• Published 7th Mar 2021
  • 2,707 Views, 34 Comments

What If... - Petalled

What if Twilight did not take on the role of ruling Equestria?

  • ...

Get Reformed From Yours Truly!

Author's Note:

I see a lot of people doing this and might I say, they are funny! And Hasbro should have done that in the actual show, instead of making every pony look old and stuff. Giving Twilight all the glory...anyways!


A whizz of cloudy pink smoke got cleared out of the way amidst a grassy meadow where the battle between Equestria and its three enemies had taken place to reveal a huge statue of said enemies being encased in ridiculous positions. It had been like that for about months now until, finally, a yellow light pierced through the hunk of rock, melting it away from their stoned bodies from head to the torso.

Once the statue had stopped hovering itself off the ground, the three discomposed figures fell to the grass within a loud thud! as they each rubbed their heads due to their slight agony.

‘’Ow...’’ Cozy Glow had murmured out. ‘’Were we just turned to stone? But then who freed us?’’

‘’That doesn’t matter,’’ Chrysalis snarled, glancing around and then smirking. ‘’What matters now is that we are finally out of there and ready to conquer once again!’’

They all broke out into their maniacal laughs of terror until silence reigned for a few brief moments as they heard a shuffling from the nearby bushes surrounding them.

‘’Who are you?’’ Chrysalis asked in a mutter. ‘’Show yourself, you coward!’’

In an instant, a creature with all sorts of animals mushed up into one teleported in front of them.

‘’Who? Me?’’ he ventured, conjuring up a halo above his head to present himself as innocent.

Chrysalis hissed. ‘’Discord...’’

Discord dematerialized the halo away and teleported in front of them. ‘’Chryssy...’’

‘’What are you doing here, Discord?’’ Tirek snarled, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes.

‘’I think you all should be a lot nicer to me,’’ the draconequus had said which got everyone confused so he explained, ‘’I was the one who freed you from your stone prisons.’’

‘’You?’’ Tirek muttered. ‘’But why? I thought you were the one who turned us to stone along with those prissy ancient old princesses. Which reminds me, have they retired yet?’’

‘’I did so for a reason,’’ Discord answered. ‘’And no, Twilight had refused to take their places and it was an interesting movie to watch. I’ll show the three of you later if you behave. But you lot has been in stone for about, hm, let’s see now—’’ He conjured up a calendar ‘’—8 months now.’’

Cozy Glow’s eyes widened out of pure shock as her childish mind was still getting used to this stuff.

‘’Not bad,’’ Tirek said as he had been stuck in Tartarus for over a thousand years. ‘’However, if it was 9 months, then Chrysalis would be having my baby.’’

Chrysalis blushed furiously before turning to Discord. ‘’So what is this reason you have?’’ she ventured, eyeing him with dread curiosity.

Discord smirked, excited to explain the reason. ‘’As you can see, there had been plenty of villains for Equestria—including myself—but we have always been defeated by the magic of friendship—and yes, I know it sounds cringe but believe me when I say it’s more powerful than chaos itself.’’

Tirek rolled his eyes. ‘’Let me guess, you were poisoned with Prissy Princess Twilight’s friendship speeches.’’

‘’I can never let her poison me with them,’’ he said, snorting. ‘’But I do let Fluttershy poison me with friendship.’’

Cozy Glow had her mouth opened agape. ‘’How—I—What?’’

‘’It’s about time to have the three of you get reformed, don’t you think?’’ Discord asked almost rhetorically. ‘’I’m sure King Sombra would also be delighted to be revived and join the party.’’

With a simple click of his talons, they soon found themselves in the corridor of the School of Friendship.

Cozy glanced around. ‘’I remember this pathetic prissy school where I manipulated those stupid creatures.’’

‘’Lalala!’’ came a singsong earthly voice into their existence as a yak swung themselves towards them before letting out a huge yelp. ‘’You! You the mad pony who destroy pony world!’’

‘’Ooh, I’m glad someone didn’t forget about me,’’ Cozy said rather cheekily.

‘’Discord, how could you bring them here?’’ Sandbar yelled in question, standing next to the yak to comfort her. ‘’Do you even have any brain cells to know what they always have up their sleeves?’’

‘’We don’t even wear sleeves, but do go on with this drama,’’ Tirek pointed out. ‘’It just shows how Equestria is not all about forgiving and friendship.’’

Sandbar rolled his eyes. ‘’We wouldn’t be able to forgive you if you don’t show you’re worthy for it.’’

‘’Now, now, settle down, kids,’’ Discord tried calming the students and new students down.

‘’What is going on here?’’ came a voice from behind until they noticed the three villains. ‘’Discord! Did you bring them here? How could you bring them here?!’’

‘’Relax!’’ he said calmly. ‘’They are not here to harm anypony.’’

‘’Not harm anypony?’’ Smolder repeated. ‘’Uh, beg your pardon, but the last time they were here, they took advantage of Equestria!’’

‘’Yes, but they won’t anymore as they will be learning the magic of friendship in this school.’’

‘’What?!’’ Gallus mumbled out, eyes wide.

