• Published 20th Jun 2020
  • 9,890 Views, 318 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls and the Crimson Thief - Wildcard25

The Turtles and Rainbooms join forces with the Crimson Thief Carmen Sandiego to foil VILE's newest scheme

  • ...

Museum and a Fashion Show

At the New York City museum, April, Casey, Karai, and Shadowsan were staking the place out, with Casey looking bored.

“Man, waiting for a robbery to happen is so boring.” he complained.

“Keep your mask on, Jones. It can't be much longer.” Karai replied, as she was on guard.

April spoke up, “Guys, I'm sensing someone entering the museum from above.”

Karai whipped out her binoculars and looked ahead seeing April was right, “There goes our crook. We better move.”

Shadowsan spoke, “Be careful. All VILE operatives are highly skilled in their own form of combat and thievery. Do not let your guards down for even a second.” The three teens nodded, as they followed the former Faculty member.

They arrived at the museum and slipped inside. They followed the hall leading to the painting on display.

“He's up ahead.” April said while focusing.

Meanwhile the VILE perp had carefully removed the painting from its frame, before rolling it up and slipping it inside a container. He was about to make his escape only for a few Hamato shuriken to nail the wall close to him stopping him in place.

He looked to see Shadowsan, April, Karai, and Casey blocking his path, “That didn't come from the gift shop.” April began.

“Put it back.” Casey warned the thief.

Stepping into the light was VILE operative Dash Haber, “Sorry, but my countess requested it special delivery.”

“Mr. Haber.” Shadowsan squinted his eyes.

“What up, teach?” Dash mocked.

“So who is Mr. Hat here?” Karai asked the adult.

“Dash Haber.” the former faculty member answered.

“Like haberdasher?” April asked.

“They just name themselves.” Karai told her.

“So the rumors were true, Carmen Sandiego has allied herself with ninjas.” Dash said amused.

“And we're onto what your faculty is planning.” April replied.

“So if I were you, I'd drop the painting and give yourself up.” Casey brandished his bat.

“No can do, kids.” Dash said, as he took off his hat and threw it.

“Is he throwing his hat at us?” Karai asked in disbelief.

Suddenly Dash's hat sprouted buzz saw blades on the rim, shocking the teens, “Look out!” Shadowsan called, as they dodged it.

“Close one.” Casey said in relief.

“Not quite.” Dash held his hand out activating the magnetic device in his glove that was attracting his hat back.

“It's coming back!” Karai called, as they dodged it a second time.

“That is some dangerous headgear.” Casey said in surprise.

“Adieu.” Dash made a run for it.

“Don't let him escape!” Shadowsan called, as they ran after him.

As Dash ran through the gallery, the heroes pursued him with Casey activating his skates. He readied some explosive hockey pucks and readied his hockey stick, “Let's see how he likes these?” he launched his pucks at Dash who got caught in the explosion and rolled across the floor before getting back up.

“Cheap move, hockey boy.” Dash said, as he once again launched his hat right for them.

The four dodged, as Dash used his magnet to call it back, “Not this time!” April activated her psychic abilities and extended her hand out causing the hat to freeze in mid air, but looked like it was still trying to attract itself to Dash's glove magnet.

Dash frowned, as he upped the magnetic attraction in his glove, determined to get his hat back. It was a tug of war between April and Dash for the hat, but Karai took this as an opportunity and leaped into the air and came down to Dash morphing her arms into her snake ones.

Dash surprised by this jumped back as Karai missed him. April released her hold on the agent's hat making it fly right at Dash faster than intended. When he saw his hat coming right for him he couldn't reactivate his magnet to slow it down. He ducked as it nailed the wall behind him.

“Close shave.” Dash told himself.

Karai hissed at Dash, “Always beware of a snake in the grass.”

“I'll keep that in mind for next time.” he re-summoned his hat before jumping from a ledge that gave a view from outside and slid down a big hanging tapestry.

“There he goes!” April shouted.

