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The elements of harmony. Six extremely powerful artifacts. One day found themselves being studied by some of the very best science ponies of equestria.

A former research paper from, no less than the Princess of Friendship, had given the names of all six elements. Along with a description of how they had been used throughout history in the battle against evil. This was all a good starting point for the team.

But what was not noted down was their origin. So, as is standard in Equestrian science they let it fall under the: 'if no information is given say it grew from a tree' initiative.

There was only one pony from the research group studying the elements that believed this initiative held any truth. That ponys name was Crack Pot.

Crack Pot was, well, a different kind of scientist. He was well loved by his peers, and never seemed to let go of his smile, his enthusiastic (sometimes too much) smile. However he had the habit to live up to his strange name, and hold some truly outlandish ideas in his field of magic study.

He also had the annoying habit of not being completely wrong.

He was thankfully not the sort to go around and fruitlessly try to convince others of these greatly odd ideas. No, he was quite content being different. In fact he enjoyed it, thus the smiles.

His wife and coworker however was not as prone to the smirk, the grin, the showing of her pearly whites. Unless it was to bare her teeth at someone who told her to please quieten down as this is a library. Well it's not her fault that that is where all the intellectuals go. And that she needed them for her study programme FIVE MINUTES AGO!

Her name was Sexy Results. She was damn sexy, and always got results.

She had a cutie mark of a green tick over top a couple of hearts upon her sexy flank. She had a sexy golden coat over her sexy if slightly small frame, with a sexy pink mane and tail, both in a sexy style. In fact the only thing not sexy about her is the fact he wanted to tear out the throat of however stood in the way of her success. Thus her husband endeavoured to never do that, as that wasn't his fetish.

Crack Pot had a fetish for trying to not have any fetishes. Or so his theory goes.

What also goes was the mane Crack Pot had. It went and went. Going and going, all the way down to his upper front legs. It being grey and his coat being a slightly different shade of grey meant that it sometimes looked like he had an adorably fluffy chest. Other times, when the wind was harsh it looked like he had a mess of hair to untangle.

His cutie mark was a potted plant with a lightning shaped scar of a crack going down from the top of the pot that a green plant was potted in.

Sexy Results was staring intently at the cutie mark, but only to avoid eye contact with her husband. "So,” she said thought gritted teeth, “your idea of the hour goes, that we need to study jewelry weapons, to cure forgetfulness of the populous' memory of some celebrities!"

Cracked Pot just smiled that same old smile which he always seemed to have, while awake, and said, "Oh whatever gave you the notion that it was my idea? And they are not celebrities; yet. That's what we are here to solve, at the insistence of one particular bearer of a 'jewelry weapon'." He left out the name of the blur of rainbows and shouts because he truly couldn't remember it. Or the face or voice of the pony that it belonged to for that matter, which seemed to give some small legitimacy to the idea.

"So that's what we do now, artificially make celebrities." Sexy complained with a not quite sexy sigh.

"Well according to a certain Princess’ research paper they have defeate-"

"How did Princess Celestia make time for a research paper? I know we can't doubt her or we'll lose our jobs, but just how?" Sexy asked, gaping sexily.

Crack Pot who was used to her sexy outbursts from their five years of marriage, stayed as calm as ever and answered. "It was not written by Celestia. Rather her ex-pupil, now Princess, Twilight Sparkle."

When Crack only heard the sound of silence sexily coming from his wife he continued. "The element bearers defeated enemies of this land with the elements. However, when was the last time you even heard someone speak of them?"

"Speak of who?"


"So we don't even know who we are researching the effects of the phenomena on." Deadpanned Sexy Results.

"I know! Isn't it exciting?" He said sexily (he learnt how to do that from his wife).

A quiet voice called out from behind them, "I don't find it exciting."

They both spun around upon hearing the soft spoken tone to find Wallflower Blush removed her just a bit larger than was reasonable sunglasses to say, "Did you miss me?"

"Why do you ask? Did you miss your paycheck for being absent until now?" They both quipped, somehow at the same time. One theory for this goes that it was because to do so would be sexy. But who would believe that?


Rainbow Dash rapidly tapped a hoof against the floor in her impatience.

She had caused a slight indent in the stone floor with her contestant tap tap taps.

The remaining members of the bearers of the elements of harmony friendship group, were quietly annoyed by this. The ponies had in their own special amounts of time come to realise that if they reprimanded Dash for being inpatient, then they would have to first register and admit their own inpatients with the rainbow maned pony's inpatients.

"Paradoxes are fun, aren't they Twilight?"

Twilight Sparkle did not answer. She was trying to keep a secret and she didn't have her hand-dandy plant pot full of soil to hide her mouth in. She had resolved to not speak until the knowledge that the other science ponies had gathered, came to light naturally.

A fart was heard.

All other ponies looked at Applejack.

Author's Note:

I was going to publish this sepratly as it's own story story but couldn't decided how to end the chapter in a satisfying way.

Alternatively you could view this as a treat for getting so far into my adventures in imagination and strangeness.

(Just ignore the fact that if I had put it as it's own story you could have just read it on this site as well. Okay?)