• Published 21st Nov 2021
  • 4,555 Views, 254 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls Bugged Out - Wildcard25

The Turtles and Rainbooms are off to the town of Middlington to recover mutagen with the help of a girl who is shall we say... Creepie.

  • ...

The Queen's Hive

As Bee Regina's mutant worker bees were capturing student after student, and faculty members, Creepie, Budge, Chris-Alice, and Melanie watched from under one of the tables.

“This is a bad day.” Melanie said in shock.

“What do we do?” Budge asked.

“We have to get out of here.” Creepie answered.

“But what about Carla?” Melanie motioned to Carla who was still held by one of Regina's servants.

Creepie's eyes tightened, “I'll handle this.”

Creepie got out from under the table much to Budge and Chris-Alice's worry. Creepie looked up at the captured Carla and the mutant bee holding her.

'Remember my training.' Creepie thought to herself before using all she was taught.

She jumped onto a table before spotting some of the mutant bees flying at her. Creepie smirked before started jumping atop each mutant before getting close enough and punched the bee mutant holding Carla captive. This resulted in Carla being released and started falling for the floor screaming.

“Budge!” Creepie called down.

“On it, Creepie!” Budge got out form under the table and held his arms out catching Carla. He looked down at the popular girl and spoke, “You ok?”

“I will be once my heart starts pumping again.” Carla answered in shock.

“Look out!” Chris-Alice called, as some bee mutants were flying at the two only to get blasted by laser shots courtesy of Fugitoid with his arm blasters ready.

“Leave my temp students alone!” he ordered.

“Fugitoid!” Creepie said in relief as she landed on one of the cafeteria tables.

“Creepie, get your friends out of here. I'll hold them.” Fugiotid ordered.

Creepie nodded and spoke to her friends, “Come on, let's get out of here!”

“But what about everyone else?” Melanie asked.

“We'll come back for them!” Chris-Alice promised, as they ran out of the cafeteria.

Regina seeing this growled, “Stop them!” she ordered some of her bee mutants. The bee mutants fly after the group.

Creepie and her friends run down the hall trying to get to the exit, as Budge glanced behind them seeing the bee mutants flying after them.

“Don't look back!” he cried.

Chris-Alice, Melanie, and Carla unfortunately looked back and screamed as the mutants were closing in on them.

“There's the door!” Creepie called, as they finally reached the exit and slipped out closing the doors before the mutants could follow.

“We made it.” Chris-Alice said in relief.

“Yeah, but what about the others?” Carla asked in confusion.

“Yeah, like what's with that new crowd following Regina?” Melanie asked.

Creepie sighed, “Carla, Melanie, there's no easy way to say this, but Regina's not your average girl.”

“Obviously.” Carla replied figuring out that much.

“She has a strong connection with bees and now she has an army of mutants at her command.” Creepie continued.

“Mutants?” Melanie asked.

“That is too weird even for you, Creepie.” Carla said.

“Actually, she's right on the dot.” came a female voice.

The group looked seeing Rainbow Dash, the rest of the Rainbooms, Wallflower, April, Keno, Casey, Karai, and Shini standing ready.

“The Rainbooms?!” Carla and Melanie gasped.

“About time you got here.” Creepie said.

“Better late than never.” Pinkie shrugged.

“Not that this isn't the greatest moment in my life, but what're you girls doing here?” Carla asked.

“And who're they?” Melanie looked at Wallflower, and the New York heroes.

“Friends, and we're here to help stop Regina.” Sunset explained.

“And how're you going to do that?” Carla asked, “You're just a rock band.”

“Maybe to you, but we're much more than that.” Applejack smirked, as the group drew their weapons.

“What're they carrying?” Melanie asked.

“Our ninja weapons, of course.” Pinkie smiled.

“Ninja weapons?” Carla asked in confusion.

“Yeah. We're a band, and we're trained ninjas.” Rainbow boasted.

“All thanks to our four special friends.” Rarity finished.

The two girls were confused, until the Rainbooms stepped to the sides to reveal the turtles, “What up?!” Mikey greeted excitedly.

Carla and Melanie screamed in shock at the sight of them, “First mutant bees and now mutant turtles?” Carla asked in shock.

“Relax, Carla. They're my friends.” Creepie calmed her and Melanie.

“They're all our friends.” Budge put in.

“They're right,” Leo answered, “I'm Leonardo, and these are my bros, Donatello, Raphael, and Michelangelo.”