“And he won't get far,” Shadowsan replied, “Because there's only one other place he will be going.”

“The Fashion show.” Karai answered.

“I'll contact the others.” April made a call.

At the Fashion show, hundreds of VIPs in the fashion business were gathered around a runway eager to see the newest original designs along with seeing original designers gowns on display as well. Among the people in the audience, in the far back were Countess Cleo and Coach Brunt who looked uncomfortable.

“I may have agreed to come along, but do I really have to sit here?” the coach complained.

“Quit your belly aching,” Cleo replied, “Without a doubt Carmen Sandiego and her new allies will be here. Once we spot them, you may do as you wish.” Brunt felt much better.

Behind the curtain were the Rainbooms and the Turtles readying themselves, “See anything?” Leo whispered.

Pinkie peeked through the curtain and surveyed the audience, before spotting the two Faculty members, “One big gruff coach and one classy countess in sight.”

“Just as I expected.” Came Carmen's voice, as she stepped up to reveal she was wearing the same outfit she wore during the Fashion Caper in Milan.

The turtles looked at Carmen awestruck, as Mikey spoke up, “Wow. You look amazing.”

“I always dress the part.” Carmen smirked.

“As do I.” Rarity added, as she stepped out looking lovely as always.

Carmen eyed Rarity's dress, “Not bad. With this kind of talent you really will make it far as a fashionista.”

“Thank you, Carmen.”

Donnie who was on his T-Phone spoke up, “Uh, guys. We got a problem.”

“What is it?” Twilight asked.

“April just called, said the painting was stolen and the thief was someone named Dash Haber.”

“Again, just as I suspected.” Carmen said.

“Dash Haber?” Mikey asked, “Like haberdasher? I could've totally come up with that.”

“Sure ya could.” Raph replied sarcastically.

“And he's on his way here.” Donnie added.

In the audience, Cleo saw her phone vibrate and saw it was from her hat wearing assistant. She answered it and smirked, before hanging up, and spoke Brunt, “My package has arrived.”

“Then inform Bellum to put her head to work.” Brunt suggested. Cleo nodded, before making another call.

“Dr. Bellum, it's time.”

At VILE HQ, Dr. Bellum was looking at her monitors seeing the fashion show taking place before dawning a helmet, “Time to relive a classic.” she said, as she activated her mind control helmet.

As Bellum was working rising up from underneath the runway were a dozen hired models all dolled up in luxurious and lovely designers outfits. As they walked the runway, suddenly they started to lack emotion in their eyes.

“Is it me or do those models look like lifeless dolls.” Rainbow noted, as they watched from behind the curtain.

Carmen squinted, “Dr. Bellum and her mind control.”

“Mind control?” Sunset asked.

“Without a doubt they're in the models headpieces.” Carmen suspected.

“Using clothes to control people?” Rarity gasped, “Of all the rotten...”

“Easy, Rarity. We need to focus on keeping those gowns safe.” Leo said.

“And keep Cleo from getting that painting.” Carmen added.

Pinkie looked back out through the curtain seeing Brunt and Cleo stepping away, “Coach and Countess are on the move.”

“What do we do?” Fluttershy asked.

Rarity squinted, “I'll go after Countess.”

The Rainbooms and Turtles looked at her, “Really, Rarity? After ya got all gussied up to go out on a runway with Carmen?” Applejack asked.

“It's time I met my so called idol up close.” Rarity answered seriously.

“Well, you can't handle two of them alone. So I'll tag along.” Applejack offered.

“In that case, I'll need another to help me out.” Carmen said looking over her allies.

“No way I'm setting foot out there.” Raph denied.

“Oh, how about Fluttershy?” Mikey offered.

“Me?!” Fluttershy asked in worry.

“Hmm,” Carmen inspected her, “You know we can make it work.”

“But I don't do well in the spotlight.” Fluttershy explained nervously.

“You won't be out there alone.” Rainbow reminded her.

