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Episode 15 - Battle of the Beasts

Episode 15 - Unleash the Monster


For possibly the last time, Adagio would be in this apartment. No matter what would happen tonight, she would never be coming back here. It was a weird feeling. For decades, she and her sisters had called this place home. A rather eye-catching high rise in the city, which they were able to afford given their years of investment of money and assets. But now it was time to leave it all behind. Once their full power would be restored, they could do whatever they want. Admittedly, Adagio couldn't help but admire her room. It was her place of solitude in dark times, and where she felt the most safe. After today, she would no longer need it.

“We won’t have to hide any longer. These humans will bow down to us. No more living in fear, waiting for the day that the humans
would destroy themselves, and us.”

In the living room, Sonata and Aria were busy packing everything away. Piles of boxes lay displaced around them as decades of belongings were stored away, seeing the light of day for potentially the last time. They at least had some keepsakes from their incredibly long lives, all from various eras of humanity’s history.

Aria’s pick was a dagger, but not just any dagger. From what she had been told, this dagger was one of the twenty-three used to assassinate the Roman dictator Julius Caesar.

Sonata had chosen a much more innocent item, that being a bronze bracelet inscribed with Italian glyphs. A favourite of hers from the Renaissance.

Then there was Adagio, who had always kept her keepsake close to her, but always hidden. The one blemish on her otherwise flawless figure, found on her chest. Just above her cleavage, sat a scar, seared into her flesh from long ago. While the ages had healed the wound, it never fully disappeared. An eternal mockery from the humans she so despised. She was forever marked, a physical reminder that she had been defeated. In her mind, it was just another validation for her conquest. Yet she was not the only one to carry scars, though hers were the most physical. Her sisters had taken their fair share of emotional scars over the centuries, though they were always remiss to talk about them.

“Is this really necessary, Adagio? Can’t we just call this whole thing off and live our lives?”

Sonata, ever the optimist, tried one last time to talk her sisters out of their attempt to rule the world. If there was one thing her sisters had picked up over the years, it was that Sonata was never a fan of the violence they had to commit at times. Adagio knew it all too well. She never understood why her younger sibling was so against securing her own safety, but never truly held it against her. Out of the three of them, Sonata had been the one to keep some part of herself intact. It gave Adagio some comfort that at least one of them hadn't gone insane. At least, that's how it seemed on the surface.

“She’s always been so secretly clever. Always able to keep her true feelings just below the surface. Sweet, innocent Sonata. Always smiling. Always pushing forward.”

The request mulled over in Adagio's head. Maybe it was the safest option they had. Even now, forces were massing against them that could upset their plans. Was it time to let this whole vendetta go and move forward with their lives? In the end, she couldn't let it go. Centuries of resentment sat in her mind, memories of the pain caused by humans. Of the three, Adagio was the only one who couldn't relent.

“If we don’t go through with this, we’ll never be safe. It’s only a matter of time before we’re discovered. We already have that Spider freak nosing around the place. And if the Rainbooms have figured out our plot, then rest assured they’ve undoubtedly recruited him in order to stop us. Not only that, but that guy that's been fueling us? He’s no ordinary human. If he decides to turn all that rage against us, we’re in big trouble!”

The last thing Adagio wanted to do was terrify her sisters into complying with her plan. But in her mind the situation was that desperate now. Aria on the other hand was paying less and less attention as she packed her things away. Her desire to speak her mind to Adagio grew every moment she heard her talking down to Sonata, given her own reluctance to go ahead with this plan too. For now, she bit her tongue, wanting only to see this through to the end.


The Rainbooms had been in a weird headspace all morning while they packed their gear. There was this unspoken silence between all of them. But they knew why. Just inside the Apple homestead, Twilight sat with Peter while he lay on the couch, his skin almost aflame with heat. No matter what she tried to do to alleviate his fever, nothing worked. Any moisture applied to his forehead burned away in seconds, and any liquid she managed to work down his throat didn't seem to work either. “If this keeps going, he’ll die of dehydration. By my estimate, he has until the end of the day before his body burns through all its moisture. We have to deal with the Sirens now!”

As she stood up to leave, Twilight left a bunch of towels covered in water all over Peter's body, in the vain hope that it would keep him going until they returned. “I promise I’ll fix this, Peter. I promise. I’m so sorry I dragged you into this…” The mood outside wasn't any better. The girls had loaded up their instruments and were waiting for Twilight, though they felt less than optimistic. Atop the van was Spider-Man, who once again had joined the group to provide assistance. Despite his presence, it did little to lift morale. The only one still trying to have a semblance of positivity was Sunset.
“Come on girls. We can still do this. All you have to do is play your hearts out and we can win. Isn't that right, Twilight?”

At that moment, Twilight didn't want to be the one with all the answers. She didn't want to be the one that everyone relied on. She just wanted to shut the rest of the world out of her head for a moment. The pressure was finally beginning to set in for her. “I… I’m not sure anymore. I think bringing Peter here was a terrible mistake. His anger has been fueling the Sirens. Everything they've been capable of is on me. Because I brought him here. I’m so sorry…” Tears began to form in Twilight's eyes, the events of the past few days now weighing down on her mind. Though there was one thing she was forgetting - she wasn't alone in this. Seeing their friend in such a desperate state, the girls huddled around and hugged her. She could feel their warmth lift her spirits, and her tears began to dry.

“Thank you, girls. Sometimes I forget that I don’t have to do this all on my own. I have you all standing with me! Come on, we have to stop the Sirens and save Peter!” With Twilight's spirits lifted, the rest of the group began to feel the same. With newfound vigour, they all shuffled into the van, ready to face off against the Sirens. Spider-Man stayed on the roof as he usually would, the van already full as is. As they drove off, Twilight continued to think over their plan, but with some different ideas. “Perhaps Peter was right. We need to think this through. I believe in my friends, but I can’t gamble their lives on sheer chance. I'll have to make a quick stop in Equestria.”


Inside the Apple house, Peter was having anything but positive thoughts. Every breath felt like his lungs were filled with glass, and the dampness of the towels placed on him earlier had long since worn off. He felt like he was cooking in his own skin, and every second that passed, he wanted to tear it off. All this pain made sleeping difficult, and any sleep he could get was offset by horrendous nightmares. Each time Peter slipped into unconsciousness, he began to see memories he wanted to keep buried. Memories that had been keeping him awake for weeks now. In his nightmares, he saw a ruined city and a bridge.

“Get out of here, Peter!”

“Peter… I love you…”

“Godspeed, Spider-Man!”

It became too much. Shooting up from his slumber, Peter could feel his skin slick with sweat. The couch too was soaked through. Looking outside, he could see the faint light of dusk. “Have to get outside… To the cold air. Too… Warm…” The night air felt incredible on his skin. It at least helped to alleviate some of his suffering, yet the burning sensation was still there. He remembered seeing a lake close to the house. Perhaps that would do the trick. He didn't even care to remove his clothes as he approached the lake, figuring they needed the wash anyway. Stepping into the ice cold water, steam began to eject from the lake's surface as it came into contact with Peter's volcanic skin.

“That's… so much better!” The cold water mixed with the night air seemed to be doing the job. Peter was starting to feel more like himself, and yet he still felt like a husk. Something was still killing him. The only thing that sprung to mind was the Sirens influence still taking its toll on him. “Guess I’ll just have to rely on Twilight to figure out that problem. I’m no good to them like this. They’ve got a Spider-Man looking out for them anyway. They don’t need me. I’ll just chill here and enjoy the moonlight.”

Laying back on the bank of the lake, Peter looked up to appreciate the moonlight. But something about him felt strange as his gaze connected to the moon. The burning sensation under his skin returned with a vengeance, practically boiling him alive. His tail began to stiffen, taking on a mind of its own, like it had become possessed. Every bone in his body felt like it was breaking and reforming over and over again. In a panic, he dragged himself out of the lake, writhing on the ground in agony.

In the back of his mind, Peter could sense something through the pain. He recognised who he was sensing, and his blood began to boil with an intense heat. This feeling, this fiery hatred that began to course through his blood. It was almost as if the pain no longer mattered. All he could focus on was ending it. And he knew of only one way to do so. Dragging himself to his feet, Peter began marching back towards the city, the laughter of the Sirens echoing in his mind, mocking him the entire way. The only thought in his mind was removing their influence. No matter what.



