• Published 21st Nov 2021
  • 4,556 Views, 254 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls Bugged Out - Wildcard25

The Turtles and Rainbooms are off to the town of Middlington to recover mutagen with the help of a girl who is shall we say... Creepie.

  • ...

The Tarantula Boy

At Creepie's mansion Sunday afternoon, the Ninjas and the Rainbooms were relaxing after a good long training exercise. As everyone relaxed, Raph noticed Creepie looked surprisingly happy.

“You know, Creepie, normally no one's so happy after completing a long training segment.”

“Well, I'm like this because one of my other friends is coming over today to meet you all.” Creepie explained.

“Another friend?” April asked, as everyone looked at her curious.

“Yeah. And this friend of mine shares so much in common with me.”

“How is that?” Rainbow wondered.

When the doorbell rang, Creepie answered, “You'll find out in a moment.” she creeped to the door and opened it to reveal her crush Skipper.

“Hi, Creepie.” he greeted her.

“Hey, you. Come in.” Creepie showed him inside.

As they walked the ninjas all saw him, “Everybody, I'd like to you meet my friend, Skipper.”

Before any of them could say anything Raph and Casey burst out laughing, “Skipper?!” they laughed.

“Who seriously names someone after the position of someone on a boat?” Raph asked between laughs.

“I know, right?” Casey laughed along. The two were silenced by April and Fluttershy who smacked them in the back of their heads.


“Be nice!” Fluttershy warned them.

"Seriously, guys." April said in disappointment.

Sunset approached, “It's nice to meet you, Skipper.” she offered her hand.

Skipper smiled and shook it, “Thank you. I can hardly believe I'm finally meeting the famous Rainbooms and friends.”

“Yeah, we do got us a rep going on.” Rainbow boasted.

Skipper looked to the Turtles, “And I'm finally meeting the famous ninja turtles Creepie told me about.”

“Nice to meetcha, bro.” Mikey greeted with a fist bump.

“So you're Creepie's friend?” Donnie asked.

“Yes.” Skipper admitted while hiding a blush upon glancing back at Creepie who did the same.

Rarity catching this cooed, “Ooh, looks like we've got young love before us!”

The two kids looked away embarrassed, before Applejack spoke, “So how did ya'll meet?”

“I met Skipper at a carnival's freak show awhile back.” Creepie began.

“A freak show?” Shini asked in confusion.

“He doesn't look like he belongs in a freak show.” Keno noticed.

“Unless he's got some kind of deformity on him,” Pinkie said suspiciously, before getting close to Skipper, “Do you?”

“Not like that,” Skipper assured her, “I actually worked there under the alias of Tarantula Boy.”

“Tarantula Boy?” Fugitoid asked.

“Yes. I would perform while wearing a tarantula costume as a half boy half spider being.”

“Sweet.” Mikey said.

Creepie spoke up, “At first I thought Skipper was an actual spider human hybrid and Tarantula Boy was his real name,” she looked down guilty, “But when I learned of his real name and he was just a performer in a costume I sort of walked out on him.”

“What?!” the girls asked in shock.

“Well, that's just being rude.” Applejack scolded her.

“Indeed. Just because he wasn't an actual human spider didn't mean you had to just avoid him.” Rarity agreed.

“Believe me, I'm not proud of that anymore.” Creepie assured her.

“So then what?” Twilight wondered to Skipper.

“Well, I got done with working at the carnival and became an actor in a movie staring me under my alias. I invited Creepie to the screening and thankfully she accepted it.”

“I couldn't resist it.” Creepie shrugged at everyone, “We hung out a bit more until I discovered he and I are more alike than we both knew.”

“And how's that?” Leo asked.

“Both of us weren't raised by humans.” Skipper admitted.

“You weren't raised by people?” Spike asked, as the boy shook his head.

“So who raised you?” Karai asked.

Skipper smiled before looking out the front door, “Ok, mom. You can come in.”

Suddenly to everyone's surprise a giant tarantula dropped in and entered. Needless to say the whole group looked up in shock.

“What the?!” Mikey gasped.

“O.M. Gosh!” Wallflower gasped.

“Hello, everyone. It's so nice to meet you all,” the big tarantula spoke in a woman's voice, “I'm Skipper's mother, Marge.”

Leo swallowing his shock approached, “Nice to meet you, ma'am. I'm Leonardo, these are my brothers, Donatello, Raphael, and Michelangelo.”

“A pleasure to meet you boys, and your friends from New York,” Marge said, before turning to the girls, “And Canterlot High's Rainbooms. You girls put on a lively performance if the trending videos are anything to go by.”

“Thank you, ma'am.” Sunset replied respectively.

Raph blinked before turning to Skipper, “You were really raised by a spider?”

