• Published 22nd Oct 2020
  • 3,058 Views, 315 Comments

The Real Nightmare Knights - Bigwig6666

If you are experiencing an issue involving spooks, spectres, eldritch horrors and/or things that go bump in the night, then give the Nightmare Knights a call at 1-800-NHT-KNHT. "We're ready to believe you!"

  • ...

Love Starved

Tempest awoke to the sounds and vibrations of explosions shaking the entire room, accompanied by a cacophony of very loud and angry shouting. All in all, rather typical as far as mornings at the Castle of the Two Sisters went. She wondered who was doing what, and which end of the stick Cozy Glow was on this time.

With a groan she pushed herself up and out of her bunk, tearing the nightcap of her head with a dour expression. She rubbed her eyes and yawned, clicking her tongue and grimacing at the prospect of having to deal with whatever the Knights were doing today, muttering under her breath while doing so.

As another explosion rocked the room, conveniently shaking the covers off of her bed, she swung her legs over and stood. With another groan she stretched and cracked several muscles in her back and neck, and made to find the source of the explosions. The bunkroom door closed gently behind her, and she made her way downstairs.

In the main common room, Tirek sat with a set of spectacles resting on his nose, holding a book in one hand and resting the other on the nearby table, ready to catch a glass of water he must have gotten for himself. He looked up as Tempest entered the room and waved her a small greeting.

“Commander,” he said gruffly, also clearly perturbed by the events surrounding them. His fingers coiled around the glass to keep it from knocking it over as another explosion shook the room and sent some books tumbling off of the nearby bookshelf. “Did you rest well? How’s the leg?”

“I did. It’s better, thanks for asking,” Tempest sighed and flexed her leg. Where it was once injured in her ordeal with the shoggoth still stung, but with the help of healing magic and a few days of bed rest, however, she was very quickly approaching one hundred percent. There was a flash of green light from one of the many winding corridors of the castle, making her eyebrow twitch in annoyance. “Do we know what’s happening?”

“I haven’t had the chance nor desire to ask.”


The commander sighed again and strolled through to the kitchen intending to fix herself a bowl of Celesti’Os, pausing only to glance at the calendar on the nearby wall, thinking nothing more of the date circled. She finished pouring the milk and had just eaten a mouthful of the crisp, golden hoops when Cozy Glow tore around the corner, panting and looking both bedraggled and afraid.

“Tempy!” she wailed upon spotting her, and flew over to her where she then crouched behind the unicorn’s leg and pointed with a trembling hoof. “Please talk some sense into her! Tell her it was an accident!”

Tempest followed where the filly was pointing and raised her eyebrows as a furious Chrysalis thundered around the corner skidding to a halt, snarling and practically frothing at the mouth with rage. “You little rat!” she howled, and stormed towards her prey. “Stop moving!”

The commander gently placed her spoon back in the bowl to stir her cereal slowly. Her eyebrow twitched again and her tail flicked out sideways. “Tirek,” she said calmly, and without looking.

Tirek set down his book and stood up with a heavy sigh. As Chrysalis passed by him, she suddenly found herself hoisted up into the air, ensnared in his magical grip.

“How dare--release me!” she demanded and whipped her head around to fix Tirek with a deathly glare. “Unhand me at once you filthy half-breed!”

“No,” the centaur replied firmly, scowling at her grievous insult. He raised another hand and lifted Cozy up too, wrenching her from out of her hiding spot between the dark unicorn’s legs.

“Whoa, what the-”

Tempest cleared her throat as they were lifted up and looked them both in the eyes one by one. “Now. What’s this about?” she asked quietly, continuing to stir her cereal. “What happened?”

The room exploded into a flurry of noise as Chrysalis pointed accusatory hooves at Cozy and demanded recompense, while Cozy practically shouted back something about an honest mistake. The unicorn and the centaur both looked at each other wearily and sighed again.

“One at a time,” Tempest growled, letting her patience slip momentarily.

Cozy clammed up and flicked her eyes between her and Chrysalis, who scowled and did the same.

“Chrysalis. What has Cozy done to earn your ire?” Tirek asked, breaking the silence between them all.

Chrysalis pointed a hoof at the filly. “She ate my love,” she hissed. “And I am now hungry because of it.”

Tempest nodded after taking another mouthful of cereal, although she didn’t understand what she meant. “Cozy? What do you have to say for yourself?”

“W-well,” Cozy murmured, “I mean how was I supposed to know those little candies weren’t actually candies? They were where the food is so I thought-”

“You’d help yourself?” Chrysalis sneered viciously. She opened her jaw to reveal rows of razor sharp teeth and ran her tongue along her fangs before shifting her eyes towards Tempest again. “Commander I insist you let me feed upon her as atonement for her actions.”

Tirek snorted and released Cozy from his grasp. “I would hardly suppose that is fair,” he growled, having developed a bond between himself and the filly. “What do you mean by she ‘ate all of your love’?”

“None of your business!” Chrysalis snapped, glowering at them both.

Tempest put her spoon back down in the bowl and tapped a hoof on the counter. “Chrysalis,” she said in a warning tone. “We can’t help of you don’t explain.”

The changeling queen twisted her head back around to look at the unicorn. Her face contorted, appearing furious one moment then morose the other.

“Love pellets. She ate my love pellets. Small containers no bigger than a pill, filled with enough condensed love to last me for weeks. It’s how I survive seen as how I’m part of this ridiculous outfit. Today was when I was scheduled to have the next one,” she said after a moment’s pause and hung her head. She looked at Cozy in nothing short of disgust. “And that little pig ate them all!”

The commander gave her a sympathetic look. “Alright, how do we get some more? Cozy can pay for them if need be.” She fixed Cozy a look as if to say ‘yes you will, do not argue’ as she opened her mouth to protest, and quickly fell silent.

“It’s not that simple, Commander...” Chrysalis hissed. “I made them myself, siphoning what love I could and fashioning it into a means of sustainability after I was exi--had my Hive stolen from me.” Her eyes narrowed and her lip curled at her potential slip up. “Now I have none left and I am getting hungry, and you should all know things get crazy when I’m hungry.”

“How crazy?” Cozy asked, daring to speak directly to her terroriser.

“I’m not talking to you,” Chrysalis snarled, looking down at her with eyes blazing with righteous fury. “And I will only explain more if I am released from this indignity so will you please put. Me. Down?!