“My Spider-Sense hasn't felt like this since… Yesterday. When I fought Peter. It can’t be him, can it?” The familiar tingle in his head began to worry Spider-Man. It was bad enough that he was supposed to be staying wary in case the Sirens showed up, but now this new sensation had him on edge. A guitar strum brought his attention back to reality, reminding him to carry on with his task, that being to help the Rainbooms set up their set for the finale. Their entire afternoon consisted of moving things around while they tested their instruments. Not exactly the most riveting task, but they all knew that things would get more exciting eventually. All they had to do was wait.

Unfortunately, things wouldn't be that easy, as the group heard the familiar sound of police sirens coming from afar. Spider-Man looked over to the girls, knowing that he would have to leave them behind. “Looks like I gotta run, ladies. I’ll be back soon, I promise.” The mood immediately shifted as he swung off into the distance, the girls becoming much more nervous now that their safety net had left. However, they didn't have the time to think about it for long.

“Well, well. If it isn't the Rainbooms.”

Just off stage was one of the other girls from Canterlot High, who just so happened to be one of the runners up from the Semi-Finals. Someone that Twilight was all too familiar with back home. “Trixie? What are you doing here?” The other girls sprung up defensively from whatever tasks they were doing, knowing that if Trixie was here, it wasn't for any good reason. She was flanked by her bandmates, all three looking rather miffed.

“To take my rightful place in the final showdown! I have no idea how you girls took my place, but I know you cheated somehow. I am the most talented girl in all of Canterlot High, and I will NOT be denied my rightful place!”

With a snap of her fingers, one of Trixies bandmates pulled a nearby lever, causing the stage floor to open up and consume the Rainbooms. Trixie cackled rather creepily now that she had gotten her way. Just out of sight was Spike, playing with a dog toy. Once he had noticed that his friends had disappeared, he ran off the stage to try and look for help. Unbeknownst to them all, the spectacle had a small audience. Up in the stands, the Dazzlings were keeping an eye on things, making sure everything was going according to plan. However, this was not what they expected. Especially Adagio. “Hmm. This finale just got a lot more interesting. No rage monster present, no superhero. Looks like the Rainbooms have their work cut out for them. Come on ladies… Tonight is our night!” By now, Adagio was so assured of their victory. Everything that was stacking against her plan seemed to fall to the wayside. Now nothing stood in their way.

“I did say they’d be lining up to give the Rainbooms a shove…”


The chase had been going for far too long. The hijacked truck had managed to push past every single police barricade, and almost ran into crowds of innocent civilians. They had to be stopped, and soon. Fortunately, Spider-Man had arrived on the scene, making his way up to the front of the chase. Landing on the truck, he hopped up to the driver seat, tapping the window to get the driver's attention.

“Hello? Mr criminal?”

The confused driver rolled down the window, though this was only so that he could get a clear shot. However, he also had to keep control of the van, given it contained not only his fellow crooks, but their stolen haul. Fumbling around for his weapon, he was helpless to stop Spider-Man's usual banter as he outstretched his hand for a handshake.

“So hi, I’m Spider-Man. I also go by Web-Head, Wall-Crawler. Whatever you call me, just don’t forget the hyphen. Everyone ALWAYS forgets the hyphen.”

Unable to reach for his weapon, the crook instead attempted to take a swipe at the masked hero currently pestering him. Though he was easily dodged, and all Spider-Man had to do was readjust his position slightly. Finally, the crook was able to grab hold of his gun, but a quickly timed burst of webbing trapped the gun and his arm to the seat. A second burst of webbing attached his hand to the steering wheel, forcing him to keep his focus on the road. Spider-Man once again popped his head through the window.

“Not a fan of handshakes, are you? That's ok. You just keep driving until you run out of gas. Which, given that busted gas tank, should be… Right about now!”

A rather unnatural sound spat out from the engine of the truck, the internal combustion no longer having fuel to sustain itself.

The police now had the situation in hand, allowing Spider-Man to finally head back to help the girls. Though he had been gone much longer than he had liked, as the sun had almost dipped below the horizon. As he began to swing back towards the arena, a tingle trickled down the back of his head, dragging his attention in two directions, meaning there were two possible threats.

“If one of those is Peter, and the other the Sirens, why are they getting closer to each other? Oh no… I gotta go back NOW!”


The burning sensation had been getting stronger since Peter left the house. Every bone in his body still felt like they were being broken and reset with each step he took. Each time he stared up at the moon, the sensation only got stronger. And no matter how much he tried to look away, there was a strong compulsion that always drew his attention back. His clothes also felt like they were getting smaller and smaller, as seams popped and thread fell out.”What's… Happening… My body… Doesn't feel like it's mine…”

Something felt like it was crawling along Peter’s throat, trying to escape. It almost felt sickening, a wave of nausea flowing over the already compromised man. As it finally bubbled to the surface, a roar escaped from Peter's mouth, echoing across the landscape. In a vain attempt to hide it, Peter clamped his hands over his mouth. Though this was in vain, as another roar burst through his hands, only longer and louder. Eventually he could no longer hide it, the roar now continuous as it escaped his throat. “I can’t… I can’t stop…” It felt like any sense of self Peter had was fading the more he stayed under the influence of the moon, and was being replaced by some kind of beast. In the back of his mind, he could almost feel a presence he knew all too well. “The Ape… It’s like it's trying to break loose! I can’t… Keep this up. I have to find them. Have to end this…”

There was no fighting it any longer. The last of Peter's mental fortitude collapsed as he gave into his animalistic nature, a final roar echoing out across the landscape. The now rabid Peter scoped his surroundings, looking for his prey. Even in this state, his senses were still attuned to pick out a threat. And a particular threat wasn't too far away. Each footstep towards the Sirens cracked the Earth, a monster on the prowl. And with the Rainbooms and Spider-Man’s attention elsewhere, there was no one to get in his way.


Backstage, the Dazzlings had swapped into their show uniforms, hoping to catch as much attention as possible with their performance. Adagio's outfit especially was eye-catching, with parts of it being rather revealing compared to what her sisters wore. The only part of her body still covered was her chest, to keep her scar hidden. She had to appear flawless. This wasnt to say that her sisters looked bad, as both Sonata and Aria wore equally amazing dresses. As far as they were all concerned, tonight was an excuse to look their best, no matter what. Anticipation filled every cell in Adagio's body.

“This is it, ladies! After so long, our full power will be returned to us. And then the humans of this world won’t stand a chance! Everything we are owed will be ours!”

In Adagio’s mind, she had expected her sisters to share in her jubilant proclamation of victory, yet all she got was a hesitant silence. Looking at her sisters, she was surprised to see Aria with a look of hesitation. To no one’s surprise, Sonata couldn't even look at her older sister in the eyes.

“Are you two still second guessing everything? How many times do I have to go over this? Once we do this, it’s over! We can do whatever we want again, and never have to worry about our safety. Don’t you two want that?!”

They wanted to agree, to say that they wanted this for their own sake. But the words couldn’t escape their mouths. Adagio wanted to call them out on their cowardice. But after all this time, she didn’t have the malice for it anymore. After so many centuries of leading them, Adagio had gained a better understanding of her sisters. This time, she would try and appeal to them in a different fashion, all the while being mindful of her tone around them.

“Look… I know it's been tough. Getting to where we are now has been a long, long journey. But we finally made it. We all made it together. We just need one final push to see us through. So let's pull ourselves together, go out there, and put on a show these humans won't EVER forget.”

Hopefully an impassioned speech would be enough to get through to them, but as Adagio was about to find out, it was never going to be that simple.

“Look Adagio, you can have the world as your little plaything all you want. But once this is over, I’m done. I’m tired of pretending to push through everyday like it's all gonna get better. I’ve been done for centuries. Once we all have our powers back, I’m out. You’ll leave me be, got it?”

Out of everyone that ever stood up to Adagio, Aria was the one that irritated her the most. Not because it was someone trying to challenge her authority, but because it was her sister of all people. All she ever wanted or expected from her siblings was a little loyalty and faith. And with things so close to the end, she couldn't deal with Aria having one of her little moments.

“Are you still hung up about what happened during the Plague?! That was CENTURIES ago, Aria! I can’t believe you’d still be hung up on that family that you should NEVER have had! We had those rules for a reason, and you broke them!”

It was a rare occurrence for Adagio to lay down her authority so fiercely, but with their true power about to return to them, she had little patience for dissent in the ranks, especially now. Though she immediately regretted her words, knowing that she had opened an old wound in her sister's soul. This was further compounded when Aria struck Adagio with all her might, sending the eldest Siren to the floor. Before she could get to her feet and fight, Aria used her body to pin Adagio to the floor, her fist raised for another punch.

