• Published 21st Nov 2021
  • 4,555 Views, 254 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls Bugged Out - Wildcard25

The Turtles and Rainbooms are off to the town of Middlington to recover mutagen with the help of a girl who is shall we say... Creepie.

  • ...

Substitute Teacher

One morning a bus was driving along the highway out of the Rainboom's home town. On board the bus amongst the many passengers was Fugitoid who was sitting down by a window in the far back wearing a blue hoodie with the hood up. The professor looked down the window with a pleased expression as depicted by his pixelated eyes.

“Oh, this is so wonderful. I get to see the girls and the turtles in Middlington. Oh, thank you Principal Celestia for this wonderful chance.” he told himself.


Yesterday at CHS, Fugitoid was in a classroom teaching the students, until the final bell of the day rang, “Well, students, that's all the time we have here. See you tomorrow and remember your homework.” he instructed, as the students finished piling out. Once they were gone he sighed in relief, before packing away his notes into his folder and placed it in his work bag. He left the classroom and headed for the teacher's lounge.

Inside said lounge the faculty were taking a break to discuss their days at school. Among faculty seated at a table was Ms. Cheerilee and Mr. Cranky Doodle. As Fugitoid entered, he sat himself down at the table and let out a sigh.

“Afternoon, Zayton,” Cheerilee greeted him, while noticing his exhaustion, “Long day?”

“Aren't they always, Ms. Cheerilee?” Fugitoid asked rhetorically.

As Fugitoid sat he looked around and let out a dismal sigh, which Cranky noticed, “What's with you, chrome dome?”

Fugitoid looked up, “Oh, pardon me, Cranky. I'm just thinking about Sunset Shimmer and the rest of her friends.”

“When was the last time you've spoken to them?” Cheerilee asked.

“Not long ago. When I did, she told me she and their new friend in Middlington took on a crazy botanist and her mutated pet plant.”

“Oh, dear.” Cheerilee gasped.

Cranky sighed, “Seems like trouble always tends to follow those girls.”

“Well, they are not to blame,” Fugitoid spoke up, “There's always trouble no matter the location. It's always fortunate the girls and my ninja friends are always where they need to be. Although I admit I do miss joining them on these adventures. So many places on this planet to see and so many things to do. Unfortunately, my job here prevents me from joining them now. Just as I was tasked to look after Sunset's place while she and our friends ended up in that dimension they called Moo Mesa.”

“Actually, Professor, there may be a chance for you to join them.” Principal Celestia said, as she and Vice Principal Luna walked in.

Fugitoid looked up at his boss, “What do you mean?”

“My sister and I happen to be good friends with Principal Monserrate; the principal of Middlington Middle School.” Celestia began, as Luna continued.

“We have been in contact with her for awhile, and she's told us their Science Teacher is taking a leave of absence for some R&R.”

“He almost wasn't able to, because Monserrate couldn't find a substitute for his class,” Celestia continued, before giving Fugitoid a smirk, “That is until we made a recommendation of one of our own teachers to substitute for him.”

Fugitoid's pixelated eyes lit up, “Do you mean?”

Celestia nodded, “For the next week or so you will be substituting as science teacher at Middlington Middle School.”

Fugitoid overjoyed jumped out of his seat, “Oh, thank you so much, Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna! But what about my classes here?”

“Just leave that to me.” Celestia answered.

Luna spoke, “Are you sure about that, sister? Remember last time?”

“I think it's safe to say those interruptions won't happen on my watch twice.” Celestia assured her.

Fugitoid spoke up, while pacing, “Oh, this will be so wonderful. I can't wait to tell Sunset and the girls... Wait a minute. Even better. I'll surprise them!”

“Well, whatever you decide to do you better get out of here and get packing.” Celestia suggested.

“Yes, ma'am. Farewell, my fellow faculty. I shall return within a week or so!” Fugitoid declared before grabbing his work bag and heading off.

(Flashback ends)

Fugitoid continued to look out the window and spoke to himself, “Oh, I can't wait to see the look on my friends faces when I arrive. And I can't wait to finally meet this friend of theirs, Creepie Creecher.”