“Yeah, you'll be with Carmen.” Applejack added.

“Just a little touch up,” Carmen put a fancy hat on Fluttershy, “Perfect.” Fluttershy smiled sheepishly.

As Rarity and Applejack, were ready to split up, Carmen spoke, “Be careful, you two. Cleo may be into fashion. But Brunt is no joke.”

“Don't worry, Carm. We got this.” Applejack assured her, as the two headed off.

“Here we go, Fluttershy.” Carmen said, as the two walked out onto the stage and walked the runway.

“Just follow my lead.” Carmen said, as they walked while smiling.

Many paparazzi and fashion lovers adored the two newcomers, especially how timid and sweet Fluttershy looked at already brought up her own cuteness.

As they followed behind the models mimicking their struts, the guys behind the stage watched, “We better get below stage.” Leo instructed, as they hurried down.

As the models turned around and walked back the way they came, Carmen whispered to the shy girl, “On my go, prepare to secure the gowns... Now!” the two ran ahead and took position next to the mannequins before they were being lowered back down below deck.

Underneath the stage in the storage room the guys waited as Fluttershy and Carmen arrived, “We need to hurry and get the gowns to safety.” Carmen told them.

“I'm all over it.” Rainbow answered, as she grabbed the gowns and zipped off before coming back, “All secured.

“And just in time.” Carmen motioned up top as pounding was heard.

Suddenly dropping in from above were the dozen models, “They just punched through the floor!” Donnie gasped.

“Are they super models?” Mikey asked, “And not as in famous type, but I mean super powered.”

“The mind control is giving them an adrenaline boost.” Carmen explained, as the models got defensive.

As the ninjas and Rainbooms got ready, Twilight spoke, “Don't hurt them. Remember they're just regular people under mind control.”

One model attacked Mikey head on, as he fought back, “Tell her that!”

The models attacked the others who defended themselves while trying not to hurt the controlled ladies.

“Carmen, how do we stop them?” Raph inquired while blocking a punch from one of the models.

“Take out their hats!” Carmen answered, as she back flipped to avoid one of the models attacks.

Leo drew his swords and went at one model slicing her hat right off ending the mind control and she fell unconscious.

Pinkie emptied a single sprinkle from her shaker and embedded it with her magic, before flicking it at one of the models hats. The sprinkle exploded causing the hat to shut down freeing the model from its control.

One by one, the turtles and Rainbooms each destroyed the models hats without harming the models, as they passed out.

“Alright, we got them!” Twilight cheered.

“Hold on,” Donnie counted heads, “Weren't there twelve models?”

“Yeah?” Sunset confirmed, as they counted them up and gasped, “We're missing two!”

As Cleo and Brunt made their way to the roof, Brunt was suspicious and spoke to her fellow faculty, “You go on ahead. I got a feeling we got a tail.” Cleo went on ahead, as Brunt stayed behind.

The coach looked around, before feeling something come up from behind her. Applejack flew in with a kick, only for Brunt to grab her by the leg and throw her aside. Luckily Applejack landed on her feet.

“I was right. We were bein' tailed.” Brunt squinted.

“Coach Brunt I take it?” Applejack guessed.

Brunt smirked, “You know your gals, missy. Though I suppose Black Sheep told you about me?”

“Yeah, she told us,” Applejack confirmed with a frown, “How you tried to crush her to death! How could you!”

“How could I?” Brunt asked in shock, and frowned, “I loved her and cared for her like she was my own! I gave her the support and care, and she repaid me by abandoning me! It broke my heart to see my little lamb leave me like that! And if that wasn't bad enough, when I gave her a second chance, she turned her back on me! Turned her back on her family!”

At that moment, Applejack growled, “Family? Family?! You don't know the meaning of family!”

The two ladies growled and attacked each other head on, with Applejack dodging Brunt's powerful slugs, “She told me you were a strong one. But brute strength can only get ya so far.” Applejack dodged and slipped underneath the coach's legs. As Brunt looked back, Applejack spun kicked her in the chin throwing her off.

