• Published 22nd Aug 2020
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The Royal Apple - Mister E-Nonymous

Bitten by a copperhead snake, a boy wakes up in Equestria in an entirely new body unfamiliar to him, hoping that he would be sent back home so he could wait for his parents to come back to get him, but there are two big secrets that he didn't know...

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Chapter 8: Magic Training: Spells with Princess Twilight Sparkle

Chapter 8: Magic Training: Spells with Princess Twilight Sparkle

Golden Oaks Library... July 17th, 8:00 AM...

(Apple Shine's Point of View)

Applejack woke me up at a decent hour. She took me through town, and when some ponies saw me, they were, I think they were, bowing to me. It was making me uncomfortable. I'm not really a princess. I'm just a boy trapped in the body of an alicorn filly.

We eventually stopped at a library. I looked up at Applejack and asked, "Why are we at a library?"

"This'll be where ya'll be learning magic spells," Applejack answered. "Twi'll help ya learn how ta use that horn of yours." The two of us then walked into the library. Applejack then called out, "Twi! We're here!"

"Coming!" came a voice. We looked towards the stairs, and then a purple pony started coming down. I recognized her. It was the purple alicorn I met at the hospital. "I'm glad you could make it. A good start to a day will make a good day of learning."

"Hey!" I said. "It's you!"

"Hello, Apple Shine," she said to me. "You might recognize me. Princess Twilight Sparkle."

"You're a...?" I asked, stunned. "But I thought you would be back in that Canterlot place."

"Oh, no," she told me. "I chose to stay here in Ponyville in case me or my friends are needed. We're stronger together."

"Well," I said, "too bad I won't be able to use this when I eventually go back to my world." I saw that Applejack and Twilight were giving off a sad look while looking at each other. They looked back at me and then Applejack took a step towards me.

"Listen, sugarcube. There's something ya have ta know. The thing is..."

"TWILIGHT!" came a voice from upstairs. Looking up the stairs, we saw the baby dragon from the hospital. He had a rolled up piece of paper in his right claw, and he ran down to the princess. "A letter from Princess Celestia."

Twilight's horn then started glowing in a magenta aura. The aura then surrounded the note in the dragon's claw, and brought it to her. She then unrolled the letter and started reading it out loud.

"Dear Twilight, I was wondering if you had found any of the keys to that chest. Also, I am curious. How has the progress of the young alicorn going? I would like to see how young Apple Shine is adjusting to this world. Please inform Applejack and her family that I will be coming to visit and see the progress of Apple Shine on the beginning of the new month. Signed, Princess Celestia." Twilight then went wide eyed after reading the letter.

Applejack whistled and said, "Wow. Guess we have plenty of time til she arrives."

"Applejack!" Twilight shouted. "The princess will be here to check on Apple Shine. She should learn a lot more than just levitation spells!"

"Twi," Applejack said. "This is just a casual visit. Not an entrance exam into her School for Gifted Unicorns."

"I know!" Twilight said. "But Princess Celestia is gonna expect a lot out of Apple Shine! She must learn..." Applejack walked up to her and grabbed Twilight's face with her hooves.

"Listen, Twi. Apple Shine is still new to here. Ya can't make her learn ev'rythin' in two weeks. Just start with the basics."

Twilight then started hyperventilating. She tried taking deep breaths, then said, "Basic?! How can an alicorn start with something basic?!"

"Hey," Applejack said, getting Twilight's attention. "Ah started with basics when teaching Apple Shine about her strength. And Rainbow Dash is starting with basics on teaching her how to fly by starting with gliding up in Cloudsdale. Decided to move her teaching to near the ground because of Apple Shine's fear of heights."

Twilight went wide eyed and said, "Okay. I guess that makes sense. Besides, a fear of heights is very natural." She then took a breath and said, "Okay. Let's start with levitation. A natural spell for beginning magic lessons." She then looked towards a bookshelf, lit up her horn, then a book flew off from that bookshelf. She levitated it over to me and I took it in my hooves. The book was titled "Unicorn Magic for Beginners".

"Unicorn Magic for Beginners?" I asked.

"It'll help out a lot," Twilight said, taking the book out of my hooves with her magic. She then levitated it towards the table in the room. "Spike, you mind getting a stool for Apple Shine?"

"Sure thing, Twilight," said the dragon. I guess his name is Spike. He then came back with a stool. I then went over to the table where that book was. I was having trouble keeping balance on the stool. But Twilight helped me adjust myself so I would be able to sit more comfortable on the stool.

"There you go," said Twilight. She then opened up the book saying, "Now, let's start with the basics. Let's start with lighting up your horn, then move on to levitation."

I nodded. I then looked at the first chapter of the book that was set in front of me.

"Now, you see, baby unicorns have some knowledge on how to use their horns," said Twilight. "Some even have magical surges from time to time. Various unicorns each have different levels of magic. First off, to activate the magic in your horn, I want you to clear your mind." I nodded. I exhaled and closed my eyes. "Next, focus inside yourself and embrace the magic inside you. Then focus on your horn, and magic will flow into your horn."

I nodded. I had my eyes closed. I then felt something. It was coming from my forehead. I then opened my eyes and looked at my horn. It was glowing in a light orange aura.

"Not bad," said Twilight. "You're a natural. Maybe it's because alicorn magic is a lot more powerful than unicorn magic."

"Yeah, that could be true," said Applejack. "Anyway, Ah gotta head back ta the farm. Ah'll see ya tonight, Apple Shine." She then headed out of the library.