“Hi.” Melanie waved nervously.

“We know this is a lot to take in, but we're here to help.” April assured her.

“Um, where's the professor?” Shini looked around.

“He's back inside holding off the bee brigade.” Budge answered.

“Then we gotta get in there.” Karai said.

“Right,” Leo agreed, “Everyone brace yourself. Bee stings hurt, but mutant bee stings are just as painful.”

“Well at least this time you won't turn into zombie slaves from them.” Mikey reminded his bros who gave him dry looks, before Raph clonked his head.

“Let's go!” Sunset ordered, as they hurried back inside.

As they ran through the hall, Fluttershy looked around, “You know, Creepie, you do have a nice school.”

“We'll take the tour later, Fluttershy.” Twilight told her.

“Where's Regina?” Donnie asked Creepie.

“Cafeteria.” the bug girl answered.

“Hope the food there is better than the kind they serve at our school.” Casey told April.

“Somehow I doubt that.” April replied.

Back in the cafeteria, the whole place was starting to look like a honeycomb where the students and faculty who were all unconscious were trapped inside each hole like a prison. Fugitoid held out as long as he could but was restrained by some of the mutants. Regina who was sitting on a makeshift throne was drinking honey while watching her worker bee mutants build her new hive.

“Ah, yes. It's good to be the queen.” Regina said boastfully.

“Well, hope you're ready to surrender your crown.” came Leo's voice, as the Turtles, ninjas, Rainbooms, and the kids entered.

“My friends!” Fugtoid gasped.

“What is this?!” Regina demanded.

“We brought back up.” Creepie said.

Regina eyeballed the turtles, “Really, you brought turtles to your fight.”

“We ain't your garden variety turtles, bee girl.” Mikey warned her.

“We're teenagers!” Leo began.

“We're mutants!” Donnie followed up.

“And we're ninjas!” Raph finished.

“And we're the teens that're gonna leave you stung!” Rainbow boasted.

Regina just laughed, “Oh, that's rich!” she noticed the serious looks on their faces, “Wait, you're serious?”

“As a heart attack.” Casey replied.

Regina frowned, before turning to her minions, “Attack!” her mutant bees buzzed flying for the heroes.

“Take 'em!” Leo ordered, as the team spread out.

As some bee mutants were flying at Rainbow and Applejack the two struck the bees with their weapons, before Rainbow started running circles around the mutants making them dizzy.

Applejack used her super strength to pick up a single cafeteria table and chucked it at three more mutants. Carla and Melanie watched in awe.

“Wow, I knew Rainbow Dash was the athletic Rainboom, but that's faster than a normal athlete.” Carla gasped.

“And Applejack's sure strong.” Melanie added.

“They're not the only ones gifted.” April said, as she threw her tessen and using her psychic powers maneuvered it around slicing down several bee mutants..

Mikey, Raph, Casey, and Keno were facing off against a few bee mutants whack and cutting them down to size.

“Watch out for the stingers!” Casey called, as he used his tazer to shock one of the bees.

“Don't have to tell me twice!” Raph replied, as he stabbed one with his sai.

As Mikey fought one bee mutant he was knocked over to the lunch counter where he saw an array of foods, “No pizza? What kind of cafeteria is this?”

Donnie, Rarity, Shini, and Fluttershy were dodging more of the mutants, as Fluttershy spoke, “Oh, I hate the fact we're attacking insects. They might've been friends of Creepie's.”

“If they were hanging around Regina, I doubt they are Creepie's friends.” Shini assured the shy girl.

“Shini's right. These insects don't care who they harm as long as they serve their queen.” Rarity said, as she used her sickles to cut down two bee mutants, before projecting a diamond shield to block one that tried to sting her.

Donnie was whacking the bee mutants away with his staff, “Oh, not this time! I've been stung before. And I'm not gonna get a swelled up face again!” he used the spear part of his staff to stab one bee mutant.

Pinkie was bouncing around the cafeteria dodging bees, before kicking one away, and lassoing one with her chain and swung it into two more.

“Whoopsie!” Pinkie giggled, before more bee mutants surrounded her, “Uh, oh.”

The mutants readied their stingers, until Pinkie readied some sprinkles, “Surprise!” she tossed them up and they exploded confusing the mutant insects.