Tirek looked towards the commander for approval. She nodded affirmatively, so he shrugged and lowered the former queen down. She readjusted herself and shifted on the spot before inhaling a deep breath. “If I do not feed soon...” she growled through gritted teeth. “...Then I am going to go into feral mode.”

“Feral mode?” Tempest asked with a cocked eyebrow. “What’s that?”

Chrysalis inhaled sharply through her teeth. “Not. Pretty,” she answered gravely.

“Wh-what do we do?” Cozy whispered fearfully. As Chrysalis scowled at her and curled her lip into a sneer she let out a small ‘eep’ and darted behind Tirek’s leg.

“I do not wish you two serious harm,” the changeling said to both Tirek and Tempest, making a point to exclude Cozy Glow. “Having said that, and though I am loathe to suggest it, I should be restrained as I will not be in control of my actions. At least until I am fed an ample amount of love.” She snorted and kicked at the ground, causing her to stumble and hold her head in frustration. “Although, where one would find enough love to cure love starvation is beyond me.”

Tempest nodded thoughtfully. She looked back at the calendar on the wall, specifically at the circled date, and an idea formed in her head. “First thing’s first, let’s get you somewhere safe where you can sit this one out. Tirek, how deep are the dungeons of this place?” she asked, turning to the centaur of the group.

He folded his arms and snorted. “Quite. Are you suggesting what I think you’re suggesting?”

“I am. It seems the safest, most secure place.”

“The dungeons. Is that necessary?” Tirek cocked his head and scratched at his elbow, showing a rare display of concern for the changeling. Chrysalis seemed to notice it too, as she fell quiet and lowered her head.

“Yeah, Tempy, that’s kinda harsh isn’t it?” Cozy chimed in. “I mean, she was trying to eat me, but I’d say we put her in bed or something.”

“It’s only temporary, and I don’t like it any more than either of you. But I think it’s what would be best...” Tempest stopped as her eyes came to a rest on Chrysalis, noting how the changeling’s breathing had become heavy and somewhat laboured. “Chrysalis?” she murmured, taking a step towards her, concern mixed with dread etched into her face.

The former queen looked back up at her with bloodshot eyes and trembling legs. “It’s happening...” she hissed. “There is no... time... you must... hurry...” She slumped to the ground as apparent sleep took hold of her, but before she hit the deck she was enveloped in a warm, familiar golden glow.

The Knights all heard the twinkle of magic in the air and whipped around, gazing in a mix of fear and awe at the pair of ponies standing there in the doorway. One of them, the Nightmare Knights secretary herself Jackdaw Inkwell, nervously looked at them all and shifted where she stood. Tempest saw what appeared to be a gift basket full of fruit of all things balanced on her back.

“Uh... hi guys,” she mumbled, giving all a small wave. “Is this a bad time? Uh, some--somepony’s here to see you.” She gestured up to the alicorn standing beside her.

Celestia, formerly princess, smiled at them all. Her horn glowing with the same golden light that held Chrysalis. “Hello, Nightmare Knights,” she said kindly like she was an old grandma speaking to her grandfoals. “I hope I’m not intruding too much, but from the looks of things I suspect I have arrived just in time.”


Ponyville had just begun to stir and wake up as Celestia landed amidst the cheerful little town with a flap of her brilliant white wings. Several banners wishing everypony a a happy Hearts and Hooves Day abounded here and there, strung between the simple but quaint little town.

It had been far too long since she had been here, she thought as she looked around with a fond smile, and made a mental note to tell herself to visit it more often, in particular Granny Smith. Despite her many, many years of existence and apparent frailty, Celestia knew she was always as sharp as ever. Besides, that old nag owed her for another rematch of chess.

Alas, that would have to wait, as she trotted down the street, quickly approaching the edge of the sleepy little town full of sleepy little ponies. Twilight was doing a marvellous job of raising the sun as usual, and so Celestia couldn’t help but feel absolute pride in her former student as that oh so familiar light washed over her.

“Out with the old, as they say,” she chortled quietly to nopony in particular. She fluttered her wings and checked the basket nestled safely in between them on her back, deliberately delaying herself from going any further. “Yes, yes... everything still seems to be in order.”

She raised a hoof to her muzzle and smiled softly at her foolishness. She had a very good reason to feel nervous; after all the Nightmare Knights were amongst the worst Equestria had ever seen. But... Luna trusted them as much as she trusted Twilight, and Twilight trusted Tempest Shadow as much as she trusted any of her friends. Still, as Celestia looked towards the dark forest that contained her destination she couldn’t help but feel somewhat apprehensive.

She paused briefly in her stride as the smell of freshly baked cakes and pastries drifted past her nose. Her eyes closed and she inhaled deeply through her nostrils, taking in and savouring as much of that smell as she could. “What harm could it do to stop and get myself some breakfast?” she idly wondered before shaking her head and scolding herself. “Gah. Stop procrastinating, Celestia. You sound just like a foal who doesn’t want to do their homework.”

Crouching low to the ground, the old alicorn thrust herself up and into the air before anypony could see her, or hear her mumbling to herself, and floated amongst the clouds like an eagle or a regular pegasus.

How small Equestria always looked from up here. She remembered in her youth how she had promised to one day explore every inch of it, and never be one for sitting in her castle while the world moves on without her. Unfortunately, due to easily avoidable disaster, she found herself doing exactly that.

She winced as a flood of bad memories came to her. Memories were practically all she had now, what with retirement being so dreadfully dull, Twilight having far surpassed any expectations she may have had, and Luna taking on this Nightmare Knights venture. She smiled and thought about them as she drifted over the forest, spying her ancient home even from up here.

Who would have guessed that Equestria’s greatest enemies would become her most valuable assets one day? Certainly not ‘Old Sunbutt’ as some ponies were fond of nicknaming her. Celestia giggled lightly and shook her head as she began her descent.

Her solid white hooves touched the soft ground gently in front of the oh-so familiar door. She straightened up and checked the basket once more, checking on its contents. There, still nestled safely and securely between a pair of orange-yellow fruit, Twilight’s note remained steadfast, wrapped tightly in her official seal.

Celestia turned her head and looked up at the old castle. She didn’t mind being a delivery pony, not at all, as the distraction from boredom was a nice reprieve. As well as that, the last time she had seen this place was when Luna had returned from the moon, and even then it was a wreck and a ruin, devoid of any joy or previous life it may have once held.

