• Published 21st Nov 2021
  • 4,555 Views, 254 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls Bugged Out - Wildcard25

The Turtles and Rainbooms are off to the town of Middlington to recover mutagen with the help of a girl who is shall we say... Creepie.

  • ...

Dregg's Plan

That very night, Pierce and Buzzworth were following Dregg into another building in the vicinity. Pierce had been wheeling the mutagen canisters he hadn't used yet having been instructed to bring them. The entomologist and his mutant assistant had been silent for awhile, until the human spoke up, “Pardon me, Mr. Dregg...”

Dregg spun around and spoke, “That's LORD Dregg to you, fleshling!”

Pierce and Buzzworth backed away in shock, before the doctor corrected himself, “Sorry. Lord Dregg. Where exactly are you bringing us?”

“This is my temporary lair here in the city. But once I've amassed enough of my army I will be relocating to more appropriate housing.” Dregg answered, as he brought them inside a factory.

Inside the two saw set up was a large machine that was breeding Dregg's minions the vreen. The machine spat out eggs that were all lined up waiting to hatch. The two saw supervising the vreen incubation were two more figures. The first one looked like a small anthro hercules beetle creature whose wings were covering his body like a cloak.

The second figure was wearing organic battle armor and a helmet (Imagine Flik the ant wearing A Mandalorian helmet).

The hercules beetle creature spotting Dregg went over and spoke, “Ah, Lord Dregg. You've returned. You'll be happy to know the vreen are coming along nicely.”

“Excellent, Mung,” Dregg replied sounding pleased, “Boys, allow me introduce you to our new partners. This is Dr. Pierce and Buzzworth.”

“Hello.” Pierce waved.

“Hi.” Buzzworth buzzed.

“And these are my two new assistants. Mung, my second in command. And my newest assassin Hi-Tech.”

Mung bowed his head to the two, while Hi-Tech just nodded and looked away. Pierce looked to Dregg, who spoke, “Please excuse Hi-Tech. He's not much a talker, but he's a professional when it comes to his work.”

“I see,” Pierce replied, as he looked at the vreen being incubated inside the machine, “And what do you have cooking up in here?”

“My new army of vreen.” Dregg answered.

“They're incredible. Definitely much stronger looking than the help I've been depending on.” Pierce said, while Buzzworth knowing that was directed at him couldn't help but look down in shame.

“Ever since my failed invasion of earth I've spent months in hiding waiting it out until the time to act was right. And now the time draws near,” Dregg explained, “I was able to create a new breeding machine for my vreen with the help of Mung's invention the microbots.”

“Microbots?” Pierce asked, as Mung came over showing him a container of microscopic robots swarming around inside the container.

“Minuscule robots that can absorb any material and reconstruct new things.” Mung explained.

“Extraordinary.” Pierce looked at them.

“The machine has been producing vreen after vreen, but we may have a way to make the vreen even stronger,” Dregg said, as he eyed the mutagen, “Which will require the mutagen you've found here. The Kraang were fools to leave such a stash in this simple town.”

“My thoughts exactly.” Pierce agreed, “So if we can transfer the mutagen into your vreen soldiers...”

“We will have a super mutant bug army that no one can stop. Not even certain mutant terrapins and teenage fleshlings.” Dregg sneered.

“Well, Lord Dregg. You've had my curiosity, but now you have my attention. Consider my services at your command.” Pierce said.

Dregg smirked, “Good choice. And together we will take this planet in the name of all things insect!” he began laughing maniacally along side Dr. Pierce.

“Alright enough of that. Mung!” Dregg announced, as Mung stood ready, “Let's get the mutagen loaded into the machine.”

“As you wish, my Lord.” Mung answered, as he and Hi-Tech started taking the canisters to the machine to load them.

Unknown to them watching from an open window was a dragonfly who looked nervous before taking off through the night flying.

The next morning at Creepie's place, The turtles, their allies, and the Rainbooms were teaching Creepie and her friends some katas.

“That's it, kids. You got it.” Leo said, as the five kids followed along.

“You know this is really good for my body.” Carla admitted.

“Yeah, I feel like totally new.” Melanie agreed.

“It's doin' wonders for me.” Budge agreed.

“Just keep focusing.” Creepie told the group not breaking their concentration.

Soon the group was finished, and the five kids fell on their backs and laid on the grass. The Rainbooms looked down at them, as Sunset spoke, “Not bad you guys.”

“Feels good doesn't it?” Rainbow asked with a smirk.

“Maybe, but boy is that exhausting.” Carla said, while panting.

“Hey, we felt the same way when we first started.” April said on behalf of her and the Rainbooms.

“But in time it becomes second nature.” Twilight admitted.

“Can we break for food now?” Mikey asked hopefully.

The others looked in agreement and were about to head inside, until a voice called out, “Creepie! Creepie!”

They saw the dragonfly that spied on the villains was flying right down for them before landing on the back porch ledge and panted.

“Evinrude?” Creepie asked, “What're you doing here?”

“You know this dragonfly too?” Shini asked her.

“A friend of the family. So what brings you here?” Creepie asked Envinrude who finally caught his breath.

“Sorry, I would've been here sooner, but I ran into some bats on my way here. Had to hide out in a bottle until they got bored,” Evinrude began, “But I'm glad I got here. I got good news and bad news. Which do you wanna hear first?”