The mutants tried to get themselves together only to see a cannon on the floor with Pinkie standing by it, “Double surprise!” she pulled the cord and the cannon shot multiple pies out of it nailing the bee mutants making them fall to the floor.

Sunset Shimmer slid underneath a cafeteria table before reaching the other side and threw one of her kunai at one bee mutant nailing it as it fell to the floor. She collected the kunai before noticing three bees flying around her.

“Hey, guys, what's the buzz?” her eyes widened, “I can't believe I just said that.” the bees fly at Sunset who dodged each of their stingers, before throwing a kunai each as they went deep into the three making them fall to the ground.

Regina watched in disbelief as her army was being defeated, “No! I will not accept defeat!”

“Accept it or not, it's clear as day, Regina,” came Leo's voice, as he, Twilight, Karai, and Fugitoid stood close, “You've lost.”

Regina hissed, “Not yet!” she flew at the group and tried to sting them. She just managed to graze the sleeve of Twilight's blouse.

“Twilight!” Leo called, as he looked at her arm.

“How is it?” she asked.

“Don't worry, she didn't get you.” Leo assured her.

Spike poked out of Twilight's backpack, “Still that was too close.”

Over by the kids, Carla and Melanie overheard Spike, “Did Twilight's dog just talk?” Melanie asked.

“What next? Insects can talk too?” Carla asked rhetorically, as Chris-Alice spoke.

“Yeah, about that.”

But Chris-Alice didn't have time, as Regina after flying past Leo and the girls was flying right for them, “You're mine!”

The kids braced themselves, until Regina was stopped in place. She hissed and looked back seeing Karai gripping one of her bug legs with her snake arm, while her face was snake-like, “Leave those kids alone!” the ninja girl hissed.

“Fine, I'll start with you!” Regina flew at Karai who went full snake mutant and started wrestling with Regina in the air.

“That girl turned into a snake!” Carla gasped.

“Yeah, this day's full of surprises, isn't it?” Budge asked.

Creepie getting an idea looked to Chris-Alice, “Chris-Alice, you still carry a can of bug spray on you?”

“Yes. I know you don't like it when I do, but dads orders.”

“Good. I'll need it.” Creepie replied.

Karai wrestled Regina to the ground, as the bee girl looked up seeing the turtles and their friends standing victoriously as the floor was littered with defeated bee mutants.

Leo aimed his sword in Regina's direction, “Your army has fallen. Your reign as queen is over.”

“Hardly,” Regina hissed, “I'll get more bee mutants and mark my words I will reign forever!”

“Hey, Regina!” came Creepie's voice, as Regina turned around seeing Creepie holding out the bug spray can from Chris-Alice, “Buzz off!” she sprayed Regina making the bee girl cry in pain.

“Booyakasha!” the turtles announced, as the four performed a shell shock on the bee girl knocking her out.

Carla looked down at the unconscious queen bee, “Is she...”

“No, just knocked out.” Leo assured her.

“Come on. We got to get everyone out of here.” Sunset said, as they broke open the honeycombs and pulled the students and teachers all that were unconscious.

“They're all ok.” Donnie explained.

“Yeah, good, but what do we do about all this?” Applejack motioned to the defeated bee mutants, as well as the unconscious Regina.

“Better put in another call to the EPF.” Donnie sighed.

Later on, the entire school cafeteria was cleaned up courtesy of the EPF, and everyone woke up thinking it was all just a dream. When school let out, Carla spoke to Creepie, “So what happened with Regina?”

“Fugitoid said the EPF took her in where she'll be incarcerated. I don't think we'll be seeing her anytime soon.” the bug girl explained.

“Well, good riddance.” Carla said.

“Yeah, she was a buzzkill.” Melanie said.

“Melanie, no bee puns.” Carla told her.


“But you and your friends got a lot of explaining to do, Creepie.” Carla told the short girl.

“Understood.” Creepie replied.

Soon Creepie brought her friends, Carla, and Melanie to her place, “Wait, this is where you live?!” Carla asked in shock.

“But this is the house where...” Melanie recalled.

“Yeah, I heard you went here instead of Chris-Alice's party due to the mix up on the invite.” Creepie remembered what her family told her.

“Oh, so that's what happened,” Chris-Alice realized, “Oopsy daisy.” she giggled.

“But this house is haunted.” Carla said shivering.

“Not haunted. But you'll find out. Come on in.” Creepie showed everyone inside.

