• Published 21st Nov 2021
  • 4,531 Views, 254 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls Bugged Out - Wildcard25

The Turtles and Rainbooms are off to the town of Middlington to recover mutagen with the help of a girl who is shall we say... Creepie.

  • ...

Return of the Queen Bee

In a room were various beehive boxes set up wit several bees flying around. Approaching was Regina who had just finished a jar of honey. In her other hand was a canister of mutagen which she had got from Dr. Pierce.

She sat the mutagen on a table and opened one end of the canister up. She whistled, and swarms of bees flew towards her, as she spoke, “Yes, my workers. Soon I will have my revenge on Creepie Creecher, and that second rate queen Carla for stealing my subjects from me. And you will assist me. With this mutagen, you will become better than you already are. Now, feast!”

The bees all started flying to the exposed mutagen and started sucking some of it up one by one. Regina watched as the bees started buzzing loudly as the insects started casting huge shadows off the wall indicating their mutation was starting. The bee girl watched with a sinister grin knowing tomorrow she would take her rightful place as queen bee of Middlington Middle School.

The very next day, Creepie, Budge, and Chris-Alice were walking the school halls on their way to their opening class where Fugitoid was teaching.

As they walked they overheard a conversation between Carla and Melanie, “I don't believe this,” Carla sighed, “I thought I'd be able to find the Rainbooms here in Middlington, but so far not a trace of them.”

“I know,” Melanie agreed, “You'd think they just passed through instead of stopping here?”

“If they did, I couldn't blame them,” Carla replied, “Why would the Rainbooms wanna stop in a town like this? And I was so looking forward to meeting them, and get some fashion tips from Rarity.”

As the trio listened, they couldn't help but chuckle knowing the Rainbooms were much closer than they two knew. But couldn't tell them because they had to remain undercover while trying to procure the mutagen Pierce had on him. Nevertheless they continued on before entering the class room with the other students.

“Good morning, students.” Fugitoid greeted.

“Good morning, Professor Honeycutt.” they answered.

“I do hope you're all excited for a wonderful day of learning the wonders of science!” Fugitoid spoke all giddy, while noticing some students just gave him dry expressions, while Budge and Chris-Alice smiled in respect while Creepie being who she is remained indifferent, “Now then, let's start by opening our books to chapter-” Fugitoid was cut off by the sound of the classroom door opening.

“Sorry I'm late.”

Everyone looked to the classroom entrance, as Creepie and her friends gasped. There in the doorway stood Regina who smirked smugly.

“Regina!” Creepie and Carla gasped to themselves.

“Oh, hello. Forgive me but I don't recall your name on my class roster.” Fugitoid said.

“I see. Well, perhaps it's not up to date.” Regina said, as she strut her way to an empty seat, ignoring the staring eyes at her from Creepie and Carla.

“Ok, then. On with today's lesson.” Fugitoid said, while feeling unsure of the sudden arrival.

Later on as class ended, Creepie and her friends walked, as Chris-Alice spoke, “Wow, we haven't seen Regina since Carla took back her role as the school's queen bee.”

“And for good reason too.” Creepie reminded her.

“I can't believe I fell victim to her bee charms.” Budge sighed.

“Just about everyone did. And it wasn't necessarily your fault,” Creepie explained, “After all being a queen bee that she is, she somehow managed to get everyone to follow her lead.”

Carla and Melanie walked along side them, “That diva has some nerve showing her face here at school,” Carla growled, “Can't she just accept defeat and move on?”

“Uh-oh, there looks like trouble.” Chris-Alice motioned to Regina up ahead who was heading their way.

The group stopped in their tracks, as Regina stood before them, “Well, if it isn't my disloyal subjects,” she motioned to Budge, Chris-Alice, and Melanie who looked nervous. She turned to Carla and Creepie, “And the usurper who took my crown, and her creepy friend. I mean her friend Creepie.” she sneered.

“What're you doing here, Regina?” Carla demanded.

“In case you forgot, you were overthrown.” Creepie reminded her.

“Oh, I assure you, I intend to take the throne back, and you will all be wishing you stayed loyal to me.” Regina promised, as she strut right past them.

“Should we be worried?” Chris-Alice asked.

“I sure am.” Melanie said nervously.

“I'm not afraid of her.” Carla said confidently.

Creepie looked back and forth between them, knowing despite Carla's confidence, she has no idea what Regina really is. But knowing the truth, she ducked around a corner and pulled out a T-phone Donnie gave her.

Back at Creepie's home, the ninjas and Rainbooms were either lounging around or exercising. Donnie was looking over a map of the town with April, Leo, Sunset, and Twilight observing. Donnie marked x's off certain spots, “So far these locations have been dead ends to Dr. Pierce's whereabouts.”

“And there's still many other places to check out.” Twilight inspected.

“So what say we get back out there and check?” Casey suggested.

“I agree with Casey,” Raph agreed, “I want some action here!”