“How dare you use that against me! I’ll be the first to admit I made a mistake, but not because I wanted to start a family. The only mistake I made was trying to start one during that horrendous Plague! I never got to see my children grow up, and I’ve had to carry that all these centuries. You’ll never understand the pain I’ve had to hold onto, so don’t you ever hold it against me!”

Adagio could feel something wet trickle down her chin. It was obvious that blood had been drawn, which didn't surprise her much given how hard the punch was. Aria always was the best fighter of the three, at least that's what Adagio thought, but would never admit. Before the fight could escalate any further, Sonata rushed in and ripped Aria away from Adagio.

“Enough, both of you! After all this time together, I can’t believe you two would fight like this. We’re sisters, and that means we stick together, even in the worst of times. Say sorry, both of you!” Though the demand to forgive came from a place of love, Aria was less than forgiving. She had felt slighted for the last time for something she did so long ago, so she held her silence, refusing to apologise for anything. Looking to the eldest sister, Sonata hoped that Adagio would lead by example and say sorry first. But she was also silent. The three Siren sisters just stood there, unable to say a word.

“I’m sorry, Aria.”

Adagio broke the silence, being the first one to apologise, catching both of her sisters off guard. It had never been known for her to say sorry for anything, as it was usually a case of one of the others having to start, leaving Adagio to take a place of superiority. She would then accept and apologise back. This time it was different. There was so much at stake. Now was not the time for them to fracture, and she knew that all too well.

“I had no right to use it against you, and I apologise. All this… We’ve all lost something. But now we finally have a chance. After all this time, we can be ourselves again! One final push, and we’ll have what was taken from us centuries ago. After that… We can do what we want. One last victory as sisters, alright?”

Adagio held out her hands, stretched out towards her sisters. Sonata took one without hesitation and looked to Aria to take the other. Though the second eldest Siren was less than compelled to bury the hatchet so easily. But Sonata made one last plea. “Please Aria. One last time. Look at it this way, after this you can have whatever you want. Maybe even… try again for a family. And this time, nothing will hurt them.” The very idea that she could have everything she ever wanted was more than enough. Aria finally joined her sisters as all three linked hands. It was settled. The last of the Sirens now had a shared goal this night. And they would see it through to victory.

Or Defeat.


The crowd had been growing outside for hours, the mumbling of voices becoming ever louder. Which could only mean that time was growing short for the Rainbooms, now trapped underneath the stage. However, this sudden claustrophobic environment mixed with the already heated mindsets of the entire group had finally taken its toll. Dash’s over inflated ego had previously gotten on the nerves of her friends and bandmates, all now venting their frustration of being mistreated as part of the band. An argument had begun to break out, the strain of pressure finally taking them over.

Unbeknownst to them, a swirl of green hue had begun to build around them, seeping up to the ceiling. A glow that had become all too familiar from the past few days. As the Rainbooms bickered, Twilight was in the midst of having a nervous breakdown, their entrapment being the final straw on her sanity. The only one taking notice of any of this was Sunset, fully aware of where this hue was going. In a fit of panic, she attempted to break up the argument.

“Stop it, all of you! Don’t you see? This is exactly what they wanted! Take a look!”

The girls looked to the ceiling, spotting the last few remnants of their energy pass through the cracks. Slowly, they began to realise what they had just done. Above them, the three Siren sisters were waiting for the curtains to open so their performance could begin. They began to feel this energy lingering around them, and could feel exactly what it was. With a deep breath, they began to absorb the green mist into their magical gems. It was, in a word, euphoric. For the first time in what felt like an eternity, the three of them had never felt so alive. Adagio looked to her sisters in triumph. “It's time, girls! Time we’re owed what is OURS!” The curtains drew back, and the music began to play. It was starting.

Back in the storeroom, the Rainbooms began to panic, knowing that their mistake had now made the situation more difficult. In an act of desperation, all seven girls ran into the locked door that kept them contained within, hoping to break it and get back outside. The door, however, refused to budge. All hope seemed to be lost. That was until the door flew off its hinges. A rush of relief fell over the girls as Spider-Man stood through the doorway, Spike at his side. “Sorry I’m late, ladies. Spike here saw you all get dropped down here. As soon as I got back, he brought me your way. Not sure what's going on up there, but it's starting to look like Night of the Living Dead. Let's grab your gear and get to work!”

True enough, the audience that were currently enthralled by the Sirens looked completely dead-eyed, almost like a Zombie hoard. A green mist had descended from the stage into the crowd, swirling around them as it influenced their minds to suit their new masters. On the stage, the Sirens were singing their hearts out, unleashing as much power as they could. and their efforts were paying off, as a red aura surrounded each of them. Their eyes turned pure red, and butterfly-like wings sprouted from their backs. Time was running out for the Rainbooms, as their enemy neared their complete strength.

Atop a hillside, opposite of the stage, the girls had set up their equipment, with a little extra volume boost courtesy of a fellow student with a taste for loud music. The time was right to counterattack. The Rainbooms opened up their song right in the middle of the Sirens chorus, throwing the legendary sisters off their focus. As they played, The Rainbooms own magic began to course through them, causing their hair to grow longer and several of them to grow pegasus wings. Despite this new opposition, Adagio’s confidence remained steadfast.

“So The Rainbooms want to turn this into a REAL Battle of the Bands?! Then let's BATTLE!”

Undeterred, the Sirens continued on with their song, their influence over the audience still absolute. And when it didn't seem like things could get any worse, a burst of energy emerged from their gems, creating gigantic sea creatures. Twilight had seen these beasts before in history books.

“These must be their true form! The absolute peak of their power. We have to give them everything we have! Once they become weak enough, we can restrain them!”

The Rainbooms began their counterattack, all six girls playing in sync, trying to match the overwhelming strength of the Sirens. A clash between Twilight and Adagio created ripples in the air as their powerful voices attempted to outdo each other. Despite her best attempt, the Siren leader was too much for the young alicorn, whose voice gave in with the strained battle. Adagio was then joined by her sisters, their combined voices forcing the Rainbooms to their knees. Even with the addition of Sunset Shimmer to bolster their ranks, the Rainbooms were still unable to overpower the Sirens.

It was too late. The Sirens had gotten too strong for the seven of them to handle. Twilight was sure this was it. She had failed. As she watched the three True Sirens bear down upon her and her friends, several strands of webbing came from the distance, anchoring the Sirens in place. It just so happened that Spider-Man had been laying in wait for the right opportunity to step in. With the Rainbooms on the backfoot, now seemed like the right time. Jumping down from the top of the arena, he fired more webbing as he landed near the girls, attempting to ensnare the Sirens as best as he could. “Looks like I caught me some big un’s! We havin’ fer supper tonight, ladies! Let's cook these Calamari!” With a moment to catch their breath, the Rainbooms got back to their feet in the hopes of assisting Spider-Man. But as they prepared to start playing again, Rainbow Dash made a horrible realisation.

“My guitar! It's busted!” She wasn't the only one. The previous attack from the Sirens had damaged the instruments of the entire band. And without them, they couldn't access their magic, therefore had no way to fight back. A snapping sound could be heard as the Sirens attempted to break free of the webbing that kept them in place. Spider-Man attempted to hold on for dear life, but it was becoming obvious the means of restraint were not keeping up. Eventually, the webbing snapped, allowing the Sirens to break free and turn their attention towards their would-be captor. Blasts of sound came from their mouths, aimed directly at the superhero, who was only able to barely dodge their attacks.

“I guess these fishes bite back! Well this is one Spider you won’t get to eat!”

More attacks came, hoping to stop the young superhero in his tracks, though his reflexes were making it hard to pin him down. But even he was finding it difficult to stay ahead of them. “They’re more aggressive than I thought! I’ve never fought anything this fast before! Not sure how much longer I can dodge them!” As he feared, their attacks were becoming much more precise each time. They had also changed their tactics, attempting to encircle him after every movement. He was beginning to run out of room.They were almost on top of him, until an ungodly roar could be heard, coming from the other side of the hill.