Now, however, it looked the same it had back then, but with something a bit extra thrown into the mix. Fresh blood, fresh life and a host of new memories to be forged for--hopefully--many years to come.

Taking a deep breath, she rapped her hoof on the door. The sound it made echoed around the small clearing, and even sent some crows flying up and into the air, cawing and shrieking at being disturbed. The door creaked open to reveal a young earth pony mare, one who looked strikingly familiar to Celestia’s own once upon a time secretary, wearing red spectacles and sporting a shock of red hair that hung loosely over her face. Atop her ears a pair of headphones sat, from which the beats of Songbird Serenade could be heard, playing at some volume.

Her eyes widened in recognition.

“Hi-” Celestia began, only to have the door slammed shut in her face, making her blink rapidly.

The door creaked opened again after a short pause and a few moments of silence, and the same mare gave her the same bewildered look.


The mare slammed the door shut again, making the former princess crack a smile. “The nervousness of fillies never changes,” she murmured quietly, and waited patiently for the mare’s nerves to calm themselves. “When you’re ready, dear.”

Sure enough, the door opened again, and the young pony gave her a strange, slightly worried look, having removed her headphones and made an attempt to quickly brush her mane. “Uh, hi, P-Princess, I mean I guess not anymore, right?” She turned her ears down and winced. “Hi.”

“Hello. You must be Miss Jackdaw Inkwell, am I right? The resemblence between yourself and Raven is uncanny,” Celestia answered, trying desperately to stifle her laughter and suppress her smile. “May I come in?”

Jackdaw quickly stepped aside and waved her in. “Oh sure. Yeah, of course...” Celestia stepped inside with a grateful bow of her head and heard a quiet thump as the young mare slapped her head. “Geez, where are my... uh, pr... hmm. Boss’s sister? You want some coffee?”

The alicorn tittered lightly, gently resting a calming wing on the nervous mare in an attempt to soothe her. “Just Celestia would do fine, Miss Inkwell,” she said quietly with a broad smile. “I’m an ordinary pony like anyone else nowadays, and yes please thank you very much.”

“Riiight.” Jackdaw swallowed and readjusted her glasses. “Uh, call me Jack, then.”

“Hello, Jack,” Celestia chuckled and removed her wing. “Pleasure to meet you.”

Jack appeared to relax somewhat and smiled, although her eyes still held some small amount of wonder and fear to them. “Hi. Uh, likewise.” An awkward silence fell between them before the secretary cursed under her breath and quickly darted away to make her visitor a cup of coffee. “You want some cream?” she asked.

“No thank you, I take it black. Like my stallions.”

All of the colour drained from Jackdaw’s face, and judging from her wayward eyes and vacant expression, her brain appeared to shut down when presented with such knowledge.

“I’m joking, Jack,” Celestia laughed, grinning from ear to ear as if her words weren’t a planet shattering revelation. Her face dropped and she took on a deadly serious expression. “I’m not in to stallions.”

The earth pony’s brain began its start-up functions again, and choosing to ignore that little tidbit of information, she chirped a quick confirmation. “No cream, sureokaycomin’rightup!” she hurriedly said, rushing the words out as fast as she could in one breath.

Celestia’s mischievous smile returned as wide as a mile as she gazed around the halls she grew up in. A strong sense of nostalgia began to rise in her gut. “I love what you’ve done with the place,” she commented, looking at the decorations and homey look the castle had, despite what appeared to be scorch marks dotted here and there. “This place has seen its share of better days, and I’m glad it’s being used again instead of going to waste like a dusty old relic. Oh thank you.”

Jack wandered back over to her with a cup of steaming hot coffee in her hoof and held it out to her, decidedly less shocked than moments earlier, although still watching the former princess warily. “Oh yeah, you and the boss used to live here, right?”

“Mhm,” the alicorn answered as she took a sip, holding the cup in her magic. She smacked her lips together and beamed as the hot liquid trickled down her throat, giving her that kick that only coffee could give. “Oh this is lovely, thank you. Yes, Luna and I grew up in these very walls. We spent many, many hours traipsing up and down these corridors, getting into all sorts of trouble. Why one time, I remember Star Swirl was giving us such a stern talking to. You see as a joke Luna and I had swapped the arrangements of the Elements of Harmony, placing Honesty where Loyalty should be and we even flushed Laughter down the toilet. The priests thought it was a bad omen and fasted for two months.” She giggled and chortled quietly and took another sip. “Our father was furious.”

She fell quiet with a twinkle in her eye, before shaking her head an smiling down at the secretary who looked up at her with wide eyes. “A happier time. Anyway.” She traced a hoof gently over a patch of blackened stone and frowned before continuing. “May I ask what caused this damage?”

The earth pony sighed and shrugged as she looked at the pristine hoof darkened by muck. “Oh that’s them being weird again. Chasin’ each other around firin’ spells all willy nilly,” she muttered, and jerked a hoof towards the stairs. “Screamin’ ‘bout somethin’ or other. I don’t know, I stay out of it mostly. Doesn’t help ‘cause I’m always the one cleanin’ up their messes. Oh hey lemme get that for ya,” she added, gesturing to the basket on Celestia’s back, apparently noticing it for the first time.

Celestia levitated it off and rested it on her back with a faraway look on her face. “I see,” she said quietly. “Thank you.”

“Whoof... any time,” Jackdaw wheezed under the sudden weight. “You wanna see them, I s’pose?”

“Indeed. I am afraid I did not come here to simply exchange pleasantries and enjoy a nice cup of coffee,” the former princess chortled, looking down at her with a smile. “I have a message from Princess Twilight Sparkle, and I suspect that my arrival is rather on the timely side.” She gestured onwards, towards the stairs as her cup floated towards the secretary’s desk. “Shall we?”


They ascended the stairs where they could quickly hear raised voices, growing frantic quickly. Jack rounded the corner first and stopped and stared. Celestia quickly joined her and without skipping a beat, her horn ignited to catch a falling Chrysalis.

The remaining Nightmare Knights spun around to stare at her, wild eyed and worried. She hadn’t intended on making such a flashy entrance, but nevertheless, here she was. She put on a smile, expertly masking her own worries. “Hello, Nightmare Knights. I hope I’m not intruding too much, but from the looks of things I suspect I have arrived just in time.”

