• Published 21st Nov 2021
  • 4,555 Views, 254 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls Bugged Out - Wildcard25

The Turtles and Rainbooms are off to the town of Middlington to recover mutagen with the help of a girl who is shall we say... Creepie.

  • ...

Chris-Alice Knows

One morning at Middlington Middle School inside Principal Monserrate's office sat Fugitoid wearing his lab coat as the principal herself was speaking to him while surprised at his appearance.

“Well, Professor Honeycutt, I must admit I'm surprised. When they told me Dr. Pappas' substitute was unique, I wasn't expecting someone of your body structure.” she said eyeing him up from top to bottom.

“I completely understand your skepticism, but I can assure you that I am fully qualified to teach science.” Fugitoid answered confidently.

Monserrate nodded, “I looked over your records and find that very believable. And Celestia and Luna are dear old friends of mine. If they trust you, then I will too.”

“Thank you.”

“I just hope you are up to the task. After all, you're teaching middle school students here and not high school students.”

“I'm well aware of that fact, and I still assure you I can handle the task.”

“Excellent. Come, I'll take you to your first class.” Monserrate said, as she got off her seat and walked Fugitoid out.

Inside the classroom, the students sat down chatting amongst themselves until class would start. When the principal entered, she spoke up, “Settle down, students.”

The students calmed themselves and all eyes were focused on their principal who continued, “As you know, Dr. Pappas has taken a much needed break from teaching,” the students cheered, “Alright, that's enough. Anyway, you'll be happy to know I have found a perfect substitute to teach your class while he is away. Students, let's give a big Middlington Middle School welcome to Professor Zayton Honeycutt.”

The students watched as Fugitoid entered the classroom. Upon entering the students much like their principal were surprised by their substitute's appearance. While Creepie already knowing about this kept it to herself.

Fugitoid stood by the short principal and addressed his temporary students, “Good morning, students. It's so nice to meet you all.”

Budge was the first to speak up, “Are you a real robot?”

“Yes, but I wasn't always like this. I used to be all living, but through a very bad accident all they could recover was my brain and had it placed in this mechanical body.”

“Are you for real?” Carla asked skeptically.

“If you require proof, then here.” Fugitoid opened up his head, allowing his brain to float above it.

Naturally several of the students jerked back in their seats in shock, “Is that real?” Melanie asked surprised.

“It sure looks real.” Chris-Alice answered just as shocked.

Fugitoid's brain returned into his head and closed up, “Now then, I look forward to teaching you all about the wonders of science. And hope we can all get along well.” the students after taking in the fact their sub was a cyborg started looking interested.

“Well, I'll leave you to it, Zayton.” Monserrate said, before taking her leave.

“Now then, class. Let's get started.” Fugitoid said, as he opened up a textbook.

And so Fugitoid taught his class with the students paying attention. Knowing he was dealing with younger students knew he had to dumb down on his scientific teachings to the middle school level. The students themselves also showed interest while learning about science more than they did with their regular science teacher.

When class let out, Creepie and her two friends walked the halls, “Isn't this amazing?” Chris-Alice asked, “Who would've thought our sub would be a cyborg. I didn't think that'd be real.”

“I know, right?” Budge asked.

“So, any you guys up for a movie at my place later on?” Chris-Alice asked.

Creepie hearing that answered, “Actually, I'm entertaining some guests at my place.”

“Really?” the bubbly girl asked.

“Yeah. They're kind off new around Middlington.”

“Well, in that case, you should introduce us,” Chris-Alice insisted, “I happen to know a lot of fun stuff they could try.”

“I don't know. They're kinda busy.” Creepie said not wanting to blow the covers of her new friends.

“Oh, come on, I love meeting new people!” Chris-Alice pleaded with Creepie, even going so far as to give her puppy dog eyes.

Creepie groaned, “Alright, you can meet them.”

“Great! I'll be over after school.” Chris-Alice skipped off.