Upon the crest of the hill, to everyone’s shock, stood Peter. Though he looked more ill than he did that morning, his skin a deathly shade of grey. Twilight was shocked to see him even anywhere near them however, as she was sure that he was unable to move. “Peter?! What are you doing here? You should be in bed resting!” Though Peter heard her question easily enough, he didn't respond. The only thing that came out of his mouth was a massive roar, shaking everyone in earshot to their bones. Even the Sirens felt disorientated, despite finally being at the peak of their power. This gave Spider-Man the opportunity to recover and move to a safe distance. Though his worry only grew.

“If my Spider-Sense wasn't going crazy before, it for sure is now! Those four are about to raise all sorts of hell!” In defiance, the three sisters responded in kind with their own titanic battle cry. This was to be their biggest mistake.

Another roar escaped Peter's mouth, though it was much louder than before. The Sirens attempted to cover their ears in vain, but the pain was far too much. They could feel blood begin to drip from their ear holes as a high pitched waning tore through them. Panic began to take over as the very unfamiliar feeling of agony etched itself into their bodies. Sonata fell to her knees screaming, this feeling almost entirely new to her. But Adagio and Aria, they knew this feeling all too well, and were able to stand their ground. Gritting her teeth, Adagio brought her focus towards Peter, their red hued eyes meeting each other.

“How like a man to try and stand against me! You’ve served your purpose without even knowing it. So now… YOU CAN DIE!”

With all her might, Adagio propelled herself forward, arms outstretched in the hopes of grabbing her opponent. She was unsuccessful, as Peter had made the same maneuver as she approached. The ground beneath them gave way as the two locked hands, both sides refusing to give up an inch of territory. This was now a war. Roars escaped their lungs as the ground continued to give way. A tug of war no one wanted to lose. The odds were not to remain in Peter's favour for long, as Aria appeared behind him, wrapping her arms around his neck and clamping down tightly. “I won’t die to some rabid dog!” Much to the shock of Adagio and Aria, Sonata joined her sisters, taking the legs out from underneath Peter, allowing all three Sirens to dogpile him.

The rage inside Peter had built to critical levels. He could feel the strength these three women had, pressing him down into the ground. All he could do was stare into their red eyes as the life was being choked from him. Every instinct pleaded with him to break out from their grasp. But he couldn't. They had him pinned, and pinned good. He could feel his lungs try and gasp for air, only to find nothing. Adagio was sure they had him, until a blast of webbing caught her in the face, forcing her to relinquish her hold. Two more blasts struck Sonata and Aria, causing the two of them to also release Peter. As Adagio ripped the webbing from her face, she was quickly met with a fist right to her cheek, sending her flying backwards into her sisters.

“You ok there, Peter?”

Spider-Man had intervened at a critical time, but was too late to stop what was coming. As Peter regained his senses, the anger he felt came right back to the surface. A loud snapping could be heard coming from his body, causing Spider-Man’s danger sense to flare up once again. Instinctively, he backed away from the potential threat, and was right to do so. As Peter got back to his feet, his size began to swell. Clothes tore at the seams as they could no longer contain the new mass. As he grew, hair began to appear all over Peter’s body, and his mouth took on more of a muzzle-like shape.

The sight of this hulking figure broke the Sirens’ influence over the crowd, their instinct to live overriding their magic. A mass panic began as Peter’s size continued to grow, the audience desperately trying to run as fast as they could. But as with any large crowd trying to move without guidance, accidents began to happen. People fell or were knocked over onto the ground, and were subsequently trampled by the stampede around them. The Battle of the Bands finale had devolved into anarchy, and it angered Adagio immensely.

“That damned fool! Whatever he’s doing, it's completely ruined our plans! Once he’s finished his little show, I’ll tear him limb from… Oh…”

Her threat suddenly fell flat once she focused her sights back on Peter. Or rather, what he had turned into. Whatever had happened, he had undergone some kind of transformation. In his place now stood a gigantic ape, its size eclipsing everything around it. The sight of this monster turned the panicked crowd into a frenzy, screams of horror echoing all around. Twilight watched on in sheer terror. If her friends back home could see this…

“What's the plan, Twilight?!”

Her attention was brought back to her friends present with her. All of them looked to her for some kind of strategy, though she herself was starting to feel overwhelmed. “I… I don't know! It took me so long to figure out how to fight the Sirens. I never factored for THIS!” All the girls could do now was look onward at the spectacle before them, as the Sirens’ true forms circled around Giant Ape Peter, looking for an opening. High-pitched blasts shot out from multiple directions in an attempt to disorient Peter and leave him open for a fatal strike.

Yet no matter how heavy the bombardment was, Peter stood resilient to their attacks, attempting to swipe his opponents from the sky. Running out of patience, Aria sent her true form in for a closer attack, hoping to inflict some meaningful damage. But Adagio could see the tactical error that this was going to be. “Aria, don’t! Fall back!” But it was far too late, as a large hand reached out to grab the True Siren as it approached. And once Peter's grip was secure, he wouldn't let go.

As he clamped down in an attempt to crush the Siren, all the pain it felt was also being felt by Aria, falling to her knees in agony. All her sisters could do was look on in horror as blood began to pour from her ears and eyes. A faint crack could be heard, but it wasn't the sound of bones, but something else. Looking down, Aria noticed a crack running through her crystal, which only grew bigger each time Peter’s grip tried to crush her true form. Afraid for her sister's safety, Sonata sent her own true form forward.

“Let her go, you animal!”

With the Ape so preoccupied with Aria, Sonata was able to rush in unopposed, aiming for its neck. The tearing of flesh was sickeningly audible as the Siren sunk its teeth into the furred flesh of the Ape, a roar of pain escaping its maw. Seeing an opportunity, Adagio followed her sister's lead, launching her own assault. The Siren’s teeth sunk deep into the neck of the Ape, blood gushing from the open wound. With the pain of the bites drawing its attention, the Ape released Aria’s true Siren form. The injured Dazzling got to her feet, blood covering her face, her expression one of pure rage.

“You know what? I was ready to go out fighting, but you’ve really pissed me off!”

A fire began to burn inside Aria, one that had burned out centuries ago - the flame of life. With a defiant scream, she commanded her true form to attack Peter, still in pain with the other two Sirens attempting to rip its throat out. One more and there stood the possibility of doing just that. Before the attack could land, the Ape once more grabbed the Siren, squeezing with all its might. The violet form of the legendary creature began to crack and shatter, its owner dropping to her knees in absolute pain, more blood flowing from her orifices. With an ear-shattering roar, the Ape plunged Aria’s Siren form into the ground, the earth giving way under the colossal power. As the dust cleared, there remained nothing but a violet puff of smoke. Aria’s Siren had been destroyed.

Hurling up more blood, Aria could feel that something was very wrong. The cracks along her gem became bigger and more pronounced, until finally, with a burst of energy, the gem shattered, its pieces scattering around her hands. She could barely comprehend what had happened, shock overwhelming her mind.

“That's… Impossible…”

Overcome by pain and blood loss, Aria collapsed to the ground. Adagio and Sonata could only watch on as their sister fell, presumably dead. Yet they didn't have the time to check on her, as the Ape unleashed another roar, this time in victory. For anyone else, this would have been a sign to run. But Adagio had been fighting too long to surrender now. It only served to build her resolve.

“Sonata! I’ll grab its attention, once it's focused on me, tear its damn throat out!”

The two remaining Sirens released their bite from the Ape, not wishing to remain without grabbing distance. They would have to be strategic from now on if they wished to survive. True to her plan, Adagio circled around her opponent, trying to keep its eye away from her sister. Keeping just out of arm's reach, the Siren still had to be mindful, just in case the Ape tried to rush her or pull some other sneaky tactic. But she had its attention.

“Now, Sonata!”

The youngest Siren charged forward, aiming straight for the Ape’s neck. It was wide open, completely unaware. Or so she thought. Before the attack could hit, the Ape spun around to face her, its deep red eyes staring menacingly at her. All Sonata could do was stand there helplessly, watching as the Apes hands slammed shut over her true form, instantly destroying it. The sheer whiplash of pain was enough to knock Sonata unconscious, blood oozing from her eyes and mouth, same as her sister before her. Now only Adagio stood against her foe.


“My sisters… Defeated? By this… Monster?! I’ll kill him and use his skin as a cloak for what he’s done to them!”

