• Published 7th Mar 2021
  • 2,707 Views, 34 Comments

What If... - Petalled

What if Twilight did not take on the role of ruling Equestria?

  • ...

Captain Dash

Curtains rolled down to the bottom frame of the window, the Captain of the Wonderbolts brought her sight away from the said window and sat back down in her office chair, twirling it around to face her desk with two guards posted on each side of the door when all of a sudden a knock occurred two times.

''Come in,'' Spitfire called out, settling shades above her muzzle and cracking her hooves together in preparation, her face resting atop them.

''You wish to see me, ma'am?'' Rainbow queried, entering the room with defiance.

Spitfire got her face off her hooves and leaned back in her chair, inspecting her fit. ''You seem to be a lot more confident than you first joined the bolts, don't you recall?''

Rainbow grinned, rubbing her neck sheepishly, then straightening herself presentable again.

''Yes, ma'am.''

But Spitfire continued to look at her, a grin starting to form on her face. She stood up from her seat and walked towards the door. ''Follow me,'' she said, trotting out, followed closely by Rainbow Dash with curiosity.

When they reached the locker room, the rest of the Wonderbolts were present in the room all looking at Rainbow Dash which got her confused.

''What was it that you needed me to—'' Rainbow trailed off as the captain walked around the room and stopped right in front of her.

''Tell me, how long have you been working in the bolts, Crash?'' Spitfire quizzed.

''Uh, about a few years now, ma'am,'' Rainbow answered, still confused.

Spitfire grinned from ear to ear, stepped forward, turned back and forth. ''And during those years, you had shown us your resilience, courage, your loyalty to the team... Heck, we might as well say you have taught the team over the years even when you weren't part of the bolts yet. We've been waiting for that day to come and for this day to come.''

Rainbow looked at everyone around her. ''Where are you taking this to, ma'am?''

''I'm saying how all of those factors make up a leader for our team,'' Spitfire replied, surprising the cyan pegasus. She nodded and glanced down at her badges worn on her uniform. She unworn the uniform and passed it to Rainbow. ''Congratulations, Crash, you are now officially co-captain of the Wonderbolts.''

Everyone around her erupted in applause for the newly-made co-captain yet Rainbow's ears befell.

''...That's it?'' she commented which deflated everyone at that.

''Pardon?'' Spitfire asked, stepping forward and tilting her head.

''I mean I'm not tryna be greedy or anything, but with the way you were talking and giving me your uniform, you sorta had my hopes up that I was going to take over your position for the team. And why wouldn't I? I am awesome.''

Spitfire's eyebrows furrowed. ''Crash.''

''So... if I'm co-captain and you're still captain, then why did you give me your uniform? Shouldn't I be getting a co-captain's uniform?''

Spitfire smacked her forehead and groaned. ''Crash, this uniform is only temporary for today to make the announcement. Your real uniform will be ready in a few hours by your friend Rarity I asked for her to do.''

''Oh~'' Rainbow felt stupid, then a thought occurred. ''Wait so my friends knew before me?''

''Nah,'' Fleetfoot answered for her. ''We just told your friend to do this design.'' She showed Rainbow a piece of paper of the outfit she would be wearing for her new co-captain position.

''Woah.'' Rainbow was surprised at that. ''Who did that?''

''I did,'' said Soarin, puffing out his chest. ''I'm glad you like it.''

''This is awesome!'' she exclaimed, then her excitement died down. ''Uh, I mean cool.''

Spitfire turned to her. ''I'm not retiring just yet, Crash. And when I do, it'll probably be in a few more years. Right now, we need to get you experienced to this sort of stuff.''

Rainbow rubbed her neck. ''Okay,'' she acknowledged before hyping up. ''But not right now. I need to tell my friends!'' And with that, she flew out the door.

Spike was out of breath when he reached the throne room's doors as Rainbow Dash had called for everyone to meet her at the place they would most frequently meet up at.

''Does anypony have any idea why Dash all called us here?'' Applejack asked, standing next to Rarity.

''I'm not sure, darling,'' she said. ''The Wonderbolts came to my boutique to ask me to make a special uniform for them. Probably an update for Captain Spitfire's wardrobe. I mean that uniform isn't standing out from the rest of the team's uniforms.''