Budge spoke to Creepie, “Are you sure it's safe letting her meet the Rainbooms and the ninjas?”

“No, but I couldn't say no to her.” Creepie shrugged.

“So what're you going to do?”

“Tell the truth?” Creepie asked.

“You think she'll take it fine?”

“Don't know, but I guess it's a matter of taking a chance. Gnat. Pauly.”

Her bros flew up, “Yeah, Creepie?” Pauly asked.

“Go back to the house and inform our guests we'll be having another guest joining us, and to be prepared.”

“We're on it.” Pauly said, as he and Gnat flew off, while Creepie and Budge headed their next class.

When school let out, Creepie, Budge, and Chris-Alice were walking out with Fugitoid following, “How wonderful of you to invite me over, Ms. Creecher.” Fugitoid said while keeping up appearances for the time.

“No problem, Professor.”

“Oh, I can't wait to meet your guests. Do they like parties?” Chris-Alice asked excitedly.

“Oh, believe me. They do.” Creepie assured with Pinkie on the mind.

They walked up to the house, before Creepie opened the door and permitted everyone inside. Creepie looked to her friends, “Take a seat,” the two sat down with Fugitoid standing close, before Creepie called out, “Ok, girls. Come on out”! Stepping into the living room were the Rainbooms and Spike.

When they all stood together Chris-Alice's eyes widened in shock, “Creepie, those are the Rai-Rai-Rai.” she stammered.

“The Rainbooms? Yeah that's right.” Creepie confirmed.

“Sup?” Rainbow greeted.

“Nice to meet you, Chris-Alice.” Sunset greeted.

“Sunset Shimmer knows my name?” the girl asked before cheering, “Sunset Shimmer knows my name!”

“Creepie told us all about you.” Twilight explained.

“O.M.Gosh this is amazing!” Chris-Alice cheered, as she greeted the girls, “You girls are awesome! Sunset! Rainbow Dash! Fluttershy! Twilight Sparkle! Applejack! Rarity! Pinkie Pie!” she looked down at Spike, before getting down to his level and nuzzled him, “And Spikey-Wikey, the cutest puppy in the world!” Spike panted happily and gave Chris-Alice a few friendly licks making her giggle.

“Creepie did tell us you were a fan.” Applejack said.

“Like Budge here.” Pinkie motioned to said boy.

“Budge, did you know?”

“Yeah, but I was sworn to secrecy.”

“How did you all meet?” the middle school girl asked.

“They saved me from a runaway hot dog cart.” Creepie answered.

“Wowzie! You girls were right where you needed to be.”

“We sure were.” Rainbow boasted, while around the corner, the ninjas had been waiting while Karai face palmed knowing she was the one who really saved Creepie.

“So, Fugitoid, how was your first day at teaching Middle School?” Twilight asked.

“It went very well, actually.” he answered.

“You know the professor?” Chris-Alice asked the girls.

“Know him? He teaches us.” Applejack chuckled.

“He actually makes science class fun.” Rainbow added.

“Wow. So what're you all doing here? Are you going to be hosting a charity concert?”

“Not exactly.” Fluttershy answered.

“It's top secret.” Pinkie whispered.

“Does that mean you won't tell me?”

“Actually, Creepie trusts you, and since we've started trusting her you're alright by us.” Sunset explained.

“So you'll tell me?”

“We will after you've met our other friends.” Rarity answered.

“Other friends?”

The group nodded, as Wallflower, and the New York ninjas entered the room, “Hey, there.” Wallflower greeted.

“Who're all of you?” Chris-Alice asked.

“I'm Wallflower Blush. I'm a friend of the Rainbooms, and classmate.”

“I'm April O'Neil.”

“Name's Casey Jones.”



“And I'm Shini.”

“Nice to meet you all.” Chris-Alice greeted.

Creepie motioned to the New York teens, “These guys came all the way from New York.”

“Wow. What's it like in the Big Apple?”

“Non-stop problems for the most.” Casey answered.


“Trust us, when you meet our other friends you'll find out.” April assured.