“You little!” Brunt tried to stomp Applejack who rolled back.

“You may call yourself a family, but ya never treat your family the way ya treated Carmen. No matter how much they hurt you. And besides, your little lamb wanted to see the world and not be sheltered and raised to believe stealing for yourself was all that mattered.”

“Big words, kid,” Brunt replied, as she attacked A.J before smacking her across the face which ended up knocking her hat off, “Always protect the face.” she said smugly.

Applejack groaned, “Good advice, now let's see if you can practice it yourself.” she grabbed her hat and dawned it again, before the two engaged again.

Meanwhile Cleo had met up with Dash who presented her with the container containing the portrait, “My countess.” he said politely.

“Wunderbar,” Cleo said pleased, “Now go ready the car.” Dash took off.

As Cleo was ready to go back she heard someone speak from behind her, “Going somewhere, Countess?”

Cleo turned around seeing Rarity, “Who are you?”

Rarity frowned, “Your former biggest fan!" She delivered a swing kick, but Cleo dodged. However, Rarity's heel caught Cleo's gown and ripped a tear in it.

Cleo gasped in horror, “My dress! How dare you!” she tried to smack Rarity, only for the teenager to catch her arm swiftly, “Huh?”

Rarity threw the surprised countess over her shoulder. Cleo got up and frowned, “I don't know who you are, but attacking me is a big mistake!”

“The only mistake I made, was ever admiring an art thief, forger, and failed runway model such as you!” Rarity accused.

Cleo was shocked, “What?! How could you possibly- Carmen!” it dawned on her.

Rarity grinned smugly, “Yes. A 'black sheep' told me.”

“So you must be one of those girls Stockman warned us about?”

“That is correct,” Rarity confirmed before holding out her hand expecting to be handed something, “Now, hand over that portrait, or I'll be forced to do something very unpleasant!”

“I'm afraid your threats are in vain, my dear!” Countess answered, as the two missing mind-controlled models appeared at her side, “Your friends missed a few! Attack!” The two models rushed at Rarity, as she dodged their attacks, while trying not to harm them. Countess smirked, and spoke, “I bid you adieu. And it's so nice to meet a fan.” she took her leave.

Rarity kept dodging the two models who fought her, and thought, 'I can't just strike them since they're innocent ladies.” she blocked one of their moves, only for the second to strike her knocking her to the ground.

When the two models tried to do a double drop kick, she rolled away to safety before getting up. She looked at their hats and remembered what Carmen said, “Sorry to do this to your hats, ladies. But they need to go.” he activated her geode and flung two diamond disks at the models hats destroying them, and they dropped to the ground unconscious.

Rarity looked at where Cleo left knowing she got a head start, “You're not getting away.” she raced after her.

Back with Applejack, she and Coach Brunt fought their way out to the roof of the building, before meeting in a grapple.

Applejack feeling the weight of the coach on her activated her geode and used her magically enhanced strength to match Brunt's.

“Now the playing field's even!” Applejack told the coach.

“I'm impressed. Nobody alive has ever match me on physical strength before,” Brunt admitted, “But I ain't going down that easy!”

The two continued to grapple while pushing each other back and forth. As Brunt was pushing Applejack closer and closer to the edge of the roof, she started pushing down on Applejack making her bend her knees.

'Oh, man, this woman is really packin' it,' Applejack thought, as the pressure was getting to her. Not wanting to crack, she relaxed herself and put all her might into one last move, “Booyakasha!” she shouted, as she threw Brunt over her shoulder and off the roof with the coach screaming.

Down below, Countess Cleo made her way to her limo with Dash ready to take off. Before Cleo could get in two sickles nailed the door surprising her. She whipped around to see Rarity standing behind her.

“Leaving so soon, darling?” Rarity asked with a smirk.

“How did you get past those models?” Cleo demanded.

