• Published 3rd Sep 2012
  • 571 Views, 3 Comments

Shaded Eyes - Nemark

I was going to do this as a comic but decided to do it as a fanfic, its to of my OC's

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Chapter 1

Shaded Eye’s

The wind rustled through the Evergreen forest howling as it passed by every open crevice available. A small charcoal colt walked wearily throughout it, he was trying not to attract any unwanted attention to himself. The small pony’s hooves clacked now and then when hitting a rock or lone stick on the ground. He thought to himself ‘It’s really quiet tonight, where are the owls and Timberwolves?’ He often traveled through these forests when going to Zecora’s and back to Ponyville. He brushed off his worries though and continued on, his purple mane now and then whipped back with the wind but other than that the night was still. The lunar clock struck 2 a.m. and he had just reached the outer reaches of the forest. The small unicorn looked back at the forest; it still hadn’t moved an inch since he started his journey back to his home town. He didn’t make it but two feet when he heard a scream omit from the forest. He whisked his head around and looked at the forest, was someone hurt? He re-entered and called out to the unknown noise.

“Hello! Who’s there!? I’m here to help you!” the unicorn ran around frantically, searching for who made the noise.

The search almost came to an end when he didn’t hear anything again from anypony. He walked in between a few trees and looked around. He didn’t pay much attention to where he was stepping he just trotted. The unaware colt should’ve paid more attention; he walked too far towards the edge of a ditch and fell in screaming himself.

“Ow…what the?” he looked up to see it was at least a two foot drop, “I need to pay more attention before I end up missing myself…”

A loud rustling sound came from in front of him, his ears perked up and he walked towards it. Maybe this was what screamed in the first place! Small whimpering sounds echoed out to him, someone obviously was there but whom? He tried his best to have some sort of magic light come from his horn; he needed to see what was there. Luckily even though it was a small amount of light, it worked nicely in the unending dark. At first he couldn’t make out what laid there in front of him, but as he grew closer a small filly became apparent.

“Hey girl! Are you ok?” the pony backed away further, searching for where the sound came from, “Girl! Can you see me?” He stared into her eyes to see a thick cloud over them. She’s blind; he reached out to her and grabbed her sides. “It’s Ok, I’m here for you. My name is Shaded Aurora.”

She finally found the source of the voice and looked up at him, she tried to make out if he was a pony or not but many creatures have hooves. He could be a mule for all she knows, she crawled towards him. Her tan coat was soaked with mud and the electric blue mane she sported was engulfed in leaves and branches of all sorts. Shade looked even close to realize that she was a Pegasus, he sighed. He knew that a Pegasus with no sight would have a hard time flying or doing anything at that matter. He pulled her frail body towards him and tried to put her on his back, but he was only a foal. He’d try his best though.

“What’s your name?” he asked kindly while hoisting her onto his back.

She again searched for his voice, when found she sadly smiled and squeaked out “I-I’m Owl Eyes.”

He smiled and nodded, finally her body was on his back to where he could walk with her. He wished he was the one with the wings instead of her, his magic wasn’t strong enough to carry her but he stopped complaining and continued on with his work. He slowly got them out of the ditch and headed back to Ponyville like he originally was. The two of them didn’t talk much and eventually Owl fell asleep, her dead weight didn’t help him much. When he got out of the forest and on the right path to Ponyville, Owl woke up and yawned sweetly.

“You’re awake! Good, you must’ve been tired. How long were you running around that forest?” he asked curiously while he still carried both of their weights to town.

She stayed quiet for a few and then answered, “I don’t know… I don’t know…” she began to whimper again, eventually her whimpering turned into sobs. Her tears soaked Shade’s coat, but he didn’t fight her on it. Usually he’d get angry with people who cried.

“Hey its fine, you don’t have to know. Your ok kid, I found yah. You’re just lucky you weren’t Timber Wolf stew.” He sighed and continued to stare off into the distance. Again they both were silent; the filly obviously hadn’t had much contact with other ponies.

The light of Ponyville started to shine in the sky when they got closer. Two hour’s had passed and Celestia had hinted the suns arrival on the horizon. Neither of them got much sleep he assumed which was probably right. He sighed a sigh of relief when he saw the tops of the Carrousel Boutique, he’s never been so happy to see something related to Rarity. Again the filly fell asleep, he was envious of her he wanted sleep himself. He knocked loudly with his hooves on the door to the dress shop. Nobody answered; he decided that he’d use what he’s good at. Breaking the rules, his horn glowed an orangeish red color and *CLICK* the door opened. That was too easy he thought, at least when he stowed away at Twilight’s he had to actually but effort in picking the lock. He carried them both in and shut the door; the beautiful palace was grimly dark. He found a stack of fabric and gently lowered Owl Eyes onto it.

“Good Night Owl.” He whispered and fell asleep next to her.