• Published 21st Nov 2021
  • 4,558 Views, 254 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls Bugged Out - Wildcard25

The Turtles and Rainbooms are off to the town of Middlington to recover mutagen with the help of a girl who is shall we say... Creepie.

  • ...

Mutant Bug Swarm

At Creepie's home, the girl and her insect family were leading the turtles, the ninjas, and the Rainbooms through the house giving them the grand tour.

Rarity looked around, “You know despite the main occupants of this abode being nothing but insects it still looks in very good shape.”

“A lot better than Mikey's room.” Raph snarked.

Mikey frowned, “Hey, don't diss my room.”

“I can't imagine growing up here your whole life as the only human surrounded by bugs.” Karai told Creepie who looked up at her and answered.

“It's not so bad.”

“I'm surprised nobody's come to demolish this place yet.” Donnie said in surprise.

“What can I say, people just don't wanna bother with this place.” Creepie answered.

“And we make sure any who try to come around to demolish it think twice about doing so.” Caroleena answered.

“What about if someone asks to see your parents, Creepie? After all some teachers have meets with guardians at their homes.” April noted.

“Been there, done that.” Creepie answered, as Caroleena continued.

“Me and my children managed to trick her principal into thinking I was an actual adult with a disguise.”

“And that actually worked?” Rainbow asked in disbelief.

“Surprised me too.” Creepie admitted, as they continued on.

As they walked down the hall, the ninjas noticed a large door with chains around it, “Hey, Creepie. What's in here?” Pinkie asked.

Creepie looked at the door and answered, “That's my aunt Rose's room.”

“Why's it all chained up?” Donnie asked.

“She doesn't like to be disturbed. Anyway, there's more to show you.”

Everyone walked on but Mikey and Pinkie hung back and looked at each other with sly smiles. A few seconds later, everyone except Creepie, herd a door creek open from behind them a looked back to see the door opened and Mikey and Pinkie nowhere in sight.

“Mikey!”The turtles and their allies cried.

“Pinkie!” The Rainbooms cried.

Inside the room that was chained shut, was a long staircase with pipes all around. Both Mikey and Pinkie looked around the dark and dreary room.

“Hello, Aunt Rose!” Mikey called out.

“We're Creepie's new friends and we'd like to meet you!” Pinkie called.


“Pinkie Pie!”

The pair turned to see their friends walk in, “Hi, guys.” Pinkie greeted casually.

“What are you guys doing here?” Raph demanded.

“We just wanna say hi to Aunt Rose.” Mikey answered like it was no big.

“But Creepie said she doesn't like to be disturbed.” Twilight reminded them.

“Well, maybe we could cheer her up.” Pinkie suggested.

The others were about to retort when they noticed something and their eyes went wide in horror.

“Sweet mother of mutagen!” Donnie shouted.

Mikey and Pinkie noticed this, “What?” Mikey asked.

“Uh, guys! I think we just met Aunt Rose...” Sunset pointed a trembling finger behind them. The two looked back and froze.

Back in the hall, Creepie heard multiple screams and looked back just as the Ninjas and Rainbooms dash out of the room and slam the door shut, panting in terror.

“The horror! The horror!” Mikey cried.

“And I thought I only saw that kind of stuff in my nightmares.” Rainbow said in horror.

“This is even worse than the nightmare of when every apple in our trees came to life and tried to eat me.” Applejack trembled.

“And I thought the mutants we faced were horrific.” Donnie said traumatized.

“I just threw up in my mouth.” Wallflower groaned while covering her mouth.

Creepie approached her guests and spoke, “Tried to warn ya.”

Meanwhile in the lab hideout of Dr. Pierce, the doctor was standing before a container that had some mosquitoes flying around inside it. He carried one of the canisters of mutagen and smirked.

“Yes, my pretties, you are about to become a new breed of insects.” he told the bugs.

The fly mutant that Dr. Pierce found walked over, “Finally, I'll have some company.” he buzzed.

Dr. Pierce uncapped the canister, and used a turkey baster to assimilate some of the ooze, “Here we go.” he dripped some of the mutagen into the container, as the mosquitoes flew to the little puddle and sucked some in.

The doctor and his fly minion watched the the ordinary mosquitoes started getting bigger. Soon standing before them were ten anthro mosquitoes that buzzed loudly.

“Glorious,” the doctor reveled in his work, “Ok, listen up my minions, I have a mission for you,” the mutant bugs looked at their creator curiously, before he held up a picture of Creepie, “This is your target. You are to find her, and exterminate her. Is that clear?” the mosquito mutants buzzed as if they knew their instructions, “Good. Now go!” the mutants took off out the window, before the doctor turned to his fly mutant, “Buzzworth.”

