• Published 8th Aug 2021
  • 576 Views, 4 Comments

The Climbing Human - Shark

A Human was brought to Equestria but soon realized that it’s far bigger than he Ever imagine with unexpected terms

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Chapter 3 Royal

“Your mind is weak, even if you found me, you’ll already be too late.”

That’s what I heard, the same voice. I don’t know who it is, but I want to find out and princess Celestia has the answers for me.

My mind came back to Reality when the train finally stop. Twilight told me to get ready, when we left the train, I was amazed by the tall and Fantasy like buildings. Yup, you ponies still surprise me.

Twilight told me to follow her to princess Celestia castle. While walking, I still see more people looking at me, you know I’m starting to get used to it.

Im still looking around the area seeing the buildings, twilight ask me if I like the buildings. I told her they look amazing and looked possible to climb.

Twilight looked at me wondering if it’s possible, I told her it is. “You see many people think it’s the hands and arms, but there for gripping and holding on to something, it’s the legs that do the work.”

Spike looked at me questioning what I’m saying. “You see the legs boost you up, when I was little I thought it was the arms more important, they are, but it’s the legs that help you out the most.”

Twilight and spike were amazed to hear that. After 15 minutes of walking we made it to the castle, and my god, this got to be the biggest castle I have have ever seen, And what makes this even more surprising that this giant castle is on top of a giant mountain.

After looking at the castle, the two royal guards open the door for twilight and spike, but when I try to walk towards the entrance, they blocked the path with there spears.

“State your business.”

Said the royal guard, they looked at me like I’m suspicious. Can’t blame them I’m literally wearing A hoodie covering my face and a blanket like cloak around my body. There just doing there job.

Twilight told the royal guards that I’m not a threat but a guest. The guards lowered there spears, allowing me to go inside.

I never saw a royal palace before, but I hear stories about it. If this castle is huge, then there are many rooms in this castle. I could get lost in the castle if twilight wasn’t here.

We made it to the door, that leads to the throne room. Before we entered, twilight told me I have to be respectful towards the princess. I know she’s royalty and she’s the ruler of a Equestria, If I said something so insulting in there, my ass would be going to jail.

“Don’t worry Twilight everything will be fine.”

Twilight, spike and I opened the door to the throne room. Looking around the throne, it was big, I guess pony like things big.

Princess Celestia greeted Twilight and Spike, while I’m just focusing on the architecture, and not focusing on anything else.

Twilight knows I wasn’t paying attention, she tap my shoulder to focus on the Princess. My eyes widen like a dinner plate. I looked at twilight and looked back at Princess Celestia.

“Forgive me what I’m about to say but, YOUR NOT A PONY, YOUR A GIANT FRICKEN HORSE!”

Twilight face went from fear and shocked at the exact same time. Spike has no words.




I heard someone else yelling, at first thought it was princess Celestia, but I was looking at her the entire time, she didn’t say anything.

I looked up and saw the other Princess Princess Luna, and she is pissed.



Princess Celestia chuckled but trying to hold in her laughter. Luna looked at her sister, she thought her sister was about to laugh.


“Forgive me mighty blue one, I didn’t mean to insult you and your sister, it’s just a lot of things were happening to me right now, I’ve been seeing dreams strange and unexpected things. Twilight will explain everything to you, about my situation.”

Twilight walked forward and told everyone what’s happening, I’m from a different world, the map going off, my strange dreams, all the references I’ve been saying, why I’m here and how do I get back home.

The two Princesses looked at each other, and looked at me. Princess Celestia told me to remove my hood. I was hesitant for a bit, but I made it this far.

I removed my hood showing my face towards the two Princesses. There were surprised, Celestia walked towards me, she realized something.

“How old are you?”

She ask me like a concern mother, so I told her.

“I’m 19.”

“Your couple years Younger than Twilight. I don’t know why the elements brought you here, but we will find away get you back home.”

“Thank you princess.”

Celestia looked at Luna, she knows what to do. She walked towards me, telling me.

“I will check on your dreams when you sleep. To see if there’s any problems.”

“Thank you princes-.”

I stopped and realized what she said.

“I’m sorry but did you, just say you can enter in dreams.”

“Yes I can.”

“Nope, Not doing it.”

“Wait what.”

Everyone was surprised of what I said. Twilight ask what’s wrong. I just told her, that’s terrifying, it reminds me of someone. Everyone was questioning who was the person I was talking about.

“He’s a fictional character of a horror movie, his name is Freddy Krueger, and that is terrifying if someone can kill you in your dreams.”

“Wait, I can do that?”


Twilight told me more about Luna’s ability. After hearing more that, I calm down and took time to think about it. If Luna goes in my dream, she can find what’s going on in there.

She could possibly find the person who was talking to me. This could be lead me back home. I turned around looking at everyone ready to do it.

“Screw it, we’re doing it.”

When we were waiting for the night to come, I took time to talk to the royal Sisters. They told me more about Equestria and in return, I told them about my world. Although I didn’t tell them we eat meat.

I didn’t tell them because I don’t want to be called a cannibal. After that the three Princesses took me around the castle for me to understand them. They even took me lunch with them, well Celestia mostly eat cake, and trust me this ponies knows how to make a cake.

After all of that the night have arrived and we’re ready for the dream. They took me to a bedroom where I can sleep. I was alone in the room, took off the blanket cloak and my jacket.

I walked towards the window looking at the view of city and landscape. I jumped on the window and started climbing up towards the highest point of the castle.

More and more I climb i can see the curve of the earth. When I made it to the top, I looked around the landscape, even seeing Ponyville far from here.

