• Published 21st Nov 2021
  • 4,593 Views, 254 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls Bugged Out - Wildcard25

The Turtles and Rainbooms are off to the town of Middlington to recover mutagen with the help of a girl who is shall we say... Creepie.

  • ...

Monster Plant

As Bruno Jr. looked down at his meal being Wallflower Blush, the plant loving girl jumped to the side before the mutant plant tried to chomp at her.

“Oh, thank you, Rainbooms and Turtles for these quick ninja lessons.” she told herself. In relief.

“Jr, get her!” Fern ordered her mutant plant that lifted itself up and using it's root tendrils to move closer to Wallflower.

Wallflower screamed, as she dodged an incoming vine whip and hid behind a table, “I need back up.” she pulled her phone out to make a call.

Meanwhile, the Turtles, Rainbooms, the others, Creepie, and Budge were rushing to the Greenhouse, “I hope we can get there before something happens.” April said in concern.

“If something hasn't already happened yet.” Rainbow replied, until Sunset's phone rang.

She answered it, and saw Wallflower on video, “Wallflower?”

“Guys, help!” she pleaded, as the others gathered around.

“What's going on?” Creepie asked seeing the teen was hiding behind a table.

“Ugh! Long story short, you were right, Creepie! Ms Fern is crazy! She's used mutagen on three carnivorous plants and merged them into a plant mutant!”

“What?!” Donnie asked in shock, “How'd she get mutagen?”

“I don't know! But she wanted to spread its seeds everywhere!”

“She wanted to what!” Twilight asked in shock, as she had dejavu with Principal Celestia's garden plants all over again.

“Is she crazy?!” Budge asked equally shocked, “Spreading radioactive mutated seed that'll grow into mutant plants all over the planet could very possibly destroy the natural ecosystem!”

“That's what I thought too. But when I disagreed with her, she sicked it on me! And I also made her mad by... calling her plant an abomination...” she blushed sheepishly.

“Ooo, bad move, Wallflower.” Mikey said.

“We're on our way now,” Leo answered, “Think you can hold out for a bit?”

“I can try,” Wallflower answered, as Bruno Jr. lifted up the table exposing her location, “Just hurry!” she ended the call.

“Come on, everyone, let's pick up the pace!” Sunset ordered, as they followed Creepie and Budge who led the way.

Back at the greenhouse, Wallflower continued to dodge and jump out of the way from Bruno Jr's vines, before making a run for it further into the greenhouse.

“You can't hide, my dear!” Ms. Fern warned her, as she was carried by Bruno Jr. who went to seek Wallflower out.

Wallflower managed to hide in a bush, before reaching into her backpack, “Come on, where are they. Oh, here they are,” she pulled out a pair of Daburu knives she was given to by Leo, “They may not be enough, but I just need to stall.” suddenly the bush opened up and she saw Bruno Jr and Ms Fern.

“Peekaboo!” Ms Fern announced.

Bruno Jr extended one of its vines to Wallflower who swiped at it with her knives cutting the vine. Bruno Jr recoiled and whimpered.

Ms. Fern was in shock, “How dare you hurt my baby!”

Bruno Jr roared again before extending more vines to grab Wallflower. The girl dodged and used her knives to swipe at the plant mutant's vines, but it wasn't enough to keep it back forever.

As Wallflower was struggling to keep safe, she said to herself, “Ok, I may need more training.” suddenly she was snatched into one of Bruno Jr's vines and lifted up to face him and Ms. Fern.

“Such a shame you won't be around to watch me become the new mother nature of this entire planet once my baby spreads its seeds over the world.”

Wallflower struggled to get out of the vine's grip, as she was being brought closer and closer to the mutant's mouth.

“Hold it!” came a voice.

Ms. Fern, Bruno Jr and Wallflower looked as Creepie stepped onto the scene with Budge behind her. Seeing the two again Ms. Fern frowned, as she was lowered down to the ground, “You two!”

“That's right. Us,” Budge crossed his arms, before looking up at Bruno Jr, “That is just nasty.”

“Let Wallflower go!” Creepie demanded.

“And who's going to make me? You two children?” Ms. Fern mocked.

“No, but our friends will.” Creepie answered, as the greenhouse ceiling shattered, as the Turtles, their friends, and the Rainbooms dropped in from above.

Before they could hit the ground, April and Twilight used their powers to freeze everybody and lowered them down safely.

“Do we know how to make an entrance, or do we know how to make an entrance?” Rainbow boasted to the group.

“Like a ninja do.” Mikey replied.

Donnie looked up at the giant plant, “Yikes, it's like Creepweed. Only I'm not sure which is uglier.”

“And I thought Snakeweed was hard to look at.” Pinkie added.

Ms. Fern looked at the turtles and frowned, “Turtles? Turtles! You eat helpless plants, just like horrible little bugs!”

“Hey, I prefer pizza!” Mikey argued, only for the group to dodge one of Bruno Jr's vines.

Donnie spoke up, “She's not wrong though. Normal turtles are vegetarians.”

“Not the time, Donnie!” April said, before throwing her tessen and managed to cut one of the mutant's vines off.

Ms. Fern frowned, “No one hurts my baby!”

“Well, sorry, but your plans with this baby just doesn't sit well with us.” Applejack answered.

“And it won't with the rest of the world.” Keno added.

“Junior, feast away!” Ms. Fern announced, as the plant mutant roared and attacked them all.

