely. "You ran right past them!" Ms. Wednesday said before she and Karoo screamed as they fell off the building.

"Man, these guys are so pathetic, fighting them’s starting to get embarrassing." Zoro groaned in disappointment.

"Let's get to the Merry." Raph said before he and Zoro's group heard saxophone notes playing and dodged a flurry of bullets from Mr. 8, escaping in a hole.

"They slipped down through that hole. That won’t keep them safe. Come back here pirates, and get a taste of how dangerous I am!" Mr. 8 called out as Zoro and his group started hiding.

"Man! Talk about blowing your own horn!" Rainbow Dash said.

"That horn of his complicates things. How do we get close enough to fight?" Zoro wondered.

"We give him too many targets. Everyone, spread out and attack!" Adagio ordered before Mr. 9 bursted out of the bazaar rubble.

"You again!" Leo growled.

"You may have won the first fight, but you won’t get away with it! No tricks from any of you this time!" Mr. 9 declared as he and everyone heard explosions and screaming all over town.

"The others are awake." Leo noticed.

"Now for my Home Run Sneaky Bat!" Mr. 9 yelled as he fired the tip of his right bat connected to chains at Leo, Sunset and Zoro’s group, snaring them. "Hahaha! Whatcha gonna do now, tough guys?"

"Kick your ass." Zoro answered as Mr. 8 showed up.

"Excellent work." Mr. 8 said.

"Come on! Do it Mr. 8, kill them now! You won’t get away!" Mr. 9 declared.

"That’s right, don’t move." Ms. Wednesday agreed as she and Karoo showed up, with a sleeping stuffed Luffy, Pinkie and Mikey as hostages. "If any of you even think about doing anything foolish, your friends here will be paying the price."

Leo started getting angry as his right arm started becoming soggy. Wait, soggy?

"Hehehe! Well done, Ms. Wednesday. It looks like there won’t be no escape for them this time unless they want their friends to die." Mr. 9 taunted.

"You idiots. Can’t they at least wake up when being held hostage?" Zoro asked.

"Preparing to fire." Mr. 8 said as he pulled the strings on his tie, causing guns to appear out of his hair curls. "Firing Squad, ready!"

"What?!" Sunset and Zoro's group gasped as Mr. 8 put his thumbs through the loops of his tie.

"Igarappappa!" Mr. 8 shouted as he pulled the loops of his tie, firing bullets from his guns.

"Really? More guns?" Rainbow Dash asked before Leo roared as his right arm turned into a giant arm made of water, completely surprising his friends as he grabbed the chain and yanked it, pulling Mr. 9 into Mr. 8’s line of fire, getting hit by the bullets and their small explosions. Leo then started spinning his arm, spinning Mr. 9 as Leo and his friends became free from the snare before he threw the chain and Ms. Wednesday and Karoo, knocking them away from Luffy, Pinkie and Mikey.

"WHOA!" Sonata gasped.

"That was the power of the Wet-Wet Fruit!" Adagio noticed.

"Igarappappa!" Mr. 8 shouted as the ninjas dodged the bullets while Zoro started running towards Luffy. "Igarappappa!"

"Gonna borrow your stomach, Luffy!" Zoro said as he jumped onto Luffy and bounced off his stomach, flying towards Mr. 8 and landing a strike on him, making the single-digit agent fall onto his back. "Alright, done." Zoro declared as he walked towards the edge of the roof before sitting down. "Now maybe I can get some peace and quiet."

"Where am I? How’d I get outside? That’s weird." Luffy wondered before he fell back asleep as the turtles and Rainbooms came back to rescue Pinkie and Mikey.

Meanwhile, three bounty hunters were running out of the village.

"Three single-digit agents lost to a man and a freak? I never thought I’d see the day that would happen." The first bounty hunter admitted.

"We’ve got to escape from here! But where do we go?" The second bounty hunter asked.

"We’re just gonna have to find someplace to hide until this all blows over!" The third bounty hunter answered before they stopped when they saw the otter and vulture from before.

"The Unluckies are here! No!" The bounty hunters dreaded.

"Now hold on a second! I-I know it looks like we’re running away, but we’re not! I promise!" The first bounty hunter pleaded.

"Please spare us! Please don’t report us to the boss, okay?" The third bounty hunter begged as the animal duo were about to strike before…

"Hold it!" A male voice ordered, making the two animals stop.

"There’s a lot of action tonight for such a sleepy town. Shouldn’t everyone be in bed?" A female voice wondered.

"Heh. The boss sent us all the way to the front lines, and this is what we find? What a pathetic little group." The male voice scoffed before there was another explosion.

Meanwhile, Zoro noticed something as the ninjas and rainbooms rescued Pinkie and Mikey, while Mr. 8 struggled to get up.

"I can’t die here. I have an important mission to complete. I must keep going!" Mr. 8 urged.

"The three of you lost to two pirates? Now that’s just sad." A familiar male voice said while at a different location Sonata was searching through weapons.

"There's got to be something here for me." Sonata hoped as she tossed weapons that she didn't think would work for her away.

"What are you looking for?" Adagio asked.

"A weapon!" Sonata answered.

"Does this involve getting a new name?" Adagio assumed.