After looking at the view, I wonder how’s my family is doing, there probably worried about me.

“This is going to be some story to explain to them.”

I climb back down to my room and slept the night away. When I woke up, I was back in the strange place again. The Crystal balls were still hovering and spinning, everything was quiet until a bright light came out of nowhere revealing to be Princess Luna. She looked around the dream, she seen a lot of dreams but nothing like this before.

Luna ask me about the Crystal balls, I told her there other worlds except each of them has one different event. She didn’t understand what I was saying, until I showed her a closer look of the Crystal ball.

Her face says it all, she never seen anything like this before. Worlds similar to hers. After that, Luna use her magic to find anything strange. Then suddenly all the Crystal balls stops, a bright appeared again, I warned Luna not to look at the light. We both covered our eyes.

When we open them we were hovering, I looked around the area it looks different now it looks like space. Luna use her wings to balance herself. Luna shouted,

“Show yourself thien.”

A dark shadow appeared out of nowhere, started to form it’s body. When the shadow finished forming it’s body. The body looks like a dragon fly except it was vertical. The wings doesn’t look like dragon fly wing but instead it looks like bird wings.

I was terrified to see a creature like that. Princess Luna was about use her magic until nothing happen, she can’t use her
magic, she tried again still nothing.

“What’s going on, why can’t I use my magic.”

“Because you’re no longer in the dream world.”

Me and Luna looked at the creature. It was talking to us telepathically.

“You’re the first pony to made it this far.”

“What do you mean the first one.”

Luna suddenly stopped, she wasn’t moving, like she was frozen in time. Then the creature looked at me with It’s big black eyes, it feels like it was staring into my soul.

“You shouldn’t be here, you didn’t listen to my words.”

“What Words”

“Let me remind you. You are just a puppet, and not the only one who entered this worlds. Your mind is weak, even if you found me, you’ll already be too late.”

“What do you mean too late.”

The creature got closer.

“I feed on this worlds. It keeps me alive. I travel around the multi-verse and eat the other worlds.”

“Wait a minute now I get it, you’re not just a creature, you’re a parasite. You devour the multi-verse.”

“Correct human. Not just eat the multi-verse but I want to erase it all out of existence.”

“Then why haven’t you just finish the job, something is holding you back right.”

The creature flinch, it’s starting to raise his voice at me.

“I shouldn’t be hiding things. Yes, something is keeping me away from these worlds. The creators.”

“Creators, who are they?”

“They were the ones who created these worlds. They have many names, but they’re in charge of keeping their stories in check. It’s like a writer, they write down The worlds they pick, and there’s so many stories they have written with all these worlds. But it’s like you said, i’m a parasite. I’m always on the run, consuming any worlds I seek, but if I get caught, game over for me.”

“Wait you’re the villain, why are you telling me this. Shouldn’t you be keeping this a secret, not revealing it”

“Most people would do that but, I like it when someone knows what’s happening but they can’t do anything about it.”

I was shocked frighten, hearing the words of this creature.

“You won’t get away from this!”

“You think you frighten me human, you’re nothing but just a human, no magic, no wings, no powers no claws, no tail, nothing. I became death, the destroyer of worlds.”

I started moving violently trying to get myself to wake up, but I couldn’t, it feels real, it feels too real.

“Stop squirming human, I could send you back home.”

I stop moving, hearing what he’s going to say.

“That’s right, I can send you back home. I have the power to take you away from a Equestria, and bring you back to your family. I can erase your memory of The time you were in Equestria, you’ll forget everything you know, not knowing this world exist anymore. What do you think, do we have a deal.”

I stop, he’s right what can I do, I’m not special, I don’t have the power to do anything. I am literally talking to an actually destroyer of worlds. I was about to say something, until I looked at Luna Frozen body and I looked at the Crystal balls seeing everyone.

I started to remember the ponies who help me, Zecora, Twilight, Spike, Celestia and Luna. I can’t go back home, not yet. So I know what to say.

“So do we have a deal.”


The creature was not happy, it was about to attack me, until the creature flew away by a bright light, then I realized I was glowing, I don’t know what’s happening to me. The light became so bright that I can’t see anything.

I woke up, I’m back at the castle. I got out of the bed, I was about to open the door. But twilight open the door first.

Me and twilight ran to princess Luna room, to see princess Celestia with her Younger sister. Everyone was asking what happened in the dream.

Luna said she saw something they never seen before, she was about use her magic at the creature but she can’t remember anything else after that.

Everyone looked at me, and I told them everything. They’re were shocked and scared hearing about a creature that can eat worlds.

“I have never seen anything like that before. Princess Celestia what should we do.”

“I’m sorry Twilight but, I don’t know.”

That creature must be stopped but how, how do we stopped an actual god. Then suddenly I got a vision, it was the elements, the vision was showing why, I was glowing and that light got the creature to fly away. Why is it showing me the elements. Then it hit me. With full determination and willing to stop this creature.

“I know what we’re gonna do.”

Everyone looked at me wondering what I’m saying.

“Listen we don’t know jack shit about this creature, right.”

Everyone agrees.

“But it flew away when I was starting to glow, and after that I had a vision, and it showed me the elements of harmony.”

“Are you telling us, that creature is scared of the elements.”

“YES! I think, we need to get back to Ponyville and get the elements, and find a way to break through the multi-verse, and stop this creature before it consumes more worlds.”

Everyone started to cheer up, Twilight have some ideas about breaking Reality. If they’re going to defeat this creature, they need all the help they can. I went back the room to grabbing my jacket and the blanket cloak.

“Mmm. Yup, this is going to be some story to explain to my family back home. If I get back home.”