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Urchin V - Dark Waters, Part 2

I cornered Cato, Flash, and Applejack and her friends the following day after school had ended, and told them everything. Cato was shocked, Flash was dumbfounded, and Applejack and her friends all had horrified expressions.

“Looks like Twilight was right after all” Cato muttered to himself, but not quietly.

“Twilight? Who the hell is Twilight?” I asked, confused.

Cue everyone explaining the true story behind Cato’s stunt at the Fall Formal, to which Sunset Shimmer only stood by and had tears in her eyes. Rarity and Rainbow comforted her after we were done. Again, I was shocked.

Cato sighed. “This was why I asked you and Flash to form the band. I saw the connection between you and Adagio forming in front of my eyes and thought I could use that to my advantage without things getting way too serious. Seems like that line has already been crossed.”

I shuddered, and tears came to my eyes, “Well, I sure d-don’t want their nature to succeed and leave them broken! We have to help them.”

Cato stood there, deep in thought as if searching for an idea. I, on the other hand, had enough and left, so I could prepare with what could be a star crossed lovers’ moment before tragedy with Adagio tonight.

Just walking up to the room that Adagio was in felt like agony. Like, here was a siren that had managed to develop feelings for me despite their purpose in life and wanted to at least have some intimate moments with me before she and her sisters brought about the end of the world, like it was painful as fuck. Words cannot describe it. To my honest surprise, she had the door held by the lock mechanism open a little bit so I could enter the room.

“Urchin? Is that you?” I heard her voice call out, in a tone that made it sound like a cry for help, which in turn made my heart pang in pain.

“Yeah, I’m here. Still a bit surprised that I made you fall for me, to be honest” I replied back.

“Yeah you did. And it really breaks my heart that due to what my purpose in life is, that I only get to spend one night of it with the boy I love.”

I winced, then got serious. “Adagio, I promise that I’m going to free you and your sisters of this if it’s the last thing I do. Like, fuck destiny. Fuck whatever fate your ancestors have envisioned. I’m going to change the fucking ending, no matter what it takes.”

She looked up at me, since she was sitting on the bed, then cried into my chest. I put my arms around her neck, and comforted her. “I’m not going to leave you and your sisters to your fate. Neither are Cato or Flash or the Rainbooms. We’re getting you and your sisters out of this, no matter what happens.”

“B-But what about the Battle of the Bands?”

“Screw that. The real battle is breaking you and your sisters free of your purpose in life.”

She pulled her head back, looked up at me with scared eyes, then calmed down and just say two words.

“Kiss me.”

So I did. I kissed her, and we had a moment of bittersweet making out that night. Just the two of us, admitting our feelings for each other.