“I freed them from their mind control. Allow me to demonstrate how!” Rarity launched a diamond disk knocking the container out of Cleo's hand.

Dash seeing this was about to get out of the limo to retrieve it, but Rarity fired another diamond disc at the driver's seat door jamming it shut. As Dash tried to crawl to the passenger seat door, Rarity launched another disc like a boomerang jamming the other door shut trapping Dash inside.

Cleo frowned at the teenage fashionista, “Normally, I never get my hands dirty! But for you, I'll make an exception!” She threw a punch, only for Rarity to block it.

“Fun fact: this is exactly how my friend Michelangelo defeated his former idol!” Rarity announced.

Countess Cleo threw another punch, but Rarity blocked and held onto her fist. Cleo tried to back-fist her, but Rarity held it back with one hand while punching her with the other. Then the fashionista kneed and kicked the Countess back before hitting her in the face with a palm strike. Rarity kicked Cleo in the stomach, making her double over, grabbed her by the head, and kneed her in the face. Then finally, Rarity grabbed Countess Cleo's face, stepped on her ankle, and dropped her on her knee, "Sweep the leg! Ki-yah!" And swept out Cleo's leg and kicked her into the limo.

Cleo groaned, as Rarity thought, 'I know I shouldn't use a move that was made by Shredder, but in this case using it on an enemy as VILE as her can be made an exception.”

Rarity ran to Cleo to finish her, only to stop dead in her tracks, as the Faculty member aimed a Crackle Rod staff at her. Cleo smiled, and got up, “Carrying weapons is beneath me! But in the event that I would run into trouble like this, I came prepared! And I can assure you, the blast from this can take lives! So, what do you have to say now?”

Rarity suddenly looked up seeing something falling right for them, and pointed up, “Heads up!”

Suddenly, Coach Brunt crash landed on the limo top smashing it. The coach groaned from the impact (the building's not skyscraper high so she didn't fall too high up and with her muscular build she survived).

Cleo looked back seeing her, “Brunt?!” Suddenly the rod was kicked from her hand, and she looked just in time for Rarity to punch her across the face knocking her out.

As Rarity picked the container up, she spoke, “Although, I must say, I still adore your fashion lineup!”

Suddenly dropping in were Stockman-Bots who unleashed smokescreen on Rarity. When it cleared, she saw Brunt, Cleo, and Dash were gone.

“Oh, drat!” she pouted.

“Rarity!” came a voice, as April and the others raced over, followed by the rest of her friends and Carmen.

“Are you ok?” Applejack asked.

“I'm fine.” Rarity confirmed.

Mikey noticed the crash on the limo, “Ouch, that had to hurt.”

Rarity looked to Carmen, before showing her the container, “I believe this belongs in the museum?”

Carmen smiled and took it, “Well, done to all of you.”

“We really made a good team here.” Leo said.

“We sure did.” Twilight agreed.

Sunset checked her phone, “Bebop, Rocksteady, Fugitoid, Keno, Shini, and the Mutanimals said all's good on their end.”

“So let's return this painting and go back to the lair and party!” Rainbow announced.

“Yeah!” the Turtles cheered.

Shadowsan smiled amusingly, “Teenagers.”

Later on back on VILE Academy Island, Brunt and Cleo presented themselves before Maelstrom and Bellum. The scientist spoke up.

“So, you were both foiled and defeated by two teenage girls?”

“Yes...” the two answered bitterly.

At that moment, Dr. Bellum burst out laughing, much to their annoyance. Maelstrom couldn't help but chuckle as well.

“Ah, yes. Defeated by mere adolescents. How amusing.”

Coach Brunt frowned and argued, “There was nothing mere about that girl I wrestled with! She had the strength of ten men!”

“And you very well know that I never get my hands dirty!” Cleo reminded her fellow faculty members, “And the girl I faced knew martial arts! So how was I supposed to fair against her.”

