• Published 3rd Sep 2012
  • 980 Views, 29 Comments

A New Pony In Equestria - vinyl soul

Craig baker wakes up to find he is in ponyville

  • ...

The beginning

(Authors note: Big thanks to Thorlol)


"Wake up,wake up Craig!" said a mysterious voice, "Wake up!" Craig got scared and fell off his bed.

"what do you want Neil!?" said Craig angry from falling. Neil is Craig's roomate, He is 29 years old with long black hair.

"It's almost 10:00 P.M", "Oh crap! why didn't you wake me up earlier!?" Craig said hurrying to get dressed. Craig slept more than anyone in his family, He is also 27 years old with brown/red hair, "Well I..Uh..."Craig interupted Neil, "Never mind that thanks for getting me up" Craig said while getting his lunch he made before hand then he was right out of the door.

Craig nearly hit his mailbox he was such in a hurry, "Okay It's 10:11 P.M i still have enough time to get to the Observatory" Craig said to himself. Craig got to his car and started It up. As Craig was driving he popped his favorite mix CD named "Sounds of Music", Craig was rocking out, but not too much since he was driving. Craig passed the old school then the pet park, "Maybe I should bring Neil here since he acts like a dog sometimes" Craig said with a chuckle. Craig merged to the left then took the exit to the Observatory.

when Craig got In the building Craig was not greeted by anyone he simply just went to his work place, Which was a big open area with a giant telescope. Craig's job was to look through the microscope to see If there was any new comets or star(s), he would usually just sit around most of the time playing solitare or some other card game. Craig has only worked at the Observatory for almost 5 month's and still hasn't seen anything out of the ordinary. While Craig was looking through the telescope he saw something, "Is that a new planet!?" Craig said with excitement, After about a minute he realized that It was only a speck of dust, "Darn It I really thought I had something here" Craig said with dissapointment, "Oh well maybe tomorrow".

"Hey Craig wake up you gotta see this" Niel said while shaking Craig till he finally said something, Crag looked at the clock 8:00.Pm.

"What's so important...Can you stop shaking me im awake" Craig said felling a little dizzy from Niel's wake up.

"Check this show out, now bare with me it has ponies in it" Niel said turning on the T.v. When Niel finally stopped channal surfing a show popped up saying "my Little Pony:Frienship is magic".

"What is this Niel" Craig looking confused, "Bear with me It's a pretty good show just give it a chance", "Alright alright I'll try to watch it" Craig said waving Niel out of his room.

A couple hours went by till Niel came back to check up on Craig and seeing if he liked the show.

"Craig so how do you-" Niel was interupted by Craig singing the main theme,

"...oh hey Niel" Craig said feeling embarassed, "I take it you like the show"?, "Yes" Craig said, "well I shall leave you alone, I need to get to work" Niel said while closing Craig's door. When Craig was done watchng "My Little Pony" Craig plopped on his bed and slept till Niel came back.

the next day was bright, but not too bright, Some clouds were overhead, Craig was doing his chores around the house and Niel was sleeping, Craig stopped what he was doing when he heard the phone ring. Craig picked up the phone, "Hello"? Craig said,

"Hey Craig i'm gonna be a little late today, I had to fill in for a guy so i'll be home somewhere after midnight, Okay"? Niel said waiting for Craig's reply.

"Yeah sure I'll probably be asleep anyway", "Alright, well i got to go bye", "bye" Craig said. Then he hung up. "Well back to doing chores".

"Now that I'm finally done with chores what shall I do now"?,Craig said looking at the clock."Hmm, I guess I'll just watch some My Little Pony for a while then go take a nap". "Knock, Knock",A female voice said while knocking on the door.

"huh?" Craig said just waking up from his nap, "Craig you home?" The female said, Craig opened the door to find his neighbor Beth. "Hi,what are you doing here"? Craig said a little confused,

"some of your mail got into my mailbox so here you go", Beth handed Craig his mail, "Thanks",Craig said , "Oh and Craig" Beth said, "Ya"?, "Would you like to get something to eat later...together, "Beth said feeling a little timid.

"Sure, how about tomorrow at the new french cafe?" Craig said with a smile, "Sounds good well bye",Beth said. "Bye", Craig closed the door and thought, "Did someone just ask me out?".

The day was the day, Craig was about to go on a date. "Hey Niel how do I look?" Craig asked posing, wearing a tux,

"Hmm, I think you look sharp but that might be too much i mean It's just a cafe", Niel said, "Ya you're probably right I'l go put on something else". "How about this", Craig said wearing a white T-shirt with a brown jacket and blue jeans,

"Perfect",Niel said with thumbs up. "Well I'm off,bye" Craig walked out the door to his car.

Craig started his car and backed up from his garage and then he was off. "I should probably give beth some roses on my way to the cafe", Craig said with a smile. Craig stopped at a flower shop, "Yeah eth is going to love these",Craig said smelling the flowers. Craig bought the flowers and headed off to his car. Craig drove soon to find out that the shortcut to the cafe was undergoing maintance,

"Ahh man now I got to take the long way", Craig turned around and soon found himself in the way of a speeding car. The speeding car went head-on into craig's car.

Craig didn't know what hit him all he remembers is a car and a huge impact, Craig was now disoriented from the impact he could barely hear and see, his vision hazzy and he couldn't move, he was sure his spine was broke. All Craig could hear were people screaming and calling for help,Craig didn't know what was happening, he then heard the ambulance and sirens and all he could think was how was this happening to him and why, then Craig's mind went blank and he lost conciseness.