Another victorious roar tore through the air, the Ape acknowledging another fallen foe. And as it set its eyes on Adagio, she couldn't help but feel a little out of her league. Even her true form looked like a toy in comparison. Not only that, but she had noticed that the two bite marks near its neck had begun to heal, steam pouring out as they closed over. The situation was growing more out of her favour. But she would not back down so easily. She was still the leader of the Sirens, and she was still the most powerful. So she would stand her ground and fight. As the Ape advanced forward, ready to finish off its final opponent, a strand of webbing found its mark, adhering to its back. As quickly as it appeared, several more joined it. Then several more. Adagio became curious as to where these strands came from, and was surprised to see Spider-Man firing off his web shooters as fast as he could.

“I don’t need your help, arachnid! I’ll kill this beast myself!”

“Seems like you need my help. Both your sisters are laid out and barely alive. Plus, there’s a man in that thing somewhere, so I can’t let you kill him. And if he kills you and your sisters, I know he’d never forgive himself. and I can’t let you die. I’d be a pretty terrible superhero if I did. Now, take your sisters and run!”

Even with the opening granted to her, Adagio refused to give up the fight. Defiantly, she sent her true form to attack the Ape once more. Now that it was bound, it would be a much easier target for her to kill. Spider-Man, taking notice of her mistake, cried out in panic in an attempt to save her.

“Adagio, stop! It’s still dangerous!”

But this warning came too late. The Ape, despite its limited movement, still had access to one weapon - its mouth. As the Siren neared, the Ape’s humongous maw opened wide, slamming down shut on its helpless foe. Adagio stared helplessly as its teeth pierced through the body of her Siren’s true form, causing both to cry out in agony. More blood began to pour down her face as the realisation hit her that she had lost.

“Everything we worked for… Gone. We shouldn't have come here. My fault… All… My… Fault…”

A mix of agonising pain and blood loss finally pushed Adagio into unconsciousness, her last thoughts those of her sisters. Whatever remained of her true form now turned to dust inside the Ape’s mouth, as had happened with her sisters before her. As the remnants of its foe dissolved into nothingness, the Ape unleashed a titanic roar that could be heard for miles as it basked in its victory. Unfortunately, the battle wasn't done yet, as it still remembered someone else that had tried to challenge its might.


“Is he looking at me? Something tells me he’s looking at me. I should move.”

The sound of snapping could be heard as the Ape manoeuvred itself to face its new opponent. The webbing that had been used to try and restrain it was now giving up, though some strands still held on for dear life, tearing off clumps of fur instead. Deciding it was best to get some distance, Spider-Man aimed his web shooter off to the nearby trees, only for the trigger to click empty.

“Crap! Between the big fishes and King Kong here, I must’ve used up all my webbing. Now all I’ve done is piss him off!”

A large hand attempted to snatch Spider-Man from the ground. Fortunately, his speed and agility kept him from sharing the same fate as Sonata and Aria. All he could do at this point however was manoeuvre around it, and even he was unsure of how long this plan would last. Eventually, he’d have to go on the offensive. A few more dodges made it clear that the Ape would grab him eventually if something wasn't done.

“Sorry to do this Pete, but I’m gonna need you to take a little monkey nap right now!”

Getting himself into position, Spider-Man placed himself right below the Ape and bent down. Using every ounce of power he could send into his legs, he shot straight up from the ground, a small crater remaining where he was. It was almost too quick for the Ape to comprehend, leaving it wide open. Spider-Man reeled back his fist, marking it straight on his target's muzzle. The shockwave was loud enough to make the Rainbooms cover their ears, helpless as all they could do was observe. However, the punch seemed to have worked as the Ape collapsed backwards into the arena, its roof giving way to the mass that fell upon it. A cloud of dust and debris shot into the air.

As Spider-Man touched back on the ground, he could immediately feel that something had been hurt.

“DAMMIT! Think I broke my arm with that one! Looks like it was worth it though. Peter’s unconscious. Now, to grab the Dazzlings and get them out of here!”

Even with one arm broken, Spider-man grabbed all three of the Sirens, placing Sonata and Aria over his shoulders while carrying Adagio in his arms. All three were dripping with blood, their crimson red gems lying shattered on the ground. If they were the source of the girls' magic, it was gone for good now. It was possible they were now just like humans, meaning they were completely defenceless, meaning they shouldn't be left around to die. And as he had said before, Spider-Man would be a terrible hero if he didn’t save them. As he was walking away with them, a grinding sound could be heard behind him. Looking back, he could see something moving in the dust.

The towering figure of the Ape appeared from the cloud, its muzzle crumpled in on itself. It appeared that the punch Spider-Man landed was enough to cause injury, though as the Sirens found out, this was short lived. A horrid cracking of bones could be heard as the Apes muzzle healed in seconds, making it seem like there was never any damage done at all. Another ungodly roar escaped its maw, its enraged gaze falling back on Spider-Man.

“Oh shit…”

Down one arm and carrying three bodies, Spider-Man struggled to gain some distance between himself and the Ape. He had also just noticed that one of his legs felt weird.

“Guess I didn't land correctly after I decked him! Probably pulled a muscle or two! He’s gonna catch me!”

Despite his best efforts to hobble away, the gigantic steps of the Ape covered much more ground. A few more moments and Spider-Man would be crushed, along with the helpless Sirens. No webs, and down an arm and a leg, he had no idea of what to do. He was sure that the end was about to come, until a timid, but rather stern voice could be heard behind him.

“That's enough! You’ve caused enough damage and hurt enough people!

To everyone's shock, Fluttershy was hovering in mid-air, right in the face of the Ape. And even with such a gargantuan size difference, she was undeterred. What was even more shocking was that the Ape stopped dead in its tracks, staring down at the pink haired girl. Though it seemed calm, there was still the possibility that it could just swipe her from the sky at any moment, and her friends watched on in horror thinking this. However, Spider-Man knew better, as his danger sense finally began to wind down. Cautiously, the other girls approached, slow and steady footsteps taken with each movement.

It had appeared that the Ape was finally beginning to settle down. It had taken a crouched position in front of Fluttershy, almost observing her. Though her face was stern and full of determination, she could feel her hands shaking. Staring into the face of this titanic monster filled her with such dread, she felt like she was about to vomit out of fear. Its gaze continued to pierce through her, leaving her wondering what it intended to do. Yet it made no other moves. All it did was look at her.

The swelled reddish eyes of the Ape began to lose their blazing red glow, fading into a cold white. The girls even noticed that it was starting to lose its size, Fluttershy descending just to keep up its eyeline. Patches of fur began to fade away, showing the skin that lay underneath. It wasn't long before it had fully disappeared, revealing a sweat covered and trembling Peter. And also, a very naked Peter as the girls quickly found out. Once again, they approached with caution, unsure if Peter was still in the mindset of a beast or a man. As they got near, they could hear quiet sobbing. Hearing them close by, Peter raised his head to look at Twilight, who stared into his bloodshot eyes to see his tears.


The authorities had finally left, allowing the Rainbooms to take in the extent of the damage. The entire stage had been demolished, leaving only a broken husk to slowly crumble away. Just out of sight, Peter had been wrapped up in a fresh blanket in order to preserve some dignity. The girls had been trying to process the events of the night. It had been too much for them. Also kept out of sight were the unconscious bodies of the Sirens, their clothes and faces still covered in blood. Despite their condition, Twilight had placed the magical restraints she had brought. By this point, she wanted to be sure.

The only positive thing from tonight was that Sunset had proven herself from her previous transgressions, putting her own life at risk to help the Rainbooms take down the Sirens, despite it having no effect in the long run. The other girls also apologised to each other, Dash most of all given her ego trip with the band. Their only concern now was what to do with the now unconscious Sirens. Twilight proposed a solution.

“We’ll keep them in the barn for tonight. Even when they wake up, those restraints will hold them. Then tomorrow, I’ll take them back to Equestria.”


It had been an interesting morning for the Siren sisters to wake up to. They were shocked to even be alive given the events of last night. They all remembered the pain, the smell of their own blood, and the terrifying roar of the Ape as it hunted them down one at a time. What didn't surprise them were the chains that currently shackled them together. It had been their fear for centuries, being locked up for what they truly are. Or what they used to be. The three of them were unsure if they were even Sirens anymore due to the loss of their gems, the very source of their power. Everything they had worked towards, had been taken away from them by that monster. Adagio cursed under her breath.

“That thing, that MAN, took away our powers! We’re only alive because of that costumed idiot and the Rainbooms. We owe them our lives. At least for now. Who knows what they have in store for us on the other side.”