“What I find equally hilarious is that you threatened that girl with a defective Crackle Rod, and she actually brought it!” Dr. Bellum continued to laugh.

“This is serious!” Cleo shouted, as the two ceased their laughter.

“It seems Stockman's intel was accurate about those girls The Rainbooms.” Maelstrom said.

“And that is not all,” Cleo continued, “According to my assistant two of their allies possessed unusual abilities as well. One of the girls he fought while retrieving the painting had the ability to change herself into part snake. And the redhead has psychic powers.”

“Psychic powers?” Dr. Bellum asked sounding intrigued, “How very interesting.”

Suddenly a monitor displayed Tigress, El Topo, and Le Chevre in the confines of their rented home in New York, “Progress?” Malestrom asked.

“We tried to get some mutagen, but we were ambushed.” Le Chevre began.

“By who?” Dr. Bellum inquired.

“First we confronted some vigilante calling himself the Nightwatcher, and then we had to deal with a band of mutant animals. One of them was a giant alligator!” El Topo cried.

“And I was dealing with a witch girl.” Tigress explained bitterly.

“A witch girl?” Maelstrom asked.

“Don't ask.”

“It seems our crimson rogue has more allies in New York then we counted on.” Professor Maelstrom told his fellow teachers.

Suddenly another monitor appeared with Stockman in it, “Well, Stockman. Have you secured any mutagen?” Dr. Bellum inquired.

“I only managed to get a few canisters. I was dealing with some former associates of mine,” Stockman began, as the VILE teachers gave him disappointed looks, “But don't worry. I still have other stashes in the city.”

“See to it you do not fail,” Maelstrom said, “If you really want a place at our table you must deliver on your promise.”

“You have my word.” Stockman answered, before ending his transmission.

Back in New York down in the turtles lair, the ninjas, and their friends were celebrating with pizza all around. Rarity was currently mending Shinigami's cape that Tigress clawed.

“There we go. Good as new.” Rarity handed the cape off to Shini.

“Thank you so much, Rarity.”

Keno spoke to Carmen, “I got to say, Carmen. Your former classmates sure are tough in their own ways.”

“You just got to know what makes them tick.” Carmen replied.

“Oh, man. I can't believe Applejack tossed Brunt off the roof and onto the limo's top.” Ivy laughed.

“Or how Rarity took out the Countess.” Zack laughed.

“Using a technique I learned from Bradford who learned it from Shredder too.” Mikey added.

Rarity looked to Leo, “I'm sorry for using The Death Dragon technique since it's one of Shredder's moves. I know how much of a sore spot it is to Master Splinter.”

“Well, don't make a habit out of using it a lot. That goes for the rest of you girls.” Leo told the Rainbooms.

“Yeah. If I ever tried that again Master Splinter would've grounded me for life.” Mikey said having stopped using the technique whenever their sensei was around.

“I just hope Master Splinter would forgive me for using it.” Rarity hoped.

“I'm sure he would, Rarity.” Sunset assured her.

“Yeah. I mean how often do you get to beat a high ranking member of a crime syndicate?” Rainbow asked rhetorically.

“Do not count my former colleagues out yet,” Shadowsan warned them, “Tonight you all fought well. But as long as VILE is still intent on acquiring mutagen, they will not stop until they get it.”

“With the small samples Stockman got away with won't be enough for what they'd want.” Bebop noted.

“Which means they'll be likely looking to find more.” Carmen suspected.

“Well, Donnie said TCRI is beefing up their security more after tonight's break in.” Player said from Carmen's laptop.

“Which means they'll be looking elsewhere.” Twilight said

“And with Stockman having robot Triceratons, it going to be twice as tough.” Rocksteady put in.

Leo nodded, “Don't worry. If we all work together, we'll show VILE we're not just some group to be messed with.”

“Took the words right out of my mouth.” Hokum agreed.

“Bring it in guys.” Bandit said, as they all gathered their drinks.

“To victory!” Leo announced.

“Victory!” they all cheered.