“Other friends?”

“Yeah, and before I introduce them I should warn you they're a little different.” Creepie explained.

“Creepie, I've never been one to judge.”

“Let's hope it holds up.” Keno said.

“Ok, boys!” Creepie called.

Chris-Alice watched, as the Turtles entered the living room. The girl's eyes widened in confusion, “T-Turtles?”

“Ms, before you scream. I promise you we're not going to hurt you.” Leo calmly explained.

“Believe us, they mean you no harm.” Fluttershy added.

“Unless you anger Raph.” Pinkie spoke up causing Raph to shoot her a glare and the other Rainbooms to shush her.

Chris-Alice looked back and forth between the turtle bros, “What is going on?”

“Chris-Alice, I'd like you to meet Leonardo, Raphael, Michelangelo, and Donatello.” Creepie introduced. Leo and Donnie smiled, Raph nodded, and Mikey waved.

“So you're turtles, who look like humans?”

“It's a long story.” Leo answered.

“And it has to do with why we're all here.” Donnie added.

“Ok.” Chris-Alice said, as she sat back down allowing the ninjas and the Rainbooms to tell her everything.

After a long and complicated explanation, the group finished their story, “And that's why we're here.” Pinkie grinned.

Chris-Alice blinked a few times, “Holy guacamole! That's just... Wow!”

“We understand it's a lot to accept, but it's all true.” April said.

“I wouldn't have believed it if there weren't mutant turtles standing before me, but I do. and to top it off, you're ninjas.”

"Trained since we were little." Mikey confirmed.

“And you believe about our magic?” Sunset asked.

“Well, I'll need proof of that.”

Twilight used her magic to make objects around the house float around, “Well?”

“Could be wires.” Chris-Alice said a bit skeptic.

“Then how about this?” Applejack asked, as she lifted the whole couch Creepie's friends were sitting on making the two hold onto each other, before the strong girl sat the couch back down slowly.

“Ok. I have no excuse for that.” Chris-Alice admitted.

“Nice to know that.” Spike spoke up catching Chris-Alice's attention.

“You can talk?!”

“Oh, yeah. Surprised?”

“Sort of. I mean I've watched that un-boxing video of yours, but I thought it was ventriloquism. But it's not is it?” she asked Twilight.

“Not at all.” she shook her head.

“So, what they said is true, Creepie. Dr. Pierce is using mutagen to make bug mutants?”

“Pretty much.” the bug girl confirmed.

“Though why help them specifically?”

“Because it's personal.” Creepie squinted.

“Why's that?”

Creepie sighed knowing it was now or never, “Chris-Alice, there's something you need to know about me. Something I've been keeping from you since the day we met.”

“What is it?”

“My family is insects.”

After an awkward silence, Chris-Alice asked, “What?”

“Ok, everyone!” Creepie called, and Creepie's family finally emerged from their hiding places all through the house.

Chris-Alice looked around in shock, “Creepie, your house is infested!”

“It's ok, Chris-Alice, this is Creepie's family. They're nice insects.” Fluttershy calmed her.

“Fluttershy speaks the truth, Ms. Hollyruller.” Caroleena said.

“Wait? You're Creepie's mom, the lady I spoke on the phone with?” Chris-Alice asked recalling a phone call with her.


“No wonder your voice sounded so soft. Uh, no offense.” Chris-Alice said in worry.

“None taken, sweetheart.”

“Wow. I had my hunches you were hiding something, Creepie. But I never in my wildest imagination expected this.”

“Yeah. When I first found out I was shocked too.” Budge admitted.

“Same with us.” Shini added.

“Wait. Budge, you knew about Creepie's bug family?” Chris-Alice asked him.

“More or less.”

“Wow. Suddenly all the things we've been dealing with is starting to make sense.” Chris-Alice realized.

“Wicked, I know,” Creepie said, before noticing her friend was looking sad, “Chris-Alice, what's wrong?”

“I'm sorry, but I've been a bad friend to you.” she sighed.