Tempest Shadow, a pony she had not had much of a chance to speak directly with lately, held her head up high and gave her a wary look. “Miss Celestia,” she said with a slight bow, barely masking the look of mild irritation plastered across her face. “To what do we owe the pleasure?”

Tirek also appeared annoyed, although downright hostile would perhaps be more appropriate, as he folded his arms, gritted his teeth and glared at the alicorn.

Celestia stepped forwards and fluttered her wings. “No Miss, please. Since retiring I’ve come to hate titles.” She flashed them a warm, genuine smile to try and show them she was not their enemy. “I came here to bring a message from Princess Twilight Sparkle,” she added, and turned to the centaur and the filly at his side. “Hello, Lord Tirek and Cozy Glow. Keeping well, I hope?”

Cozy trembled at the sight of her and swallowed but nodded vigorously, while Tirek rolled his eyes. “Uh huh,” he grumpily grunted. As Tempest gave him a hard stare he unfolded his arms and gave the former princess a reluctant bow and a thump of his chest, an old Nessian salute if Celestia’s international history was correct.

“Celestia,” he begrudgingly grumbled, quickly returning to his standoffish position. He looked towards a subdued looking Chrysalis, still surrounded by the alicorn’s magic. “You must excuse my being blunt, but we’re a touch preoccupied for grandstanding.”

“I understand entirely, Lord Tirek.” Celestia followed his gaze and gently lowered the former queen down onto the ground. She examined her quickly and from a distance, taking note of her ragged breathing, serving only to confirm her suspicions. “Love starvation... I have seen this once before, a long time ago.” She felt her heart heave as she looked on in pity. “I hoped I’d never see it again...”

Tempest tapped her hoof and cleared her throat with narrowed eyes. “You said you had a message from the princess?” she tersely asked.

Celestia roused herself from her memories once again and nodded. “Oh, goodness me, yes. Here.”

The note from Twilight levitated out of the basket atop Jack’s back and floated towards the dark unicorn. Celestia noticed how the friendly secretary was looking at Tirek in total adoration, very similar to how Cadance used to look at Shining Armour when he was in the academy--too wonderfully innocent and, not to be unkind, dense to pick up on her advances. A smile graced her lips before fading as Tempest began reading the letter out loud.

”Dear Commander Tempest Shadow,

I urge you to come to Canterlot at once. We have a serious matter to discuss.

This is not a request, but an order as your princess.

Yours truly,

Princess Twilight Sparkle.”

The commander lowered the letter and poked around the inside of her cheek with her tongue. She looked down at Chrysalis, even going so far as to gently brush some of her hair out of her face tenderly. Celestia suspected that the Knights, while they may not have liked her or anypony else very much, held a certain fondness for one another, and couldn’t help but smile proudly for the second time that day.

“Sounds kinda serious for Twilight,” Cozy mumbled quietly and looked up at Tirek. “What do you think she wants? Shouldn’t we all go?”

Her words seemed to kickstart Tempest’s senses. She clicked her tongue and straightened up, looking at them both expectantly. “No. You stay here and monitor Chrysalis’s condition. She’s only asked for me,” she grunted.

Cozy started back in protest. “Wha--really, Tempy?” she asked, and gestured to the changeling. “What if she tries to eat me again?”

“Wha-” Jack mumbled, tearing her gaze away from the magic-eater to blink and look at the filly with wide eyes “Eat you? I’ve missed somethin’ here...”

Tempest looked at her sternly and set her jaw. “I don’t have a choice. You heard what the princess wrote. ‘This is not a request, but an order’.” She turned away, resting her eyes on the alicorn in the room for a moment. The look in her eye told Celestia she had an idea.

“Unless... Celestia, you said you’ve seen this before? Would you-”

“I would be happy to, Commander,” Celestia answered with a smile and an inclination of her head, already knowing what she was going to ask. “I believe I can handle myself should she... act out, as it were.” She bowed low and spread her wings. “Although this could get... dangerous,” she added, “love starvation is a serious business, and not one to be taken lightly. If I may suggest something?”

Tempest nodded and gestured for her to go on. Celestia inclined her head and continued. “I suggest that Lord Tirek, Cozy Glow and Miss Inkwell take the day off and go into Ponyville to relax themselves. Of course, with your permission, Commander.”

Tempest looked her up and down, surprised by her willingness to stay back while Cozy stifled a happy and mile-wide smile fit by jamming her hoof in her mouth. The corner of the unicorn’s mouth twitched upwards for a moment as a smile threatened to also overtake her stern features.

“Thank you, Celestia,” she said quietly and jutted her head towards the stairs, proceeding to bark loudly at her team. “You heard her, Knights. Take the day off, go do whatever in Ponyville. Jack go with them, keep an eye on them for me.”

Tirek groaned inwardly as Cozy began practically drooling over all the caramel apples and sugar she was going to eat while Jack gave the commander a faint salute.

“Aye aye, boss,” she mumbled.

“Yes, well. Come along then.” The centaur trundled past the alicorn and gave her a glare, pausing only slightly to look down at Jackdaw with a certain look in his eye, while the young mare peered up at him with hearts in hers. Cozy flitted through the air beside him and looked between them with a grin as they looked at one another.

“Hey, I didn’t say anything,” she joked as he swiped through air at her and growled under his breath, prompting her to begin singing a teasing song as they marched away towards the main hall. “Terry and Jackdaw sittin’ in a tree... K-I-S-S-I-N-G...”

Celestia suppressed a smile and watched as Tempest looked down at her teammate. She reached out to gingerly place a hoof on the changeling’s back. “Take care of her, Celestia,” she said quietly as she looked up into the former princess’s eyes. “Please.”

The alicorn bowed again in admiration of the commander’s dedication to her team, although she wondered if perhaps the relationship blossoming between Lord Tirek and Miss Inkwell was not alone. “Of course, Tempest. Like she was one of my own ponies, I will ensure no harm comes to her. Or she causes no harm to anypony else.”

Tempest nodded respectfully and made to leave, following her teammates towards the stairs. She hesitated for a moment, standing side by side with the former princess.

“I thought... the dungeons might be best to keep her safe,” she murmured over a just barely audible whisper. She turned her head just enough to look her in the eye and gave her a stiff nod. Celestia returned the gesture, and smiled as the dark unicorn trotted away.