‘’I—I guess that could work,’’ Twilight murmured, nodding gently. ‘’Oh, all right, but make sure they don’t do anything silly. I’m trusting you, Discord, and so is Fluttershy.’’

‘’Don’t worry. I won’t let them,’’ Discord promised, smirking at them. ‘’And speaking of Fluttershy, I think she might be able to help me out considering she was able to reform me.’’

The pegasus blushed. ‘’Oh, I’m sure I don’t mind.’’

‘’Excellent!’’ he exclaimed, snapping his talons to teleport them all to a classroom and teleport himself to the place where he could free King Sombra again.

''I am so bored,'' Cozy Glow groaned in annoyance as she stretched out her eyelids.

''Shush, Crazy Glue!'' Smolder exclaimed. ‘’Most of us hate waiting for the professor too.''

Discord snickered as he popped a lightbulb between his disembodied antlers. He levitated Cozy Glow into the air to turn her into a giant glue stick, with a mouth popping out for her to speak. He splattered the glue all around the room like crazy for emphasis.

''Hey, Discord!'' Crazy Glue exclaimed. ''Cut that out, you wicked devious old thing!''

''Devious?'' He was taken aback by this and placed a paw to his chest. He floated her back to the ground and turned her back to her normal self. ''My, what a hypocrite you are, you devious little filly.''

Cozy Glow blushed and took that as a compliment. ''Thank you.''

''Who the fuck wants to be evil?'' Rainbow Dash mumbled.

''Who the fuck wants to be good?'' Cozy Glow imitated.

''You two!'' Twilight exclaimed, trotting into the classroom and up to the podium. ''Language!''

Tirek snickered. ''I think I am beginning to enjoy this.''

Cozy Glow opened her mouth to speak but instead let out a huge groan of annoyance. Twilight tapped a ruler onto the podium to get everyone's attention.

''Welcome!'' she announced. ''Today for your first lesson of the day, you will be learning the history of villains that have now gotten reformed!''

Cozy Glow had her mouth open in agape. An orange dragon raised her claw up into the air.

''Uh,'' Smolder uttered. ''Why are we here?''

''Excellent question, Smolder!'' Twilight exclaimed. ''You are all here to teach these, um—four about the importance of friendship. Fluttershy?''

A yellow pegasus entered the room. ''Hello, everycreature! I am your professor for the day.''

''You,'' said Chrysalis. ''I recognize you from the wedding and capturing.''

''Why, yes,'' she replied. ''I am Professor Fluttershy to you now. I hope you are comfortable here before I start the lesson.''

The changeling queen shifted back into her seat. Twilight gave an assuring smile to Fluttershy before trotting outside.

''Now,'' Fluttershy started, ‘’the first tactic of the day, we will be-''

She was interrupted as the changeling queen lifted her hoof up into the air.

''I have a question,'' Chrysalis said. ''Why are you teaching us specifically?''

Fluttershy faintly blushed. ''Well, I did manage to reform Discord all on my own.''

''How?'' asked Cozy Glow with a shocked expression on her face. ''I mean, you are so...naïve.''

''I was,'' Fluttershy took into consideration, nodding in reply. ''But I never used to show my inner strength before.''

''Well,'' said Chrysalis. ''Whatever you are doing, it sure is working.''

She smiled and clicked a button on her remote to change the slide on the screen. It showed three mythical creatures.

''These are the sirens,'' Fluttershy explained. ''They were beautiful, yet vicious creatures with beautiful singing voices. Unfortunately, when they sang, they ended up draining ponies of their magic. They prefer the term 'feed'.''

''Hi!'' Sonata waved from the corner of the room.

Aria rolled her eyes. ''What's down?''

''Girls!'' Adagio exclaimed. ''Be quiet! We are the stars at this moment so keep your mouths shut.''

''Yes,'' the professor said. ''They have now chosen to be good and not drain ponies of their magic.''

''Only because they bribed us with tacos,'' Sonata cried out.

''Anyways,'' said Fluttershy, changing the slide to a picture of lots of ponies. Most of them had horns. ''These ponies used to be evil but chose friendship to be the most valuable thing in their hearts. Most of them we know as head mares. Princess Luna, Starlight Glimmer, Trixie Lulamoon, Sunset Shimmer, Tempest Shadow, Stygian, and so on.''

''The only pony still not reformed is Cozy Glow right here,'' Gallus pointed out, having the whole of the classroom snicker with him, obvious that he was the class clown.

''Hey!'' Cozy Glow exclaimed. ''King Sombra here is a pony too!''

The unicorn king huffed. ''Do not drag me into this, little filly! Or I will rip off your organs, you little fat fuck.''

''Now, now,'' Fluttershy said. ''That is no excuse to use such profanity in my classroom!‘’

‘’I just realized that most of the pony villains are unicorns because of their childhoods,‘’ Smolder pointed out. ‘’I guess they abuse their power. But can someone please think of the children?!‘’

‘’Strange. That's exactly what Twilight said,‘’ Fluttershy mumbled.

‘’Cozy Glow is probably the only pony that is non-unicorn who is evil,‘’ said Gallus.

‘’Anyway, perhaps there is another way to get you four to melt your frozen hearts. Cozy Glow, what is one thing that is more valuable than friendship to you?''