“That's right.” he confirmed.

“I didn't realize this until Marge rescued us from Dr. Pierce.” Creepie explained.

“Dr. Pierce?” April asked in surprise, “What was he doing after you two?”

“He really was after me,” Skipper confessed, “Much like Creepie he also believe from the advertisement I was an actual half human half spider and wanted to make me part of his collection.”

“Ok, that Pierce is crazier than we thought.” Rainbow said.

“That's for sure.” Casey agreed.

“And it turns out our moms are actually old friends,” Creepie put in, “So I learned Skipper may not have been what I initially thought he was,” she smiled before standing closer to him, “But he's still a great guy anyway.” Skipper smiled, as they held hands.

The girls smiled sweetly, as Skipper spoke, “Creepie's told me you are all here because Dr. Pierce has acquired a chemical to make mutants.”

“It's called mutagen,” Donnie answered, “And yeah, so far he's made some serious bad bugs with it.”

“And gave some of it to a botanist who wanted to make mutant plants.” Wallflower added.

“I've been trying to help them find the doc and recover the mutagen before he uses it to make more deadly bug mutants.” Creepie told her crush.

“All while training to be a ninja, right?” Skipper recalled what she told him.

“Uh-huh.” Creepie nodded.

“I do like a girl who knows how to defend herself.” Skipper admitted making Creepie blush, “And if you all need help, my mom and I would be more than willing to lend a hand.”

“Or eight.” Marge joked, as the group laughed.

“We really appreciate it, Skipper.” Leo said.

“Of course. Isn't this what friends do?” Skipper asked rhetorically.

“It sure is.” Pinkie smiled.

Mikey spoke to the boy, “You know Skipper, I also happen to have my own insect alias.” the ninjas groaned, while Skipper looked intrigued.

“Really? Who is that?”

“He was once known as Turflytle. Half turtle, half bug, all hero. His origin is a deep and tragic back story...” Mikey began dramatically, as Nat and Pauly were shining flashlights down on him.

Raph interrupted him, “Get over yourself. My bros and I just dressed Mikey up in a makeshift bug costume to use as bait.”

“What did the costume look like?” Skipper asked.

“Luckily for you I always keep an image on my phone.” Mikey pulled out his T-Phone to reveal he had a whole folder filled with pictures of him posing as Turflytle.

Creepie and Skipper looked at the images of Mikey in costume, and while Skipper smiled uncomfortably, Creepie raised a brow before looking at Mikey with a dry look, “There's no way anyone would mistake you for a bug with a costume like that. Not even me.”

“Oh, yeah?” Mikey asked leaning closer, “Well, it so happens I once fooled another mutant bug enemy of ours named Scumbug.”

“Then that must've been one dumb bug.” Creepie said.

“More or less.” Casey replied.

“So what happened to Turflytle?” Skipper asked the goofy turtle.

Mikey sighed, “He fell in battle during a fight with an insidious villain known as Dr. Malignus.”

“Long story short, Dr. Malignus destroyed Mikey's bug costume, but he made a comeback.” Donnie explained.

“All to impress an awesome superhero team called the Justice Force.” Rainbow put in.

“Sorry about your costume.' Skipper patted Mikey's shoulder.

“Meh, it's all good. Besides I'll always be regarded as the Pillar of Heart.” Mikey stood proudly.

“I'd like to hear more about your ninja adventures if that's ok with you.” Skipper requested the group.

“As would I.” Marge agreed sounding just as curious.

“Well, we got a lot to talk about.” Leo admitted.

“And each adventure is more crazy than the other.” Rarity added.

“I don't mind.” Skipper replied, as they all got comfy.

Later on at Dr. Pierce's hideout, the doctor was sitting at a table where someone sat on the other side shrouded in shadow but strangely there were a couple of honey bees flying around.

“I heard you're the one to talk to about in acquiring mutagen?” the figure in the shadows asked in a female voice.

“You've heard correctly,” Pierce confirmed, “And it is true you seek vengeance against the girl Creepie?”

“More than you know.” the girl asked while buzzing.

“Then perhaps maybe you can be of some help to me,” Pierce smirked, “Buzzworth!”

Buzzworth flew onto the scene, “Yes, sir?”

“Show our guest the goods.”

Buzzworth complied, before flying over to retrieve a single canister of the mutagen stash. He placed it on the table, as Pierce spoke to his customer, “I give you this, and I expect Creepie and her new friends to be dealt with. Can you deliver on that?”

The figure stepped into the light to reveal to be Regina the bee girl that became Alpha Girl at Middlington Middle School bending all students except Creepie and Carla to her will.

“Not to worry, they're as good as squashed.” she downed a jar of honey, before licking her lips.