To add further insult to injury, it was the very man responsible for their defeat that was keeping an eye on them, making sure their restraints were secure before they returned to Equestria. All three of them stood deathly still, fearing for their lives in the presence of the man that almost killed them. In an ironic turn of events, Adagio hoped for Twilight's return as soon as possible.

“That Equestrian needs to show up right now! Someone has to keep hold of HIS leash!”

The doors to Canterlot High were thrown open as the Rainbooms exited, smiles across all of their faces. The entire morning had been spent dealing with the fallout of the night before, though some parts were omitted, mostly for Peter’s sake. The last thing they needed was for the entire school to be terrified of him. The girls would carry that burden. Adagio however was not the least bit interested in their attempt at damage control.

“Nice to see you all so happy and peppy. Did your fellow students accept whatever you told them about last night? You better hope none of them caught your friend's little secret on camera, otherwise he’ll never be welcome in this dimension ever again!”

“Please Dagi, stop it! It's done, and we’re alive. Can we please keep it that way?”

Sonata hadn’t fully stopped crying since she woke up, while Aria had yet to say a word. The three Siren sisters were coping in their own individual ways, but the reason for it was the same: they had been humiliated and robbed of their powers. Now they were prisoners about to be taken away to their possible deaths. Twilight approached the three prisoners to ensure that their restraints were secure. She could feel the judgemental glare of Adagio on her as she examined her.

“I have to wonder, how do you Equestrians view your precious princesses nowadays? I’ll bet they have this squeaky clean presentation. But it's all for show. You should have seen them a thousand years ago. They yearned for battle. They LOVED it. When they judge us, they’ll have us killed. Whether or not they do it themselves is another story.”

Enraged that such accusations were being thrown out about her mentors, Twilight tugged sharply at Adagio’s restraints, making the eldest Siren wince in pain.

“The princesses have been through much since you last faced them. They have become vastly different people. Wiser, kinder, more forgiving. They won’t kill you. I know it.”

There was no hesitation in Twilight's voice. She never wavered for a moment as she defended her mentors and friends. Adagio could see it in her eyes as the two stared each other down, both refusing to look away or blink. The tension could be felt in the air as the two women tested their wills, neither backing down. Nothing could part them.

“Hold up you guys!”

The voice came from above them, taking attention away from the debate. Just behind the glare of the sun, the group could make out a figure coming towards them. As it came into view, the very familiar visage of Spider-Man came into focus. The girls, happy to see their ally, ran over and surrounded him in a group hug. They had no words to express their thanks individually, but Sunset tried her best to sum it up for them all.

“Listen, we just wanted to say thank you. Without you, we might not have survived last night at all. Now we know for sure how great of a hero you are. I just wish we had a better way to thank you.”

“Don’t worry about it, red. Getting a thank you from you is all the reward I need.”

It was a little difficult to tell despite the very expressive lenses Spider-Man had, but it appeared as if he winked at Sunset. Was he flirting with her? The young hero then turned his attention to Peter and Twilight, the other beings he was fully aware didn't belong in his world.

“I’m guessing you guys will be heading back home? Wherever that is.”

“We are. And I have to share Sunsets sentiment. If not for your involvement, who knows how things would have turned out.”

It was a good thing Spider-Man wore a mask, otherwise everyone would have seen him blush. He was a stranger to praise, so he took it all on board gracefully. As Twilight turned her attention back to her friends one last time, Peter and Spider-Man were left alone, the young hero removing the backpack that he had with him.

“It’s safe to say you know who I am, and that means I know who you are. I don’t know if you’ll need this stuff, but it’s kinda been gathering dust. Maybe you’ll need it more than I do.”

Opening the bag, Peter was stunned to see its contents, all of which looked vaguely familiar. Inside were various mechanical parts, some journals, and what appeared to be a functional set of web shooters. However, while they looked in prime condition, they were similar to the ones already around Spider-Man’s wrists. They were incredibly bulky, lacking much of the portability Peter was used to. Despite the setback, it would give him something to do.

“Thank you. It’s been a while since I’ve thought about anything involving Spider-Man. Maybe it’s time…”

It had just struck Peter that he hadn't been Spider-Man for almost a month. With his costume destroyed and only one web shooter, he had no means to continue his hero crusade. Not only that, but his hero spirit has lost its fire. But the more he witnessed this younger version of himself, the more he realised that in a strange way, he actually missed being a hero.

“So, any advice for the future? You know, with you being at this for much longer.”

Lost in thought, Peter had almost missed the question put forward by his younger counterpart. An interesting question at least, but not one Peter had an immediate answer for. At least not a serious one.

“Yeah, I’ve got plenty. Disinfect the mask. Baby powder in the suit, heavy around the joints. You don’t want any chaffing, right?”

It was by far the most bizarre thing Spider-Man had ever heard.

“I was hoping for something a little more practical. Like, how to be a better hero.”

“Here’s the thing. That kinda stuff can’t be taught. It all comes with time, kid. I know for a fact you’ve learned a lot these past few days. The world is bigger than you thought. Now you have to be ready for it.”

In a way, it made sense. Everything that Spider-Man had learned, he had done so on the job. In the end, he would have to face a new foe at some point in the future that he wouldn’t know how to fight. And once again, he would have to figure out how best to fight them.

“So, I'll just have to keep learning? And get better?”

Peter nodded his head in acknowledgment, happy to see his younger counterpart finally starting to understand what it meant to take on the responsibility of a hero. It was ironic though, as a few days prior he was ready to bring the full weight of his own burden down on this young man. He was glad that he didn’t.

“Peter? It’s time to go.”

Twilight had moved the Sirens into position near the portal, signalling that the time had come to leave. He stretched out a hand towards his younger self, who took it with a firm shake.

“See you soon, Spider-Man,”

A few more quick hugs were shared between Twilight and her friends before she stepped through the portal, the Sirens at her back. Spike followed behind them after a quick pat on the head from Rarity. Before he passed through the portal, Peter looked back towards the girls as they waved goodbye, and Spider-Man as he held a thumbs up, which Peter returned as he stepped into the mirror. The world around him melted away once again and turned dark, the same feeling as before.


Back in Equestria, a detachment of guards laid in wait for the return of Twilight, Spike and Peter, along with their dangerous prisoners. In the throne room, the girls were joined by Celestia and Luna, silently awaiting the return of their friends. The mood had been tense since the arrival of the guards, making the girls wonder if something terrible had happened. A short while later, one of the guardsmen burst through the doors. “Your Highnesses! They have returned!” A scramble of bodies made its way towards the mirror room, with Dash being the first to arrive. Relief washed over the group as they saw Twilight, Spike and Peter all in one piece, but also a sense of dread when they looked towards the other arrivals. The magic of the mirror had reverted the Sirens back to their original forms, their appearance now more akin to mermaids.

The guards had to assist the helpless Sirens onto a cart so that they could be transported. As they passed the girls on the way out, Adagio locked eyes with Celestia, adamant that she was looking at her executioner. In her mind, there was only one fate that now awaited the last of the Sirens. Once they left, the girls raced forward towards their friends, grouping around Twilight and hugging her tightly. As Celestia and Luna approached, Twilight bowed in respect to the elder princesses, who returned the gesture.

“It’s good to see you all again. The mission was a success, with a few… hiccups. But the Sirens are in custody. Unfortunately, they aren't the only ones. Guards, please restrain Mr. Parker”

The remaining guards stood to attention and carried out their orders. One of them conjured a pair of magic shackles that attached themselves to Peter's wrist, which then expanded to cover his arms and torso, almost like a straight jacket. Given that the girls knew he was strong, they all expected Peter to resist this sudden detainment and escape. But to their shock, he made no sudden movements, allowing the guards to remove him from the castle. As he walked past the girls, he shared a quick glare with each of them, seeing the confusion in their eyes. The only one who didn't have this look was Fluttershy, whose eyes were about to swell with tears. The sight made Peter’s heart snap in two. Out of all of them, it was Fluttershy's disappointment he couldn't bear the most. Once Peter was out of view, Fluttershy's sadness turned to fury.

“Why did you do that?! He hasn't done anything wrong!”

“Except that he has, Fluttershy! I know how fond of him you are, but he’s been keeping something from us for weeks. And so have I.”

The room fell completely silent, as if all the air had been sucked out. Nothing could be heard, not even the breathing of those inside as they all held their breath. Eventually, Twilight broke the silence, knowing that she owed her friends some answers.

