• Published 20th Jun 2020
  • 9,895 Views, 318 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls and the Crimson Thief - Wildcard25

The Turtles and Rainbooms join forces with the Crimson Thief Carmen Sandiego to foil VILE's newest scheme

  • ...

Slippery Eel

As it was getting late in New York, April and Casey were exiting the Argosy Cinema, “That was some movie, huh?” April asked the sports vigilante.

“It was good for what it was.” he admitted.

“Just wish the others could've joined us.” April said.

“Hey, I ain't complaining.” Casey replied, until they saw someone on the sidewalk performing for other New Yorkers.

The two got closer to see he was a mime performing several mime tricks, “That is one pale clown.” Casey said.

“That's a mime, Casey,” April replied, "Performers trained in using gestures, expressions, and movements to convey action, character, and emotion without the use of words. Basically they're silent clowns.”

Casey watched, as the mime was performing closer to them, “Why would anyone wanna dedicate their whole life to being silent? No one can ever silence Casey Jones.”

“That's the biggest problem.” April replied sassy, making Casey pout.

The mime stopped before the two before eyeing April, “Uh, hi.” she greeted.

The mime smiled, as he leaned down to the ground and pretended to pluck something and offered it to the redhead.

“What's he doing?” Casey asked in confusion.

“He's miming himself picking up a flower and offering it to me,” April answered, as she played along by miming herself accepting it, “Thank you, so much.” she tossed some money into his beret on the ground making the mime silently clap happily.

“Come on, let's get out of here. He's starting to creep me out.” Casey said, as the two teens left. The mime watched them leave while smirking and squinting in their direction.

As they walked, April heard her T-Phone ring, “Yeah, what up, D? Really? Don't worry, we'll be right there.” she hung up.

“What's the word?” Casey asked.

“Suit up, Casey. The guys spotted Stockman heading for another building. Must be more mutagen looting.”

Casey smirked finally ready to do what he did best. After grabbing his gear and dawning his mask, the two headed off and rendezvoused with the turtles, Rainbooms, Fugitoid, Keno, Carmen, Zack, and Ivy on a rooftop.

“Ok, so where's the fire?” Casey asked the group.

“Not too far from here.” Donnie explained.

“We got to hurry and recover whatever mutagen Stockman is after.” Carmen instructed.

“So let's go.” Rainbow said eagerly.

“Not without us you don't.” came a voice, as the group saw Adagio followed by Aria and Sonata arrive along with Karai and Shini.

“Hey, girls, how's it going?” Pinkie waved.

“We're good.” Sonata smiled.

Carmen raised a brow, as Sunset spoke, “Carmen, these are the Dazzlings. Former baddies before becoming allies. There's Adagio, Aria, and Sonata.”

“Girls, this is Carmen, Zack, and Ivy.” Leo introduced them.

“Carmen Sandiego,” Adagio began, as the trio approached, “Karai and Shini's told us so much about you. Quite the thief from what they said.”

“I have a reputation in that field.” Carmen replied.

“So you're with Karai and Shini?” Ivy asked.

“That's right,” Sonata confirmed, “We're part of the honorable Foot Clan.”

“Which is much better than the former Foot Clan under Shredder's control.” Aria added.

Zack who had been eyeing Aria spoke up, “Well, nice to see you're on our side. I'd hate to have someone as cute as you for an enemy. Or maybe not.” he tried to hit on her, making Ivy face palm.

Aria smirked, and leaned closer to him, “You're sweet. Too bad I'm way out of your league.” Zack blushed a bit as Aria stepped away.

“Are we done with the flirts, because we got mutagen to get.” Raph said.

“He's right. Let's go.” Leo instructed, as they headed off.

Meanwhile in some other run down building, Stockman was busy taking mutagen canisters from a safe, “I could've gotten the mutagen on my own!" he complained, as he was loading canisters into an open duffel bag.

Holding the bag was the VILE agent Neal the Eel, "Not with Carmen Sandiego and those Turtles and Rainbooms prodding about. If last night was any indication."

"For the record, it was Bebop, Rocksteady, and their robot that foiled my mutagen heist." Stockman noted.

"Well, in any case, it's fortunate that the Faculty assigned me to deliver the goods." Neal said, confidently.

"And what makes you so sure that Carmen and the ninjas won't stop you?" Stockman asked the agent, rhetorically.

"Oh, it's quite simple, mate," Neal answered, with a smirk, "I'll just give Ms. Sandiego and those Turtles and Rainbooms 'the slip'!"

