• Published 1st Aug 2020
  • 195 Views, 5 Comments

Snow’s Quick(Write) Quill - Snow Quill

Sometimes with quick writes you don’t hit 1,000 words.

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Author's Note:

Written for the 'Emotions' panic quickwrite. Written in about half an hour and presented here with minimal editing.

"No more talking," yelled our leader
The last thing said aloud
Into the Stream of Silence
We stepped as a crowd

The sun peeked in through the window, the early morning rays easily surpassing the weak defences of the flimsy curtain. It was like clockwork, the sun on my face at the same time every morning. I blinked, awaking from yet another dreamless night. It had been like that since we bathed in the Stream of Silence.

I sit up and slide my blanket off before standing up and heading to the bathroom, ready to start my routine. Every day has become routine since the Stream.

Freshened up and ready for the day, I head to my kitchen to make my breakfast of plain toast and a cup of jasmine tea. It is the same thing I eat for breakfast every day, but it is not bad. Nor can I really say it is good. Life just is as it is.

After eating comes wandering. One may wonder how unusual and non routine-like wandering can be, but let me assure you, it can be as routine as anything else. There are few jobs to be had in the village, depending on the season, and now is not my time to work. Now is my time to wander.

The first place I go is by the old theatre. I begin to wonder why we leave it up, but the thoughts quickly fade. Thoughts about anything tend to fade, just like any attempt at feeling.

What is feeling anyways?

After passing by the theatre, I walk past Vernal Bloom’s house. She is outside and watering her plants. We give each other a nod as I pass.

Next is the marketplace, but I merely walk through it. There is nothing I need today, I have three more days until my shopping time.

I walk by Autumn Blaze’s old house and wonder for a moment where she went. She was banished after making a ‘cure’ for the Stream. It seemed odd, a ‘cure’ for the best thing to happen to us. No more fighting, no more arguments, just peace. She did seem happy though, talking and jumping around and...

I continue on my walk. There is no use dwelling in the past, especially not of kirin no longer in the village.

Next on my wandering routine is the fountain. I walk up next to it and pause a moment as I always do. If there was one thing that could really make me start to feel, it was this fountain. There was just something in watching the water, the way it sparkled in the light and...

I turn away and continue on my wandering path, the same I have taken every day.

Today is a day like any other, and so it shall continue to be.

Ever the same, ever since we stepped in the Stream.