“We knew something was different about Peter the first night we met him - the night of the Tantabus attack. He was the person we found almost dead in the town centre. We brought him to Canterlot, thinking that he might possibly die. But then he healed, miraculously. I had never seen something so incredible, but so terrifying. He never said where he came from, and he had nowhere to go. Because of his help, we figured we owed him some help, just like he gave us.”

Even this tiny piece of information was too much for them to take in. As the gears started to turn in their heads, Applejack was the first to make a realisation.

“Now wait a sec. When you say “we”, who do you mean by that? Cause’ we sure didn't know that Pete was some kinda mutant, so who did?”

“That would have been me.”

The authoritative voice of Princess Celestia cut through the air.

“I was present with Twilight and Luna the night Peter was brought into Canterlot Castle. I witnessed his regenerative abilities firsthand, as well as his strength. Myself and Luna attempted to restrain Peter so that the doctor could treat him, only to be thrown away. While we were not exactly trying, we still had to use some level of force, and even then. Any being that can overpower an Alicorn's sheer strength is easily stronger than any member of the Earth Clan, including yourself Applejack. I knew from that moment that Peter was different, so I had assigned Twilight to observe his behaviour.”

For their whole lives, the girls had always viewed Celestia as something of a God. She was the wisest, most compassionate and intelligent being in Equestria. She was also the most powerful. Dozens of stories told of hellish creatures rising up, causing chaos and bringing destruction in their wake. And every single one of them was beaten by Celestia. There had been just as many stories about Luna, who was seen as the only sure equal to her sister in terms of power. And both had been matched by Peter, even in an injured state.

“And now I know why. Peter is not from Equestria, or from this dimension. In the midst of the rage brought on by the Sirens, he told me the truth. It explains so much.”

Things were now beginning to make sense to them all. Peter’s incredible strength and speed, his resilient skin and unnatural levels 0f stamina; he wasn't one of them. The girls were speechless, unable to fully comprehend everything they had learned. Rarity, Dash and Pinkie stood like statues, silent and unmoving, while Applejack felt her legs give way under her. All this time, she had lived with Peter under her roof, near her family, without knowing any of this. All of them had interacted with Peter in some capacity over the past month, and all were unaware. Yet none of them felt angry.

“Even if he isn't from here, he’s still our friend. He’s never tried to hurt us, he only ever helped us. And he never asked us to thank him. I know he’s a good man. And he doesnt deserve to be locked up!”

Fluttershy stood steadfast, unshaken by the news. In her mind, Peter’s kindness towards them all warranted forgiveness for anything he had done. Yet despite her plea of forgiveness for him, Twilight was sure of her decision.

“Fluttershy, I understand how you feel. I know he’s a good man. But you didn't see what I saw. The monster he became was out of control, and strong enough to almost kill the Sirens at their full power. I couldn't keep it a secret from you all any longer. Now it's up to Princess Celestia to decide his fate.”


“Adagio. Aria. Sonata. The last of the legendary Sirens. I’m sure you all know perfectly well why you are here. While your time in the other dimension is largely unknown to us, we do know of your attempt to enslave the inhabitants of that world for your own selfish gains. I will hear you plead your case, and then I shall decide your punishment. So, who shall begin?”

A thousand different ideas ran through Adagio's mind of how best to talk their way out of this. It was all she could do as she and her sisters all lay helpless at the feet of the throne steps, staring up towards the one that would decide their fate - Princess Celestia. Her sister, Luna, stood just beside her, looking equally as imposing. Also in attendance were Twilight and her friends. And to the Sirens surprise, so was Peter, but chained beside them. Was he to face the wrath of the princesses too? Adagio knew all too well of their reputation. The Alicorn sisters had always been known for being ruthless towards their enemies, though this was back in their younger years. There was no telling how they would act after all this time. Perhaps they would just execute Adagio and her sisters on the spot, or torture them, or any number of things. She would have to choose her words carefully.

“As you are aware princess, my sisters and I no longer possess our dark abilities. They were lost to us, along with many of our other abilities. Given that we are now defenceless, I would argue that we are no longer a threat to anyone in Equestria. Banish us if you must, or imprison us, but I BEG of you, let us live. My sisters deserve a chance at least. Their hearts were never truly involved in my plans. They are better than me in that regard.”

Celestia was rather taken aback by this rather humbling response. She had expected Adagio to be the most defiant, spitting venom and hatred in her tone as she told the princesses exactly what she thought of them. But this was completely different, given that the eldest Siren was essentially begging for the lives of herself and her sisters. Yet the target for mercy seemed to be mostly aimed at Sonata and Aria. Did Adagio wish to take the punishment alone?

“I admire your care for your siblings, Adagio. Having a sister of my own, I understand your worry for them. But in the end, I must treat your crimes as one in the same. Correct me if I am wrong, but it was all three of you that almost sent Equestria into chaos, correct?”

It was impossible to rebuttal. Adagio knew all too well what she and her sisters had done before their banishment.

“I am well aware of our previous crimes, Princess. I can only beg forgiveness for anything we have done. Our power demanded a price, and we had to pay it. We have done many terrible things. All we want is a chance to live, unshackled from our dark past.”

Once again, Adagio surprised everyone by placing the survival of herself and her sisters by sacrificing her pride. Hoping for another opinion, Celestia looked to her own sister, looking for further insight into the situation. In the end, the two of them did rule together. In her mind, it was also a chance for Luna to show if she had learned anything since being demoted from her royal duties, a punishment given to her for the Tantabus threat being her own making.

“I can only imagine how you three felt, locked away from your home for so long. And I must commend you, Adagio. I can sense that it was your will that held the three of you together. If I may propose a punishment, then have them banished from our lands. Without their magic, they should at least be allowed the chance to peacefully reintegrate into our world. I can understand the desire for a second chance.”

It was exactly the response Celestia hoped for. She had already made up her mind, but she wanted to hear it from Luna.

“Adagio, Sonata, Aria. Your crimes against Equestria have been numerous. And your attempt to usurp control of another dimension entirely cannot be ignored. In truth, this conflict should have ended a thousand years ago. Starswirl should never have banished you to begin with.”

This was the moment. The Sirens held their breath in anticipation, sure of their demise. Asking Luna for her opinion was merely theatre, to make it look as if at least one of them was in their corner, just for the sake of the audience they currently had.

“However, I must acknowledge the evidence before me. As you said before, your dark magic has been lost to you. From what I can sense, any need to leech energy has been removed. As far as I can see, there is no need to imprison or execute any of you. But, you are still enemies of these lands, and as such I cannot permit you to stay. My declaration is for the three of you to be banished from Equestria, never to return. Should you ever set foot upon these lands again, then the penalty shall be death. Is that understood?”

It felt unreal. They were sure it was the end, but it seemed that fate had other plans for them. The three Siren sisters collapsed in relief, taking in deep breaths to soothe their pounding hearts. It wasn't the best scenario, but they weren't about to be lined up for execution. It was the best they could hope for. Adagio pulled her sisters in for an embrace, holding onto them tightly. A part of Celestia felt sympathy for them, looking towards her own sister. She always had thoughts on how far she would go to protect Luna. Little did she know, Luna was also having the same thoughts. A discussion the two would likely have at a later date. But now that she had given her declaration for the Sirens, Celestia turned her attention to other matters, namely the still chained Peter.

“Now Mr Parker, I must decide what to do with you: an extradimensional stranger, whose abilities can challenge even myself and Princess Luna. And with the ability to become a giant Ape under a full moon, uncontrollable and capable of mass destruction. It seems that you are still a potential threat. Therefore, I must decide what to do with you."

This was the one thing that still concerned Adagio. Even if the princesses let her and her sisters live, what's to say that Peter would? Perhaps he would hunt them down and finish what he started. Yet, as she looked across the room towards him, she couldnt see any of the murderous intent that there was before.

“I can only present my own evidence and hope for the best, Princess. If what Twilight has said is true, you’ve been observing me ever since I got here, so you know I can be trusted around your citizens. Whatever happened in the other dimension was an isolated event brought on by multiple factors. Not just the influence of the Sirens, but the inclusion of my tail, an organ I had previously no knowledge of. It would seem the tail was the root cause of not just my anger, but the transformation I made. That and staring at the full moon were the triggers. As long as all three factors no longer coincide, then I no longer transform."

It was a solid argument to be sure, and Celestia knew that Peter had no prior outbursts of anger or any sightings of giant monkeys nearby. Not only that, but she knew the lunar cycle of Equestria better than most individuals. The only one with any greater knowledge of the moon would be her own sister. Though in her heart she wanted to forgive Peter there and then, she knew that unlike the Sirens, he had all of his abilities intact. This came with potential risks.