The turtles and all their friends waited for them inside, “Hey, glad you got here in one piece.” Karai said.

“Well Carla and Melanie deserve answers if it's all right with you, Leo.” Creepie told the lead turtle.

Leo nodded, before turning to the two girls, “You both have the right to know everything you just witnessed.”

“You're darn right we do.” Carla confirmed.

“But first, let me introduce you to my family.” Creepie said, as all the bugs of the house swarmed together.

“Bugs!” Carla and Melanie clung to each other screaming.

“It's ok, girls. They won't bite.” Creepie assured them.

Pauly spoke up, “Unless ya got something sweet on ya that is.”

“Sweet-sweet!” Gnat cheered.

“Bugs do talk?” Carla asked.

“I will never be surprised ever again.” Melanie said in shock.

“Carla, Melanie, it's time you knew everything. But then again I already told you my side of the story.”

Carla and Melanie thought back and remembered when they had a game of true story and fake story with Creepie, and they called Creepie's story a fake, “You mean that story... Was about you?” Carla asked in shock.

“For real?” Melanie asked.

“Oh, yeah.” Creepie confirmed.

The two looked at each other feeling awkward and embarrassed. Leo approached, “And now it's time you heard our stories.” the two girls nodded giving them their full attention.

Later after a proper introduction to everyone, the turtles explained their origin along with their adventures in New York and such, while the Rainbooms discussed their side of the story and how they got involved with the turtles.

“And here we are today!” Pinkie grinned.

“O.M.Gosh!” Carla gasped, “You're rock stars and ninjas?” she asked the Rainbooms.

“Eeyup.” Applejack chuckled.

“Crazy, we know.” Sunset said.

“And you all fought monsters, mutants, aliens, and so many other creatures?” Melanie asked.

“More or less.” Raph admitted.

“And you all have magical powers?” Carla asked the Rainbooms.

“We sure do.” Pinkie smiled.

“Wow. Today ended up being more than I expected.” Carla said in surprise.

“Well, now that you two know we ask you never to tell anyone about us. And I mean no one.” Leo instructed the two girls.

“Like anyone would believe us.” Carla replied.

“Yeah, I mean who would actually believe mutant turtles and magical girls exist?” Melanie asked rhetorically.

“Even so, for the guys safety and everything we ask you don't reveal any of this to anyone else.” April said.

“Well, you did save our lives. So we owe you that much,” Carla smiled, “Your secrets safe with us.”

“Forever.” Melanie finished.

“Thanks, girls.” Twilight said gratefully.

Carla then turned to Creepie looking guilty, and spoke, “Hey, Creepie. I want to apologize to you.”

“Apologize, for what?” she asked raising a brow.

“For all the times I tried to make you be normal like everyone else. I thought you were the way you were because you were weird, but it turns out this is just how you were raised. And I shouldn't try to make you into someone you're not.”

“Hey, it happens.” Creepie shrugged.

“So does that mean we can be actual friends?” Carla hoped.

“Yeah, can we?” Melanie asked.

Creepie looked to the two, “Girls, we were never not friends.”

The two girls smiled happily, as Mikey and Pinkie brought them in for a group hug, “Ooh, hugs all around!” Pinkie cheered.

“Yeah bring it in!” Mikey cheered.

As Carla and Melanie were hugged close to Mikey with Creepie, the popular girl asked the bug girl, “The turtles don't have salmonella do they?” Creepie just chuckled.

That night, Dr. Pierce and Buzzworth were coming back to the doc's hideout carrying jars of new insects specimens.

“Well, Buzzworth, I say we got ourselves some fascinating new subjects to experiment on.” the doc began.

“Oh, yes, father. I can't wait to see what they turn out like.” Buzzworth buzzed.

As they entered the hideout, the two stopped seeing someone in the shadows of the room, “Who's there?!” Pierce demanded.

“About time. I was waiting for you to return.” the intruder said still sticking to the shadows.

“Buzzworth, seize him!” Pierce ordered.

“On it!” Buzzworth flew at the intruder ready to attack only to be grabbed by the throat.

“Pitiful!” the intruder said before throwing him back over to Pierce, “And yet, your knowledge of all things insects has brought me to you, Dr. Pierce.”

“Who are you?” Dr. Pierce demanded.

“You may call me...” the figure stepped into the light to reveal a familiar purple insect alien, “Dregg!” Pierce and Buzzworth gasped at the sight of the intruder.