"Yes!" Sonata confirmed.

"How's about we get out of here first?" Adagio suggested.

"Good point." Sonata admitted while at Mr. 8, Mr. 9 and Ms. Wednesday's location, they saw a black man with sunglasses and a white woman with an umbrella.

"Mr. 5! Ms. Valentine!" Mr. 8 noticed.

"Really? Can't do your jobs? Heh." Mr. 5 asked.

"Ahahahaha! Well, that's clearly the difference between our rank and yours." Ms. Valentine mocked.

"Argh... You came here, just to laugh at us?" Mr. 8 asked.

"Nah, that's a bonus." Mr. 5 answered.

"Ahahahaha! We're here under the bosses orders." Ms. Valentine added.

"With you guys here to fight, we can finally defeat them. They don't stand a chance against you." Mr. 9 said in hope.

"That's right. Let's track them down and show them what Baroque Works can really do." Ms. Wednesday agreed.

"Seriously Ms. Wednesday, stop with the jokes. We didn't come here to clean up your mess." Mr. 5 responded.

"You really think we came all the way to the end of the Grand Line just to hold your hands? Aha, you're even more pitiful thank you look." Ms. Valentine laughed.

"But-But then what mission are you here for?" Mr. 9 asked.

"You mean you haven't figured it out? There are people here who's crimes against the company are grave enough that the boss has sent us to deal with 'em." Mr. 5 replied.

"Huh?" Mr. 9 wondered in confusion.

"It was said that someone learned his secrets. I don't know what secrets exactly, and I don't wanna know. Obviously, someone else did, but knowing them is against company rules. Our motto is 'Mystery,' everyone's identity is to be kept strictly secret, no matter who they are. And if someone's dumb enough to nose around the boss' business, well then... that's a crime punishable by death." Mr. 5 informed.

"So, while we were conducting our search to find out who uncovered the boss' secrets, we learned something. Hahahaha! It turns out, a rather high-ranking individual from a certain kingdom has somehow managed to infiltrate Baroque Works." Ms. Valentine added.

"A kingdom?" Mr. 9 asked while unknown to him or the agents, Nami, Croven, the ninjas and Rainbooms were listening in on this as Pinkie and Mikey were hidden somewhere while they were still sleeping.

"Come on. Wake up!" Donnie urged, but it was no good.

"Oh dear, it seems like when those two are THAT full, they’re in a food coma for a while." Rarity noticed.

"Just get them to the ship. We'll double back for the others." Zoro ordered.

"You do know they’re like boulders right now, do ya?" Casey pointed out.

"Just do it!" Zoro yelled.

"Wait wait, hold on a second! I may be wearing a crown, but I’m not a king or anything like that. I swear, it’s just an innocent little hobby." Mr. 9 tried to explain.

"Shut up, you idiot!" Ms. Valentine shouted.

"You still don’t get it. We need the people from Alabasta, they’re the ones who angered the boss." Mr. 5 informed.

"They know. It’s all over now." Mr. 8 thought as he got up on his feet. "Die! Igarappappa!" Mr. 8 shouted as he fired at Mr. 5 and Ms. Valentine, causing an explosion. "You will not lay a hand upon our princess! Not while the captain of Alabasta’s security still stands!"

"Igaram!" Ms. Wednesday gasped in concern as the smoke from the explosion cleared away, showing Mr. 5 and Ms. Valentine unscathed.

"Igaram, captain of Alabasta’s security, and Princess Vivi Nefertari, of Alabasta Kingdom, we have come here in the name of the boss of Baroque Works to see that you are both eliminated." Mr. 5 said as hearing that made Nami and her group gasp at that, while Zoro and his group were still watching.

"This can’t be good. We left Luffy down there with ‘em." Zoro noticed as things were about to get intense.

Author's Note:

Devil Fruitpedia;
Wet-Wet Fruit: By turning into water and drawing more water to increase their size, the user can ensnare enemies and pressurize their water form, trapping the enemy inside them and drowning them. However, drowning takes time, and will not necessarily kill the opponent unless applied well after they fall unconscious. After gathering more water to become a giant, the user can ensnare enemies and pressurize the water to minorly crush the enemy inside them. However, it would be extremely hard and dangerous to the user's health to gather enough water to reach a size that would utterly crush the enemy, so the most damage they could likely do is bruises to the enemy's skin and organs, and possible the breaking of some of the more fragile bones.


Zoro: Why do I have to help Nami make money? Can't she do it herself?

Luffy: ZORO!!!

Pinkie Pie: RAINBOW DASH!!!

Mikey: RAPHAEL!!!

Zoro: What's wrong, you three? We have to fight you too?

Luffy: We're gonna beat you up, you ungrateful jerks!

Rainbow Dash: What's that supposed to mean?

Pinkie Pie: Don't lie to us!

Mikey: We won't forgive you!

Luffy, Pinkie and Mikey: Now fight us!

Raph: You've gotta be kidding me!

Leo: On the next Equestria Ninja Girls: One Piece...

Princess Twilight: All-Out Battle! Luffy, Mikey and Pinkie Pie Vs. Zoro, Raph and Rainbow Dash, Mysterious Grand Duel!

Luffy: I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!