“You make a fair argument, Peter. Yet there are still many unknowns about you that cannot go unanswered. And as Princess of Equestria, that is something I cannot permit. Until such a time as we can be sure that you will not transform again, I declare you shall not be permitted to leave the boundaries of Ponyville. Princess Twilight will continue to monitor you openly, to ascertain more information of your abilities. Myself and Luna will also make regular check-ins on your progress. As I have said before, I must be aware of any potential threats. Now, if there is nothing else to say, then I believe we are done for the day. Mr Parker, before you are confined, please assist the Sirens out to sea. I believe you all have much to discuss.”

The three Sirens and Peter were almost about to speak out against this decision, but the piercing stare of Celestia was more than enough to make all of them rethink saying anything. If this was a punishment for all of them, they would just have to accept it.


The cart ride from Canterlot had been a weird one for the three Siren sisters. Not because they had been spared when in all likelihood they shouldn’t have been, but because they were now being hauled along to their freedom by the man who tried to kill them. As far as they knew however, he could just murder them without anyone knowing. The possibility stuck with them the entire time, each of them ready to defend themselves however they could. Though considering Peter was able to hold them off when they had their powers, now it was going to be a one-sided affair.

“If you intend to kill us, you might as well do it now and save yourself the long walk home. Though maybe you’ll need it. Once you get back, you’ll be trapped there until the princesses say otherwise. You might as well enjoy your freedom while you can.”

Despite her condescending tone, Adagio had a point. Once he would return back to Ponyville, Peter would be under watch until Celestia said otherwise. It was ironic how quickly their positions changed, with the Sirens being set free and him waiting to become a prisoner. It didn't take much longer for them to reach a source of water, that being a large river. From what Peter had been told, this river would lead towards the ocean, and freedom for the Sirens.

“Alright ladies, this is it. From this point on, you're on your own. Good luck out there."

One at a time, Peter assisted each of the Sirens into the river, his touch causing them to tremble in fear. Despite getting them this far, they still feared he could kill them even now. But as Adagio was being carried over,that fear began to subside. All three of them were now in their element, so they could easily escape should he try anything. Even now she couldn't help but wonder.

“Hey Parker. Why not just kill us? After everything we did to you, you have more than enough reason.”

“It's not what I do. I’ve come close to killing out of anger before, and I hated every moment of it. And if there's one thing I’ve learned about myself these past few days, it’s that the monster was always there. But I made a promise to never take a life out of anger. I have to be better."

Before he turned to leave, Adagio shared one last glance with Peter. And just like in the throne room, she couldn't see any of that rage from before. It suddenly dawned on her that she and her sisters had ruined one final life before losing their powers. And despite all the damage they had done, they had been given another shot. She secretly hoped the same for Peter.

“Hey… For what it's worth, I hope they forgive you. You don’t seem like a bad man. Trust me, I’d know. I’ve met my fair share of bad men. But I’ll say this now. Whatever you’ve got going on, you gotta get it under wraps. Or Celestia will kill you. We got lucky, I'll admit. But I get the feeling the princesses will only be so merciful with you."

A rather foreboding piece of insight, but not one to take lightly. Peter had seen the fear in the Sirens' eyes back in the throne room, their thoughts sure that Celestia would strike them down. Whether or not this could be attributed to her younger years or not was up for debate, so all Peter could do was nod as he walked off, the wooden cart creaking with each footstep as he marched back to Ponyville, leaving the Sirens alone in this world that had long left them behind.


It had been several hours since the Sirens had been left to their own devices. For Adagio, it was a confusing feeling. They were back home, and yet were not being hunted down for simply existing. Even now, their Equestrian bodies felt relaxing to be in, unlike their human bodies. Something had changed since their gems had been destroyed, almost as if the lecherous nature of those gems had been part of their suffering for centuries. And now that they were gone, the desire to constantly feed themselves had gone with them. It felt like a relief, like their bodies were their own again.

The only downside now was that they would have to create a new home for themselves, which wouldn’t be easy. Equestria had moved on without them for a thousand years, and their status as Sirens wouldn't get them any sympathy points. Yet there was one thing they could all be thankful for: they were alive. And yet, Adagio felt as if they had cheated death somehow. She herself had almost gotten them all killed. Perhaps that was the just thing. Only she should have suffered, for the lifetimes of pain and destruction she had wrought.

“This feels wrong. Like we got away with it all too easily.”

The eldest Siren contemplated her many sins, struggling to come to terms with them. Everything she had done, she did for her own survival and for that of her sisters. But now that they were home, it all came crashing down on her mind. How many people had she killed, how many lives did she ruin? The numbers were too much, and would haunt her for the rest of her days.

“Some things just aren’t worth thinking about, Dagi. We made it, didn't we? We’re home. And we’re free. No more dark magic to sustain, no more eternity to think about. We can do what we want. And we can all be together.”

Ever the optimist, Sonata attempted to console her older sister. And it was difficult to disagree. They had all managed to stick together all this time, through everything they had suffered through. Even Aria seemed to be the happiest she had been in an eternity. The three sisters embraced as they carried on downstream, sure in the fact they would be okay. As long as they were together, they would take on any challenge. Their fight was over.

For now.


The day was finally over. Though things had gotten a little more difficult, now with royalty basically looking over his shoulder, Peter couldn't help but feel some sense of relief. He no longer had to keep his true identity a secret, now that his friends in Ponyville knew where he was from. At the same time, he knew in the back of his mind that things weren’t that easy just yet. There was still the trust of Celestia to earn, as well as proving to Twilight that he wasn't some dangerous monster.

Looking outside at the stars, Peter’s thoughts wandered to those of home, thinking of the people left behind. Yet he reminded himself that those same thoughts were what led him to be so susceptible to the Sirens influence. Perhaps some things were better left in the past. A quiet whimper could be heard just next to him coming from a small ball of fluff, the sound of a sleeping wolf cub. Grace had nuzzled up to Peter as soon as he and Fluttershy had returned to her cottage.

The scent of tea roamed around the roam, clearing Peter’s senses as he inhaled its aroma. The taste was even more therapeutic. Whatever Futtershy had made the tea with was extremely strong. Though unlike Peter, she was being remarkably slow with hers, taking the tiniest possible sips. The past few hours had been a whirlwind of emotions for her, given what she had just learned about her new friend. Like the others, she had a lot of questions she wanted to ask.

“There’s so much I want to know about him, but… now doesn’t feel like the best time to ask him. Maybe he’ll tell me when he’s ready?”

Taking one last sip of tea, Peter closed his eyes, ready to enjoy the first peaceful sleep in what felt like an eternity. He wasn't sure why, but the couch felt like he was lying on the fluffiest cloud. But as he attempted to ease into slumber, his Spider-Sense went off like an alarm bell. Not as severe as it had been over the past few days, but still enough to warrant his attention. Fluttershy didn't even spot him move from the couch to the door and outside, his speed making him almost a blur. She rushed outside to try and find him, but she couldn't find him outside.

“Peter? Where are you?”

She looked around, still unable to find him. Grace however did spot Peter, and barked towards his location, bringing Fluttershy's attention skyward. There she spotted Peter floating in place, his head moving from side to side as if he was scanning the area. It almost appeared as if he was panicking, making Fluttershy begin to worry.

“Peter? Are you ok? What's going on?”

From the height he was floating, Peter hadn't heard Fluttershys question. It didn't help that she was, for the most part, incredibly quiet. Noticing that she hadn’t been heard, Fluttershy opened her wings to join Peter in the sky, yet he still took no notice. It took a rather impressive yelp from Grace to pull Peter's attention back, prompting him to finally take notice of Fluttershy.

“Sorry about that. It felt like something dangerous was nearby. I can’t pinpoint what it is, but it was definitely close. Feels like its gone for now though.”

The two looked out towards the landscape beyond, the tranquil evening now tainted with the feeling of dread. It annoyed Peter that he wasn't able to pin down where it was coming from and deal with it then and there. Because of that, he knew that whatever it was would come for them in the future. And he was right. Looking down upon Ponyville with malicious intent was a mysterious figure, an evil glare in her eyes as she contemplated her plans for the town and its people.

“So this is your home, Princess Twilight? Such a wholesome little town. What a shame that it’s time is coming to an end!”

Starlight Glimmer had come for her revenge.