Beside her, Jack let out a heartfelt sigh and bashfully pawed at the ground.

“Do not give up, Miss Inkwell,” Celestia whispered to her as she used her magic to gently pick up Chrysalis and bring her over. She placed a wing on the young mare’s back and smiled at her. “Trust me, love is often similar to building a snowmare. All it needs is a gentle push to get it rolling.”

The earth pony looked up at her with a frown. Celestia winked at her and a knowing grin took over her features as she realised what the former princess was saying.

“Jack, you comin’ or what?” came Cozy’s voice from down the stairs, spurring the mare forwards with a sudden start.

Celestia sighed and guided the unconscious Chrysalis out of the room, ensuring none of her legs grazed against the ground or the doorframe. “This will certainly be a Hearts and Hooves Day to remember.”



Chrysalis groaned as she raised her head. Her stomach pains had increased tenfold, and her head swam with delirium.

“Huuuunnngggrrryyyy...” she hissed, and made to move to push herself up.

Only she couldn’t. As she rested on a bed made of straw, she realised that her legs had been bound together, and her horn had a sock on it. Her lip curled upwards into a sneer as she found herself unable to perform do any magic and free herself, foiled once again by simple cotton. Taking a quick look around she saw that the room itself was quite dreary compared to the rest of the castle. Something dripped nearby, and moisture lined the three cold, stone walls, indicating she was underground. The fourth wall was made up of a set of iron bars.

She could hear hoofsteps approaching, and for the briefest of moments panic set in as her mind set to work wondering what had happened. The last thing she remembered was looking at Tempest, then overcome by darkness, and hunger. The eternal hunger, created by the void in her own heart.

In truth, she hoped that she hadn’t hurt any of the Nightmare Knights as she thought about them. Even Cozy, devilish imp and source of misery that she was. As the source of the hoofsteps grew closer, the eternal hunger overcame her senses and her jaw swung open, unhinging like a snake’s and her tongue lashed at the air in front of her.

Her green eyes, smattered with red bloodshot lines locked onto the creature as they walked into view, and for a moment she blinked in confusion as none other than Celestia smiled at her from behind the bars. Filled with a sudden an intense rage, she began to pull at her bindings, snapping her jaw and lunging forwards like a wild animal. She flopped uselessly on the hay as her wings were also bound and prevented her from moving at all.

“Oh good, you’re finally awake,” she said. She tapped the bars and sighed. “Despite what you may immediately think about this arrangement, it was not my idea to confine you so, but Commander Shadow suggested it would be for the best... I must confess I agree with her, given your current disposition.”

Chrysalis’s jaw opened wider, revealing a nest of razor sharp teeth as an animalistic growl escaped her throat.

If the alicorn was disturbed at all, she didn’t show it, and sat down on a small chair on her side of the bars. “I suppose this was inevitably going to happen, wouldn’t it?” she mused with a sigh, gazing at the ‘prisoner’ sadly. “What with not being a fully reformed changeling, you still need a continuous source of love don’t you?”

Chrysalis let out a soft hiss and jerked her head forwards, gnashing her jaw and reaching out with her tongue. If she could, she would gladly sink her teeth into that petty white neck and drain all of the love out of her in an instant. Not even just her love, but all of her emotions.

“I’m assuming your supply of love ran dry?” Celestia shook her head and looked on grimly, almost nervously. “On top of that, with today being Hearts and Hooves Day it must be difficult, hmm?”

The changeling let out a soft hiss at her and narrowed her eyes. Was Celestia actually taunting her? Or just teasing?

“In any case, I brought you some things.”

The alicorn’s horn ignited and lifted up a small gift basket, full of fruit. “Just some of your favourites.” She lifted one of the orange-golden oval fruits up up and held it in the air before her with a smile. “Mangoes! Would you like one?”

Chrysalis scowled and bared her fangs in a wordless snarl, growling like an angry dog.

“You used to love these,” Celestia murmured quietly, turning it over in her hooves. “Here, I’ll add some flavour to it.” She lifted the little orange-yellow fruit up to her mouth and gave it a gentle kiss before levitating it forwards.

Suddenly the mango looked and smelled delicious. As it got close to her mouth Chrysalis began to salivate, and her tongue lashed out and pulled it in where the maw of teeth smashed it to pieces. She swallowed, and felt some of her senses return. Her eyes still stung, and her stomach still hurt, but she felt her jaw recede and juice drip down her chin. She reached up with her bound hooves and wiped it as best she could.

“Why... are you here... Celestia?” she rasped. “Not to simply feed me... unless you take... pleasure in this... sick game of yours?”

The alicorn stood up and set the basket down. “Believe me, Chrysalis, this was not part of my plan,” she confessed and began chewing her lip. “Rather that now that you’re... somewhat reformed, I was hoping we could talk.”

Chrysalis snorted derisively at her and rested her head on her makeshift pillow. “Speak then,” she spat. “Or go... away. I don’t--hnng... care either... way.” Another pang of hunger shot through her, making her wince. That kiss Celestia had given the mango, it certainly added flavour to it and was a very temporary fix, but a light peck wasn’t enough. She needed more, she needed-

She looked up at the alicorn as a loud click rang out between them. Celestia pushed the heavy iron door inwards and stepped forth, into the cell. Chrysalis growled lightly as magic surrounded her.

“Before we talk, and now that you’ve ‘calmed down’ as it were, what say you and I go somewhere a touch cheerier?” the pony asked, still smiling, although her eyes held a great amount of sadness to them. “Unless of course you’d rather sit in this cold, dark, damp, and quite frankly dingy dungeon?”

Chrysalis convinced herself she hated the former princess. She hated how smug she always looked, and how condescending she was at times. But she knew she was right, and did not wish to remain locked in the dungeon to be fed like a rabid animal for any amount of time. Even if it meant being entrusted to her.


Chrysalis allowed herself to go limp as Celestia picked her up. “I thought so,” the latter chuckled softly. “Let me know if you want another mango. I have no desire to see you suffer, Chrysalis. I’m here to help.”


The pair of them walked, or, rather, one walked and one was carried through the castle. Up some stairs here, down some there, around a dozen many corners so many times Chrysalis’s head started to spin. She could feel the hunger begin to build in her again and made a soft grunting noise, indicating she wanted another of the fruits.