“Scatter!” Leo called, as they spread out.

Leo was cutting down some vines with his swords, while Applejack used her hook claws to shred at some leaves.

“This is even worse than the time we got an infestation of weeds at my place.” Applejack said, as she dodged a vine.

As Bruno Jr tried to chomp at Applejack, an exploding puck and several sprinkles were launched into its mouth and exploded, courtesy of Casey and Pinkie Pie, “Hope that gave ya heartburn.” Casey chuckled.

“Can mutant plants even get heartburn?” Pinkie asked Applejack who didn't know how to answer her.

Karai was using her own sword to cut some vines trying to grab her before shifting into her snake form and slithered around dodging the mutant. She extended her snake hands and chomped onto one vine only to be lifted up. The snake girl dangled by her arms, before swinging downward at the mutant before changing back and stabbed it with her sword.

Bruno Jr cried from the stabbing, as Rarity swung her sickles like boomerangs cutting down more of its vines, “Does anyone have a legitimate plan on how to stop this thing?”

“We sure do,” Donnie answered, “Ready, Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy who had been standing on a tree branch had her blow gun in hand, “I just need a clear shot.”

“We'll give ya a clear one.” Mikey answered, as he and his bros activated medallions and powered up.

Using their enhanced power they each managed to hold down a vine from Bruno Jr each, Applejack using her own enhanced magical strength grabbed one as well keeping it in place. April and Twilight nodded to each other and used their powers to pry open the plants mouth.

Fluttershy readied her blow gun, “Time to take your medicine!” she blew into her weapon that shot something that landed into the mutants mouth.

Bruno Jr's stomach started gurgling as it released an orange gas from it's mouth and started shrinking. Everyone watched as the plant mutant was changed back into the individual plants it was created from.

Ms Fern looked horrified, “What have you done to my baby!?” she cried.

“Retromutagen pellet,” Donnie explained, “Very handy when trying to de-mutate something enormous.”

Ms. Fern growled, before smiling sadistically, “You may have ruined Jr, but there'll be plenty more of him, as long as I have this.” she pulled out the canister of mutagen given to her by Pierce.

“The mutagen.” Sunset gasped.

“That's the mutagen?” Creepie asked, as she and Budge saw it.

“Give it here, you crazy old lady!” Raph ordered.

“Sorry, but this is the opportunity of a lifetime,” Fern began, while unaware of Wallflower creeping around her, “With this mutagen I will grow a new breed of plant life and will show this world nature conquers all!”

“Booyakasha!” Wallflower called, as she tackled Ms Fern from behind causing her to throw the canister up into the air.

Twilight used her magic to hold the canister in the air and lower it down safely to Donnie who put it in a bag, “Mutagen secured.”

“Now what about her?” Rainbow motioned to Ms. Fern who was being restrained by Wallflower.

“Yeah, if she keeps at it who knows what she'll do next time.” Creepie noted.

“I think I know what we can do about her.” Donnie smirked.

“But first thing's first, she should take a nap.” Shini said, as she used her hypno ball to put her to sleep.

Later on, Ms. Fern woke up all groggily, and saw several people running around her greenhouse wearing hazmat suits, “What is going on here? Where are those turtles and those teenagers?!”

One person in a hazmat suit spoke up, “Ma'am, we're with the EPF. And this greenhouse is giving off extreme levels of radiation. We're shutting this place down, and you better come with us for decontamination!” he took her arm.

“Decontamination? No, you can't shut down my beautiful greenhouse!” she pleaded, as the people led her out while taping off the greenhouse.

Watching from afar were the ninjas, Wallflower, Creepie and Budge, “Guess that's the end of Ms. Fern huh?” Budge asked.

“More or less.” Creepie shrugged, “I'm amazed you were able to get the EPF here?”

“With a guy like Bishop on our side, we can get anyone from the government on our side,” Donnie explained, “Provided he keeps our involvement silent.”

“And with the mutagen readings left behind by her plant and the turtles has given off plenty of readings for them to mistake the greenhouse as a health hazard.” Twilight added.

“All I can say was you guys were amazing!” Budge cheered for the Rainbooms and the Turtles.

“That's how we roll, boy.” Mikey boasted.

“Because we are awesome.” Rainbow added.

The group smiled, until they saw Wallflower leaning against a tree looking out at the greenhouse with a sigh.

“Wallflower?” Leo asked.

“You ok?” Sunset asked.

“Oh, yeah, I'm fine,” Wallflower sighed, “Truth is, I really thought I met someone who loved plants as much as I did. Turns out she was just a crazy woman who wanted to play mother nature.”

Creepie spoke up, while standing by her side, “I'm sorry Ms. Fern didn't turn out to be who you thought she was. But you're much better than she could ever be. You treat plants with real respect and love. She just wanted to make monster ones to conquer mankind.”

“Yeah, you're way better than that crazy lady.” Budge agreed, making Wallflower smile and blush.

“And you held you own against her mutant long enough for us to arrive,” Karai added, “That takes guts.”

“You played a large role in putting that woman out of commission.” Leo put in.

“You the queen, girl!” Mikey cheered making Wallflower even happier.

“Thank you, everyone.” Wallflower said, as they hugged her.

“Hey, what say we grab a bite?” Budge offered.

“Sounds like a plan to me.” Pinkie replied.

“Same here.” Mikey agreed.

“Let's go.” Applejack said, as they headed off.