“Yes, sir?” the fly buzzed.

“Go with them. I want to know how they do.”

“I'm on it!” Buzzworth buzzed before flying off after his fellow insect mutants.

Back at Creepie's home, Creepie, her parents, and their guests were seated in the dining room, until Pinkie and Mikey came out carrying trays of cupcakes, cookies, and pizzas.

“Come and get it!” Mikey called, as all of Creepie's siblings buzzed into the room cheering in excitement.

Before they could chow down, “Caroleena spoke, “Now, kids, what do we say to our guests?”

“Thank you for the food!” the insects buzzed.

“That's better.” the mantis lady said, and soon everyone was chowing down.

As Pauly and Gnat were chewing on a cupcake, Pauly smiled brightly, “Mm, delicious!”

“Tasty!” Gnat cheered.

“Thank you so much for this fantastic meal, Ms. Pie, and Mr. Michelangelo.” Vinnie thanked them.

“Thank you for letting us use your kitchen.” Pinkie smiled.

“You've all been wonderful hosts to us.” Sunset told the bug family.

“It's our pleasure, Ms. Shimmer.” Vinnie replied.

Creepie had a slice of pizza and a cupcake, “These are very good.”

“That means so much.” Mikey smiled.

Suddenly April froze and felt her head, as Caroleena spoke, “April, are you alright? Do you need an aspirin?”

“That's not a headache, ma'am.” Leo replied knowing what that meant.

“April?” Twilight asked.

The redhead kunoichi spoke, “Guys, something bad is around here. Outside.”

The ninjas and Rainbooms rushed outside the mansion with Creepie and her family, before looking up in the sky seeing the ten mosquito mutants and singly house fly mutant flying above.

“Sweet mother of mutagen.” Donnie gasped.

Creepie blinked in surprise, “Ok, that is new.”

“Looks like some mosquitoes have been drinking their blood.” Vinnie gasped.

“Or mutagen.” Fluttershy said in shock.

Up above as the bug mutants flew, Buzzworth was humming the theme of Ride of the Valkyries. When he looked down he spotted Creepie among the group of teenagers, “Ooh, target sighted!” he buzzed excitedly, before turning to his mutant brethren, “Ok, fellas, you heard the doc. Go get her!”

The bug mutants flew downward right at the ninjas, “Spread out!” Leo called, as they all jumped for cover causing the mosquito mutants to miss.

“Where did they come from?” Creepie asked.

“One guess, they took a mutagen bath.” Applejack noted.

“But for this many to have been mutated at the same time?” Shini asked.

“We'll discuss it later. Right now let's take 'em!” Leo ordered, as they drew their weapons, and went on the attack.

Leo swatted his swords at one of the mutant mosquitoes but the bug dodged and swatted him aside. Mikey swung his chucks around swatting at one of the bug hitting it in the head making it whimper.

Donnie and Rainbow were twirling their weapons around as two of the mosquito mutants came at them. They swatted the bugs away, but the two mutants tackled them and tried to stick their sharp noses at them, but the two ninjas moved out of the way and kicked them off.

“Watch out for the noses!” Rainbow called.

“Don't have to tell me twice!” Rarity answered, as she used her sickles to defend herself.

As the ninjas were dealing with the bugs, Wallflower and Creepie watched from the porch, as the small girl spoke, “Man, they're good.”

“Yeah, you should've seen it when they fought me as a demon.” Wallflower said, making Creepie raise a brow.

Suddenly Buzzworth flew down at the two, before Wallflower spun kicked it back. The garden girl whipped out her two Daburu Hidden Knives and shielded Creepie.

“Creepie, stay behind me.” Wallflower told her.

“Ok.” Creepie said, as Wallflower confronted Buzzworth.

The fly mutant flew at Wallflower who swung her knives at the bug. Buzzworth spat acid fluid on the ground close to Wallflower's feet causing her to back up, leaving her open for Buzzworth to fly at her and knock her off the porch and into a bush.

The fly mutant looked to the small girl, “You're coming with me!” he buzzed.

“Who are you?”

“Call me Buzzworth.”

“Buzzworth? Who named you that?”

“My dad did. He actually named me that when I took this for a few days ago.” he confessed.

“So you used to be a regular fly?” she asked.

“That's right, until I drank from this green stuff and turned into this.”

“So why're you after me for?” Creepie squinted her eyes.

“Dad has some unfinished business with you. So be a good girl, and come along quietly,” Buzzworth was ready to grab Creepie who just dodged and avoided the mutant's mandibles, “Jeez, slippery little thing, aren't you?”

“I'm not as helpless as I look.” Creepie smirked.

Creepie kept dodging Buzzworth, until he finally grabbed her, “Helpless enough.” he chuckled, before he was kicked in the face by Karai and April.