Celestia stopped to lift up another mango to her lips. She was positively radiating with love. Chrysalis could sense and smell it, and longed for more of it, and wouldn’t dare admit it, but she was grateful the alicorn knew how to transfer love into certain objects with a small gesture--i.e. like kissing it.

Once again the changeling greedily devoured said mango as it floated towards her, absorbing all the love she could from it and once again she felt her senses return to her. “Where... are we going?” she growled. Juice dripped down her chin and a few drops landed onto the ground, staining the cold stone yellowy-orange.

“Oh, nowhere in particular,” Celestia mumbled. “Truthfully I was using this opportunity to wander about my old home and reminisce. Do you remember when-” She turned to the changeling and stopped.

Chrysalis vertical slits for pupils met her in an uncomfortable silence.

“Ahem. Yes, well... I believe I have done enough sightseeing, and once again I find myself procrastinating. Let us return to the common room, then. Miss Inkwell said there were some snacks in the fridge for us. Well. Me.” Celestia’s stomach let out an audible groan as if on cue, making the former princess wince. “Oh excuse me,” she said shyly. “I know I have no right to complain about being hungry when you’re like this, Chryssy, but-”

You don’t get to call me that.”

The changeling fixed the alicorn with a cold, murderous stare, forcing her to turn her ears back and apologise.

Celestia lowered her head. “I’m sorry, Chrysalis,” she said sincerely. “I got caught up in the moment.”

They both remained silent for the duration of their walk through the castle, save for the twinkle of Celestia’s horn. Soon they reached the common room, and she gently placed Chrysalis down onto sofa.

The former princess sat down on the opposite end of the sofa, giving her the space she desired out of either respect of her wishes or fear. Either way, Chrysalis was pleased to be spared the indignity of being hoisted up and around, and imagined driving her teeth through that soft white neck again, draining the pony dry of not just her love, but her hopes, fears, memories and everything in between.

“Shall I find us something to watch?” Celestia offered as she lifted up the remote control for the television set. “I must confess I am something of a technophobe, though,” she giggled nervously as she examined the small rectangular object. “They didn’t have these as we were growing up, did they?”

Uncaring for her attempt at reminiscing, Chrysalis let out a low growl and directed her eyes upwards, to her cotton covered horn. A quick idea formed in her head, and she spoke clearly, trying to mask her hate for a moment. “Take this off and I’ll do it.”

Celestia didn’t fall for it of course, and shook her head with a quiet giggle. “Technophobe though I am, I believe I can manage and save myself some pain from your teeth. It’s this button, isn’t it?” She pressed the big red button, and as the television switched on she promptly fell backwards over the back of the sofa following the sudden burst of volume. It clearly startled the daylights out of her, and the particularly loud title credits of whatever movie it was began to play.

Chrysalis smirked as she sat there, totally unfazed by the loud noise, having grown used to Cozy Glow watching her trite at loud volumes and expected as much. Celestia meanwhile picked herself up and sheepishly turned the volume down.

“Should have let me do it,” the queen sneered with a cocky grin. “Save yourself the embarrassment of the infallible Celestia getting frightened like a child by a loud noise.”

“And enjoy letting your fangs sink into my neck?” The former princess stuck her tongue out as the pair grinned at each other. Chrysalis quickly remembered her disposition towards this particular pony, and looked away with a scowl as her stomach grumbled again.

“Give me another one.”

Celestia’s horn ignited and passed her another mango before standing to fix herself something to eat. “Would you like a drink as well?” she asked.

The changeling didn’t answer, choosing instead to silently eat her fruit, watching the screen. She had seen this one before, at least half a dozen times, as Cozy seemed overly fond of movies about giant monsters falling in love with fair maidens. Perhaps, Chrysalis mused, the filly hoped it would give Tirek some inspiration or some such nonsense.

While she sat and pondered that thought, her babysitter, or perhaps ‘warden’ would be more apt, quietly wandered way only to swiftly return to her seat with a small bowl filled with various snacks. She smiled at Chrysalis as she sat down, making immensely irritating rustling sounds as she took her place on the opposite end of the sofa. Every now and then, she would even kiss a biscuit or something and send it towards the former queen, who would practically inhale it to keep from going savage as her stomach threatened to consume itself from hunger.


After almost two hours or so of nothing but them eating and watching the movie, Chrysalis had had enough.

“Why haven’t you spoken yet?” she snarled, and fixed the pony with a deathly glare. After so many mangoes her strength had held at a steady level, for the time being at least.

Celestia’s wings rustled and she flinched. “I... don’t know where to start,” she murmured, and avoided looking directly at the former queen.

“Well I do. Your presence annoys me.”

Here it was, thought Chrysalis. The rage that had been building inside of her since Celestia’s reveal had come to a head, and she would not relent, not now.

“Annoy is too weak of a word. I’m furious that you dare show yourself here, in this place regardless if it was once yours or not. I am happy here, Celestia,” she hissed, admitting an awful truth she already knew about herself since starting this career path. “The Nightmare Knights, myself included, enjoy what we do, and each other’s company. Do you not like that? Seeing me happy?”

She scowled and curled her upper lip upwards to show off her fangs once again as Celestia remained silent and stone-faced, watching the movie without a word. Still, Chrysalis persisted. “Do you not like the fact that the idea of the Nightmare Knights, whether it was some mad scheme concocted by Luna, or formed by the machinations of Twilight Sparkle’s mind, do you not like that it actually works?”

Growing increasingly angry at the lack of input from the former princess, Chrysalis pushed herself up despite her bindings and sat up, looking her in the eye. “Or do you just not like me?!”

One of Celestia’s wings quivered. No matter how small of a movement it was, at least it was something. Good, the changeling thought. She jumped on that opportunity to have a sorely needed vent.

“Do you want me to apologise for never treating you like a goddess?” A thin trail of spittle ran down her chin as she spat her venom filled words out. “Is that what you want me to do? To treat you like you’re perfect like all your little ponies do?”

The alicorn put aside her bowl of snacks and looked positively miserable. Still, even now, with a changeling queen raging at her she remained as silent as the grave, serving only to further fuel Chrysalis’s anger.

