• Published 7th Mar 2021
  • 2,700 Views, 34 Comments

What If... - Petalled

What if Twilight did not take on the role of ruling Equestria?

  • ...

Daring Denouement

''Twilight!'' boomed a raspy voice from the castle hallways as Twilight looked up from her reading, a cyan pegasus blasting herself through the doors.

Twilight stood up from the ground. ''What happened this time? Pinkie found another secret of yours that you've kept from her all your life with her?''

''What? No!'' Rainbow instantly exclaimed, shaking her head sharply. She slammed a newspaper on the floor into view as Twilight glanced down to read the headline.

''Daring Denouement?'' Twilight read aloud. ''Author A.K. Yearling has decided to put an end to her series Daring Do as inspiration has been difficult to find lately, considering the reformation of Ahuizoti and Doctor Caballeron written in her last book.''

''Don't you see?'' Rainbow asked, getting in her face. ''I can't let her make this decision. Will you please come with me to her final interview that is held this afternoon? We can even encourage or inspire her!''

''I don't know, Dash...'' Twilight muttered. ''It seems like Daring Do would've put much thought into what she was doing. Maybe it'll be better if we don't do anything?''

''Are you kidding?!'' Rainbow exclaimed in her face. ''The last time we butted in, we ended up helping her! I don't care what you say because I'm going to that interview if it's the last thing I do!''

Rainbow Dash was about to fly away through the opened window had Twilight not pulled her by the tail with her magic, sending her to the ground.

''I'm sure Daring Do would appreciate your thoughtfulness, Dash,'' said Twilight. ''But I think this time Daring Do wants to do what she wants despite hurting some major fans. If you really supported her, Rainbow, then you should let her do what she wants to do, respect her wishes.''

''But—'' Rainbow stammered, not wanting to give up. ''Don't you see, Twilight? The only reason why she's suddenly putting an end to the series is that she's got nothing else to write after the reformation of Ahuizoti and Doctor Caballeron. They were practically her only enemies.''

''I'm sure Daring Do will come back eventually if she does stumble upon a new creature with the help of Ahuizoti and Doctor Caballeron. Right now, all we can do is offer her some encouragement.''

''Roger that!'' Rainbow yelled while saluting before zooming out the window.

Twilight sighed and went back to her reading, then stopped. ''Oh, but I really want to help too.'' A frown marred her face. ''Hold up, Dash. I'm coming!'' In a spark of light, she disappeared out of the library.

She reappeared in front of Rainbow Dash who was flying fast in the sky where Twilight fell down since she now lacked wings. The former glanced down and saw that the latter was falling, getting ready to swoop down and save her. She noticed some clouds around her and so spun them around and around, taking them with her as she descended downwards towards the falling pony and had her land on the clouds.

Twilight opened her eyes, noticing that she was safe and sound. She blew a sigh of relief while wiping the sweat away from her forehead before levitating herself off the cloud, floating with her magic.

''Seriously?!'' Rainbow exclaimed, wiping out the clouds away. ''You could've just used your magic! Now you're gonna make me late to Daring Do's final interview!''

''Sorry, Dash,'' Twilight apologized. ''I guess I kind of forgot.''

''You guess?'' Rainbow repeated, slapping her face with a hoof before flying in the other direction, followed shortly by Twilight. In a few minutes of flying, the two of them reached a building with many ponies surrounding reading through the newest article in the newspaper while also hanging up Daring Do signs.

Rainbow wasted no time and pushed the doors to the building open, a long line of ponies and creatures in front of a counter where she could see Daring Do behind it trying to lower the volume of the despondent fans.

''I know and I'm sorry,'' Daring said. ''But this is my decision. I just can't seem to find any inspiration after the whole reformation thing, okay?''

Twilight walked to Rainbow's side who instantly walked up to Daring Do's counter, slamming a newspaper in front of her that she had snatched from one of the fans.

''What is this?'' she demanded an answer. ''I mean I get what you're saying but maybe try to find some new creatures other than Ahuizoti? There are plenty out there that I and my friends have to face so maybe you can help. Don't give up on your dreams, A.K.''

''Yeah!'' exclaimed an elder pony from the line, stamping their cane to the floor in agreement.

