• Published 22nd Feb 2022
  • 481 Views, 1 Comments

The Tale Of Two Doctors - The Royal Equestrian

Discord Whooves is traveling through the time vortex until suddenly he is snaped out of it by another Tardis.

  • ...

Act I The planet of the night

"So where should we go? This is a new universe to me and all, so if you have any recommendations I'd love to try them out."

The Doctor said with much enthusiasm, as he moved about the Tardis console room.

"How about some random place? I'd like it to be a place with a lot of nice ponies around though."

Derpy said.

"I say that's a wonderful idea. Also here, have a Jelly baby."

The Doctor exclaimed, as he handed a bag of the treats to Derpy trying to also not let go of the control panel.
Just as the Doctor gave Derpy the bag of treats, he had set the Tardis for take off for a random planet.

"You might wanna hang on to something. I have no idea how the Tardis is going to behave in this universe."

The Doctor warned making sure that Derpy didn't hurt herself under the Doctor's care.
Just moments after the Doctor had said that the Tardis came to an abrupt halt.

"Wait what's going on? We shouldn't have landed, there's no way we could have without me pulling down on the hand break first, but then again this is a new universe so it might just be that the Tardis is just going to land without me pulling it then."

The Doctor said with much worry in his voice, unsure as to what made the Tardis stop in the first place, and for that matter where and when they stopped at.

"Wherever we are, it seems more or less safe to go outside the doors."

The Doctor explained, still very confused as to what had just happened and what had caused it.

"Alright, will, there's no time like the present, Los geht's!"

The Doctor exclaimed being both excited for where the Tardis had been taken, but also nervous for what had brought them here.
Because in the Doctor's experience things like this never end will.

“Oh now this is new!”

The Doctor exclaimed with excitement in his voice, for he had never seen a planet like this before, and he surely wanted to see what it has to offer.

“Now this place is beautiful. I've never seen something like this before in all of my travels, It’s brilliant!”

The Doctor exclaimed after looking around at all the flora.
The planet seemed to be in a state of perpetual darkness, due to the wild plants and wildlife having strange bioluminescence.
There were alot of blue glowing mushrooms, green glowing flowers, and most of the animals seemed to have dark fur but with streaks of glowing blue fur in it.

“Hey I’m sorry I don’t think I got your name yet?”

The Doctor asked surprised he had been so rude to not ask Ditzy for her name before.

“My name is Ditzy Doo, though some of my friends call me Derpy Hooves.”

Ditzy answered, with a relative reluctance at her nickname.

“That’s a nice name, but that nickname seems a bit cruel. Are you okay with people calling you that?”

The Doctor asked with concern in his voice, that Ditzy was sure to pick up on.

“Oh yes I am, after all it’s my friends that call me that after all, but I don’t like it when other people call me that though.”

Ditzy explained, showing that she was fine with her friends calling her that.

“Well as long as you're okay with it then. Well, are you set to see what this place has in store for us?”

The Doctor asked with gli in his voice, unable to hold his excitement.

“Sure am, where are we going first in this place?”
Ditzy asked with amazement with this strange planet infecting her from the Doctor's amazement.

“Well first I wanna see if there are any locals on this planet, and see how there civilization is in such a strange world, I mean it’s not every day you come across a planet that seems to have no star. Actually that gives me a question on how we aren’t freezing over, I mean it feels so warm here.”

The Doctor said with intrigue in his voice.

“But we can cross that bridge when we get to it, right now is the time for exploration, come on Mrs Ditzy we haven’t time to lose, LOS GEHT’S!”

With that the Doctor and Ditzy went off looking for any signs of civilization.They came across more of the strange animals, so at least they knew that there was still life on this planet.
But the fact that there didn’t seem to be any star giving warmth to the planet still bothered the Doctor.
As they came out of the forest they were in they spotted some strange buildings just over a small hill.

“Look Ditzy, buildings, oh that’s fantastic. This means there might be some people here we can meet, and hopefully find out why this planet is the way it is.”

The Doctor exclaimed, unable to hold his joy about this strange planet.

“Look Doctor, I think I see somepony there in that window!”

Ditzy exclaimed, pointing her hoof in the direction she saw the strange creator at.

“Yeah I think I see them, well, I think we should go pay them a visit.”

The Doctor said, excited that he is finally going to meet the residents of this bizarre planet, and maybe even get some answers to why the planet remains warm without a star warming it.

As the Doctor and Ditzy walked over to the small town they had suddenly been ambushed by what looked like the same creators that that one creator in the window was.
They had blue glowing eyes, a strange kind of organic body armor, and more bioluminescence in the same colors as the animals in the forest, they also seemed to be in the shape of an equine much like Ditzy was.

“State your name, occupation, place of origin and intention imiditky, or we will use force.”

One of the creators demanded with a deep and gravelly voice.

“I am the Doctor, I come from another planet, I am the Doctor of will, fun i suppose, and me and my friend here just came and visited this planet and wanted to see if there was any form of civilization that’s all. We are more than happy to leave if you want us to.”

The Doctor said being nervous but trying to keep calm, so he could try to keep some control over the situation.

“Are you both armed?”

The same creator asked.

“No, neither one of us are armed.”

The Doctor stated, calming down just a bit more.

“Sorry for the show of force, we have just been getting caught off guard recently, something from the forest has been attacking us, and it has been doing a number on our farms and other things.”

The creator apologized, explaining their situation.

“Wait somethings been attacking this place? I’ve seen nothing but harmless animals in that forest, and trust me we have been walking through that forest for a bit.”

The Doctor asked with both fear, and wonder as to what predators looked like in this world.

“Sadly yes there are usually only passive animals in those forests. It's usually only on the other side of the planet where there are any dangerous wildlife but we should really get inside the fog is about to come over us soon, that’s when that thing usually shows up.”

The strange creator said, offering the Doctor and Ditzy a place to stay during the fog.

“Alright, that actually sounds pretty good right now, our legs are tired from all of that wandering. Alright Ditzy it seems like we are going to be staying with these people for a while.”

The Doctor said with a bit of both excitement and fear, fear for what might happen when the fog comes in, but excitement for the chance of being able to see what life is like for the strange equines on this planet.

“Sure, and hey who knows it actually might not be so bad, you know when the fog comes in.”

Ditzy said, not sure if she was trying to ease the Doctor's mind, or her own.
As the fog settled in, a small wave of fear hit everyone, who knows what the fog might bring with it.
Everyone only hoped that it would be uneventful.