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Urchin II - Weirdness Abounds

When Sunset Shimmer, who was me, Adagio, Sonata, and Aria’s tour guide came around, this is when things starting getting really weird here, and also the point where later on, Cato would start having flashbacks of something that he both really didn’t want to remember, yet at the same time will never forget. The Vice Principal at that moment just so happened to put up a poster for a “Battle Of The Bands” Music Competition, which Adagio and her sisters couldn’t help but eye up.

“You three do music?” Sunset asked.

“Well, we have been known to sing from time to time..” Aria stated, only to be interrupted by Sonata.

“Hello! We sing like, all the time. It’s how we get people to do what we want.”

Something about that just seemed wrong, I didn’t know what it was, but there was something definitely wrong with what she said, which is why I couldn’t help but stare back at her like someone horrified.

“What.. What did I say?”

I was about to ask what in the world she meant by that, when Adagio abruptly ended my chances of doing so.

“You’ll have to excuse them.. they’re idiots.”

“Rather harsh words for your sisters, Adagio” I said, a little bit annoyed.

This caused her to stop and space out a little, perhaps thinking about something, before she walked off with Sunset and her sisters, leaving me alone with my thoughts. After a while, I decided to walk to the current class I would be in, thinking only one thing in my brain.

What the hell did Sonata mean by ‘It’s how we get people to do what we want?’

On the other hand, I couldn’t help but keep thinking about Adagio, how perfect she was. Again, I had to mentally smack myself out of it. Like, don’t get me wrong, her beauty is something, but there’s something to her and her sisters that I just can’t figure out yet. Either way, it seems that life at Canterlot for me is about to get a whole lot interesting.