• Published 1st Aug 2020
  • 195 Views, 5 Comments

Snow’s Quick(Write) Quill - Snow Quill

Sometimes with quick writes you don’t hit 1,000 words.

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The Storm

Author's Note:

My entry into Silent’s Quiz Panic! Quick Write which won third place! The prompt was given to us by a fun and amazing quiz she put together and mine was ‘Endless Skies’.

Written in 30 minutes and unedited but for a few typos.

Twilight gasped as she broke the storm cover, collapsing on top of the nearest grey cloud. She was freezing, edging towards exhaustion and shaking, but she was alive.

Her horn lit as she cast a drying spell, and then a warming one. She rubbed her hooves together, her shivers and chills now from the pure adrenaline rush still flowing through her veins.

Going into a storm, an Everfree Forest storm, had been dangerous, reckless, idiotic, but by Celestia was it fun!

She poked at the clouds to make a small hole, the grey fluff beneath her hooves rumbling but following her guidance nonetheless. She peeked down through the window she made, watching the wind whip the leaves all around, the rain coming down hard and slicing through the air like tiny cold needles.

Twilight took a deep breath. It was like a whole other world down there, one governed by primal forces of nature that no pony could hope to control.

One that operated without pesky forces such as ‘fate’ or ‘destiny’.

She sat there a moment, waiting for her heart to slow just a touch before diving through that hole once more.

Her wings snapped open and she was immediately buffeted to the side. She threw her head back and laughed, letting herself be tossed around in the winds and only correcting to avoid smashing into a tree or cliff.

It was the most free she had felt in a long time, letting nature, wild nature at that, choose where she went. She tumbled, she barrel rolled, she nose dived, and at one point she was free falling with her limbs all splayed out.

This was so unlike her, but that was part of the fun. Ever since she had gotten her wings, she felt more confined than ever by things like her destiny she had ‘been prepared for‘ her whole life. What kind of preparation for the Princess of Friendship was growing up an introverted shut in?

She had ‘control’ of course, but what really was control when you didn’t ask to become an alicorn? A Princess?

But now, under the roiling dark grey cover of a mighty storm, where the wind and sky were limitless, she really felt in control of herself. She decided to leave her fate to the storm, and so here she was.

She whooped as a lightning bolt sailed past her, leaving the air charged with electricity and her fur standing on end. And then the thunder, loud drumming that drowned out any other thought and roared with her heartbeat.

She was becoming the storm and the storm was becoming her. She felt the clouds charging up again, the subtle tingle of electricity gathering and turned herself right into the path of the bolt.

It crackled in her hooves, becoming a swirling ball of pure energy. She giggled madly as she held it, not noticing the sparks flying out that singed her coat. With a might cry, she turned and released the ball, eyes wide as it sliced right through the top of a tree.

A gust of wind sent her tumbling head over tails and she followed it. The storm was getting weaker, she could feel it, but it still had a good hour or so in it. She intended on making the most of that remaining hour.

Later, when she went home and dried off, she would sit with a cup of tea and write a report or read a few books. She would be Princess Twilight Sparkle.

But for now?

She was the storm.