"Someone mention us?" Came Rainbow Dash's voice.

Neal and Stockman whipped around to see their enemies drop down in front of them, “Honestly, Stockman, can't we ever just run into you doing something normal like getting coffee?” Sunset asked him.

“I make my coffee.” Stockman replied.

Carmen spotted his accomplice, “Neal, so we'll be dealing with you tonight.”

“That's how it is.” Neal answered, “So these are the turtles and Rainbooms Stockman's been going on about.”

“Ya got that right, buck tooth.” Raph replied.

“The name's Neal. Neal the Eel to be precise.”

“Ew, eels are so slimy.” Rarity shivered.

“I say we take this Australian dude down.” Mikey suggested.

“Hey! I'm from New Zealand!” Neal pointed out.

“He's right,” Donnie began, “There are several differences between the Australian and New Zealand accents.”

“Not the time, Donnie!” Raph replied.

"We're not letting you get away with that mutagen, Neal!" Leo declared.

"You're welcome to try and stop me," Neil said, "If you can."

"Booyakasha!" Mikey, Pinkie, and Sonata jumped out of nowhere, from three opposite sides, and grabbed hold of the VILE agent, "Gotcha!" But then, Neal literally slipped out of their hold, causing them to bump heads and fall to the ground, "Ow!"

“What the?" Sunset said, in confusion.

"How did he do that?" Donnie asked.

"Ah, I see what you meant..." Stockman grinned.

Raph and Aria charged at the VILE as the turtle threw a punch, but Neal ducked and slid through his legs. Then Aria swung her weapon, but Neal dodged before sweeping her legs and making her crash into Raph.

"That was stupid." Aria groaned.

"You're telling me." Raph replied.

Shinigami threw her ball chain and wrapped him up, but Neal slipped out of that as well, much to her surprise.

“This is ridiculous.” Nightwatcher said in surprise.

"They don't call me Neal the Eel for nothing, mates," Neal said, "You might say I'm a rather slippery fellow."

"Ooh, slippery as an eel," Mikey stated, "That makes sense."

“Slippery or not, he's not getting away from us.” Rainbow said, as she ran at Neal and fought hand to hand. Neal slipped under the girls legs and slid across the floor. As Rainbow tried to run after him, she slipped on the slimy trail he left behind and crashed into a crate, “Jeez, how is he all slick and moist?”

“He is a tricky one. Trust me.” Carmen assured, as she joined in the fight along side Leo, Sunset, and Casey.

Neal kept sliding around them dodging their attacks, “Hold still ya stinkin' eel!” Casey shouted, as he tried whacking him with his hockey stick.

“Staying still is impossible for me. I just keep on sliding.” Neal taunted them.

Karai frowned, as shifted into snake mode before attacking, “Whoa, looks like I'm not the only slippery one here.” he gasped while looking impressed.

“I'm more than just slippery,” Karai hissed, “I'm deadly.” she tried to snap at him with her snake hands, but the VILE operative kept sliding around dodging the snappers.

As Karai kept Neal distracted, Adagio dropped in ready to strike with her Kusunagi sword. Neal seeing her drop down, slid aside avoiding her blow, “Whew, pretty close.”

“We're not getting anywhere if he keeps on sliding around.” Applejack told Pinkie, until they saw one of the crates was loaded with marbles. The two smirked having a plan.

As Karai and Adagio attacked Neal, they saw behind him was Pinkie and Applejack hinting at them to lure Neal back more. So both Karai and Adagio lured Neal back before Pinkie and A.J dumped the crate of marbles sending them rolling his way.

Neal started slipping on the marbles while flailing his arms around to keep balance. Unfortunately he slipped onto his back and due to his slippery body started sliding across the floor screaming as he kept bouncing back and forth hitting crates and beams making it look like a human pinball game. Finally after so much sliding Neal started slowing down before stopping in the middle of the building.

“Tilt!” Pinkie cheered.

“Let's get him before he escapes.” Carmen said, until Stockman spoke up.

“Hello! You haven't forgotten me have you?” he summoned dozens of Mousers who were prepared to fight, “Have fun!” he blasted a hole through the skylight and took off.

“Another rodent situation.” Rarity sighed.

“So what else is new?” Aria asked rhetorically.

“Come on, my friends. We got this!” Fugitoid called, as they attacked the robots.

As they fought, April spotted Neal slipping out the back with the duffel bag filled with mutagen. She quickly motioned Twilight to follow her.

Neal made his way into an alley, “Once again, Neal the Eel has slipped away!"