Buzzworth stumbled back before Wallflower popped up and grabbed him from behind and threw him over her shoulders into the same bush she fell into. She climbed back onto the porch and joined April and Karai, “You ok, Creepie?” she asked.

“No problem.” she answered.

“That was some impressive dodging.” Karai admitted.

“I took lessons to help Gnat deal with some bullies awhile back.” the girl confessed.

The turtles and Rainbooms tossed all ten of the defeated mosquito mutants into a pile, “Now what do we do?” Keno asked.

“I have a retromutagen spray at the Shellraiser.” Donnie said.

“I'll get it!” Rainbow zipped off, and came back with said spray nozzle.

“Thanks, Rainbow,” Donnie took it and aimed it at the pile of mosquitoes, “Hope you enjoyed your time, fellas.” he sprayed the bugs and the group watched the mutants turn back into harmless regular mosquitoes.

Vinnie flew over to them, “Are you boys ok?”

“I feel really weird.” one of them admitted while rubbing his head.

“Did I get married while I was asleep?” another asked as Vinnie chuckled.

Buzzworth climbed out of the bush and looked seeing his mutant brothers were changed back, “Oh, no. Dad's not gonna like this.” he quickly took flight and left.

Creepie looked back and noticed he was missing, “Buzzworth is gone.”

“He must've freaked and took off.” Wallflower suspected.

“It doesn't make any sense,” Twilight began, “Why would these insect mutants come here?”

“And they looked too organized to be simply targeting at random or in this large of a group.” Donnie added.

“And why were they going after Creepie?” April asked.

Creepie spoke up, “Buzzworth told me his dad helped make him into this and had some unfinished business with me.”

“Unfinished business?” Keno asked.

“Do you owe his dad money or something?” Pinkie asked.

“Not likely,” Creepie answered, “But I have made my fair share of enemies for one reason or another.”

“So who do you know that would create an army of insects and has a vendetta against you?” Leo asked the girl.

Creepie began pacing as she tried figuring it out, until she stopped and gasped, “I think I have an idea of who was responsible for this attack.”

“Who is it?” Rainbow asked.

Soon the group was back inside the house, where Creepie showed them a file of someone, “This guy. Dr. Lance Pierce. A former entomologist for the Middlington Museum of Natural History. He tried to add my mom to his collection. Personally, the guy's not so right in the head.”

“This guy must've found the mutagen before us.” Sunset suspected.

“Well, that's just great.” Raph sighed.

“And with his collection of insect species he could create more than just those mosquitoes.” Creepie added.

“Well, we know who has the mutagen now.” Twilight said.

“Question is how do we find him?” Rainbow asked.

“As I said, my family can search all over, hopefully they can find him.” Creepie reminded them.

Leo nodded, “We appreciate the help, Creepie.”

“No problem. Listen, since it's getting late, how would you guys like to stay here during your time in Middlington?”

“Really?” Mikey asked with a smile.

“It's the least we can do since you've all saved us today.” Vinnie said.

“And our daughter twice.” Caroleena said, while smiling at Karai who smiled back, “And don't worry we'll make sure the guest rooms are clean.”

Leo looked back to his group, “Well, we didn't exactly make plans for where to stay.”

“So we'll take you up on that offer.” Twilight said.

“Wonderful!” Caroleena cheered along with the rest of Creepie's siblings.

Later Karai was speaking to Creepie in private, “Creepie, you've really got some impressive skills.”

“Thanks. With having to constantly help my brothers or friends out of harry situations I've developed survival skills.” the girl replied.

“Clearly, well, as long as your helping us, how would you like to train to be a ninja?”

Creepie looked up in surprise, “Seriously?”

Karai nodded, “How about it?”

“Well, my parents keep telling me I should take up more activities. So, I'm in.”

“Great. Hope you're ready for pain and tears.” Karai said with a sadistic smirk.

“I go to middle school, pain and tears are the least of my fears.” Creepie said confidently.

Meanwhile back at Dr. Pierce's lab, Buzzworth had briefed him on his and his former fellow mutants failure, “Unbelievable! How did you manage to be bested by a single girl?!” the doctor scolded Buzzworth who winced, before explaining.

“Dad, she wasn't alone. She had help.”

“What kind of help?”

“A bunch of teenagers, and mutant turtles too.”

“Mutant turtles?” the doctor asked.

“Yes. I get the feeling they were born the same way I was. And they all fight like ninjas.” Buzzworth explained.

“Oh, no!” Dr. Pierce facepalmed, “It seems I've hit a road block here. But no matter. Where one mutant army failed, I can always make more.” he looked to the rest of the mutagen stash he had and laughed.