“What?” the group asked.

“What do you mean a bad friend?” Fluttershy asked.

“How can you be a bad one after all the good things Creepie's told us about you?” Pinkie asked.

“Because so many things because of me had put Creepie's family in danger.”

“Why's that?” April wondered.

“One time when Creepie was coerced into participating in a fashion show judged by fabulous French model Jolie Jolie-”

Rarity spoke up excited, “Jolie Jolie?!”

“Another icon of yours, Rarity?” Raph asked while crossing his arms.

“Raph, darling. Jolie Jolie is one of the best French models in all of Paris,” Rarity began, “I remember she sent me a personal request to make her something fabulous for her at her Fashion Expo Tres Jolie.”

Chris-Alice gasped, “You made the dress she wore at that expo, Rarity?”

“Indeed so.”

“Ahem,” Leo interrupted her, “As you were saying, Chris-Alice.”

“Oh, right. So Creepie was coerced into joining and won. And the grand prize was a bug zapper. And I handed it to her. Who gives someone who has bugs for a family a bug zapper?!”

“Hey, you didn't know.” Casey said.

“And I wanted to win it so I could dispose of it.” Creepie reminded her.

“Well, what about when I had you babysit my cousin who hates bugs?”

“Don't remind us!” Pauly cried.

“Bad day!” Gnat added.

“That was on me. I didn't realize your cousin didn't like bugs until I finally listened to Gnat and Pauly here.”

“Do we even wanna know?” Donnie asked the two bugs.

“Chris-Alice's cousin Damon was trying to stomp us while Creepie wasn't looking,” Pauly explained, “We tried to tell her but she didn't believe us.”

“Why didn't you?” Twilight asked Creepie.

“Because they pulled a trick on me that morning, and I used that as a reason not to believe them.” Creepie explained, “But it all worked out. No one was hurt in the end.”

“Except Damon who got covered in fire ants.” Pauly joked, as he and Gnat laughed only for Creepie to shoot them a glare shutting them up.

“And worst of all, my dad is an exterminator.” Chris-Alice sighed.

“Well, I can see why you would feel being close to Creepie would put her family in danger.” Rarity admitted.

“So, why, Creepie?” Chris-Alice asked, “Why would you still wanna be friends with someone who has an exterminator for a parent?” she looked down in shame.

Creepie went to Chris-Alice, “Because I don't care what your dad does for a living. That's his life. And doesn't change the fact you were one of the first kids who made me feel welcomed when I started school. One of my first friends.”


Creepie smiled and nodded, “Nothing will ever tear us apart, Chris-Alice. We're friends now and forever.”

Chris-Alice smiled and hugged Creepie, “Oh, Creepie, you're the best!”

Mikey sniffled, “This is so touching I can't stop crying!”

“Me neither!” Pinkie cried with waterfall tears flowing down her eyes.

Once they calmed down, Chris-Alice looked at Creepie's family of bugs, “You've all raised Creepie since she was a baby?”

“That we have.” Vincent confirmed.

“And even though my dad's an exterminator you still let her be friends with me?”

“Of course,” Caroleena answered, “You made our daughter so happy. And her happiness is what we treasure.”

Chris-Alice smiled, “Thank you. And you know what. I'm gonna help you in any way I can to stop Dr. Pierce and recover that mutagen.”

“And how?” Karai asked.

“Well, my dad has lots of exterminator equipment, and since Pierce is making mutant insects perhaps we can re-figure my dads equipment to neutralize mutant bugs.”

“Huh, that sounds like a rad idea.” Donnie admitted.

“It can be useful.” Fugitoid agreed.

“Well, Chris-Alice, welcome to the team.” Leo extended his hand to her.

“Thanks, Leo.” Chris-Alice shook it.

“And welcome to the family.” Caroleena added, as the bugs gathered around the girl.

“Ok, ok, try not to get too close, ok?” Chris-Alice said sounding a bit uncomfortable as the teens chuckled.