• Published 21st Nov 2021
  • 4,556 Views, 254 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls Bugged Out - Wildcard25

The Turtles and Rainbooms are off to the town of Middlington to recover mutagen with the help of a girl who is shall we say... Creepie.

  • ...

Training and Adventures

During the weekend, Budge and Chris-Alice were on their way to Creepie's place to meet up with their friend, as well as their new ninja friends with Budge carrying plenty of pizza boxes.

“I sure hope Creepie and the others won't mind us dropping in unannounced, especially since she's going through ninja training today.” Chris-Alice told Budge.

“I'm sure they won't once they see we brought lunch.” Budge replied, as he held onto the pizza boxes.

“It's amazing they can eat this much pizza.” Chris-Alice said in wonder.

“I know.” Budge chuckled, as they reached Creepie's place.

Before they went up to the front they heard grunting coming from around back. They went around the the backyard and saw the turtles, Karai, and Rainbooms training both Creepie and Wallflower.

Wallflower was blocking some moves done by both Rainbow and Sunset, while Creepie was training with Karai while wielding her own ninja weapon. It appeared to be a double-edge blade, with another curved blade attached near the hilt at a 45–60 degree angle connected to a rope with a large metal ring at the end of it. The two kids watched their diminutive friend spin the blade portion of her weapon in front of her like a fan, as Karai using her blade stopped it from swinging. Creepie caught the blade part and used it to block Karai's blade leaving them in a stalemate.

“Yamea!” Leo announced, as the fighters stood down.

“Not bad, Wallflower, you're definitely improving.” Sunset admitted.

“For the most part.” Rainbow put in.

“Thanks. After that incident at the greenhouse I definitely need to improve on my reflexes.” Wallflower said, as she stretched her arms and legs out.

Karai looked down at Creepie and smiled, “Not bad, kid. You're coming along nicely in your training.”

“Thanks, Karai. I admit this is new to me, and yet I feel like I'm in my element.” Creepie confessed.

“And it looks like you're really getting used to the weapon we've given you.” the Foot Clan leader noted.

“Yeah. It feels right for me.” Creepie said looking over her weapon.

“Hey, everyone!” Chris-Alice called, as all attention fell on her and Budge.

“Anybody hungry?” Budge asked the group.

“Pizza!” Mikey, Pinkie, Nat, and Pauly cheered, as everyone went over to help Budge.

They took the pizza boxes and sat them on a picnic table set up out back. And soon they were all enjoying lunch.

“Thanks for picking up these pies, Budge and Chris-Alice.” Keno told them.

“No problem, Keno.” Budge replied.

“We saw your training, Creepie,” Chris-Alice began, “You were very good.”

“Thanks.” Creepie answered.

“And the way you worked that weapon was awesome,” Budge added, “What do you call that thing?”

“It's called the kyoketsu-shoge, or translates as 'to run about in the fields and mountains'.” she explained.

“Nice.” Budge admitted.

“You already got her on a weapon?” Chris-Alice asked Leo.

“Well, her training has been coming along, and it's best she starts working with a weapon.” the lead turtle explained.

“So how'd you decide to give her this one?” Chris-Alice inquired.

“Well, she went through other weapons before getting to this one.” April explained.

“And it wasn't pretty watching her mess up with them.” Applejack added.

“Yeah, I'm still feeling the knock on my head when trying to use nunchucks.” Creepie rubbed her head.

"It was funny!" Pauly said, as he and Nat laughed only to receive a dry glare from Creepie.

“But we reminded her that the weapon must also choose her as well.” Sunset told the two kids.

“When I looked at this weapon, I felt an instant connection with it.” Creepie said while looking down at her weapon and smiled.

“I still can't get over the fact you're learning to be a ninja,” Chris-Alice said, “And from mutant turtles and the Rainbooms.”

“Eh, teaching others to fight at this point is pretty much our thing.” Raph answered with a shrug.

“Especially when we're working together towards a common goal.” April added.

“And trust us, we've worked along side countless others.” Rarity said.

“What kind of others?” Budge wondered.

“Well, we've teamed up with mutants like our friends the Mighty Mutanimals.” Leo began.

“And even some cool alien dudes like the Utrom, Sal Commander the Salamandrian, and even Traximus the Triceraton.” Mikey put in.

“We even teamed up with an international super thief named Carmen Sandiego.” Pinkie smiled.

“We even have our friends from Team Shine.” Casey added.

“But across the vast multiverse we have allies of all kinds.” Twilight explained.

“Like who?” Creepie asked wanting to learn more.

“One time we ended up transported to a city known as Gotham. And let me tell you it is infested with some of the worst criminal activity there could ever be.” Donnie explained.

“We're not just talking criminals and mobsters,” Leo continued, “But psychopaths and super villains as well.”