“Did you say Creepie Creecher?” a female voice spoke up.

“Actually, yes, I...” Fugitoid looked around seeing nobody appeared to be addressing him.

“Down here!” another female voice spoke up.

Fugitoid looked down at the bus window and saw two mosquitoes that appeared to be girls because of their black hair, and appeared to be wearing purple outfits, “Hiya!” they greeted.

Fugitoid was taken aback, “Oh, my. Either my auditory circuits are malfunctioning or I'm hearing mosquitoes talking to me.”

“That's because we are talkin' to ya.” one of them said.

“Yeah, there ain't nothin' wrong with your ears... Uh, if you even had ears.” the second said.

“Um, who are you two?”

“My name's Wendy, and this is my sister Wanda.”

“And who're you?”

“Well, my name is Professor Zayton Honeycutt, but you can call me Fugitoid.” he introduced himself.

“Wild.” the two admitted.

“So you're some kinda robot, huh?” Wendy asked while feeling the Professor's hand.

“Cyborg, actually. Which means you won't be able to suck any blood out of me. Don't have any.”

“We don't go for that.” Wendy replied.

“We're vegetarian. Strictly juice girls!” Wanda explained.

“Oh, well. Good for you two.”

“Now dial it back, you're saying your friends got a friend in Middlington named Creepie Creecher?” Wendy asked.

“Actually, yes. Do you know her?”

“Know her?” Wanda asked, “She's our cousin!”

“Cousin?” Fugitoid asked, before recalling what Sunset told her, “Well, she does live in a house filled with insects, so I shouldn't be too surprised.”

“We was on our way to visit her and our family ourselves.” Wendy explained.

“Hey, why don't we all go together?” Wanda offered.

“Do you know your way around Middlington?” Fugitoid inquired.

“Like the back of our heads.” Wendy replied.

“Well, in that case I'll take you girls up on that offer.”

“Sounds like a party!” they announced.

“Hey!” a voice said from the seat in front of Fugitoid.

Fugitoid suddenly got worried if the person in front of him sees the two mosquitoes and would try to swat them. He quickly opened up a compartment on his arm, “In here.” he whispered, as the twin mosquitoes dove in, and he closed it.

The person being a man looked back at Fugitoid and spoke, “Mind keeping your voice down? I was napping.”

“My apologies. Won't happen again.” Fugitoid answered, as the passenger sat back in their seat to resume him nap.

Fugitoid opened up the compartment in his arm and spoke, “You two may want to wait in there until we reach Middlington. Just to be safe.” the two bugs nodded in agreement.

Later on, the bus pulled to a stop at the closest bus stop in Middlington. Fugitoid and a few more people got off the bus, before it closed its doors and continued onward.

Fugitoid looked around seeing no one in sight, “Ok, girls. Coast is clear.” he opened the compartment, and Wendy and Wanda flew out coughing.

“Smelt like diesel exhaust in there.” Wendy coughed.

“Terribly sorry for that, ladies.” Fugitoid apologized.

“Ah, no biggie, Professor. Right, Wendy?” Wanda asked.

“Yeah, no harm done, Wanda.”

“So care to show me to your cousins place?”

“Right this way.” They said as they flew ahead with Fugitoid following them.

The professor followed the two bugs all the way to Creepie's house, and by the time he arrived it was already at the twilight hour.

Fugitoid looked up at this house taking note of its eerie appearance, “This is the place?” he asked the two.

“Uh-huh.” they confirmed.

“It's looks just the way the Rainbooms described it.” Fugitoid said.

“Come on.” Wendy said, as the gates opened and the three approached the front door.

Upon arriving, Fugitoid rang the bell. The three waited, until the door creaked open. Fugitoid looked down and saw the little girl he knew had to be Creepie, “Can I help you?” she asked, looking up at the cyborg in confusion.

“Pardon me, miss. But would you happen to be Creepie Creecher?” Fugitoid began.

Creepie raised a brow, “Yes, and how do you know?”

“Well, your cousins were so kind enough to bring me to you.”

“Cousins?” Creepie asked sounding concerned.

“Creepie, what up, cuz?!” Wendy and Wanda asked, as they buzzed around her.