“We'll take good news.” Pinkie smiled.

“Well, good news is I found Dr. Pierce like you asked me and others in town to keep an eye out for.”

“Really?” Donnie asked, “Well, that's good to hear. Now we can get the mutagen from him.”

“Well, it won't be so easy once you hear the bad news.” Evinrude cringe.

“And that would be?” Rarity asked fearing the worst.

“He's going to use it to make this army of super bugs with the help of someone else he was meeting with last night.”

“Oh, that's terrific.” Raph said in sarcasm.

“Who is this someone Pierce is working with?” Leo inquired.

“From what I heard he goes by... Dregg.”

At the mention of that name, the Turtles, the New York heroes, Fugitoid, and the Rainbooms froze, “You've got to be kidding me.” Applejack groaned.

“Dregg is alive?!” Fluttershy asked in shock.

“He really is hard to squash.” Raph crossed his arms.

“Just when we think we've seen the last of him.” Donnie sighed.

“Um, question,” Chris-Alice raised a hand, “Who're we talking about?”

“Yeah. Who is this Dregg?” Creepie wondered.

Fugitoid used his eyes to project a visual of the enemy. The sight of him made the kids minus Creepie look freaked.

“Ugh. He's even more hideous than Regina!” Carla gagged.

“That's him?” Budge asked the group.

“That's right,” Fugitoid confirmed, “Lord Vringath Dregg. A notorious crime lord that ruled the planet Sectoid 1.”

Leo spoke, “During our space travels we ended up making an enemy out of him.”

“Due to a combination of certain someone's causing trouble.” April motioned to Mikey, Casey, Raph, and Leo.

“Hey, that food was trying to eat me!” Mikey protested, “Not my fault the chef neglected to tell me it was valuable and the last of its kind.”

“And I was just trying to make small talk with a local,” Leo added, “How was I supposed to know she was in a relationship and her boyfriend tried to attack me.”

Raph and Casey were ready to protest themselves, but stopped realizing what happened, “Ok, maybe if Casey and I weren't horseplaying around at the weapons display we wouldn't have invoked the security.” Raph began.

“Leading to us getting you and Donnie in trouble with that one vendor.” Casey finished.

“In our attempt to escape those after us, we ended up ruining a deal Dregg was making by destroying some of his valuable trade goods.” Donnie explained.

“And since then he's been trying to hunt us down, even incorporating the aid of a hunter to bring us to him.” Leo said.

“In our search for the pieces of the black hole generator he and his army tracked us to one of the planets housing a piece and tried to destroy us.” Twilight added.

“Luckily Hiidrala and the Daagon helped us.” Fluttershy said.

“He lured us to his home planet using a fake S.O.S from our Salamandrian friends.” April put in.

“Last the girls and I saw him he worked with the Triceratons to get the last piece of the generator but apparently betrayed him.” Sunset said.

“He eventually came to earth to try to wipe us out and take over the city,” Donnie continued, “But we were able to blow his ship up where we hoped it took him with it.”

“Obviously that backfired.” Raph said.

“But how did he survive?” Rarity wondered.

“And where's he been all this time?” Casey asked.

Fugitoid spoke, “I'm not sure. But if Dregg is now involved in this then our mission has just become more dangerous.”

Fluttershy spoke to the dragonfly, “Evinrude, what else did you see?”

“Well, they planned on using Pierce's mutagen to make more stronger vreen soldiers for Dregg. And he's already got two followers with him.

“Two followers?” Keno asked looking at the guys.

“Doubt it's Armaggon.” Applejack said.

“From what I heard their names are Mung and Hi-Tech.” Evinrude explained.

“When we see him I'll decide if their names are right for them.” Mikey crossed his arms.

“Evinrude, can you take us to where you last found them?” Twilight asked.

“You bet I can.” he confirmed.

“Team, get yourselves ready.” Leo instructed the group.

“What can we do?” Chris-Alice asked.

“You kids wait here.” Leo answered.

“Huh?” Budge asked.

“Why?” Creepie asked.

“At first Dr. Pierce sounded like someone we could handle together, but now that Dregg is involved things just took a whole different turn.” Leo explained.

“I understand he's one bad guy, Leo,” Creepie began, “But Pierce is still my problem. And I'm not gonna just stand by and do nothing.”

“And we just survived dealing with mutant bees.” Carla reminded him.

“This is what you trained me for,” Creepie put in, “I'm ready to use all you taught me against something tougher than what I've been dealing with.”

“She has a point Leo.” Karai agreed.

“And if Dregg is using mutagen to strengthen his vreen then we'll need all the help we can get. No matter how small it may be.” April said motioning to the kids.

“Plus, we got something Dregg doesn't have.” Mikey added motioning to his medallion.

“Mikey's got ya there.” Rainbow agreed, while motioning to her geode.

Leo looked between groups before letting out a sigh, “Alright, guys. You can come. But you have to follow orders. Whatever we say goes. Got that?”

“You betcha.” Budge saluted, as the girls nodded.

“Alright team. We got work to do.” Leo said, as they went inside to prepare themselves.

Author's Note:

WarriorofFaith18 pitched the idea and designs of Hi-Tech and Mung who were also servants of Lord Dregg in the 80s cartoon, but he's given them makeovers for the 2012 version.

Image designs of the two new characters by Ezio1-3