''Nothing,'' she mumbled.

''You are meant to say tacos!'' Sonata cried.

''Shut up, Sonata!'' Aria said, rolling out her eyes.

''Uh-huh,'' said Fluttershy. ''What did you do before you joined this school and came up with a plan to destruct Equestria? What will your parents think of this about you?''

The filly rolled her eyes. ''You think every filly have parents, don't you?''

''Oh my,'' she paused. ''I am so sorry. Do you want a hug?''

''I think I'd pass.''

Fluttershy flew over to her anyway and gave her a warm embrace to make her feel better. The filly wanted to pull away but she didn't. Nopony has ever touched her like that. She couldn't admit this aloud but she liked it.

Chrysalis sighed and looked at Ocellus. ''You remember me, right?''

Ocellus shudderingly spoke. ''Y-Yes.''

''You still imagine me as evil, do you?'' she asked with a sigh. ''I wasn't meant to be evil, you know? I just wanted to feed my subjects and I was born as a ruler until that pesky Starlight Glimmer stole it away from me and gave it to one of my subjects.''

''I think I would understand that perfectly,'' said Fluttershy.

''How?'' she asked, raising an eyebrow.

''You see,'' she started to say. ''Twilight was a leader of us. I don't believe there should be one, or else it will be unfair on us.''

The queen smirked. ''I think you really do understand me.''

The pegasus let a warm smile out and continued on with the lesson. Rainbow Dash zoomed into the classroom.

''Alright,'' she exclaimed. ''I heard villains are attending our school to get reformed. Well, there is only one pony who can do that! Fluttershy!'' She looked over at the yellow pegasus. ''Oh, and she is. Very well done to you, professor. How are they doing?''

''Very good,'' she said with a smile. ''I have already managed to melt two creatures' hearts. Do you want to help, as well?''

''Would I?'' she said with a slight chuckle. ''Sure, I would.''

She flew over at the podium and cleared her throat into the microphone which rang in the air for a moment causing everyone to cover their ears. Finally, Fluttershy adjusted the volume for her. ''Hello, everycreature! I am your Professor Egghead.''

Cozy Glow snickered. ''I remember that nickname.''


''Excuse me!'' Rainbow Dash shouted. ''We don't tolerate that type of language in this school, except fuck.''

''Fuck you,'' King Sombra said to the colt.

Fluttershy raised an eyebrow at her friend. She shrunk down to the floor but came back up.

''Anyways,'' said Rainbow Dash, ''what have you guys been learning today?''

Yona raised her hoof. ''Yona learned that everycreature has a heart and can be redeemed with friendship or love.''

''Excellent,'' Professor Egghead exclaimed. ''But let's hear from the four villains.''

Tirek raised his hand. ''I...I hate to admit this because I am not a huge fan of ponies.'' He looked at Cozy Glow who raised an eyebrow. ''But I actually sort of like this school and really would want to continue learning friendship.''

''Tirek!'' Cozy Glow shouted.

''Well,'' said Fluttershy. ''There will be plenty of more lessons in the future.''

''You are probably my favorite of the six,'' Chrysalis complimented.

Fluttershy blushed. ''Oh, thank you.''

''Although,'' she said. ''Tell Twilight to go fuck a bug and stop being a fucking high and mighty.''

''Excuse me?''

She shrunk back down into her seat and chuckled. ''I meant she is so wonderful. What a splendid leader she is! There definitely should even be a leader in friendship groups!''

''Ooh!'' Pinkie Pie piped as she entered the classroom. ''Ooh! Is that sarcasm? Because I sure do love sarcasm!''

At lunch...

They were all eating sandwiches from the school of friendship's cafeteria. The four villains were sitting with the young six creatures.

''So,'' said Ocellus. ''How did you find the lessons our professors have taught you?''

Chrysalis shrugged. ''They were alright. Didn't really learn anything. It was mostly students messing around but other than that I am beginning to enjoy Professor Fluttershy's presence.''

''That is good,'' said Sandbar, taking a bite from his sandwich. ''What about you, Tirek?''

He mumbled, ''I feel like apologizing to my brother, Scorpan, now.''

''I have read about him!'' Silverstream exclaimed, gulping down her meal in one whole before showing them all a book. ''Princess Twilight gave us a book about you two!''

''I...I can't say I am flattered?''

''After this,'' said Ocellus. ''We should all do something fun together.''

''It depends on your definition of fun,'' said Cozy Glow.

''Aw, c'mon!'' Gallus cried. ''Your three friends here are enjoying the ponies' company after many years of hating them. You are a pony yourself for crying out loud!''

She let out an ignorant sigh. ''Fine.''

Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie were standing aside with Fluttershy, smiling at the new friendships.

''Well, Fluttershy,'' said Twilight. ''I got to say that you are really good at reforming villains.''

''I guess it is kind of in my nature,'' Fluttershy said with a blush.

''Yeah,'' Rainbow Dash agreed. ''Most of them.''

King Sombra was trashing a colt in a trashcan. ''That is what you get for disrespecting your king, you fucking asshole cunt. No one likes you bitch!''