“Is that what you want from me? Am I too much of a burden and too much of a problem for you that you won’t even speak to me anymore?!” The former queen’s brow furrowed and her lip curled into a sneer. “Why won’t you say anything?!” she roared. “If you detest my presence so much you won’t even talk to me then why are you even he-re?!”

Chrysalis’s voice broke.

A strange thing happened next. She felt her eyes begin to water and her lip start to tremble. Her strength waned as hunger set in once again, and her already weak muscles gave out, letting her sink back into the sofa. Her heart pounded in her chest and her vision became fuzzy and blurred.

She sniffed and blinked, and regained her composure in a moment of clarity.

“I’m glad that I woke up, Celestia...” she growled, forcing herself to keep her voice in check, although tears rolled down from her eyes. “From you and your nonsense. You’re exactly what I never wanted to be: a sad, doddering old mare with nothing to show for it. You’re a walking, talking pony tragedy.” She snorted and licked her teeth, feeling her hunger rear its ugly head again. “I can’t believe that I thought you once actually cared about me. And I cannot fathom why you would be pretending to care now. Looking for a chance to save your guilty conscience perhaps? Or are you here to simply stroke your own self-inflated ego?”

Celestia turned her head slightly and retreated behind her mane in a manner very similar to Fluttershy. Chrysalis could still see her mouth, however, and swore she saw a tear roll down past her chin. For a moment, the changeling queen’s heart broke for the second time in her life, although this time with guilt.

She sighed and hung her own head as a wave of emotion passed over her. She fell silent, waiting for the inevitable judgement and argument that always followed whenever she spoke her mind, and then...

“I’m sorry.”

Chrysalis blinked and looked up quickly. Celestia had turned to face her. Her teeth were gritted and indeed, tears were streaming from her eyes, staining her white coat. Her purple eyes sparkled and shone like diamonds, clearly belonging to a broken heart of her own.

“I’m sorry, Chrysalis. I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life, but that’s no excuse for how I treated you, and of course I see you’re happy here now.” She sniffed and forced a smile onto her face. “I’m so, so proud of you, and my sister, for making the Nightmare Knights work. It tore my heart apart seeing you encased in stone, and I’m... I don’t have enough words to express how glad I am you’re doing well now.”

The former queen sat in stunned silence. This was not what she had expected, and could only watch as Celestia’s lip quivered and she hung her head, pulling up a pillow in front of her like she used to when she was a filly.

“I sent my sister to the moon for a thousand years and lost the best thing that’s ever happened to me in the same night...” the former princess continued softly, gently stroking the pillow as she spoke. “You were there for me when I needed you, but I wasn’t there for you. I understand why you must hate me, Chrysalis. That’s... why I came here today. To apologise to you. To tell you that I never expect your forgiveness, that I only hope there comes a day when...” She hesitated as her voice cracked. Her lip trembled so much she failed to form words and simply began to whimper, letting the tears flow freely down her face. Her whimpers turned into full blown sobbing, her body silently heaving as she buried her face into the pillow.

Chrysalis thought on her words, listening to her cry. She shifted in her spot and inched closer to the distraught pony. “I...” she murmured, utterly lost for words.

She had what she wanted. She had finally spoken out against the one who broke her heart all those years ago, the one who made her what she was today, she had finally had vindication for the suffering she had went through... and was baffled to find she hated every second of it.

It was a hollow victory by any definition.

Celestia looked at her with red and puffy eyes. Her horn ignited and began undoing the bindings on the changeling’s hooves. The sock covering her horn lifted up and over, and was promptly cast at the far side of the room. The princess straightened up and pulled some of her mane away, revealing her slender neck.

“Chrysalis... you’re hungry. I don’t want to see you suffer. This is the least I can do for... for everything I put you through. For everything I have done to you. Please.”

The changeling looked down at her newly freed hooves and flexed them for a few moments. A surge of strength returned to her, and as quick as a flash, she lunged forwards to tackle the alicorn to the ground, making her yelp in surprise and accidentally kick the table. The flurry of movement sent the contents of the snack bowl and the gift basket scattering across the floor and roll to a halt. Chrysalis opened her jaw, baring her fangs as much as possible and let her tongue snake through the air towards her prey.

Celestia turned her head, bracing herself for what she thought was very much her end and remained silent.

The queen knew the pony was so full of love she may never have to go feral again if she drained it all, and yet... she hesitated. Her stomach screamed at her, longing for just a single drop of love. She lowered her head and grazed her teeth against the pony’s soft skin, tongue extended and tenderly licking the spot, willing herself to take the plunge and do it.

One swift movement, one stab of her fangs downwards and that would be it. The hunger would stop; she would be satiated, for decades at least, possibly the next few centuries if she rationed it right. And then when everything was said and done, having exhausted her reserves, she would find a deep dark cave to hide away in and lose all knowledge of her life, turning into nothing more than a feral beast as her ancestors had.

So why didn’t she do it?

It wasn’t so much she knew she shouldn’t, as leaving the beloved Celestia a husk of her former self would surely lead to imprisonment, banishment or worse, but that she simply couldn’t. Her mouth slowly closed and she wrenched her head back, uttering only one, singular word.


Celestia turned to look up at her with tears in her eyes.

Chrysalis blinked her own tears of frustration and heartache away and looked utterly defeated, resigned to her fate of being hungry and nothing short of a monster. She hung her head and glumly began to pull away, only for one of Celestia’s hooves reach up and caress her face, holding her in place.

“Please,” the princess said quietly. “You need it.”

She was right of course. Chrysalis did need it. Not only that, but it was what she wanted more than anything in the world, to indulge herself and feed, to end her suffering. But not that way. Not in a way that would leave the most beloved pony in Equestria a shell of her former self. She needed something more...

Without thinking Chrysalis lowered her head, and Celestia raised hers. Their lips met in a tender and passionate kiss, pressing against one another, neither set vying for control over the other but instead working together as one. Chrysalis felt her hunger recede as she fed on the pony’s love, the same way as they had all those years ago, as she had when they had first...

Love coursed through her body. Her strength rapidly returned and the hunger faded into an obscure memory. The nagging voice that cried out from her stomach demanding to be fed was silenced, and with enough in her reserves to last for a while, she finally broke off and pulled away, panting for air slightly.

She had taken so much... no, Celestia had given her so much, that she did not know if she needed to make more love pellets. In fact... she knew she didn’t need to make any more, at least not for a long time until she had stopped riding this high. Her wings began to shimmer with a certain new glow to them, sparkling like dew drops resting on a spider’s cobweb.