"Not quite." Neal saw April and Twilight standing in front of him, blocking his path of escape.

"I believe you have something that doesn't belong to you." Twilight stated.

"Not to sound redundant, but you both do remember that I'll just slip away from you?" Neal asked.

"You're welcome to try and and slip past us this time." April said smugly.

Neal rushed forward and as the two tried to grab him, he slipped underneath them and ran. When suddenly, he felt himself rising off the ground.

"What? Hey, what's this- whoa!" Neal was then pulled back and floated above April.

"Something you can't slip out of," April stated, "My telekinesis!"

"And we'll just take that bag off your person," Twilight used her magic to snatch the bag away from Neal.

"Put me down!" Neal demanded.

The two kunoichi smirked at each other before April answered, "Alright..." Then she released her hold and Neal fell. Just as he did, the two spun kicked him across the alley, making him hit the wall, and landing in a dumpster with the lid closing.

“That felt good.” April said.

“Come on, let's help the others.” Twilight said, as they hurried back inside to see the Mousers were almost done.

April used a psychic wave on the Mousers shutting them down, “Stockman got away.” Donnie told them.

“What about Neal?” Applejack asked.

“We took out the trash.” April answered, as she and Twilight chuckled.

“And we got this.” Twilight showed them the bag.

“Oh, thank goodness.” Fugitoid said in relief.

“More mutagen recovered.” Carmen smiled.

“We better get this back to the lair for safe keeping.” Donnie suggested, as they headed off.

Meanwhile Stockman and Neal returned to the genius man's hideout, and were at meeting with the Faculty, “Once again you come up short handed with the mutagen supply?” Malestrom asked disappointed.

“As I told you, Professor. Looting mutagen is not an easy task.” Stockman reminded him.

“And, Neal, you're supposed to be as slippery as they come.” Dr. Bellum chided him.

“Well, I wasn't prepared for girls with telekinesis.” Neal argued.

“I still must look into that.” Dr. Bellum pondered while intrigued.

“It doesn't matter, is there anymore mutagen you can find?” Malestrom inquired.

“Well, there is a very big supply in the city that I loaned to some old acquaintances of mine.” Stockman admitted.

“And they would be?” Cleo inquired.

“The Purple Dragons.”

“Purple Dragons?” Coach Brunt asked.

Neal spoke up, “A local street gang who like to run wild in the Big Apple.”

“They're not just some typical street gang,” Stockman warned them, “Not anymore. They changed a lot since they broke ties with the Foot. Especially their new leader.”

“Well, Stockman, it looks like you'll be stealing back the mutagen you gave them.” Malestrom said.

“Very well, but I'll need additional help. I fear even my robot Triceratons could be outmatched by the Purple Dragons carrying Kraang tech.”

“Fear not, for we already have sent reinforcements to help you.” Malestrom answered.

“They should be arriving momentarily.” Cleo added.

“Call us soon.” Brunt said, before ending the transmission.

Stockman and Neal waited, until the door opened up and entering was Tigress, Le Chevre, El Topo, Paper Star, and the Mime from before.

“Hey, mates!” Neal greeted, “Good to see ya.”

“Can it, Eel.” Tigress replied.

“Aw, why the hate kitty cat?” Tigress growled, until El Topo and Le Chevre separated them.

“Hey, knock it off.” El Topo warned them.

“We are comrades, no?” Le Chevre asked, “We should act like it.”

“Agreed,” Stockman replied, “Trust and partnership is the only way we're going to get that mutagen,” he saw the mime, “You guys brought a mime with you?”

“He's one of us.” Tigress answered, “Stockman, meet Mime Bomb.” the mime waved happily.

“VILE will let just about any type of person in their academy won't they?” he asked.

“Just about,” Paper Star answered sweetly, “I mean they let me in.”

Stockman felt disturbed by Paper Star before straightening himself out, “Alright, you guys. Here's the plan. We break into the Purple Dragons hideout, steal their mutagen, and bingo! Easy street.”

“And what about Fedora the Explorer and her new band of ninjas?” Tigress asked.

“They'll be on the receiving end of a beat down from my Robo-Triceratons.” he smirked, as he looked to the side seeing new Robot Triceratons were already in the process of being built. The VILE students smirked feeling eager to give not only their greatest enemy, but the ninjas a smack down as well.

Author's Note:

Jeb supplied plenty of dialogue here. Don't miss next time, the ninjas, Rainbooms, and Carmen take on Stockman, the young VILE agents, and the Purple Dragons all for a vat of mutagen.