Creepie gave off a dry expression, “Hello, Wendy. Hello, Wanda.”

“Creeps, why so sour?” Wendy asked.

“Aren't you glad to see us?” Wanda inquired.

“Ecstatic,” Creepie answered dryly, before continuing, “Why did you bring a robot to the house?”

“Well, Ms. Creecher, I believe you are currently housing some friends of mine. The Rainbooms and the Ninjas?” Fugitoid asked.

Creepie's eyes widened a bit, “Wait a minute. They did say they had a robot friend... You're the Fugitoid?”

“Indeed I am.”

“In that case, please come in.” Creepie welcomed him in.

“Thank you.” Fugitoid said, as he and the mosquito twins entered.

Creepie walked to the kitchen where the Turtles, their friends, the Rainbooms, and Wallflower were enjoying pizza, “Hey, guys.” she addressed them.

“What's up, Creepie?” Mikey asked.

“There's someone here to see you all.”

“Who?” Twilight asked with a raised brow.

Stepping into the kitchen was Fugitoid, “Good evening, my friends.”

“Professor?!” the group gasped, as they got up and went over to him.

“Hey, Fuge, how's it going?” Mikey asked.

“All very well, Michelangelo.” he replied.

“Professor, what're you doing here?” Sunset asked in surprise.

“Yeah don't you have classes to teach at CHS?” April asked.

“Well, April, as it so happens I am here on teaching business.”

“What do you mean?” Donnie asked.

Fugitoid looked down at Creepie, “Spoiler alert, you're looking at your new substitute science teacher.”

Creepie raised a brow, “Seriously?”

“That's correct.”

“Hold up, you're teaching at Creepie's school?” Rainbow asked.

“Temporarily, Rainbow Dash.” Fugitoid reminded her.

“What brought this on?” Karai asked.

“And how?” Fluttershy wondered.

“Well, Principal Celestia noticed how lonely I've been without you girls around, be it at school, or me going home to an empty place by myself,” he began, “So she made arrangements for me to come here to substitute for one of their teachers and help you all as well.”

“How'd she pull that off?” Spike asked.

“Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna happen to be old friends of Creepie's school principal.” the cyborg explained.

“Huh, is that a fact.” Creepie said in surprise.

“How'd you find this place?” Keno asked.

“I ran into some relatives of Creepie here.” Fugitoid began, as Wendy and Wanda flew up.

“Hiya!” they announced.

Pinkie spoke to them while smiling, “Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie.”

“Nice to meet you. I'm Wendy, and this is Wanda.”

“What up?” Wanda greeted.

“Wendy! Wanda!” Vincent flew over.

“Hey, Uncle!” the two cheered, as they flew close.

“Uncle?” the group asked.

“Yes, they're my nieces,” Vincent explained, “It looks like the two of you made a new friend on your way here.”

“Yeah. Fugitoid is the best.” Wendy explained.

“Especially for a cyborg.” Wanda agreed.

“He sure is.” Rarity agreed, as did the others.

“Oh, gosh.” Fugitoid said feeling sheepish.

“Well, Professor, hope you'll be ok teaching at Creepie's school tomorrow.” Applejack said.

“Yeah. Remember these students are in middle school.” Rainbow added.

“And that's a step down from the level you teach.” Donnie put in.

“Not to worry, my friends. I should be fine teaching at a middle school.” Fugitoid said confidently.

“And compared to our regular science teacher, my classmates may find him more enjoyable.” Creepie assured them.

“If you really think so, Creepie.” Leo replied.

“And it is good to have you here, Professor.” Wallflower admitted.

“We could really use you with what we've been facing.” Shini put in.

“If what you've told me is true, I can believe it.” Fugitoid said recalling what Sunset had been messaging him recently about mutant insects and a mutant plant.

“We'll need to make sure all the mutagen in this town is recovered,” Twilight began, “And to do that we need to find Dr. Pierce. The one who no doubt supplied Ms. Fern with her own canister of mutagen.”

Fugitoid stood proudly, “You can always count on me.”

“Oh, group hug!” Pinkie cheered, as they all embraced their cyborg friend.