“Thank you... Celestia,” she murmured quietly and sat up, noting the odd sensation she felt inside herself.

“It’s the least I could do...”

Celestia remained on the ground, also panting lightly. Her eyelids fluttered, her cheeks had turned rosy red and her chest, containing a very much alive and beating heart, rapidly rose and fell with each gasping breath. She reached out with a trembling hoof and rested it on the changeling’s without a word.

Chrysalis’s closed her eyes for a few moments as she caught her breath. When she opened them, she looked down at into those magnificent grey-magenta eyes once again as Celestia looked up at her.

“I...” she whispered, resting her own hoof on the pony’s. “I feel... different.” She leaned down to lie beside the alicorn, and nestled in that luscious, thick and wavy mane of hers. It smelled like a mix of lavender, honey and... mangoes. “Strange, like I’m... like I’m not... hungry.”

Celestia turned her head to look at her.

The two of them lay there for a moment, both simply looking at one another, enjoying the moment before Chrysalis sat up and directed her eyes towards the swirl of hair around her. “I liked your hair better when it was pink,” she muttered out the corner of her mouth, her cheeks turning a nice shade of pink to match her statement.

Celestia tittered and giggled like a schoolfilly. Her eyes sparkled and shone with tears as she rubbed her nose and sat up. “You know since I’m not a princess anymore I’ve been thinking of dyeing it back to pink?” she sniffed. “Goodness me, look at me, I’m all flustered.” She laughed and ran a hoof through her hair with a tut. “You wouldn’t happen to have a brush or anything nearby would you?”

Chrysalis rose to her hooves, and offered a leg out to help the princess stand. She found herself lost for words, struggling with what she wanted to say. Her face twisted and her cheeks puffed out.

The alicorn noticed, and stepped closer to her. “Is everything alright?”

“No. No, Celestia...” the changeling murmured, and turned away, looking morose and crestfallen, despite her newfound sensation of being full.

“No?” Celestia blinked and tilted her head. “What do you mean?”

“I can’t... we can’t just pick up where where left off...” Chrysalis felt her cheeks begin to blush again as her heart swelled. “I had... a thousand years to think about you. A thousand years to plan my vengeance. Everything I did against Equestria--taking your niece’s place to invade Canterlot... swearing vengeance upon Twilight Sparkle and her friends--I did it all to get at you because I hated you.”

The former princess nodded understandingly and turned her ears back.

“Besides... things are different now...”

Celestia looked thoughtful for a few moments before asking quietly, “Are you and Commander Shadow...?” She trailed off, letting the question hang in the air.

Chrysalis took a few moments to fully understand what she meant and with a horrified look she was quick to defend herself. She turned back to the pony with a horrified look on her face. “What? No! Tempest--the commander and I have a professional working relationship. I admire her tenacity and would even go so far as to say she is my fff... my ff...” Her blush intensified as Celestia simply raised an eyebrow and cracked a smile at her hesitance. “If you must know then yes she is my friend,” she snapped, puffing her chest out as she spoke. She meant her words, and would freely acknowledge it now. Maybe not to the other Knights, but she found herself thinking of them as friends as well. Even Cozy.

“But that’s it. The only romantic tendencies in this castle are between Tirek and that little mare he keeps eyeing every now and then, despite his protestations that he says otherwise.”

She looked deep into those purple eyes, those radiant jewels of beauty that she adored and sighed a heartfelt sigh. “What I am trying to say is that one kiss does not fix a lifetime of heartache, Celestia, and nor does it excuse any history between us... I need... time to adjust.”

Celestia lowered her head, her mischievous grin fading and took on a serious expression. “I understand, Chrysalis. Truthfully I had no expected you to be so... receptive to even discussing... us, let alone going so far as to do that.”

The corner of the former queen’s mouth curved upwards slightly into a small smile. “I was desperate,” she snorted matter-of-factly. “You would be too if you were starving and on the verge of turning feral.”

The princess smiled and fluttered her wings. “I suppose I would be. What do you propose happens for now?” she asked.

Chrysalis pressed her teeth into her lip as a wave of exhaustion suddenly pass over her. “I feel... I need to rest... and think.”

Celestia nodded again and reached out with a wing. “I understand, Chrysalis. I have no intention of rushing... anything between us, if there even is anything to even speak of.”

Silence hung in the air between them for a few moments. They looked at one another for what felt like an eternity before Chrysalis reluctantly turned away. Her legs turned to jelly, making her suddenly reach out to try and steady herself. Celestia was quick to catch her and hold her steady, to which she uttered a quiet thank you.

The pair of them left the room and began ascending the stairs towards the Knights’ bunkroom. Celestia of course knew the way, but even with her assistance Chrysalis could feel sleep creep up on her. Apparently a full stomach made her quite sleepy.

Despite her only current desire being one of a long sleep, Chrysalis’s mind raced. Everything, all of her life as Queen of the Changelings had led to the moment when she would finally confront her, when she would finally let Celestia know the torment and heartbreak she went through, and to eventually inflict a similar fate upon her. Night after night she had laid awake for hours on end planning all the ways she would do it, only it for it to end like it had. The idea of them was inconceivable, preposterous, even, and yet at the same time... it was wonderful and beautiful.

It made her giddy to think about, and her head swam with her own thoughts as they reached the sleeping quarters. Celestia guided her to her bunk, picking up the doll with a remarkable likeness of Twilight to look at for a moment. She giggled quietly and stroked its mane as before resting it in between the changelings hooves, who pressed it towards herself with a tight squeeze.

“Don’t tell the filly...” Chrysalis mumbled sleepily.

Celestia chuckled and gave her a gentle nuzzle. “Of course not. Sleep well, Chrysalis. Happy Hearts and Hooves Day.” Using her magic, she pulled the covers over the former queen as she quickly drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

After a few moments of simply watching silently to make sure the changeling was indeed breathing, Celestia turned to leave with a sad smile on her face. She swiftly returned to the common room and began to tidy up after the mess they had inadvertently caused before anypony could question it. As she quietly worked, she glanced towards the television set as one of the main characters said a distinct, poignant line, and one that resonated with her deeply.

”It wasn’t the airplanes... it was Beauty killed the Beast.”