''I already told you, I'm not in this for the fame,'' Daring whispered to her. ''You'd probably do the same decision too if you were in my position.''

Rainbow's ears fell. ''But we need you, Daring Do!'' she shouted. ''Don't gi—'' She trailed off as she was being pulled to the side by Twilight's magic.

''Dash, please. We need to respect Daring Do's wishes if this is what she wants to do.''

''But I know this is not what she wants to do!'' she protested. ''Don't you remember what you said last time? You said the exact same thing you're telling me right now, but when I helped, Daring Do was happy!''

Twilight frowned. ''I know, Dash, but all you need to do is just be there for her. I know you make a point but—''

''Being stubborn gets you nowhere!'' Rainbow whispered in a rush before turning back to Daring Do.

''Oh, I'm being stubborn?'' Twilight said, scoffing, as she walked back to Rainbow's side.

''I know what you can do, A.K. You can explore Equestria with Ahuizoti and Doctor Caballeron to find some new creatures to face!'' Rainbow suggested.

Irritated, Daring stood up from her seat. ''Please, Dash, just don't—''

''Adventures are what you do!'' she pleaded. ''Collaboration with some reformed villains would be even epic!''

Daring sighed. ''I know, but...''

A loud scream erupted as the doors slammed open with three fillies standing in the doorway, the orange pegasus filly racing towards Daring Do and Rainbow Dash.

''This can't be happening!'' she exclaimed, falling on her knees.

The rest of the crowd started to copy her motion.

''Please, Daring Do, we need you and your entertainment,'' they all said in perfect sync.

''LISTEN!'' Daring Do shouted, standing atop the counter getting everyone's attention. ''I agree. Adventures is what I do and maybe during my absence I'll still be exploring Equestria but this time with others joining me along and you can join on the adventure too. That sounds cheesy but don't lose hope. I may come back someday. I'm just having... writer's block at the moment. So don't worry, it's only going to be for a short while.''

After that, the crowd started departing ways and leaving the poor author alone with Rainbow and Twilight.

She turned to them. ''I know you guys are my biggest fans but you can still have hope that one day I will be coming back with an even better book.''

Rainbow grinned. ''The newest book is always better than the last!''

''You bet it is!'' Daring said in turn, wearing the same grin.

''Well, thank you for everything you've shared with us, Daring Do,'' said Twilight. ''We hope to see what you can come up with next time. Fans can be crazy. Believe me when I stepped down as princess.''

Rainbow looked from Daring to Twilight. ''Wait, so, I—that's why you were...''

Twilight nodded. ''I understood how Daring Do must've felt. When I stepped down as princess, lots of ponies and creatures would come up to me saying how they missed me as their princess but it wasn't what I wanted and Daring Do is going through that right now. Lots of creatures don't want her to quit but if she feels like this is what she wants, then so be it.''

''Wow, I...'' Rainbow was surprised. ''I guess I never thought about it like that.''

''I tried telling you,'' she muttered through a hoof slapped on her face.

''Anyhoo~'' Rainbow tried changing the topic, grinning from ear to ear. ''Want me to help you through your adventure with Ahuizoti and Doctor Caballeron?'

Daring smiled. ''I think I'm good. Thank you for understanding, though.''

Rainbow waved a hoof. ''Suit yourself. I am kinda awesome.''

Silence lingered between the three ponies before Rainbow Dash began chuckling nervously.

''Anyways.'' She turned to Twilight. ''Let's go home, I am pretty—*yawns*—sleepy from all that headache.''

Twilight smiled and nodded, letting her friend rest her head on her shoulder before saying their goodbyes to Daring Do and were about to exit the building had they not stumbled into three ponies.

''Quibble?'' Rainbow called out wearily, but the stallion didn't acknowledge her and, instead, went straight towards the author in a literal frenzy.

''Please don't quit, Daring Do~'' he whined, pulling onto her foreleg over the counter. ''I'm sorry I didn't acknowledge you after your second series. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry~''

''Uh, Quibble?'' Rainbow said again, and this time he perked up to the sound of her voice.

When the pegasus pointed back to the counter, the stallion saw a sign saying 'not quitting' with a blank expression from the author. When he turned back to his friends, he received laughs from everyone, slouching against the counter while also blowing a sigh of relief.