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Chapter 1

I'm a mailmare named Derpy Hooves, and this is the story of me becoming a vampire...

It was evening and I had some mail I needed to deliver to a zebra named Zecora. I put the mail in my saddlebag and started flying to the Everfree Forest. I quickly went through the scary forest, and my wings got sore from flying so long and fast, so I landed on the ground for a bit. I came to a small river and a rickety bridge, and cautiously started to cross. I stopped when I heard something odd, it sounded like laughter, in the middle of the forest! I looked left... then looked right... and saw nothing, so I continued my quest. I then heard swift movement and screaming that sounded like it came from a colt. I turned around and saw nothing. I started to sweat and said "Wh- Who's there? I am just a mailmare delivering some mail."

I then saw a bat come from the other side of the bridge and turn into a pony! She answered "Hello, I am Count Amber, and it's your lucky day...I only need a bit of your blood." As she came closer, I could see she was a mare with a yellow coat and an orange mane, with two long, pointy fangs, and her cutiemark was a blood drop.

I stepped backwards and said "Wh-what do you want my blood for?"

Instead of replying to my question, she grabbed me, then bit me on the neck.

I shrieked from the intense pain, and tried to push her away, but it was no use, as her hold on me was quite strong. I could feel that I was losing blood, and starting to get a little weak. I could...I could die from this! I begged her "Please..."

Suddenly, however, she stopped, licked her fangs, giggled, then turned into a bat and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

I breathed deeply to calm down after the ordeal, as my heart was pounding...but I then started to feel something changing in my body. I felt some of my front teeth growing longer and sharper in my jaw, forming fangs, and it hurt so so badly. My sore wings became weak, drooping down. I said "Oh, w-what's happening to me?" Then in my head, things felt...different somehow, kind of like being angry, but...without it feeling bad. I felt like I should stomp on other ponies... I felt compelled to say something, and then...I said "I- I... want...blood, MORE BLOOD... Ponyville is full of ponies, I shall have blood that will last for a year!"

I listened to myself for a moment and felt rather disturbed as I realized what I was saying. I said "...but...my friends...they'll die from me sucking all their blood out..." I started to breathe heavily as I couldn't handle the conflict...but I then heard my stomach grumble and felt an intense thirst. I felt like I could die! I had to get some blood right away...maybe I could just get a little from a pony I don't know, without killing them... Again, the thirst hit me, and my adrenaline surged. I shouted "Blood! BLOOD!"