Leo's T-Phone rang, as he spoke, “Hold that thought,” he answered it, “Creepie, what's up? Huh? Where? Are you sure? Ok, we'll be right over.” he ended his call.

“What's going on, Leo?” Karai asked.

“Creepie, she said there's someone at her school that she has history with. Bad history.” Leo answered.

“Who?” Fluttershy asked.

“A girl named Regina.”

“Regina?” Wallflower asked in surprise, as all eyes fell on her.

“Wallflower, do you know her?” Mikey asked.

“Not directly, but a few nights ago Creepie talked about her with me.” Wallflower flashed back to a few nights ago.


Wallflower was with Creepie in the backyard, as they trained together. Afterward they stopped for a break as they started talking about school life.

“So Sunset Shimmer really was a bad girl?” Creepie asked getting her side.

“Yeah. To everyone. Although, not to me. Not because I was special or anything. It's because even back then I didn't exist to her or anybody. Even after she changed her ways she still didn't know I existed. And that drove me to feeling bitter about her.”

“Which led to you finding the Memory Stone and removed all good memories of her from her friends, and the students at CHS.” Creepie recalled the story.

“Yeah,” Wallflower sighed, “I just wanted her to suffer and be ignored the same way I always felt. She acted like she ran the school and that suddenly everyone was ok with her when she went straight. But I shouldn't have done what I did. And not a day goes by I wish I could take it all back.”

Creepie patted the teenagers arm, “It happens. Though I will say my classmate Carla fails in comparison to how Sunset was as a queen bee.”

“Is Carla a friend of yours?”

“I wouldn't truly say friend, more like mutual acquaintance,” Creepie replied, “But she has her moments. In fact I once helped her.”


“One day this new girl Regina arrived right when Carla was absent due to a dental appointment. Regina upon arriving had slowly started gaining the loyalty of Carla's crowd, the students, and the faculty making them all act like mindless drones catering to her every whim. Sort of like worker bees to their queen.”

“Whoa.” Wallflower gasped, “So how come you weren't affected by her?”

“I grew up with insects, her ability had no effect on me,” Creepie answered, “When Carla returned, she didn't like that her friend Melanie and the rest of her crew dumped her for Regina. While Carla started feeling like she'd never become alpha girl again, I was keeping a close eye on Regina knowing she wasn't as she seemed. I decided to bring her true colors out by helping Carla regain her title.”

“And how?”

“By having the two compete in a series of contests for the title of Queen Bee. Carla won, and I decided to confront Regina who revealed herself to be some bee witch.”

“Bee witch?” Wallflower asked in confusion.

“Yes. And like a Queen Bee she used some kind of bee pheromones to bend everyone in school to her will.”

“Well, Sunset once tried something like that turning students into zombies. But it didn't last long. Still, that Regina sounds like a dangerous girl.”

“I know. Luckily I scared her off with one of Carla's hairspray can by making it look like a can of bug spray.”

“Clever.” Wallflower smiled.

“I know. She buzzed off and we never saw her again.”

“Well, at least Sunset learned her lesson. Same couldn't be said for your Regina.”

“That's for sure.” Creepie nodded.

“Glad we could have this talk, Creepie.” Wallflower smiled.

“Me too.” Creepie agreed, as the two high fived.

(Flashback ends)

“You think Regina's come back to stir up trouble?” Sunset asked.

“If what Wallflower said is true, and Creepie's warning there's no doubt about it.” Leo said.

“We better head over to the school and keep an eye on it.” Applejack suggested.

“My thoughts exactly.” Rainbow agreed.

“So let's go!” Mikey called, as they all hurried out the door after grabbing their weapons and such.

Back at the school, the students were at lunch, with Creepie, Budge, and Chris-Alice sitting together. While Carla, Melanie, and the rest of her crew were at another. Suddenly the doors flung open, and Regina stepped in grabbing everyone's attention.

“Listen up everyone. As you are aware I was once leader of this school, until a certain someone usurped my position.” Regina glared at Carla who frowned and stood up announcing back.

“Get a clue, Regina! You lost fair and square.”

Regina frowned, “Well, I'm taking back the crown, and you will never stand in my way again.”

“Oh, yeah? You and what army?” Carla challenged her.

Regina smirked, “This one.”

Suddenly flying into the cafeteria from the entrance was a swarm of mutant bees whose buzzing echoed throughout the room.

“Holy guacamole!” Chris-Alice gasped, as the students screamed in fright, before taking cover under the tables.

“This is messed up.” Budge gasped.

“Oh, boy.” Creepie gasped knowing something like this was bound to happen.

Carla was snatched up by one of the bee mutants and brought over to Regina who gripped her chin and made Carla face her, “You took my workers, so now I brought new ones. And when I'm done with you, you'll know what it really means to be a queen bee!” she started laughing maniacally as she shed her human appearance and transformed into her bee hybrid form much to everyone's shock.