“There was a guy called Scarecrow who gassed us with this fear toxin making us see our greatest fears.” April explained.

“And this clown guy called the Joker gassed us with this dangerous laughing gas that could've made us laugh ourselves to death.” Rainbow added.

“Jeez.” Budge gasped.

“But luckily during our trip there we had help in the form of a masked hero known as Batman.” Sunset said.

“Batman?” the three kids asked.

“Yeah, him and his whole bat family, from Nightwing, Robin, Batgirl, and their friends Black Canary, and Huntress,” Pinkie explained, before leaning over and whispered, “Huntress may deny this, but she's a bestie of mine.”

“We worked together to stop both our enemies plot to conquer Gotham and eventually our own world, and we managed to get home.” Leo concluded.

“Wow.” Chris-Alice gasped.

“And that's just one world,” Applejack spoke up, “One time we was transported to this western town called Moo Mesa, populated by cattle people.”

“The girls and I transformed into anthro ponies, and we made friends with these three western heroes. One was Marshal Moo Montana, Cowlorado Kid, and Dakota Dude.” Sunset explained.

“A world populated by anthro cattle?” Budge asked, “Well, I'll be.”

“That's nothing. We teamed up with the guys called the Power Rangers.” Rainbow boasted.

“Power Rangers?” Creepie asked.

“Yeah, these cool guys who wear colorful spandex costumes that fight monsters and villains.” Mikey said.

“And they got cool robots too.” Pinkie added.

“We even infiltrated an elite racing league with our friends known as the Spy Racers.” Sunset said.

“There was also a time we traveled to a digital world where we teamed up with our friends the Digidestines.” Fluttershy said.

“Digidestines?” Chris-Alice wondered.

“These chosen kids meant to protect this digital world with partner Digimon,” Donnie explained, “Digimon are digital creatures that come in many forms. And several are partnered up with human children to work as a team.”

“Wicked.” Creepie admitted.

“We even traveled to another world where the turtles exist, only different.” Rarity said.

“Different, how?” Budge asked.

“Well, the turtles there looked more muscular, and their April and Casey were adults and in a relationship.” Pinkie winked at the kids making them look to their April and Casey who blushed while Donnie scowled.

“And then there's Equestria.” Leo said.

“That's the land you're from right, Sunset Shimmer?” Creepie asked.

“That's right.” she confirmed.

“Equestria is widely known for it's population of ponies from earth, pegasus, and unicorn.” Fugitoid explained.

“But it does have other creatures as well,” Donnie continued, “From dragons, griffons, hippogriffs, yaks, changelings, and many more.”

“And while it's said to be a peaceful place, it does have it's dangers.” Raph said.

“Like what?” Creepie wondered.

“There was a centaur named Tirek that could absorb magic from unicorns, flight from pegasi and the strength from earth ponies.” April began.

“There was also a Changeling Queen named Chrysalis who at first made her subjects feed off the love from others, until her subjects rebelled against her and elected a new leader who proved they didn't have to steal love for food.” Shini said.

“We also fought this Storm King who wanted to conquer Equestria with his army.” Karai said.

“We even met this little filly with a twisted mind who wanted to get rid of all the magic in Equestria.” Mikey added.

“Dang, and you actually fight creatures like that?” Budge asked.

“More or less.” Keno shrugged.

“But the good news is we never had to do it alone.” Rarity noted.

“Like I said we always had allies to help us.” Leo said.

“Just like we have you three helping us now.” Fluttershy told the kids.

“And with all the new friends we make throughout the other worlds we make new bonds that we can share with others.” Twilight said.

“And it gives us a good feeling to know we have friends and allies in other places.” Applejack added.

“I can't believe you go through more than what we thought.” Chris-Alice said in surprise.

“It's a life.” Raph replied.

“A dangerous life, but a life nonetheless.” Rarity said.

“I know the feeling.” Creepie admitted, as she ate a pizza slice.

Budge and Chris-Alice looked at each other before nodding, “Say, any chance we could learn some self defense from you guys?”

“What?” Leo asked.

“Well, since we're part of the team shouldn't it be safe for all three of us to learn how to defend ourselves in case more mutant bugs come after Creepie?” Chris-Alice asked.

“They have a good point, Leo.” Creepie agreed.

“Yeah, Leo, let's chalk this up to two more learning the ways of our clan.” Mikey said.

Leo pondered on it, before looking at the others who all looked like they'd be ok with it too. Leo looked back at Creepie's friends and answered with a smile, “Well, welcome aboard you two.”

“Yeah!” the two kids cheered.

“But if you wanna catch up to Creepie, you're gonna need to put a lot of work into it.” Raph warned them.

“We'll begin your training after lunch.” Rainbow said with a smirk.

“Uh, could it be fifteen minutes after lunch?” Budge asked, “You really shouldn't exercise after eating.” the group laughed together knowing this was going to be fun times.