''Nah, it wasn't for her,'' came a voice from behind, having everyone spot a cyan pegasus standing in the doorway. ''Sorry that I'm late, but I had to brag to my teammates.''

''Uh, brag about what exactly?'' asked the cowgirl, perplexed.

Rainbow grinned from ear to ear, leaning against the door in a cool pose before announcing: ''Well, looks like you're talking to the now official co-captain of the Wonderbolts!''

All of her friends gave a collective set of gasps, all trotting up to her giving out their felicitations.

''I can't believe this!'' Twilight exclaimed, smiling proudly. ''Just to think it's been a few years since you were new to the team, Rainbow.''

''I know!'' conceded the pegasus. ''I'm getting cooler and cooler. Wait till the Rainbow Dash fan club hears about this or even Lightning Dust!''

''So that's why your teammates came up to me with that brilliant design,'' Rarity pointed out. ''I'm so proud of you, darling.''

''We all are,'' said Twilight.

''Oh, my gosh!'' Pinkie piped, pinning the pegasus to the floor in a tight hug. ''Just wait when I make the biggest awesomific cake ever for your co-captain party!'' She gasped. ''Better tell my Cheesecake to help me out with this to make it even more awesome!''

''Great,'' said Rainbow in a deadpan. ''Can't forget about these.''

Pinkie Pie had set the party over at Sugar Cube Corner but decided to shorten the number amount of ponies and creatures invited.

The cutie mark crusaders were in awe at Rainbow Dash telling them what happened along with the Rainbow Dash fan club where the princesses were also there to congratulate her on her success and wish her the best of luck. Pinkie had also agreed with Scootaloo on inviting Rainbow's parents to the party much to Rainbow's disapproval despite shifting her perception of them. They were still quite a hoof full over their only daughter, Scootaloo joined along.

Trying to get away from her overexcitable parents, Rainbow Dash was met up with her Wonderbolt teammates also congratulating her for the hard work she did to earn the position. She thanked them in return and when she turned back to the party, she spotted her cowgirl friend sitting at a table holding onto a cup of cider.

''You drinking that?'' asked Rainbow as she came over to the table.

Applejack's head perked up and noticed her friend. ''Hey, Dash. Congratulations once again.''

''Well, what's the matter?'' she asked. ''Aren't you excited?''

Applejack blew a raspberry. ''Of course, I am. It's not every day one of mah best friends get titled as co-captain of one of the greatest aerial teams.''

''Then what's the matter?'' She refused to let it slide and sat down next to her cowgirl friend.

The cowgirl turned to look at the cup of cider in between her hooves. She looked at her friend. ''Dash, I... there's somethin' that I have always been keeping away from you for quite a long time now.''

''And what's that?'' Rainbow tilted her head to the side.

''I...'' Applejack was about to speak further had Pinkie's voice not butted in.

''There you two are!'' she exclaimed. She turned to Rainbow. ''Hey, Dashie. Do you wanna play pin the tail on the Wonderbolt pony? I'll show you how to play!''

Rainbow chuckled. ''No thanks, I'm pretty sure I'll know what to do.''

''Great!'' Pinkie squealed with a beaming smile, taking hold of the pegasus' hoof and pulling her to the side to join the others leaving Applejack alone again until Twilight walked over.

''Not having fun?'' she asked, and so did Applejack's head perks up again to her voice.

''Naw, it ain't that,'' she replied, then she corrected, ''it ain't nothin'.''

''Then why are you sitting around here for? Come join us!'' she encouraged her friend.

''Don't feel like it,'' Applejack said. ''Just want some time alone.''

''Come on,'' said Twilight. ''It's Rainbow's co-captain party and it's not every day we celebrate that.''

''Knowin' Pinkie, we'll probably be celebrating it every day.''

Twilight, unconvinced by the tone, sat down next to her cowgirl friend. ''Okay, what's going on?''

''It's nothing, I swear!'' she almost snapped until she lowered it down. ''I mean later, okay? I'm just not ready, not yet anyway.''

The unicorn nodded. ''I understand,'' she said. ''I'll leave you alone for a while.''

When she walked away, Applejack twirled her mug of cider within her hold before taking a sip from it.

She turned to look at the cyan pegasus blindfolded as the pink pony twirled her around and around trying to place a tail on a picture of a Wonderbolt with everyone surrounding her.

She sighed as she turned to her cider. If only she could ever notice me.