"Alright, Apple Shine," said Twilight. "Let's get started on levitation." She then went into the kitchen, then came back out with an apple in her right hoof. "I want you to focus your magic around this apple, then bring it over to you."

"I'm... not sure I can do this," I said.

"It's okay," Twilight said to me. "You'll get used to it. Let me tell you a story. When I was a filly, I had some trouble trying to focus my magic. I wasn't an alicorn at the time, but I still had trouble even lifting something with my magic. But as I got older, it got more easier to me."

"But this isn't even my world," I said. "What good is it for me to learn this stuff when I'm not going to be using it when I get back to my world."

Twilight gave me a sad look. She then smiled, giggled and said, "Oh, I know the feeling. I even walked a mile in your shoes when I went to another dimension where there are human versions of everypony in Equestria."

I looked at her confused. "Huh?"

"Long story," said Twilight.

"Yeah," said Spike. "There's a magical mirror that can take you to another dimension. If a pony from Equestria goes in, that pony turns into a human. The opposite happens when a human goes through."

I raised an eyebrow and asked, "What about dragons?"

"Oh, I wasn't supposed to go, but I went anyway," Spike answered.

Twilight was laughing when remembering something from then and said, "Haha. He... Hahahaha! He got turned into a dog!" That made me start laughing and I tried holding it in by covering my mouth with a hoof. "A little purple and green dog, hahahaha!" That made me laugh harder and fall out of my seat.

Spike then crossed his arms angrily and grumbled. He then said, "Out of everything that involved Equestrian Magic in that world, the talking dog was the only thing that was weird about all of that. One girl there, that was actually Princess Celestia's star pupil before Twilight, in this world, stole Twilight's Element of Harmony, and wanted to take over the minds of all of the humans that were in the school on the other side of that portal, bring them to Equestria, and then dethrone Princess Celestia."

Twilight stopped laughing, and then she said, "Luckily, there were human versions of my friends there. Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash. I could tell it was them because of their skin color, hair color, even their eye colors."

"Wait, they have colored skin?" I asked. "That's not normal on my world."

"Really?" asked Spike. "What colors of skin do humans have?"

"All human skin are usually somewhere in the brown skin," I said. "Whether it's really light shade or darker."

"Huh," said Twilight. "Wish I could see your memories when Luna went into your mind." Twilight then shook her head and said, "Alright. Let's focus back on levitation." She then picked up the apple with her hoof and said, "As I was saying, I want you to focus your magic surrounding around this apple, and lift it into the air."

I nodded. I focused my magic and the magical aura surrounded my horn. I then focused on the apple in Twilight's hoof. The aura I had around my horn then surrounded the apple.

"Not bad," said Twilight. "Now, try levitating it in the air." I nodded. I then focused my magic. The apple was then levitated high into the air. Twilight laughed a bit and said, "You're a natural. You keep this up, you might be ready for intermediate magic. Now, let's try something more interesting."

4:00 PM...

I was learning a lot. Twilight taught me levitation, teleportation, even a force field spell. When I was learning levitation spells, Twilight taught me how to lift multiple items at once.

"You're doing very well, Apple Shine," Twilight told me. "Princess Celestia is going to be impressed when she sees how much you're doing well in magic training."

"Too bad I won't be able to use it when I go home," I said.

Twilight turned away from me, then said, "Oh, you'll never know. It might take you a while." She then sighed. "When you were human, have you ever wondered about your parents? Ever wonder why they left you in the foster homes?"

I thought about it. As I thought about it, I often did wonder why I was left in a foster home by my parents. I just hope my parents would wonder where I've gone.

"I just thought that my parents didn't have enough to take care of me," I told her. "But I know one day they'll have enough and come back for me. I just know it."

"Wow," said Twilight. "You really have hope, don't you?"

I looked up at Twilight and said, "Well, yeah. It's all I can rely on. The bullies of my school believe that I will never be reunited with my family. But, I know they're just saying that to get under my skin."

"Wow," said Twilight. "You really know how to ignore bullies. I bet Apple Bloom and her friends will learn a thing or two from you."

"Wish ya could've gotten here a lot sooner," Spike said, sweeping the floor with a broom.

"Alright, Apple Shine," Twilight said to me, "let's get you back to the farm." She then levitated the book over to me. I got confused.

"Why are you giving me this book?" I asked.

"It's for you to study magic back at the farm," Twilight said to me. "Keep learning basic unicorn magic, and you'll be able to impress Princess Celestia in no time."

I was confused, but I nodded. Twilight turned around to look at Spike and said to him, "Spike, I'm gonna be dropping off Apple Shine back at Applejack's. I'll be back soon."

"Alright, Twilight," said Spike.

"Don't spend your time reading your comics instead of doing your chores!" Twilight called out, making Spike groan. Twilight giggled at Spike's groan.

Sweet Apple Acres... 4:30 PM...

Twilight walked me all the way back to Sweet Apple Acres. Twilight then flew back towards town after dropping me off. On the front porch, Granny Smith was sleeping in her rocking chair. I didn't want to disturb her, so I quietly walked inside, and I went upstairs to the room I was staying at.

I then picked up the book Twilight gave me and started reading, trying to read some more spells I can learn. I was about to read one spell, but then I heard a knocking at my door. I looked towards it and saw Applejack standing there.

"So, how'd it go?" she asked.

"Pretty good," I told her. "Twilight said I was a fast learner."

Applejack chuckled, and said, "Yeah, Ah suppose ya would. Well, Ah'm gonna finish up on Apple Buckin' for today. Ah'll come back ta tell ya when it's supper time." She then headed down the hall. I then continued reading the book. It's too bad I won't be able to use all of this when I go back home.